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Sir, that’s an AT&T coverage map.


Incorrect, there’s still too much coverage on it


Coverage is in yellow






This comment contributed to human advancement by 1 Kardashev unit


Thought that said 1 Kardashian unit then instantly thought of the doomsday clock ticking forward again.


That's still advancement... From a certain point of view. ![gif](giphy|4560Nv2656Gv0Lvp9F)


good coverage is ice beam and thunderbolt


You ain’t lying. I’m in a growing city center with a total of one bar, anywhere in my town. Or house :)


97% of statistics are made up.


Everyone knows that, Kent.


Only 97% of people know that


1% did not respond.


If Biden wins 51%, Trump just has to win 52%


Damn. This one actually made me die, quality


A quality death for yourself? Kind of morbid,and yet, kind of beautiful.




These statistics are rigged 🤣


Mathematical genius. 51% + 52% equals 100% of course. I learned that in the baby womb, because I am Really, really … really ridiculously smart. My momma told me. 😂🤣😂🤣


"Well, I'm 103% 'Murican, so tell me why I cain't!"


>103 'Murican Sounds like a true *Hot Blooded* 'Murican...gotta check it and see.


He's got a fever, it's 39.4444 C


I’m a glass 99% full kinda guy


1% air take it or create a vacuum


People can come up with statistics to prove anything! Fourfty percent of all people know that.


*Oh Kent, I’d be lying if I said my men weren’t committing crimes.*


...so I said listen buddy, your car was upside down when we got here. And as for your grandma? She shouldn't have mouthed off like that.


Mmmm, touche.


[Thanks Kent’s Autism](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/09028c3f-023d-46e3-880e-c089a833db65)


You can use facts to prove anything.


Statistics don’t lie but if you’re going to lie, use statistics.


Is that one of the quotes from "things Abraham Lincoln said to Gandhi"?


But not the stats revealing that “97% of shark attacks occur in shallower waters or along beaches where human beings are actually present in the water” I mean what percentage of times have you heard about shark attacks occurring in the middle of the ocean 1,000s of km from land?


The sinking of the USS Indianapolis, for one. Many sailors survived the initial torpedo attack and abandoned ship, only to succumb to shark attack.  Accounts from the rescued are harrowing.


I remember back in 2008 we had various veterans come and speak at my high school. One guy was a survivor that spoke about the attack. He spoke about how they had to lock people in to help slow the water coming in. How men would be floating in the water crying they couldn’t tread water any more and wanting to share a life jacket. How another survivor went around trying to collect dog tags, but at some point they became so heavy he couldn’t even stay afloat and had to stop. Then he talked about the sharks and how they would feed on the dead and living. Lastly I remember him saying how being in the water, all the remains from the ship, and in the sun for so long their skin would basically just shed off of their arms when they were being rescued being pulled to safety. Half my class cried with him as he said it was only his third time ever talking about it out loud. I’ll never forget what he said. But yeah. Sharks.


My grandfather served in the Pacific in the US Navy during that time.  I dunno.  He never wanted to talk about the war, but just before he died, he said that he felt guilty because he was on a repair ship, a "tender" they called it, and he didn't see much action. When I asked about what the action he did see was like, he said they would sail up to disabled warships and try to tow them away from the fighting.  I was all, so you guys had guns on your ship too?   He goes, one small 20mm. He thought. He wasn't a gunner, he was a mechanic. Machinist's mate, I think.  He felt like he could have done more, I guess.  Dude sails into a naval battle with basically no weapons to try to save other ships and feels like he could have done more.  Fuck,  I miss my grandpa.


I miss this guys' grandpa too.


I also choose this guy's grandpa.


I never got my grandpa’s stories. He never wanted to talk about them. I know he was sank in the Mediterranean and ended up fighting in the pacific towards the end of the war. Navy btw. I’m not sure that I want to know them.




Mine did sanitation at an army base after Korea


Mine told me he was the commanding officer of a NORAD installation (radar station) up above the arctic circle, I later found out there were only three people stationed there and he was also the cook and dishwasher.


If you contact the archives and provide them with some information about your grandfather they should be able to look up his military records. Including the written citations that will provide a summary of the actions for which he was given those medals. It takes a while and there will be some hoops to jump through but you should be able to get a decent level of information.


The war was a horrible experience but it also brought out the best in some folks who showed what they were made of. It sounds like your grandad was one of them even if he wasn't pulling a trigger.


Yeah, he became a music teacher after the war,  and played in the symphony, also with a few big names when they came through town. Rod Stewart, Sammy Davis, James Brown are a few I remember him telling me about.   Not like in their bands, but when they hired local string or horn sections for back up.  There were so many of his former students at his funeral, the church couldn't hold them all.  And he was 87 when he died. Hadn't taught in decades.  Amazing man. 


Your grandfather may have crossed paths with my grandfather, who served on three different aircraft carriers in the Pacific, two of which were sunk. One of those was actually scuttled after the tenders that were towing her came under attack and they were forced to abandon her. My grandpa did see action — a helluva lot of it — as an electrician's mate. (I have a few stories he told, some harrowing, some humorous.) Your grandpa did more than enough.


It is possible, my grandpa mentioned having  worked on repairs on aircraft carriers. He said he even got a ride in the back seat of one of those torpedo bombers.  I know he did plenty, but guys like our grandpas, they don't make em like that anymore.  My grandpa went on to get a degree in music and became a school teacher. Also played in the symphony here.  When he died at 87, over 300 of his former students and another 200 of his friends showed up to his funeral.  Blew my mind.  I loved him  so much.  Good fucken man. 


The uss Indianapolis stands out


Correct. And there’s 3 kinds of people in this world: Those who can do math, and those who can’t.


That makes sense 50% of the time ..... every time


Your 102% incorrect, with a 2% margin of error


Yes, a federal study found that 93% of guns used in New York City crimes come from out of state. This is often due to the "Iron Pipeline", a system where runners buy guns in bulk in the south and transport them north along Interstate 95. States most commonly associated with the Iron Pipeline include Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, and sometimes Ohio. These states have less restrictive gun laws than New York, which has some of the strictest in the country.


I had republican friends when I lived in NYC who were blown away when I explained this to them. I asked then if they thought there was an illegal gun factory in the city somewhere, and I think they sincerely did. Gon to a gun show anywhere on the east coast and you'll spot the guys from out of town. They buy a few hi-points for a few hundred bucks and bring em back to the city to sell for a few grand. It's pure profit.


That oughta be a crime itself, charging someone that much for hi-point.


It's actually a community service. You sell a gun that's shit for such a high price that the criminal doesn't have any left over money to buy a decent gun and when he tries to use it, it fails! genius.


If a criminal has no money, but a gun... I think we have a new problem.  And say what you will about how ugly or heavy a Hi-Point is, but I've heard of very few failures during regular use.


Not that it really matters. Once a gun is used in a crime most criminals will dump it because it’s evidence at that point. Why spend a fortune on a glock when a hi point will do the job for the first few rounds.


This guy crimes


Hey, that's exactly the neat point: If it works you got yourself a happy customer, if it doesn't - well then there won't be likely anyone to complain either...


If it works people will feel unsafe and come to you to buy even more guns! It’s a self-sustaining economy!


I've never seen a hi point run for more than a couple hundred rounds, including the two dumpster fires I've owned. They're vaguely gun shaped though so they work great for sticking up a liquor store or whatever.


Hi-Points will work just fine for at \*least\* a few hundred rounds, and the people buying illegal ones in NYC aren't exactly going to a range to target shoot. Those guns may only fire a couple dozen rounds total, if that.


What's a hi-point?


It's a brand of gun. I'm assuming it's like the Great Value of gun brands based on these guys.


You could get one for like $125-$150 while a Glock goes for $400 and that's with a discount program for LEO and Military. Known forever as the budget/hood gun. To the point that the company now sells a pistol line with the official name Yeet Cannon. Edit:These prices are from places where gun control isn't as strict and/or gun culture is heavily ingrained. As someone said in the comments, bought at a low price in the south and sold high in heavy control locations. People have offered up to $1500 cash out in CO for a $350 Glock 19 from NC. Forgot to add, these folks are highly unlikely to be doing a firearm purchase in a legal manner.


I had to look it up and my jaw is on the fucking floor. Thats the greatest thing iv seen all year. Im fighting the urge to buy one just for shits and giggles


Great Value still does whatever it says on the can. I've seen nerf guns with more reliability


Hey, Nerf guns are very reliable if cared for properly. They just have very little dps and stopping power.


I'm assuming it's the kind of gun that Aldi or Lidl would sell in the middle aisle


You Sir are so correct.


I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t just say you were lying, because I had that happen today with a Republican who didn’t believe me when I said the federal minimum wage is still $7.25. So I showed him. And he still didn’t believe it. This was because he believes the whole, “Nobody wants to work,” bullshit, and I told him, “Nobody wants to work for a shit wage. If you want good employees and to retain them, pay them enough so they don’t go skipping to a fast food place or big box store for more money.” Of course, he didn’t believe in that, either, because he’s a Republican who thinks cheap labor is as much of a constitutional right as buying guns.


But only when he's the employer. If you hired him, you bet you're paying top dollar for a "talent" such as him.


I mean, of course. He’s not one of “those” people!


Oh, of course, and you have to pay him bonuses, which will be classified as “tips,” which is why they don’t want tips taxed.


He's going to be very disappointed when they ship the illegals off to internment camps and they can't have their yard done for $100 a month anymore.


It’s hard to remember the federal wage is still set at 7.25 when McDonald’s hires at 15 in rural areas. The lowest I’ve seen any sign in years is like 10 at little Caesar’s. Also still not remotely close to enough money to survive anymore.


McJobs are The stereotype of minimum wage but not the biggest offenders. The people that benefit the most from the stereotype love to suggest that fast food workers don't deserve decent wages because it turns attention away from the shit wages they pay their employees. A higher minimum wage means a raised floor. If the jobs that really are paying 7.25 have to pay 10, the jobs paying 10 now have to pay more to compete.


Unemployment is extremely low right now too..


You should tell him that the minimum wage for a tipped job is still under $3 an hour


My mother in law is dating a guy who is in his early 80s and strongly conservative, though at least not quite into MAGA territory. I avoid talking to him unless I have to. He was one of the first franchisees of one of the major, national fast food chains. One day when I was at my mother in law’s house he was complaining about how much he hated welfare because of how hard it was to find people to work for him when they could just collect welfare instead. I was like no shit, if you were paying so little that welfare was an attractive option then clearly the problem was what you were expecting people to want to work for.


I bought a used Hi-Point from the Gander Mountain that used to be in Binghamton for $92. Don't have to travel far or outside of New York for those trash guns. Lol


This is also how the Mexican cartels get their guns; from Texas


Also from the feds. See Operations Wide Reciever and Fast and Furious.


From nyc originally, and now Jersey, and for real this map was made by an AI or someone who just drew it up in 5 minutes. NJ has some of the stupidest gun laws in the country and make it ridiculously difficult to get a weapon even if you’re law abiding and just wanna go to the range once a weekend. Ever been treated for mild psychiatric issues or been to a hospital for depression? No gun for you, because the state says you’re crazy. Meanwhile we have Jewish community centers in north jersey and block parties in south jersey getting shot up by people the state deems not crazy Then NYS really doesn’t have THAT much gun ownership aside from the normal amounts of people who hunt in state lands like normal people. Idk the facts on NYC but you constantly hear on the news about shootings being done with unregistered and/or illegally modified weapons. This map is dumb




Last I checked, NJ only heavily regulates purchases. If you move to the state with guns, you can move with stuff you couldn't otherwise purchase. I'm not a lawyer, so do your own homework, but might be worth looking into... (I had to move to the tristate area and I don't like the idea of having my dick in my hand as my only option for home defense, so I did some research before moving.)




They like to skip over that fact because it doesn’t fit their narrative.


Also that the majority of mass shootings are in red states. What state was Uvalde in again? Parkland?


*Most gun violence happens where the most people are.* Shocking, isn’t it? 😱 Also, his numbers are total BS.


/r/PeopleLiveInCities ;)




Looks like Austin is anti xkcd, anti Martha Stewart, and pro furry. I used to live in Austin It's probably pretty accurate.


keep austin weird ig


There's always a /r/RelevantXKCD! Also... /r/SquirrelsEatingPizza


[My absolute favourite](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/djiWAm3ZqS)


His map is also BS. On no planet are Nye, Esmerelda, and White Pine Counties in Nevada blue. And yet he has Clark (Vegas) in red? This has Russian AI-made ragebait written all over it


no need to credit russia. there are american think tanks that love to churn this shit out en masse


Not to be an asshole but it's not like Russian funding of US corporations ends with the NRA.


certainly not. but neither is every “psy-op” russian backed. we have our own domestic fuckheads to blame for a lot of it.


It's less of a bullshit hierarchy and more of a bullshit ecosystem.


Not every psy-op is even a psy-op, for that matter


>Also, his numbers are total BS. If conservatives couldn't lie would we ever hear from them at all?


If conservatives couldn’t lie? Can we just hold that imagery.


Yea, it's too bad that they don't have anything in their lives that tells them that it's wrong to lie, you know, like a list of ten things that they aren't supposed to do.


Lol conservatives having any knowledge of the Bible is one of the funniest things I’ve heard all day. Can you imagine if they actually read the book? Millions of them like “oh shit Trump is the antichrist” all at once.


I remember seeing an article years ago going over various attributes of the Antichrist and comparing them to Trump. It's worrying how many of them he matches. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


It really does shock me how little they know about the supposedly most important thing in their lives. It's almost like their religion really is just a front that they use to hate people that they don't like, not something that they actually follow. No doubt, if their brown skin Jewish Jesus did even show up he would have to hide in fear of them.


Brown skin, hippie Jewish Jesus throwing out all kinds of wokeisms like “do unto others” and “let he who is without sin.” What gets me the most is how they’ve managed to find a religious devotion to capitalism in the teachings of the “it’s easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than for a rich person to go to heaven” guy. You see these mega church pastors with private jets and it’s almost like the story of Jesus chasing the money changers out of the temple means nothing to them. It’s fucking crazy. I was raised Christian and seeing my evangelical family fall into the MAGA cult is really disappointing.


If it were *just* a list, I don’t think it would be compelling enough. Maybe if it was a list of *commandments* instead


That's an awful big word for conservatives, someone would have to explain it to them, probably weekly, even at that they most likely would have forgotten by the time they got to the restaurant after their meeting.


If a tree falls in the forest and lands on a conservative would he still be able to post a Facebook story blaming it on the LGBTQ?


Except of course the entire story would be a fabrication.


If they didn’t have *double* standards, would they have *any*? > “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


If a conservative speaks alone in the forest are they still lying? Yes. Yes they are.


"Fourteen people in my building died from the jab", he said to the birch tree standing next to him as he sat alone on a boulder. "And my daughter won't talk to me after I told her to stop giving me cancer from shedding her contaminated mRNA proteins". Then he noticed the tree wasn't made of plastic; "fucking woke trees" he mumbled to himself while trying to figure out how to shoot the bud light bottle in his left hand with the magnum in his right hand without getting any beer on his Real Men Wear Diapers MAGA shirt.


Serious question--is "Gunther" a real person or a bot in a Russian farm?


Gunther Eagleman? Yah sure, you betcha! Solid American name for a solid American!


Not his real name, apparently it's: [Fella Hendrix on X: "Gunther Eagleman’s real name is David Freeman and he was a cop in Harker Heights Texas for 3 years. https://t.co/3F9CHrj7Jm" / X](https://x.com/fella6_9/status/1649939914060963840?lang=en)


Obviously in terms of raw numbers cities have more violence because they have a lot more people. However if you normalize for population, you are statistically more likely to die from gun violence in “red” states. Rural areas have a noticeably higher per capita rate of gun deaths.


There are more people who have not been victims of gun violence in cities than there are in rural areas.


Also most gun deaths are suicides. Less access to services in rural areas.


Top five states with the most gun deaths per capita as of 2024 - Missouri Louisiana New Mexico Alabama Montana Not a lot of blue there....


California also has the 7th lowest rates of gun violence and New York is 5th lowest, NJ is 3rd lowest. All blue states that the right traditionally loves to accuse of having high levels of gun violence


Also, a majority of the guns confiscated in most blue states were purchased in red states and trafficked in.


Wildest fucking thing. I live in CA and I mentioned to a co-worker that I have family in NC. He starts explaining how I can get guns that are not legal here in CA transferred from relatives and resell here. I checked out of the conversation and never followed up to determine if what he said was true, but I believe it. There are always loopholes.


Eh, kinda. Your co-worker isn’t talking about guns that aren’t legal to OWN in California, just guns that aren’t legal for a gun shop in California to SELL to you (California has a relatively short roster of “approved” handguns, which are the only handguns dealers are allowed to sell to common folk). Assuming a particular gun isn’t illegal in California for some OTHER reason, not being on the roster doesn’t mean you can’t have it. For instance, if moving to California from some other state, you can bring your off-roster handguns with you. Obviously there are some rules: you have a a certain amount of time to declare it, you can’t have any high capacity magazines, it can’t have features that make it an assault weapon, yadda yadda… the point is you can have it. Well, the state also treats transfers from certain out of state immediate family members similarly. The weapon has to be transferred through a federally licensed dealer, and it’s subject to all the rules, but it doesn’t have to be on the roster. Now, off-roster handguns can also be sold privately between two individuals in California, provided a licensed dealer handles the transfer. And because you can’t just walk into your local gun shop and buy one of these guns, they often fetch a hefty premium. This is why your co-worker thinks this would be a nifty hustle. It’s worth mentioning that if you knowingly have your relatives transfer off-roster guns to you so that you can sell them in California, you’re gonna have a bad time. That’s a straw purchase and it’s MASSIVELY illegal. The purpose of the “loophole” is so your grandpa can gift you his old pea shooter or whatever. And even then it involves licensed dealers and paperwork on both ends. If anyone gets a whiff of something not along those lines, law enforcement probably comes knocking. Speaking of law enforcement, fun fact: police officers are exempt from the roster restrictions, even as private citizens. I’m sure this never happens, but in theory, a California police officer could walk into a gun shop on their day off and pay retail price for an off-roster handgun. Then maybe some arbitrary amount of time later that officer could decide they no longer like or need that gun, at which point they’d be able to sell it privately. And wouldn’t you know, because of that demand for off-roster handguns, they’ve turned a tidy little profit (which surely they’d tell the IRS about). TLDR, what your coworker is describing is mostly illegal, unless you’re a cop.


It's absolutely not true. That would be *very* illegal in california.


Illegal =/= Impossible


Well yeah in theory, smuggling stuff over state lines is super easy. Just don’t drive stupidly and get pulled over.


Don’t break the law while you’re breaking the law!


Yes. It’s called firearms trafficking. It’s a felony. You can murder people too. It’s also illegal.


Well no shit its *possible*. You dont go through TSA to get into California...


Projection as usual lol


Don’t worry, the “good guys with guns” clearly stop all the gun violence in the red states tho


like those 376 law enforcement officers?


Nooo way! When snake tried to escape newyork in that documentary, the city was a postapocalyptic hellscape! Point is, their demographic gets their info from outdated movies


Rates and per capita offends republicans because it's a made up stat to them.


Kinda funny that the first and fourth largest states by population don't even crack the top 40.


It’s *per capita*


I don’t think Montana is on that list.


Montana is 6th. Alaska is 5th...but they are basically Canadian.


Ok I looked it up, homicide from guns is 11th lowest in the us, and third highest from suicide. Crazy long winters will do that I guess.


Yeah, you need to correct for suicide. I always thought that the raw stats including suicide was dishonest. It also paints a very different picture when you compare the two and compare with guns owned per capita.


Although New Mexico is almost blue as of 2024.


Also most the gun deaths are attributed to gang violence for nm as well. Abq has had a pretty bad gang issue the last decade. The real crime issue for nm is property based crimes.


New Mexico is blue, period. Even the areas outside of ABQ are bluer than the rest of the rural U.S.


NM runs blue all the time bc of ABQ


If you believe 97% of guns are in the red territory, then that’s the face palm.


Maybe the military has its weapons in the red area?


There's plenty of military installations in the blue regions, by virtue of making it easier for logistics (i.e. nearer the border/coast).


That map and stats are so poorly found and mad it makes me laugh


Certified 💩


...for brains.


Gunther is a Russian rage bait troll.


The problem is we know that, but people like my mom will see shit like this and be like “oh my, what’s going on in those cities?”


Transgender drag queen fentanyl abortion satanic gangbang parties, of course.


All my satanic drag trans homies LOVE gun violence


Ah, yes. Vermont, where the streets run red.


You'd spend more time trying to find someone than actually shooting them


"Gunther Eagleman" is right up there with "Ford Prefect" for made-up names that people think will help them fit in.


Pretty sure it's a bot account that farms engagement with rage bait posts. AI generate profile pictures as well.


If the truth was on their side, they wouldn't need to lie. But their position is certified bullshit, so they have to make shit up to make them feel better.


It’s the Conservative way


97% of this is bullshit.


97% of made up stats get engagement on X


97% of people reading this are handsome


Well I 97% thank you kindly.


Hard to shoot people where nobody lives.


The fact that Indianapolis isn’t blue tells me right away this map is bullshit lol




That's where your major cities are aren't they? The red is all the empty space in between


I can't wait for the day there is a data breach at Twitter, and we find out all these accounts spewing this stuff are owned by Musk or some Russian dude.


97% of everything happens in the blue spots as no one fucking lives in the red spots. These people are immune to learning about demographics. You rural people are vastly outnumbered by urbanites in the entire Western world, sometimes by ratios as high as 8 to 1.


A question I really like to ask gun fanatics once: Why is it, that all the responsible and good gun owner are prohibited, to bring their guns in the audience, when people like the Higher ups of NRA or Trump are speaking?


Conservative rage bait accounts are so fucking dumb.


Ah yes, no guns in Vermont. This is totally plausible.


Same people who make sure that gun registration laws don’t exist claim that they know where 97% of the guns are.


Yeah, cuz Vermont is a war zone. The maple syrup game ain't for the weak.


I believe last years states with the highest per capita homicides was WV, MT and AL. Maybe that was 2022. I’m sure someone will correct me, but maps like this are misleading as hell if the numbers were even correct.


That’s a really old AT&T coverage map


Dude joined twitter in jan of 2021 he averages 80 tweets a day dude needs a job or A hobby or a wife or porn or something


Bullshit! https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


So what you have to understand is that people like Gunther make money peddling weaponized stupidity. Then the people who believe people like Gunther are completely detached from reality. My in-laws eat this shit up like you wouldn't believe. My in-laws went to NYC one time for a Yankees game like twenty years ago. It was an anniversary gift, my wife paid for everything, they loved it. They describe it fondly. However if you ask with what NYC is like right now they'll tell you that it's on fire and there are illegal homeless crack zombies everywhere, all the good people are dead or left in some mass exodus and if you step out to get your mail you WILL get shot, robbed, and then shot again. No amount of showing them how safe NYC actually is using statistics, no amount of showing them real numbers like how many people live in NYC and work in NYC without incident, no real world data actually matters. My father-in-law told me that if you enter the city limits of Baltimore or Chicago you will literally die almost immediately. We have a significant number of people who are totally and completely detached from reality.


Don't tell him anything, Gunther is an attention seeking, Elon whoring, Twitter cash grabbing shit stirrer - who is probably a pedo kiddy Fiddler that buys Trump memorabilia and considers Tate to have good upstanding morals- but that's just a wild supposition.. More likely to shoot himself in the face than prevent a robbery.


I split my time between two of those blue areas and the rate of gun violence is pretty low in both, and rate of gun ownership is quite high (rural blue areas). I have a sneaking suspicion that — hear me out — this guy’s data might not be accurate and maybe he’s not acting in good faith here. Hard to believe, I know.


Even *if* these numbers were true, and the population was geographically even, the only “known” guns in red are registered, law-abiding owners. Could be more guns per capita in blue, none of them are known, or owned by law abiding people.


Memes. Remember when they used to make you laugh instead of being used to make people dumber?


You should've added the pics of this reply, it's golden ! https://x.com/CainAbaddon/status/1809998537863934078?t=xODtGh8J7fNgZEw0r9NwsQ&s=19


in my experience, population density and violence follow each other. My current city has twice the population of my home town, but has less than a 5th the violent crime rate because its a wealthier city with a much lower population density


Source of this bullshit


Math is whatever you want it to be


Tell him what? That the person who made this is banking on the assumption that his followers don't understand statistics 😂


I suspect there isn't much point in attempting to tell 'Gunther' anything.


Good money this is a Russian bot. It replies to every post from left-leaning Twitter accounts within a few minutes of a post.


There is no fucking way an accurate map on gun violence would exclude St Louis.


Ahhh yes, Vermont is well known for its gun violence