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Idk who she is, do I want to know?




You can really see the accent


I can smell it too 🫤


I can feel it too 😬


I can sense it too!


I can taste it too!


I thought I’d be able to hear it but my colorblindness is acting up.


And my axe!


Like she has a dip in


Seems to me I'm not losing anything cause of not knowing who she is and whatever


Basically she became a meme for saying that and managed to hire people smart enough to turn her 15 minutes of fame into millions of dollars.


I also read that she paid off her Mom's house.https://www.thefader.com/2017/12/26/bhad-bhabie-danielle-bregoli-paid-moms-mortgage-christmas


Wasn't it her mom who brought her on dr. Phil in the first place? Kuz she was out of control? Weird way to come full circle


People go on those shows for their 15 mins. I knew someone that went on Dr. Phil twice. He wanted to be famous. He was roasted both times.


Yes, I think problem teen needing help. I don't watch Phil's show.


Dr Phil feeds into the highly abusive troubled teen industry


Yeah I’m pretty sure she’s also one of the ones that spoke out against his abusive teen ranch program


damn it now I hate her and like her....


Not just a few million either. She's worth $25 million. Gotta give her a lot of credit for that. Makes me sad to hear how she is treated by her baby daddy. Regardless of how dumb or annoying something is, no one has a right to lay hands on anyone.


Gotta give her credit for that


You’re winning if you don’t know who this is.




💀 Accurate tho


She actually looks like the female version of the No Ragrets kid from We're The Millers, and sounds exactly like him.


Yanno immsayinnnn


My guess is from the joke that she's the "catch me outside" girl from Dr Phil. Google that and I have no doubt you'll find the clip of you're interested


She was famous 3 hawk tuah’s ago.


A victim of abuse.


Also an abuser herself.


It’s cruel, but it’s also such an easy joke.


How bow dah?


Low hanging fruit for sure.


Yeah the punchline was uncalled for


I prefer slapstick


I’m sure she would’ve preferred a slapstick instead.


*Punch*line you say


Dunno he certainly called it


Like a like ripe raspberry


It’s funny imo, but probably still should not have been said.


I laughed but not out loud


I guess it was a pun(ch) intended. Still a bad joke.


Whatever happened, that guy's a dick.


Two people can be trash at the same time.


Don't ask him how many people died in the Holocaust. He REALLY struggles with that one. 


"Her getting beaten up by a guy who groomed her is funny because she was edgy once when she was 13 years old! Lol karma!" Jesus Christ


Definitely not nice to make fun of someone who got abused. But she wasn't "edgy once". She made a whole internet personality off of it and got rich as an influencer. And on the internet, if you're trying to be a celebrity, people are probably gonna make easy jokes about you.




Can’t imagine having a brain this black and white. Must be exhausting for you to be arguing with nobody all the time.


Yeah because that’s what they’re saying, if you want to make a point about anything make a point about being so far removed from situations you are able to joke and act as if they don’t actually exist, but I doubt anyone here thinks she should be abused by her child’s father because of her past




Well said. Dig the username.


Ah all the self hating Redditors already here hating someone with nothing to back it up


It's honestly a joke. Leave the girl alone. She said/did some dumb shit as a teenager like the rest of us.


Got rich off of it too, which I can’t blame her for


>Leave the girl alone. If she wanted people to not talk about her, and this whole incident, posting it on line was a weird way to do that.


If you're a victim of domestic abuse, it's good to speak about it publicly and open the discussion. Too many victims suffer in silence. Talking about it publicly is brave and NOT an invitation for creepy men to make jokes about it.


ITT: "She deserved it because she was on Dr. Phil when she was 13. Also she's a whore"


She didn't deserve it, no one in that situation does. However, it also isn't wrong that she actively cultived a culture that enables this type of abuse. She should still get help,but more than that it is hopefully a wake up call to reflect on her own behaviors. It won't. But it should.


"Hoisted by her own petard" I believe is the phrase. Doesn't mean she deserved it; she doesn't, but one can't help not being surprised by it happening.


This guy looks like the type of person who finds a woman getting beaten funny.


I really envy people who don't know who he is. And you are right on the money with your evaluation.


a lot of people in this comment section seem to think so too


The more I see shitty online interactions from dudes about women/on women’s posts, the more I wonder if that same attitude /violence is just below the surface IRL.  Are people like this barely keeping it together around the other people in their life, especially the more vulnerable ones? 


She's a piece of shit but no one deserves to be abused


No, she's not. She put herself through rehab, she used the money she grifted from perverted men on OF to start a charity for other kids that went through similiar abuse and works with other big celebrities to bring awareness to the danger of certain private schools. Her mother paraded her around for profit and made a joke out of thier families drama. She chose to grow up and better herself. The fact people still call her a peice of shit for how she acted at 13!!! is fucking wild.


Not to forget how she survived the abuse camp dr. Phil sent her to where a kid literally died while she was in there!


Which likely inspired her partnership with Paris Hilton to speak out against those kind of programs.


If anyone else is skeptical like I was, this is from Wikipedia: [“On April 1, 2021, six days after her eighteenth birthday, Bregoli opened an OnlyFans account, earning over $1 million in revenue in the first six hours, including over $757,000 from subscriptions, $267,000 from message payments, and $5,000 in tips. She later demonstrated evidence of earnings of more than $50 million, which was initially met with skepticism. On April 4, TMZ reported that she and Paris Hilton were collaborating on a troubled teen program to focus on abuse experienced by teens at camps.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhad_Bhabie)


Ya know, I genuinely thought she was what was wrong with society. Reality TV made and trashy at that but damn if that isn’t cool. I’m not a Paris fan either but I love to see people eating well. I’ve never thought about the fact she was a dead ass *child* when she made the catch me outside meme. I need to go reflect.


I highly recommend listing to the Behind the Bastards podcast episodes on Dr Phil, they cover what went on with Danielle - remember she was a troubled 13 year old at the time, was exploited by her mother, sent away to an abusive camp and then had to just return to school afterwards not knowing she had become a meme. She was bullied by the other kids at school and by adults on the internet and then she figured fuck it and decided to lean into the persona cause what else was she supposed to do? The Dr Phil show set her up to fail and didn’t offer her any followup help whatsoever. All things considered she should feel proud with who she’s become.


Did she go to the same camp Paris did when she was a teen? I only remember how she was on dr Phil, and I know HE IS a pos so I never really “hated” her because I know I didn’t know the whole story. but wow I didn’t know any of that!


Not the same one, Paris was sent to Provo Canyon and Danielle went to Turn-About Ranch. Both essentially the same idea, abuse and forced work camps for troubled teens.


At the very bottom of my “interested in” list is reality TV. I have literally never watched a DP episode. The only way I ever consume(d) it is this way or YT. I remember seeing the original memes back 2016 and instantly hated the girl, the *child*. It never registered that I, a 24 y/o man child at that point, was genuinely disgusted with a 13 y/o child. Instead of looking for context or giving a literal tiny human being a pass I just chose to remember the meme and not even dig into her history. As someone who was sent to [Teen Challenge](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/10/18/the-shadow-penal-system-for-struggling-kids) myself (over weed) it hurts to reflect on my past self and realize I perpetuated a system I hate more than anything.


To be fair, most teens are gross but I get your point.


All you need to know about Dr Phil can be learned by the episode he had the bum fights guy on. Dont get me wrong that dudes a pile of shit that rivals the sears tower but he pulled no punches with Dr Phil who I believe kicked him off the stage.


Paris Hilton is actually an incredibly intelligent, good person too. She definitely played into a character on reality tv in the early 2000s, but the more I’ve learned about her the more I respect her.


Rewatch her clip on Dr Phil, her mother was terrible and it wasn’t surprising at all that she behaved the way she did. Not to mention, there’s something to be said about a mother who is having difficulties with their teenaged child and decides to exploit them on reality TV as a solution


For real, if you were to judge most of those clowns on what they said and did as teenagers you could call them pieces of shit too. They just weren’t dragged onto national TV to argue with an actual piece of shit charlatan like Dr. Phil. Stupid when people assume someone else is “a piece of shit” because they antagonized their favorite reality TV scam artist at 13 years old.


You're exactly right and the amount of comments implying anything else are heartbreaking and infuriating.


The truth is that we never know anyone online. We don't know what kind of people they really are underneath. It's why I generally try to refrain from commenting about a person's character beyond the facts.


Totally agreed, I think that's a great approach. > She put herself through rehab, she used the money she grifted from perverted men on OF to start a charity for other kids that went through similiar abuse and works with other big celebrities to bring awareness to the danger of certain private schools. > Her mother paraded her around for profit and made a joke out of thier families drama. She chose to grow up and better herself. The fact people still call her a peice of shit for how she acted at 13!!! is fucking wild. These are the facts!


I did not know this and I’m so happy to hear this 😭


If sex work isn’t bad, why are people that use sex work bad? You people can’t have your cake and eat it too. It’s either all fine or none of it is.


It’s not sex work users in general. The amount she made the second she was of legal age implies these users have just been waiting


Would love for someone to explain how she is “a piece of shit.” lmao.


She's given literally millions of dollars to help kids and teens. Including an awesome program to help kids get into trades rather than waste time and money on a degree, so by the time they are adults they can already have stable jobs and a valuable skill. Frankly if every "piece of shit" did the positive things she did, the world would be doing okay.


Is she? I know nothing about her. She seems trashy and annoying, but that ain’t the same. But yeah, not going to encourage striking her regarding.


If she'd gotten her ass kicked by another woman anyone who's witnessed her behaviour would have no issue.


Yeah being a shit person doesn't mean you should be abused by your partner


mmmnoo I don’t think anyone deserves to be abused


While you’re right, the take away from that is society too easily hand waves certain types of violence while vilifying others. When we really should be vilifying all of it.


This guy is a watered down Andrew Tate of course he jokes about domestic violence


How bow dah …


Imagine having your image ruined and being judged for the rest of your life for something you did when you were 13. As the result of abuse. And now she's being abused by her baby daddy. Anyone making fun of her is fucked up. But unfortunately degenerates online will find any excuse or reason to make jokes at someone else's expense.


I mean she kinda embraced it. Made a ton of money off of it and hasn't really changed her persona. Not saying she deserved what happened but if you talk the talk, get ready to walk the walk


I mean, when you grow up and only know that environment. How isn't she going to embrace it


Downvote me all you want but even a blind man saw that coming. She was young away from her parents and with a terrible childhood making fuck toon of money. She was an abuser's dream victim.


How’s that career going?


How bout dat


Why are there so many people trying to blame her? She’s the victim.


Christ… she reproduced?? That’s the real crime here


I'm not the type to believe in conspiracies but has anyone ever noticed how easy it is for stupid people to gain notoriety and subsequently reproduce lately. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume that the ruling class wants to command over a generation of stupid people to protect themselves. That hawk tuah girl is getting pushed so much despite not really being interesting or intelligent but it serves to keep us in a state of self stupifaction.


Literally I can’t grasp the hawk tuah girl. She’s apparently getting her own reality show? Who fucking asked for this. Is she literally only famous for saying hawk tuah cause haha blow jobs. IM LOSING MY MARBLESSS


Corporations see her go viral and its like a horde of vultures clambering to get at her to make a quick buck. Within days of the video going viral, there is a line of 'merch' and a reality series. Cant blame her really, poor rural town and some people in suits say sign here we will make you rich. Its the marketing teams, the tv executives and ceos chasing her down while shes viral to try kick a few dollars out of her


I wasn’t aware Nashville was a poor rural town.


hell shell probably come out ahead if she's smart. Bregoli definitely did


Talented people work their whole lives to get the fame and recognition that that girl has got in the past few weeks


Talented people don't take up quick and easy profits, and once they start making profits it's not so easy to just chew them up and discard them because they actually value themselves. It's much easier to just grind out shit level celebrities on a mass scale.


the target audience of reality shows ask for this... Seriously, this isn't new. The whole genre of reality shows is based on stuff like this.


That's capitalism for you. Making a quick buck from the lowest hanging fruit instead of investing in quality entertainment.


She has backers who are funding the show, she seems like she had help going viral too. It’s probably been set up from the start


Idiots attract attention. Don't blame conspiracies. I never followed this idiot, but plenty of people do. People following you on social media is what gives you attention/revenue. So no, it's not a conspiracy, it's just availability of tool and basic human nature to focus attention on whatever is out of the ordinary.


Go watch Idiocracy




She has done so much good with the notoriety she gained being exploited as a trouble teen. Even if she didn’t do good, she still doesn’t deserve to get hit. Your comment is dismissive and disgusting.


The real Question is ..is vbuckw actually ugly ?


Wait what? How does picking a fight with someone, while immature and dumb, equate to getting hit by her partner? Like, technically they're wrong. Best of luck to her, though I don't like her nobody deserves that.


That’s fucked up what happened to her ..but the joke was funny 😄


The guy who made the joke is a host of a manosphere podcast


Is manosphere like noosphere, but exclusively for portugese jellyfish?


I'm afraid it's a bunch of grifters making money off of insecure men and incels.


Shame. Portugese Mano'war need their own space.


Would be way better than what it actually is :(


Portuguese. It's spelled portuguese.


Imo it should be portugeese, because geese are badass.




No it wasn’t. It was the lamest of low hanging fruit possible. If you’re going to be a rude, offensive POS, at least put a tiny bit of effort into being a funny one. This was lame and low hanging fruit


If it had been a movie ass whipping or something, we could all laugh. As it is, it is in bad taste.


It’s just a little bit of dark humor. The worlds gotten so soft damn


Wow so I see the good old mysoginistic cesspool Reddit is actually blaming her for getting beaten up, actually saying she deserved it for not choosing her man better. I hate you all.


The thing is that shes known to be agressive so its normal for people to think she "deserved" it . Dont get me wrong i still think its not justified


If it’s not justified then why bring it up? Plus she was a teen when that happened. You are no better.


Im not judging solely on the dr phill episodes but also on later things she said and done .


I was just pointing out that shes agressive herself


So u deduced from my comments that i am agressive ?


I don’t think you are aggressive. I’m just saying she doesn’t deserve to be abused and joked about based on what people think about her.


I agree . But i also think she made it really easy for people to laugh at her by the character shes playing


And last point is that shes known to not be scared to laugh at other people less fortunate than her


Shes profiting of the controversies she made and thats why people laugh


No, they just want context


Why do you need context for abuse?


The phrase "baby daddy": basically it's really just "some guy I fucked and was too stupid to use contraception with before I was sure he was a keeper"?


None of this excuses abuse.


I mean, that's a little cruel considering the guy in question dated her when she was 17 and he was well into his 20s. She was still so young, highschool age and he was a grown man. She didn't even have a chance at normal adulthood.


it literally just means the father of her kid. and they were literally dating so you’re wrong anyway.


Contraception is never 100% effective. You're calling a woman stupid for having consensual sex. Let's not forget that abortions are illegal in many places. Also, the dude could've taken the condom off without her knowing and God knows what else. I've heard many stories of guys attempting to get a woman pregnant without her permission, by breaking the condoms, removing them or even messing up with her birth control pills. Your first instinct was to blame a woman who's BEING ABUSED? I've never heard anyone say "I was too stupid to use contraception before I was sure she was a keeper and now she took all my money and the custody of the kid". It's always the woman's fault.


Just say "I hate women and feel no empathy for one getting brutally abused because it's probably her fault anyway" and be done with it. Gross human.


Yes. Kinda irresponsible reproductive behavior.


What about the phrase "baby mommy"?????


Works both ways I think?


I just watched a video on youtube where that Myron guy was talking to other men about obesity. This comment seems totally on brand. The dude is insufferable.


I don’t like her but Myron is a such a worthless trash creature that I would actually enjoy him getting swung on


Their blue checkmarks on twitter, they don’t only get paid for making stupid remarks so people respond but they are routinely Neo Nazis and white supremacists




If it was "millionaire gets beat up" ya all would cheer, but it's "millionaire women gets beat up" so we have to worry about it to look good for others I guess


The little girl was a walking joke. This was her destiny. No one here is surprised. This guy made a funny… boo fucking hoo.


She has a type.


Oh the comment section stinks of misogynistic pigs cheering on abusive men just because they don't like the woman in question


Was Myron wearing his little booty shorts when he wrote that comment?


It's high time we euthanize the fresh and fit boys


How bow dat.


It's a joke. Joking about something isn't endorsing it.


Considering who said it, I'm not even sure it's a joke.


Usually I'd agree but considering the one who made the joke is a pos manosphere grifter then i'm not so sure


It's not neccecary. Anyone who feels the need to "joke" about someone being brutally beaten up for a chance at lame likes probably has an issue with empathy.


I mean. It’s a blue checkmark musk/trump simp, what did you expect?


Despite having zero talent nobody deserves this. Hopefully her mountain of OnlyFans money can see her to leaving the scumbag and getting into a better situation.


Not funny.


how bow dat


The guy that abused her is a piece of shit. But if you gave me a multiple choice question on "which one of these women is going to reproduce with an abusive piece of shit" and one of the options was "rehabbed drug addict who goes by Bhad Bhabie, that has his name tattooed on her chest"... I feel like, in pursuit of not being a statistic, more vetting should have occurred on her part. He's young and already had another baby momma, guy's a walking red flag.


This sub has such a weird fucking whiplash when it comes to jokes. So yesterday there was a thread about a dad who tried launching a firework from the top of his top hat and was killed in front of his entire family and everyone in this sub was suddenly a comedian, but *this* is where you all draw the line?


Not a facepalm more of a faceknuckle


Date a brother and this is what happens


Cash me outside,,,, Gets cashed outside…. *surprised pikachu face*


I mean, she's staying with the dude. It's fair to say that she's a complete joke.


With that mouth of hers it was only a matter of time before she caught somebodies hands. Just unfortunate they had to be her baby daddy’s


People tease men for being abused all the time. Sharon Osbourne laughed about a man who’s psycho partner cut his penis off and threw it in a bin, and that’s really not a standalone case. Idgaf until this overcorrection nonsense is done away with.


She chose to live like a low life piece of trash, ends up with low life trash. Shocking.


Except she doesn't live like a low life piece of trash, and has done more good than you will ever do in your lifetime


Getting knocked out and creating this joke in the post is one good thing she actually did lol


Lol you actually believe that?


I love how everyone here is saying she doesn't deserve to be hit by her partner. There's a picture of a man who's beaten by his and all the comments are the complete opposite. " what did he do". " he probably deserved it". Where is the sympathy for victims?


Where is the sympathy now? Why don’t you be the catalyst and stop this nonsense comparison. The people who said that on the man’s post were shitty. But you bringing up these whatboutisms doesn’t make you any better because you just want to be like, what about men? Did you stick up for the man in the post? Did you set a good example? Cause I’m not seeing that behavior right now.