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Dodging bullets like Samwise dodging Shelob lol




Audacity was her word of the day.


The lion the witch the audacity of this bitch


I first saw this shopped onto one of Obamas autobiography titles, and I've always read it in his voice ever since šŸ¤£


He has a great sense of humor so I low-key wish he saw it and then released an audio book.


I'd pay money to hear him drop the "now a word from the President" verse from Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta.


Reminds me of "go the f**k to sleep" read by Samuel Jackson https://youtu.be/teIbh8hFQos


Laughed! šŸ¤£


It's a best of redditor updates subreddit flair haha


she do be lacking in both stature and vocabulary


[thanks word of the day calendar](https://youtu.be/ZF2Wn6XGpM0?si=tgT6pPYYkpOQWmbA)


Yeah, and she didnā€™t lack anyā€¦


I donā€™t think she understands what an actual incel is.


Someone who exposes her narcissistic and unfair double standards obviously and uses her own logic back at her... .


Ok, incel


And here I thought it was incel since she had to insert it in every sentence, even tho she was the one being rejected šŸ¤”


In more ways than one.


She clearly didnā€™t look up ā€œincel.ā€


She ignored your lotr question completely, how rude


If she doesnā€™t respond with her Gollum impression it ainā€™t meant to be :,)


Her favorite character canā€™t be Gollum, heā€™s no where near 6ā€™3ā€ šŸ„²


Didn't they try to stretch him out in Mordor?


I legit taught my girlfriend how to imitate Gollum, shit's hilarious


That's going to make sex awkward


Thatā€™s going to make sex BETTER!


"my precious!!!"


ā€œI eats it whole.ā€


We likes it raw and wwrrrrrrrriggling


ā€œWhatā€™s balls, precious?ā€ ā€œBalls! Tes-TI-cles, smack it up, flip it, rub it down, oh no!ā€


Depends on the kinks


Yeah imagine she got you tied to the bed and starts the dialogue from when Frodo is stuck in the spiderwebs


Asking for reciprocation: "We be's nice to them if they be's nice to us"


Exactly - her priority over normal conversation was to judge his height. Only then to be judged and not understand the hypocrisy. People like this need therapy, but her friends will tell her she's somehow in the right.


She was a *little short* with him.




Red flag there


ignoring the lotr question was a red flag


Her tone is messed up, and also ā€˜dudeā€™


I'm not sure "involuntary celibate" is the correct term for someone who voluntarily turns you down. It reminds me of guys who get rejected and say "you're ugly"... so why were you hitting on her? People need to deal with rejection a little more cleanly.


"you're ugly anyways" is a form of self-soothing, if they can bring down their target it makes themselves feel better (or superior) and takes a bit of the sting out of the rejection, they're basically telling themselves "it's okay buddy she wasn't worth it anyways" but because fight or flight is always dialed to "fight" for narcissists it comes out in the form of an insult


Ooh good point, I hadn't thought about it like that. The incel comment makes more sense then. She's claiming the agency and making out as if she rejected him. It's like "you can't fire me because I quit!"


I think its more than that, not only does she not like him and never did, no-one else would either, she has rejected him on behalf of all women.


The old "Sour grapes" Aesop, as old as a time itself.


Itā€™s fable, itā€™s FABLE as old as time itself. Aesop is a person


A common misconception. It's only a fable if it comes from the Fable region of Denmark. Otherwise it's sparkling Aesop.


That fable is not as old as time itself. The whole sentence is a wash.


That's same with the "incel" here. She got butthurt...


Idk man,if I get turned down by someone I'll just gaslight myself into thinking they're a 10/10 and they were out of my league anyway lmao


You're kind of right. I think is a reaction to feeling under attack, and so the superiority thing come up where it more like "i gave you a chance that's all, so don't you think that my attention is in anyway a validation of your worth".


Like many other terms the meaning has changed over time. At this point "incel" is just a generic insult.


... next up ... "ok boomer incel"


"Oh, you made an argument I can't respond to? Well...you are an incel and live in your mom's basement. Take that!"Ā 


TIL that incel is a portmanteau of involuntary celibate


TIL of the existence of the word "portmanteau"


I think she is the incel here


"Incel" is just the 21st century version of "hur hur hur I bet you're a virgin."


At this point "incel" is one of those words that has little to no meaning anymore.


They are like unmanned hoses with rejection. Just spraying vitriol with abandon. You might as well ask bacteria to have manners.


This is the most elegantly worded insult I've seen today


"Those grapes were probably sour"... it's an old, old story.


I remember a girl liked me in high school, and she actually asked me out. I just politely told her I didn't like her back and didn't even know her. Apparently I was a massive jerk for that just because she was pretty?? I'm not saying she wasn't enough for me, just I didn't like her, and that's all. We all have different taste


What's wrong with her back?


She had so much hair on it, Jack Sparrow couldā€™ve escaped a desert island.


Well, he still would've needed some sea turtles


She had a good comeback story.


Like Kim Kardashian? She had a lot of cum on her back, in that one video


Parks and rec blooper reel, nice




My personal favorite is when you donā€™t reciprocate a womanā€™s interest and they proceed to ask you if youā€™re gay. As if the concept of any straight man on the planet not being interested in them is ridiculous. Iā€™ve experienced this a few times and itā€™s so cringey.


When I was 20 years old a girl asked me out and I rejected her because I had a girlfriend. She did not took it well and started to insinuate that I must be gay. She even had the audacity to ask my girlfriend if we were both gay and our relationship a pretend sham for our families. My girlfriend was a skinny tomboy with a pixie cut and she was hit by many lesbians. Because surely her being the prettier girl (her opinion as in my view she definitely was not) if I was a real man I would have ditch my flat chested girlfriend for a girl with real curves (she definitely had a bigger rack). So the fact that I rejected her was suspect. Funny bit was she then asked two other students who were not yet out. After that she was known at Uni as the girl who turn men gay. So toxic men would rather sleep with men than her.


I'm sorry so many lesbians hit her. I'm sure that must have been hard!


I love the idea of many lesbians hitting York girls friend because she had a pixie cut.


ā€œNot at the moment, but if youā€™re my only option, then I may have to consider itā€.


My ex, who took my virginity, lost her mind when I broke up with her. I was barely 15, she was 18. She had her friends threaten to beat me up for being gay and would text me from various numbers calling me a ā€œf***otā€ I reported her to the school, with proof of the texts, as well as the people who threatened me for her. Nothing ever came of it. A year later, a girl made up a story about me r**ing her with no evidence and I was told never to speak to her again, and that I was lucky she wasnt pressing charges. That was around the time I learned that women are as much horrible monsters as men, the only difference is they almost never get held accountable for it.


I AM gay and had a woman tell me I wasn't when I rejected her. She hit on me and asked me to go back to her place. I told her I was gay and not interested. Her response was "bullshit, you're just ashamed of your tiny dick." For narcissists like that, no reason will ever be accepted.


Or dick shaming.


A lot of women do not handle rejection well at all.


A lot of people don't handle rejection well at all.


The point is men are more used to it as we are expected to initiate.


Yes, but no one is arguing that there arenā€™t men that donā€™t, where as a woman handling rejection poorly is the victim in most peopleā€™s eyes.


Both genders have the ability to be toxic assholes. However, only one genders toxic traits are shamed while the others are often celebrated.


This is the difference. Well put.


Women just get away with emotional excuses. That's it. Men know that noone will give a fuck about their emotions, because they are solely judged by their actions.


Well it goes back to this https://youtu.be/ioSI3KsE2_k?si=yKo2g2T40sn-Ync9


Clearly Donald Glover doesn't spend much time on social media because you don't have to go far to find women that claim every guy they dated was the spawn of Satan.


That's why I play the long game get rejected as much as possible.


it wasn't an absolute statement.


My high school had this dance called the "turnabout" where girls were supposed to ask guys to the dance. They would often make asking a guy to the dance a public spectacle. but what made it suck was that any guy who said "no" was immediately condemned as being a cruel jerk by all the other girls, and it would have lasting damage on his reputation. few people cared if a girl rejected a guy. i saw it happen plenty of times. there was no outrage. so what would end up happening is that if a guy was asked to a dance by a girl he wasnt interested in, he would say "yes" and then just ghost her after.


Went through multiple of the same experiences in high school. Funny how when a man asks out a woman, sheā€™s free to say now and the man has an obligation to respect that. Not respecting that makes him an asshole and a creep. But if a woman asks out a man, he has an obligation to say yes. And he if he doesnā€™t say yes heā€™s an asshole.


Nah. Any person who doesn't respect rejection is deemed an asshole. Look at this thread-- everyone agrees that this woman is a massive (well, short) asshole. This type of jerkiness is pretty clear cut. I think there is an argument to be made about placating people though. Men might be pressured to say yes for the reason you described. And women would be pressured to say yes out of fear.


Happened to me in college, got passive aggressive messages for like a year after.


Men are prohibited from rejecting women apparently


Ahhhh, modern dating, how romantic.


Dating has always been kinda wacky But thereā€™s someone for everyone ig


Yea right, somewhere over the Rainbow




"Incel" has unfortunately become the insult of choice for women to use against any men they dislike. Soon it will lose all meaning and will become just "dick". And the real incels will get buried in that and feel vindicated about their shittiness.


Also the ā€œjust tell me you have a small dickā€ is just like girl wtf???


body-shaming is only okay when a girl does it to a guy in society


Bro she blocked me for saying being overweight is unhealthy. BTW she made a post about cheating on her husband. If she is even married (doubt). Average reddit femcel, or whatever word you use to insult narcissistic human beings. On top of that all the comments were deleted, figure out the clear bias by yourself...


She cant cope with not being wanted i guess \*shrug\*


Literally being rejected for being undesirable


I think women are so used to men being easy or just big horny animals (no offense to men out there, itā€™s just kinda a modern cultural thing weā€™ve been raised to expect, but we donā€™t all think that), so when a man has actual standards and preferences, they have no idea what to do. She definitely thinks sheā€™s the standard lmao. Also, coming from a 5ā€™11ā€ woman ā€” why does a 5ā€™1ā€ woman need a man whoā€™s 6ā€™+? I will absolutely never understand that. Short men like me more than tall men.


I'm still stuck on the 6'3" being the perfect height for a man thing. I mean, there's nothing wrong with men who are that tall, but its still stuckout as a weird statement to me.


She just wants to climb him like a treehouse It's a fetish we'll never understand


>Is a man truly a man, if he cannot yeet his woman straight into the stratosphere? -Albert Einstein, 1224 AD


Iā€™ve had short men tell me they want to ā€œclimb me like a treeā€ so yeahā€¦can confirm.


The average height for a man in America is 5ā€™10ā€, so I really am not sure where sheā€™s getting that ā€œperfect heightā€ thing from šŸ˜­ Like statistically youā€™re limiting your options.


I say this as a 5 foot 9 ish man, but honestly, I think that people in general underestimate how tall 6 feet actually is. Most 5 ft 10 people I know cam be mistaken for 6 ft, especially since, like the op post, woman are much shorter overall so in real life the guy doesn't have to ve 6 ft tall, but on apps that height difference doesn't really register


Absolutely! If women saw a guy who was actually 6ā€™, heā€™d probably look like 6ā€™4 to them lol.


I dont think most people even have a good reference for height to begin with. Some people think im 6,3 others ive been close with dont even realize im 6 foot and assume im shorter than that.


Iā€™m barely 5ā€™11ā€ and so many people think Iā€™m like 6ā€™2 at least lol. This is SO true.


Worked with a girl once who all our customers swore she was like 6ā€™1/6ā€™2, because they were 6ā€™. Finally measured her one day at work and she was 5ā€™9.5


Well, 5'10" is average, surely she deserves better. She deserves no less than perfect.


She sure does, being so small and petite.


"I was the smallest, petitest girl in NYC" reads like Wattpad.


I bet she threw her medium brown hair into a messy ponytail and put on a band tee.


The concept of your head being a few inches above the ground making you a better person is questionable


I'm 6'4 and I can confirm I'm the best person ever my head is so high people keep telling me it's up in the coulds although recently they are also saying it's up my own ass idk what that's about


Sure it is. It is also a questionable thing to have as a deciding factor when looking for a partner.


5'9 is actually average in USA.


Probably a good thing for all the men below 6'3" that she doesn't think they're good enough because she doesn't like the distance between their toes and their nose. Saves them having to deal with such a shallow person.


Someone with that ego thinks she can get anyone she wants so "options" is never really something they think about.


14.5% of men being 6'0 and above but not even taking account any other preferences that will lower that even further like sexuality, Body type, weight, dick size, financial status, personality, etc like they're shooting themselves in the foot and that's coming from a 6'1 guy.




I think it's pretty clear from the conversation that he wasn't into her because she didn't geek out with him over LotR. She ignored his personality-revealing question and jumped to probing him on a shallow physical trait. He was just verbally rejecting her on terms he thought she would understand.


And she's too short.


ā€œWomen donā€™t want tall men who are taller than THEM, they want tall men who are taller than OTHER MENā€ - some hoemath video I think


The only man I want to be worried about in my relationship is the one Iā€™m dating. Why youā€™d date someone just to compare them to others physically is beyond me.


Ego, insecurities, etc. "Mah man is better than yo' little wimp, bitch!" Or something like that...


Maybe Iā€™m just too young to have seen this play out, but this is actually insane. I had no clue people thought like this. Yā€™all are opening my eyes!


For a lot of people, a partner is more of a status symbol than an actual partner in life.


I'm 5'11, my wife is 4'10. The height difference can be logistically challenging.


I'm 6'11". There's fully a 2ft height difference between me and your wife, lol. I'd have to kneel down to kiss a woman that short.


Go on


People like her are the reasons men actually turn into incels or reinforces their misogyny. Iā€™ve been on incel forums and I see a lot of posts that has screenshots of conversations with women who are looking for ā€chadā€ standards.


Absolutely! I will never victim blame, but there is a lot of accountability that needs to be taken by women who treat men this way and then are surprised when they retaliate. It doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re right to retaliate, but thereā€™s unacceptable behavior on both sides.


Brother dodged a bullet


Saw the bullet, did uno reverse xD


Calling someone an incel you were trying to fuck is fucking hilarious


I heard it once from a girl I banged 10 minutes earlier lmao they dont know wtf the definitions of the words they use, just trying to cause emotional harm to people without regard for logic or reason.


Incels definitely one of those words crazy chicks over use nowadays. Any guy that doesn't do what they want is an incel


"you're 5ft1? sorry I don't date hobbits"


Definitely should've continued the LOTR theme in the conversation. Good catch!


Guy was respectful all the way through, didn't lose his cool. Girl immediately started with the insults and misandry.


At least she showed those true colors like a shit palette.




Clearlyā€¦ and everyone here runs with it every time.


why is this so far down below people genuinely responding... removing this sub from the dash


Prepare for standards, and make them double


She was indeed a small person...




I mean she had a height requirement, rules for thee not me I guess lmao. If heā€™d have said 5ā€™6 Iā€™m sure sheā€™d have said heā€™s not tall enough.


But.. but.. but she's a woman! It is different, only men cannot have preferences! /s Love how she actually said that openly šŸ˜‚


This doesnā€™t looks like a real conversation. And if it is, then why be mad about it ? Dude clearly dodged a bullet itā€™s great


Well thatā€™s just a femcel, and theyā€™re on tinder, so you already came out on top before the conversation started.


The term incel was created by a woman to describe herself, itā€™s perfectly fine to use it for women without appending a fem-tag.


Incel = involuntarily celibate Femcel = femur celerity (and can be quite lethal when used to attack the cranium) The fem-tag is absolutely unnecessary and quite misleading, as you can see!


I had an older woman who was trying to date me call me an incel because I have a younger girlfriend. I think the meaning of the word is lost on many people who use it.


Itā€™s absolutely lost all meaning. Itā€™s gone from a unisex term for people with trouble finding a partner to a term used for men with bad social skills who have trouble finding a partner to meaning misogynist men who have trouble finding a partner and maybe have given up on it to a term used for men with differing political opinions to finally the current form of ā€œman who said something I donā€™t likeā€.


This looks like ragebait


Because it blatantly is lol. "Ehm I'm a woman!!!" No one fucking talks like that.


i'm with you here, it's just too ragebaitey to sound real.


Can we stop posting this dumbass rage bait. They're all the same. Guy: \[Quirky and clever greeting, to show you he's the cool one\] Girl: Height? Guy: Oh my that seems improper! Girl: How dare you! I am girl so am special! Guy: Well, that wasn't very logical or intelligent! Girl: \[Generic insult about dick size or inability to have sex\].




How does this rage bait keep qualifying for facepalm.


How many times does it take for everyone to see this post?


Donā€™t try to reason with morons


Shitty bait.


Yea this is totally not a staged conversation written by one person


I do not believe this is an actual exchange that actually happened, doesn't feel genuine/feels fabricated. It's something-bait.


Women are actually much worse at handling rejection than men.


Theyā€™re not used to it.


Is this real


I mean this is clearly a chat between two dudes to reate a rage bait. Like how are you people falling for such blatant bait.


Reddit try not to fall for obvious rage bait (thatā€™s been posted and re-posted thousands of times now) challenge. Impossible edition.


That LOTR pick-up line ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Does anyone ever get the feeling that some of these conversations arenā€™t real?


This reads made up.Ā 


Big mistake getting into a back and forth. Just say ā€œtoo shortā€ and ghost.


Hello fellow women!


I wouldā€™ve blocked her as soon as she said incel, thereā€™s no point in trying to fix things after that. You dodged a bullet, OP.


A guy made this.


Def written by a man


Guys this is obvious ragebait. Why do y'all keep taking the bait and complaining about dating and women every time this post appears


Wow. I wonder why sheā€™s single


This is the exact same as one that was posted just the other day, the whole 'the audacity', him being 6 foot 3, all of it. It just wasn't him rejecting her, it was her asking for height first, and then him rejecting her once she did that, concluding with the "The audacity". They're too close to be different convos.Ā 


A real conversation that really happened. Really.


This looks like a ā€œstir the shit potā€ post. Nothing better to do than instigate.


ā€œ5ā€™1ā€ and a ton of fun.ā€ She should have led with that.


She actually speaks like an incel in disguise lol


Clear red flag from the start, she didnā€™t even answer the LOTR question!


Someone dodged a bullet.


I am foaming at the mouth to tell him why Gollum is only the second best character


Any man who contradicts me is an incel.


The guy probably doesn't care about her height. He probably dumped her because she cared about height.