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"I will never come over here again" McDonald's workers: oh thank god


Returns the next day to buy cookies.


They pull this at the airport also, and we say would you like me to cancel your return trip so you can find an airline you prefer? Ooo they get mad


Kill them with kindness.


Kill them with “I’m sorry, but I will have forgotten you existed by lunchtime”.


Deadass it's always the ones who say "I'm never coming here again" that keep showing up like a bad penny.


At Taco Bell we had an older black lady who was a nightmare. Normally older black women are so sweet and call you things like honey or baby. This one would demand fresh empanadas. I sorta felt for her cuz they have a 2 hour shelf life and some shifts would keep them for 6-8 hours. But my shift, those things would be fresh. I ran good shifts. She wouldn’t leave unless they were dripping with oil though. She wanted to be sure they were fresh. She’d ask us to drop fresh ones just for her. Which obviously we can’t do, it’s first in first out. So we’d have to get one and dip it in oil for two seconds, ask her to pull around (Taco Bell doesn’t do this, we’d have 2-3 ppl max after 10 pm, super difficult to run food out.) wait 5 minutes and then give her the 1-2 hour old empanada. This stopped being enough. She’d make you count the ice in her drink. She’d say “about half of a half of the cup” and hand it back and say “that’s too much.” As if she couldn’t just take the ice out herself. Then she’d want a combination of diet and regular Pepsi and if it wasn’t a 30/70 ratio she’d hand it back. It’s very “if you give a mouse a cookie.” I told her we’re not serving her anymore. We don’t make accommodations like that in a fast-paced environment and she can have standard items, same as everyone else, or go elsewhere. Managers need to understand they do have power! You’re allowed to refuse service. I promise as long as you aren’t abusing it, corporate does not care. Promise.


> Then she’d want a combination of diet and regular Pepsi and if it wasn’t a 30/70 ratio she’d hand it back. This surely can't be real lol?


I am 100% serious. I can only assume they wanted the taste of Pepsi but “not as bad.” A 50/50 combo was actually pretty common, like a once or twice a shift occurrence. She’s the only one who wanted such precise ratios though


I managed fast food restaurants and every time I heard this I laughed. Sure, Jen. You've been keeping this place going, and I know your kids aren't going to lose their minds when they don't get a happy meal. They're always such a delight to have in the restaurant when you bring them into the play place.


I hope the manager took her phone out for a photo to print somd "do not serve" memos.


Right? She will keep coming, though. She already knows the manager situation and she said it’s always a problem. Why, then, does she keep going there!? Idiot.


Every retail/restaurant worker who has ever been told "I'm never coming here again" is grateful.


At least we know she doesn’t have any real problems because when you have the time and energy to throw a fit over cookies, your life can’t be that hard.


The people who cry over cookies are called children. ​ EDIT: Thanks for the metal. Is this how you do this?


Say it louder for the people at the back.








Moar! #MOAR!!!


What? MOAR? You want MOAR?




That’s what I wondered. Imagine giving a 3 year old a driving license.


*A 2 minute wait for cookies*


I went to McDonalds at 5am and wanted cookies. They said 2 minutes to get freshly baked cookies. I'm like, damn, I get HOT FRESH cookies at 5am? Holy shit I'll wait as long as it takes.


Jesus can't you see how important this woman is though? And how unimportant you and me and everyone else is?? It's obvious!


In the time it took her to rant about her having to wait for the fresh out of the oven cookies, she could have had those cookies. Why anyone would go to McDonald's for fresh anything is beyond me. Looking for the next Rosa Parks moment must be harder than they thought.


And McDonald’s cookies at that Some people have it very comfortable


For real, who the hell goes to McDonald's expecting fresh food, much less fresh cookies.


Who the hell CALLS AHEAD to McDonalds?


Doubt she had the courtesy to do that, it's just one of her go to lines to help get what she wants. (In her mind) If she wanted em like clockwork use their app and order ahead, way more efficient than any phone call would be.


EXACTLY!!! imagine having absolutely no life, to go along with your horrendous personality 🤣


Dude, at the point you personally know the managers at your local McDonalds due to negative run-ins, you're doing waaaay too much.


Waaaaaaaaaay too much! It's like my mind can't comprehend that there are living, breathing humans who act this way.... Not only that, but then post shit like this to social media 🤣🤣🤣 One more thing I might add is, it's like this bitch thinks she's McDonald's one and only customer.. Apparently she believes that billions upon billions served applies to her cookie purchases!


She's the queen of a goldfish kingdom and she's too stupid to realize it. When your whole world is a ten gallon aquarium it's easy to think your the big fish.


10 gallon ? Shit she's queen of a fishbowl with maybe a 1/2 gallon of green algae growth in it!!


I think Karma read your comment, because she apparently has lupus now, and uhhh… her life is now terrible.


![gif](giphy|EoelW7SK3t0TC) Its never lupus


You know you are high profile when you are a regular at McDonalds. You know she’s rolling hard if $1.79 sets her off into a frenzy like that.


What bothers me more is that she had her back turned to the manager and was talking towards her phone the whole time. Does she do that while hanging out with her friends and family too?


I kinda wish the manager took her phone out and turned her back too. Like, oh, i thought that's how we were talking to each other now.


I will never come here again! The amount of restraint for that manager not to go, "Oh NOOOO!!!" as sarcastically as possible in that moment is amazing.




Welcome to Pop Copy bitch!


You’re probably saying, “why treat the customers like this?” Because fuck’em, that’s why!




“Hell yeah I suck toes!”


“My butt itches and I took a shower”


We only have linux here


Ha for real. I would have said “you promise?”


I pulled that once! I smiled and said "that's unfortunate". The old lady almost exploded lmao


Was it my MIL?


Idk but my condolences, friend


The picture that was posted the other day of the guy in the backroom area sitting down on the floor with his head on his crossed arms, looking all dejected. The title was something like "A customer just told him she's never coming back" I saw that a few days ago and I'm still chuckling over it.


I had a store manager that was listening to a customer whining and whining about some bullshit. He looked at the customer and said , I wish half my customers were like you, the guy thought it was a compliment. Until manager said , right now it’s about 75%.


I speak a little Spanish. And she said something like. "This b!t¿# got two cookies on her face and asking for more!!!!"


You don't get up from a punch like that.


I'm still laughing after seeing the translation.


2Cookie 2Face - Gimme my money.mp3




"Everyday I come here for cookies. Every day!!" Yeah, you should probably lay off them for the foreseeable future. You've eaten so many your pores are squeezing chocolate chips out all over your round, doughy ass face. You are what you eat is apparently literal for this smashed up bag of famous amos lookin ho.




Mama always said, “You are what you eat.” That’s why I’m 13 sticks of butter and an expired packet of Ramen.


Did she really? That's hilarious


I know a bit of spanish and I couldn't hear a single word from any of the employees to even translate. I think they just made it up as an excuse to make fun of her face.


It wasn't them. It was me. I made it all up.




She did towards the end lol. Pull her phone out at least, I wish she had turned her back to her too


She probably had the phone out to take a picture that she could post next to drive through so the employees would be able to ID her and refuse service.


I'd also be messaging the person next higher up the chain to let them know there's likely going to be a nasty review or complaint because of a two minute wait for cookies. My store manager always appreciated the head's up with crazies like this, and this was before the "video everything" got going.


she's a piece of shit. i would expect no less from a piece of shit


Exactly. Pissing me off and I wasn’t even there.


She’s the raggediest of all the asses in this video


I would even serve your ass if you don't have the decency to look at me while you're talking to me. "I thought you were talking to your friends on the phone so I shut the window and called the police cuz you were blocking the drive thru for customers."


I was immediately role-playing the manager in my head saying, "No, we won't have fresh cookies. We're taking a photo of your fat head, sticking it on the wall and telling employees not to serve your bitch ass. Get out of here." Like this shit is worth it for the money she's paying for *fucking cookies*. Unreal. I thank the sweet cherubs my manager when I worked at Gamestop was completely on our side on shit like this. He didn't give a shit what corporate said, our sales numbers were great. If people are dicks, kick them out. Miss ya, Mike! Not Gamestop, though...


In pubs, they ban you for obnoxious, asinine behaviour. Why can’t this manager just ban the royal twat?


Mike sounds awesome. ALL managers should be on the side of their employees. Customers are universally 99% wrong lol


She's living in a movie. Nothing is real to her. It's a sickness. The manager being in the same frame is good enough for her. It's the result of living in this era of "shorts" and "tiktok" Capturing the moment has become more important than living it.


When I still worked in retail I noticed a progressing trend with people coming in and making videos. Started off with harmless stuff, then proceeded into harassing the employees, to making huge messes, to this sort of shit. I remember getting knocked off a ladder while I was pulling something down for "a customer." They kicked the ladder and another filmed it, they both were laughing the entire time, and fled after I hit the ground. I got injured, and nothing ever happened to those assholes. The store told me, "it was my fault by not providing top customer service."


Wait, what?? They said you weren’t providing top customer service? What were you providing then while you were on a ladder getting something for them?


No clue, of course my boss, the district manager, and the regional loss prevention manager all out the blame 100% on me. Soon after that I just stopped caring at all about the job. I had kicked out a mental challenged guy who I had caught shoplifting. I was forced to apologize to him because the guys dad (the guy was in his 40's, dad was probably 60 something) complained that "I didn't handle the situation correctly." The father also admitted that he knew his son had been stealing from us for YEARS. But I had to say sorry for not calling the police and having him arrested, which was what I was supposed to do. Shortly after that I stopped a $3,000 attempted push out, and got written up because they expected me to call my boss and ask permission to call the district manager and ask him for permission to call the loss prevention manager for permission to call the cops. No thanks for saving $3,000 worth of merchandise, just write ups and being screamed ar by the dm. I was gone about a month later, and never looked back. Best part is, now the company has gone out of business.


Until the last sentence, I thought you were talking about home depot as this was just like working there. Glad you have moved on from retail hell!


That's completely fucked up. I'm glad you don't work for them anymore.


I remember taking a trip to Hawaii years ago, and at an island cultural festival, I was one of many white tourists in the audience. In front of me was a lady with a camcorder documenting the whole thing. She had her view-screen up and I kept getting annoyed and distracted by it because I just wanted to watch the real-life event. But I spent most of the time watching a lady watching a camcorder recording the real-life event that we were both experiencing it on a TV. I didn't need to fly all of the way to Hawaii for that. That was 1999. Before smart phones. I had no idea what we had in store ahead of us. Now when I travel, I mostly witness people taking selfies and looking at their screens to make sure people get to see that they were there, instead of actually experiencing where they are. I might not have as many pictures and videos to look back on years from now, but at least I'll be able to remember the real deal. Humans are weird.


Because it's about getting attention


This video is from 2015. The internet never forgets.


Can't fucking stand these morons like who fucking does that. Bitch you can't even look at me? Window shuts.


Duh, she's obvi better than a McDs manager... SMH, people like this would not make it through the chocolate factory, she'd be down that egg shoot for sure




Yeah. If someone pulls that on me, I will refuse to acknowledge them until they face me. Are kids not taught manners these days or what? Its like the base level of respect to face the person your talking to.


That’s assuming she even has friends with how much of an absolute bitch she is


Reminds me of the recent video of a prick in Starbucks who drank 90% of his drink, claimed he didn't like it and made them make him another, all while his back was turned to them and facing his phone. Dude needs to get suckerpunched, as does thus stanky bitch.




It saddens me that some Americans have it so good and still complain over small things like that. (View from a lesser developed county) Edit: sorry I offended anyone by lumping all Americans together.


This is embarassing.


Secondary embarassment


Embarrassment by proxy.


What a piece of human shit she is. God this makes my blood boil She’s not even making eye contact. She’s looking through the fucking camera. Omg lol


That is so she can look at herself on screen / or her ‘reflection’ as such. Self adoration. That’s Peak-narcism. She’s 100% toxic mental health and severely psychologically ill.


Yeah, she gets to side with herself and doesn't have to recognize the humanity of others.


"Gets to side with herself" dayuuum that's really interesting, makes a lot of sense. Psychologically, for a person like her being able to have her OWN company through her selfie cam, that's a dream come true for these people. Obviously it used to be seeing yourself in a mirror before you went out, or maybe your compact mirror in your handbag. Now they get to call upon themselves any time they like. What a plague of muppets


Literally. With that big ol’ shit smear on her face, lol.


Those might be chocolate chips from the previous McDonald's fresh cookie stop up the road.


The last time this video circulated there were reposts all over titled "this bitch looks like a damn cookie"


Yeah she don’t pull that shit on some of those girls I have seen before. They would’ve broke her down called her choco chip cookie face or something. Quit and been out in the parking lot waiting on her ass in seconds. Then go back inside & get her job back.


Influencer?? Who’d be influenced by that?


I'd be influenced to shut off my phone and head out side or pick up a hobby.


Yeah in less than 25 seconds I was influenced to turn the video off


Influenced to show up at that McDonald’s, give that manager some flowers, apologize on behalf of the human race for this degenerate, and buy 100 cookies to give to the rest of the staff. I’d also record it on my own influencer Facebook page for my six followers and McDs would have some hardcore new regulars! At least until the ice cream machine breaks again.


I feel influenced by her to google what does facial cancer looks like


That's the best part. She says "I'm going to tag you in this video", then says "look me up" and of all places Facebook. She must have 30 followers and its all in her apparment complex.


Influencing my bowels


You know she a regular Karen, she recognises that it’s a new manager. I can’t imagine getting that bent out of shape over cookies.


Hopefully she gets banned.


Comapanies should ban customers more. Bad customers are never worth their cost As an employee in customer service, my biggest belief is that every employee should be allowed to fire one customer per year (maybe at fast food places, one per employee per month). The business makes more money and the employees are happier


Just DNRed (do not rent) a ~~client~~ ex-client today from my inn because of shitty behavior. No, I don't need your business if your business is being mean to my staff. People in hospitality work their asses off; if you're not ready to engage with them in a sane, reasonable manner I'm not losing money, I'm gaining peace of mind.


It’s more like that companies should have a social media policy to protect their employees. Someone does something like this and they are permanently trespassed from the property.


I worked at a call center when I was a kid and always told them they could save the Christmas Bonuses and raises (they were insulting at best) and just give us one call… Just one call where the rules went out the window. Most people would have just lit up a problem customer and told them where to shove it, but the more creative folks amongst us could’ve had an absolute blast.


My old boss called it firing a customer.


I cannot imagine getting that bent over having to wait 2 minutes to get your order.


She spent more time throwing a tantrum than she would have waited for the cookies


Right, just pull over to the side! It doesn’t take that long.


Cookies from McDonald’s 😂 they are like $2


Imagine behaving this way and being like, "yep- I'm definitely posting this video because I've really represented myself in a glowing manner." 🤡😵 Like, the fact that this even happened is embarrassing. But if she hadn't posted it herself, it could have just remained a shameful secret.


Using the word “fresh” at a McDonald’s. ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


This bitch comes home with a box of Little Debbie’s like, the fresh pastries are here!!


It’s McDonald’s, there’s no chance they’re just constantly baking batches of cookies. That wouldn’t even make sense. Best case scenario it is pre-cut dough shipped from corporate going into a toaster oven, worst case they are just microwaving pre-baked cookies to warm them for you.


I went to the Popeyes near my house and at the time they were slammed with people in drive through and Uber eat drivers indoors trying to get the food. I got myself 3 apple pies. I waited awhile and I could see the employees were stressed out and busy so I just waited. Even made a couple of friends while waiting


Cookies from MCD? Are they that delicious to be vloging about?


This other person isn't wrong... But they're just frozen chocolate chip cookies. This lady is just complaining instead of going to the grocery store, grabbing a bucket of premade cookie dough and making them herself. She fucking called ahead? "Hey, I'm on my way to McD's, y'all better have FRESH cookies when I get there!" Fucking, you don't even do that to bakeries...


Because you are sane, and I'm assuming your head hasn't met your asshole yet.


Why wouldn’t she just turn and look at the lady while she was speaking? Fucking influencer clown.


That's what triggers me the most about this bitch. The audacity and cowardness to not even make eye contact. I would just close the window.


Don’t give this clown the time of day.


I'd refuse to engage with her until she turned her head to speak to me. Show some common decency.




Because she's a coward. Notice she turned immediately when they walked away. I can't even begin to express my hatred enough for people like her.


This had to look so strange from the manager’s point of view.


She's an influencer so there's nothing she loves more than herself. Hence why she's gotta look at herself in her camera the entire time she's acting like an idiot


This is what privilege looks like when the privileged don't get their way


Man I don't know how that Mcdonalds place is gonna have any business after all her fans see this video


"Oh no, come back..."


How dare those workers not be psychically aware of what I want!


All this for less than $2


[I want my 2 dollars](https://youtu.be/6z9Cg46Nktw)




I'm convinced that people who call themselves "influencers" are the dumbest people on the planet


What amazes me more, how does she make a living on this; who in their right mind followed this bitch and what company would have her advertise for them. It’s almost like some deep state McD ad where we’re supposed to make a pity purchase.


"Influencer" just sounds so much more respectable that "unemployed attention whore"


It’s the cringiest cringe I’ve ever heard, I don’t think most even know the meaning of the word influence


Imagine being that fucking unbearable.


Imagine being influenced by this asshole


How the fuck is SHE an influencer?


Because her followers are even stupider and more unbearable than her. The manager should have tossed her a full drink without a lid and walked out.


She ain’t an influencer. She has 17 people who liked her page and 32 followers. She’s a fucking nobody. And judging by her behavior, always will be.


It's from 2015, she lost her following because of this video


Man, makes me wish there was a database that had a record of her follower count. It would have been hilarious to watch her status as an "influencer" evaporate post mortam.


Oh I'm happy to hear justice has already been served.


Good. Hope her ass works a job that has taught her empathy for employees at places like McDonalds. Fucking off brand Keebler elf lookin hoe.


Seriously, what kind of a moron follows this insufferable wench


Nobody. This video is old. Last time someone posted her Facebook page and I looked it up. She has lupus and is looking rough with like 15 followers.


I’m sad for the lupus


Damn, never thought I'd be rooting for lupus, yet, here we are.




You think to can place orders in advance at fast food places and whenever you arrive your fresh order will be waiting? What an entitled bitch!


None of them do that. Like if you order on the app in advance for any place I’m aware of that is fast food, they won’t start making it until you get there. It makes sense. Too easy for a person to complain everything is cold or ice is melted if they take too long to get there.


Love when the order pops up on our screen showing that they are here, make the order, and they haven't even pulled into the parking lot yet. Some people just go ahead and press the "I'm here" button so that it's ready when they get to the store. Yeah, it's our fault your fries are cold. Definitely not because it took you 20 minutes to get here after saying you were here.


Imagine being in her family and having to deal with that at Thanksgiving.


“You knew I was comin’, why that turkey ain’t ready yet? Fuck y’all, I’m leaving.”




Stupid chocolate chip cookie looking bitch, she should make her own damn cookies


Had to scroll way to much to find this lol!


What a loser. With everything going on in the world, this PoS is complaining about having to wait two more minutes for fucking COOKIES! She should be grateful she doesn’t have to protect her family from missiles like they have to in Ukraine! Fuckin COOKIES!


2 minutes for 'fresh' cookies. Because she's too good for the ones that were baked an hour ago. And here I am feeling bad the one time I asked for unsalted fries (due to blood pressure issues).


Does she really think they’re going to just keep baking cookies all day long and throw out the ones that have cooled without being purchased? They’d have to have a fresh batch coming out every 10 minutes all day long, and even then couldn’t guarantee “fresh” cookies for everyone who comes there.


Who the fuck calls ahead to McDonalds to have them bake “fresh” cookies??


As the manager, I wouldn't even acknowledge that request. You can come and order cookies and I'll give you what's made. It's freaking McDonald's. They have food to make and customers to serve. These people can bake their fresh cookies at home or go to a bakery, not a McDonald's.


Fucking first-world problems.


I LITERALLY called, not figuratively or hypothetically


I like that she calls a fast food place. Stupid bitch.


This is old. Nowadays she looks like skeletor. She got her karma back and then some.


She look like a chocolate chip Cookie 🍪


I thought they just threw hot ones at her last time to get her to shut up


“I don’t want ya cookies” that’s why I’m here kicking off about you not having them


I don't understand how these people dare to do this. If I ever flip out at staff, I'll never eat at that establishment ever again. If they recognize you who knows what they put in the food... Of course, I never flip out so there's no need, but that's pretty impossible for people like her.


Entitled, foolish, selfish and lazy. If “They don’t have your fresh cookies,” make them your damn self. This is the type of woman that will burn a dudes clothes cus he said hello to the waitress. The type of woman that calls a man weak but she has no discernible skill but to run her fucking mouth and be a victim when called on it.


she looks like she took an airsoft firing squad to the face


Oh good lord KAREN, just stop with these bloggers and influencers already.


What a hero I can’t imagine throwing a tantrum over any cookie, let alone a McDonalds cookie. And what’s your time worth, she’s yelling like that over maybe $2? Where’s my money!


Unbelievable, McTwat


Influencer, seriously


That was in 2015 and she still hasn't got her cookies.


So many things wrong with this : but let’s start with - why are you getting cookies from McDonals out of all places ?


What a dip shit


Stupid c#nt! Cookies? Getting that upset over cookies? Then making a video of your Karen meltdown. 🤤🤡 Wish I was the one serving you, you'd have them cookies spit at you!


That manager looks hella fine, it's the blogger that looks like a stained dishrag


This is some cringe shit. A meltdown over a ~$2 cookie. Jesus we need a purge..


Does this asshole think she's making THEM look bad?!?


This lady is trash.


Is that shit on her face?