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Never heard of this ship before.


Righttttttt! honestly OP, i do not think this is a real ship in the FT community. like at all...


I believe it, I mean people in the MHA fandom ship deku and some little girl younger than Wendy Naruto and his mom (weird hentai people do this one for some reason) There are lots of weird ships😭😭


Hate the internet for this reason


Yea but isn't Deku also like 15 or something?


So? Eri is a fucking 7 year old.




I think this video is what you might call a reach. But most importantly... that voice for her is awful


Oof, you haven’t gone far enough down the rabbit hole yet then, this was a big thing for awhile, slightly weird honestly.


I remember ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) But they got a cute sibling relation


Back in the day I remember some people shipping this. It was weird af lol


I have, unfortunately...


Lucy with sting and rouge she's never spoken to eather of them


I never understood the sting and Lucy ship like the only thing they have in common in blonde hair so why??


Lucy is shipped with everyone because she's so incredibly popular


Never seen that ship but sounds like another Miraxus. No chemistry, minimal contact


First major moment between the two of them I remember was her begging him to return from his mission to help protect the guild and Lucy during the Phantom incident. He acted like a scum bag and said sure if Lucy agrees to be his woman which caused Mira to break the crystal she was using and curse him out thinking how could someone like that be in the guild. That interaction definitely struck a chord with fans of more toxic ships. Later on the two of them where some of the only two major characters that didn’t have a major love interest and where often paired up in groups due to them being S rank members. And Laxus had started becoming a decent guy by that point so many people probably started to pair them because of that too.


Yeah. And that's one of their few interactions. I respect people who ship Miraxus. But with such lacking chemistry, I just can't see it myself 


When Mira, Natsu, Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Pantherlily went to rescue Lucy and Yukino during the GMG, Mira was fighting one of the hungry wolf knights and she told her that "her lightning (because she used paper) was nothing compared to Laxus' lightning". Lol. (A huge compliment for him tbh.)


I mean there is the potential for good intentions since Lucy's ancestor brought them to this time period but mashima doesn't seem interested in exploring it


I wish he would explore that for sure. But, like you, I just don't see much to ship them on since, as you said, they barely interact 


Plus sting respects natsu to much to steal his girl lol




On top of that Natsu would just bitch his ass again


I saw a picture of sting hitting on lucy during the gmg and natsu was pissed I kind of wish that happened


they just look good


Lucy is way out of their league


That’s true with rogue (that is if we exclude future rogue) now with sting she has had interactions BUT they were very limited and not at all romantic plus rogue is pretty much implied to end up with yukino as he is a bit protective over her in that episode were sing rogue and yukino are following frosh (and even that episode is a filler from the manga fairy tail S). But it is also shown in 100yq (in one of the new chapters), it’s kinda showing how natsu is with Lucy in volume 1 of 100yq.


Who TF shipped these two ?!!


A fucking madman, that’s who.




Do you have a spare? I need to spray some psychos.


More than anti-horny, you'd need anti-degenerate spray


2 questions, where and how much


Like me XD


No I didn't, blame the unhappy guy


I would laugh at the coincidence here if the place I was at wasn’t so goddamn sad


Probably someone who thought Natsu was around 15 or 16, and got the wrong idea from opening 6. When they first met, Natsu was 18, and Wendy was 12.


WHO in the world even imagined those 2 together!!!?


Ngl when i was younger i genuinely thought they looked cute together and nowadays it's still one of my fav crack ships. https://i.redd.it/cte4twhf5v4d1.gif


Me, with Natsu x Erza in the top spot followed by Natsu x Lucy. Why? Cause it would be fucking adorable.




I stated why already


I mean yea but why do you think it's cute for natsu to be a pedophile


Cause he isnt Lmao Cause neither he nor Wendy are real Cause there is no Pedophilia here Cause no one is getting hurt and finally Cause its cute


Ok so, regardless of them being real or not fictional pedophilia is still pedophilia and even if nobody real is being hurt that doesn't change the fact that if a adult has romantic interest in a child that is pedophilia and regardless of weather is it real or fictional pedophilia niether is should be considered cute dawg because that kind of relationship is child abuse and I don't see how you would be expected to like nasty as a protagonist IF HE ABYSED KIDS


Why tf would it be adorable?!


Cause Wendy is adorable and I am fond of ships that start off Brother-sister like but deepens into lover later on in life


I mean I guess brother and sister like if they were like a year apart...Wendy and natsu are...not


Miraxus. I respect people who ship it. But there's 0 chemistry, they barely even talk in the series.  But if people are shipping Natsu and Wendy... dear God please no


Same, I dislike every Laxus ship, he acts like a big bro with literally everyone. I know that haters are gonna hate and rage-downvote me down to hell but I really hope that Mashima leaves him alone and not put him a non-sense relationship just to please the fandom 🥲 Edit: typo


If he were to put him in a relationship, there'd have to be genuine development on Laxus' side. The two biggest ships are Freed or Kiria, but those are one-sided feelings. Laxus has been kind to both. But that's it. 


I AGREE I’ve always thought Mira and Laxus was kinda weird bc they hardly interact, if anybody Fried should get to have him 🤣


Lucy and Laxus


The blonde babies would be beautiful tho


The heartfilia genes are pretty dominant


Have you seen Laxus's, Ivan's, Makarov's, and Yuri's eyelashes?


and eyebrows lol




In a way I could see it. Laxuas had a thing for Lucy back in the start of the series. Lucy on the other hand not so much. Lol


He refused to help when phantom lord was after her


He did say he’d help if she became his girlfriend 💀


Isn't he a bit to old for her


I wasn’t even thinking about the ages, just the fact he was being such a slime ball. At the start Lucy is 17 and he’s 23 so yeah she’s not even an adult yet.


Did they talk at all prior to 100 year quest


Do they talk ever in the main series genuinely


Generally, the main problem that many ships have is the issue of roles. Age is also relevant, but generally it's the roles. I cannot ship two people who have a mother-son or father-daughter role. I can't. Or also two people with the role of big brother-little sister, as would be the case of Natsu and Wendy, or the role of big sister-little brother, as would be the case of Natsu and Erza (up to a point). Anyway, I generally respect all ships even if they are cringey, because they are still fiction.


I think the thing about shipping characters like that who have such roles is that one character may not see it that way. For instance let’s use Natsu and Erza as an example. Pretend the story was written where he has feelings for Erza but she’s sees them as siblings. Does that change the dynamic between them? It does and there is always a chance her feelings could change with time. But people will continue to use the sibling argument against the ship. So I don’t think it should matter unless the characters in question are actually related.


>Pretend the story was written where he has feelings for Erza but she’s sees them as siblings. Does that change the dynamic between them? It does and there is always a chance her feelings could change with time< I can't comment on that because it's hypothetical, because that would be another story and not Fairy Tail. Anyway, people often ship when the characters have not shown anything regarding something romantic and they create the ship in their mind based on nothing or one or two scenes together where the two characters only said "hello" and "pass me the salt".


I just wrote that as an example of how shipping characters that people say are “they are like a bro/sis to the other” and other family dynamic ships are not as cute as and dry as that.


I know I know you're right, sometimes we (readers) apply the roles and the mangaka doesn't🙅


I know I know you're right, sometimes we (readers) apply the roles and the mangaka doesn't🙅


I will further this and say that ships like Fraxus and Gruvia are also bad because of the unreciprocated and obsessive affection. We see Gray actually cares about Juvia, but their dynamic is so skewed that it feels imbalanced.


...nah Gruvia is awesome remember when they both killed themselves to stop from hurting one another that's not imbalanced


Gray is just tsundere and Juvia is yandere


That perfectly describes them both


Freed doesn't really do that though I mean yea he obviously wants laxus but its fine to have a one sided crush he never crosses any boundaries or anything


Shipping in general


All the dragon slayers are basically siblings in my eyes, so no need to go there. Trying to think of one that is popular though, MiraXLaxus - they just never really do things together or even talk, possibly the only reason I think people ship it is because they just happen to be the two strong major characters without on-screen clear romance.


About mirajane and Laxus, Argument I’ve heard is basically friends with benefits, they don’t necessarily have feelings for each other but they use each other basically.


Mirajane and Laxus.


I don’t hate on this one, but the only actual interaction we’ve seen between them is Mirajane getting pissed at Laxus for not participating in the war with Phantom Lord. I just don’t get it either.


They’ve had a lot of other moments. Albeit small, she basically seemed to be the only one who thought Laxus could step up and eventually lead Fairy Tail so that helped create the ship


Do they have "a lot" of other moments? How often do they even talk?


I mean in comparison to a lot of the other ships I see, yeah. Especially in filler arcs in the anime and the one off ovas. There interactions are always like 10 seconds or so or when they’re on Fairy Tail team B together, but like there’s enough of them that I understand the ship


Perhaps it's a ship born from that material. But I've just never got the impression there was much of anything between them


Because she's single and Laxus is available so people ship them even Mashima made fun of that ship and hinting him with Kyria is not enough.


I mean he doesn’t really help himself by making covers of these two


Some of those could just be Mashima trolling the Miraxus shippers. In the one where they are dancing together, Laxus looks more annoyed than anything. Even then, two people don't have to be romantically interested in each other to want to dance together. It could just be platonic as two friends dancing. It's not the first time he has done a bit of trolling to the Miraxus shippers. In one of the video games (which Mashima has contributed to some of them), there's a somewhat meta line in it where Mira wonders why people keep shipping her and Laxus together.


Believe me, I don't see Miraxus as realistic. But I don't think Mashima's making fun of them. He just likes to do things fans like for fun. 


It probably is just him doing it for fun. Many people point to that drawing he did of what Mira and Laxus' kid would look like as evidence, but the key context that is often left out is that it was done as a fan request. He often does drawings of various things like "what-ifs" that fans request and posts it on his social media just for fun.


Yup. But that's why I also don't think he'd make fun of it. Mashima does what he wants. But he's usually, seemingly respectful of the fans. 


Pretty much this. They were the only prominent characters in the Fairy Tail that hadn't been paired up with someone yet, and since they are both S-class and had interacted a few times, by process of elimination that must mean the story is building up to them being a couple in the eyes of the shippers. Even if there were a scene where Mira notices Kiria has a crush on Laxus and starts teasing them saying she thinks they would make a cute couple, people would probably still think Mira is romantically intreated in Laxus and that they are going to become a couple.


Mashima doesn't seem to make fun of it. He has fun with it seemingly, since he's drawn it before. 


He did made fun of it in final chapter of Fairy Tail.


Sorta. But it's moreso just Lucy joking about who Laxus could end up with. 


That's how writer make fun of these things.


I guess so. But I don't know if it was to poke fun, or simply just show that Laxus was available and kinda say that he's not really paired with anyone 


Cana x Laxus was kind of random. There's also Freed and Mirajane


That is a brother sister relationship if I had ever seen one. And I have four sisters


This one, Dorendy (Unless you're aging up Wendy by a lot, it's illegal, and creepy as hell.), Bixanna (Who the hell thought of that one?).


Glad to see someone mention Bixanna. I was thinking of it a few weeks ago


I will admit my own failings in the past. I did ship Dorendy, but I was in high school(like I was literally 14). It didn’t realize how wrong it was until I was in late high school. Sad to say, I even wrote a fanfic, but I aged her up, a lot. I no longer ship them, but I like to use a brother/sister dynamic.


I honestly think a brother/sister dynamic is the best way to write their relationship in fan content. Nothing romantic, 100% platonic, and have him act like an over protective older brother. I really think that’s how they should’ve done in the actual manga/anime.


That’s exactly how I write Mest in my fanfics currently. Over protective. But I gave him more depth too


https://preview.redd.it/t6c2l2fzew4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537c44dc6d1da01ff20e43f753d2c99eead85cf5 This is the only response to people shipping Natsu and Wendy


Same, I guess it’s because they are dragon slayers


Laxus and Mira.


I don't like Gray x Juvia Simply because I myself like Gray a lot but Juvia is just an obsessive creep and absolutely nothing in the anime (at least for me) pointed at Gray reciprocating in any way. It's probably canon but won't stop me from disliking it. Or her, for that matter.


Miraxus they barely talk


![gif](giphy|Z4b8I5fvk3K1rXwTH9|downsized) Me to whoever ships them


Mirajane x Laxus. Like seriously what? Have they had any wholesome interaction?


Wendy with anyone. MAYBE, and I emphasize maybe cuz not everyone neeeds a ship, MAYBE Romeo. But leave that girl alone she does not need anyone, ESPECIALLY a man


There is a new character that is introduced later in 100 Year Quest that ends up having a massive crush on her. They're about the same age as Wendy, so at least it's not an adult. It remains to be seen if it will actually go anywhere though or if it was mostly just a gag.


If they end up together tasers and gunshots will not stop me I am beating the fuck out of Mashima lmao


pretty sure it's just a gag & certainly one sided on the boy's part


Natsu and Lucy for me. That’s a really hot take I know that, but even when I was younger reading the manga I just never saw them as ever being possible, way to different of people (I get the whole opposites attract and all but I don’t know) this is just something I carried from childhood, like I accept it, I just personally don’t get it (and before it’s said, nah I’m not Natsu Erza either, not really sure who I liked growing up, maybe it’s time for a reread or rewatch?)


Fair but I disagree that they are way too different as people.  Natsu and Lucy are very different people in many ways, but they share core traits that drive them.  Both love adventure and being in Fairy Tail. Both are extremely devoted to their friends and loyal to a fault. 


Also fair those are some good points!


Laxus and Mira. They have nothing.


Laxus X Mira


Laxus and Mira.


Laxus and Mira.


They can only be brother and sister nothing else in my opinion


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Apprehensive-Cow3848: *They can only be* *Brother and sister nothing* *Else in my opinion* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Almost everything that comes out of the mha Fandom "shivers"


An adorable sibling dynamic is what it is, but anyone shipping those two romantically got some issues


Lucy with Gajeel. Like I don’t get why do people even ship these two. Are they forgetting how Gajeel beat her to an inch of her life during the Phantom Lord war all for fun and didn’t even show any remorse after joining Fairy Tail?


Thats not a ship, that's a perversion 


I know this is a landmine but Natsu and Lucy.


Honestly Mira x Laxus, we almost never see them interact and yet they're one of the most recognizable ships for FT. I could get behind if it we got a filler chapter dedicated to them and see how they've interacted behind the scenes but honestly I just have a hard time seeing how they fit. Even at the end of the anime Lucy said that there's nothing between them but a rumor.


I’ve never understood the appeal of elfman and evergreen


Ok some of you animals have never heard of younger siblings so let me start by saying she’s the younger sister of fairy tail as a whole this is the first and ffs I hope the last time I see any mention of this ship cause yall just crossing lines for nothing at this point


Ivan x anyone, yet he had a kid....


I have to wonder what laxus's mom was going through ta have a kid with THAT




I’m stealing this one


Sure thing, I hereby give you permission https://preview.redd.it/g16hb7j0yx4d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f30428aa100c9c7d42d57e0590a0583d5c3cc5


https://preview.redd.it/j1qca66hdw4d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff58331fe9bd7270016e495b34b65cb3f7c7435e THAT’S A KID WHAT THE FUCK


I gagged when I saw this image. Who tf is shipping them?????


Why are you gagging? The image isn’t showing anything bad


>  The image isn’t showing anything bad In context it is. Wendy is probably like 15 now and Natsu's in his 20s. 


I forgot what was the context? Don’t they have a brother sister relationship?


I meant the context of the post. Because it means it'd be shipping an adult with a kid. 


Just the idea of someone shipping Natsu and Wendy is gross to me. It was hyperbole for dramatic effect.


RoWendy. Other than being youngest members of guild and both idolising Natsu as big brother. There not much going on. And I’m of those people who actually ship Romeo x Wendy.


Wendy and any 18 or older character cause wth.....


I don’t fucking understand ErzaxJellal, like I know that Jellal wasn’t really the one who did anything to Erza, but the person who did still wore his face, and that imo should stop Erza from having romantic feelings for him, just doesn’t make sense


The thing is, Erza knew from the beginning he was "posessed," and wanted to see him return to how he was. So when he's back to who he was, Erza wants to be there for him. 


I'm sure she does but that wouldent erase all the years of trauma. I know he didn't really do anything I she still cares for him deeply but be fr she got over it way to fast


I guess so. But maybe it's also the fact that she saw that this person whom she wanted to see be good again was remorseful, even as he regained his memory. 


As a familial relationship, right? AS A FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIP, RIGHT!?


Wait people ship these two?, first I've heard of it


They're more like siblings than anything


Ayoo those are siblings


Nah I don’t see this ship pop up like at all. Most people view them as siblings or friends so I don’t think there are many that ship them romantically.


Only ship they have is a brother / sister ship.


This ship makes no sense cause they are so obviously brother and sister like stfu


This is valid There is genuinely nothing to indicate them ever getting into a relationship They’re close siblings at most


i also don't understand Gajeel x levy ship...i ship lucy and juvia with gajeel but i don't like levy!!


Nastu x erza it's fine if other like it I just see erza as a mother / older sister to him


That’s more of older brother little sister


To those doubting if this is real, this sadly is a real ship because the obsessed shippers have possibly never heard of the idea that one character and a slightly younger or older character can have a wholesome sibling relationship. It gets weirder when those shippers replace original Wendy with Edolas Wendy


mira and laxus do not see the appeal and i think if freed was a girl a lot of people would ship him and laxus but they dont. so :/


No, just no. Wendy is a little girl. No one should ship her. Alternate Wendy yes, our Wendy no. My favorite ship is Gajeel and Levy.


Levy and gajeel. I get he changed but in real life a relationship starting with physical assault is bad


I can kinda see the dynamic that people may like with this ship, but Wendy is too young for it to work. Maybe if she was a couple years older than it may work but now it's just creepy


love wendy so much


Gajeel and Levy. You all know why. No explanation needed.




Pedophilic mental refugees


None of them. Every Fairy Tail ship is utter garbage, MAYBE with exception of Nalu. MAYBE.


The only thing I've ever wondered about this ship is how powerful a kid would be that they have. Fire and Air dragon slayer. Air does make more intense flames and being able to use magic that can boost power would also be interesting. Healing Magic. But that's about it.


That’s not how magic works. This isn’t Black Clover. It’s not hereditary what kind of magic you use. 


Kinda is. Someone can be born with a lot of magic. Just he up to the parents to teach them their magic