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I used to suspect Erza, but given her childhood she might just be socially awkward.


Erza is commonly used in a "bicurious" way for OVAs and spin offs because she is popular and has successful fanservice. In canon she's just airheaded and totally ''Jellalsexual''.


Yeah, the first time I saw her grope Lucy I thought she may be into girls. But now that I know her personality better, I can see those moments are just throw away gags.


Early 100 year quest when elfesaria complained about how there wasn't enough cute girls as wizards and erza agreed with him Erm...


I'd ship Erza and Cana


Erza clearly has feelings for jellal -_-, isn't that obvious? Or is it that you just like to pretend that every anime character is gay ?


You understand gay isn't the only other sexuality?


I'm not talking about other characters, I'm talking about Erza specifically. She loves Jellal and that's the bottom line , end of discussion


She does, congrats. Literally no one said she didn't But the original person also didn't assume that she was gay


Sir, this is not a good reaction.


Except I didn’t say she was gay, I said I thought she might be bisexual. Which doesn’t exclude her feelings for Jellal.


Regardless of what you said, I'd really appreciate it if we stop posting about sexuality topics. I love this subreddit and I've already been a member of several anime subreddits that crumbled because of such sensitive topics and ship wars, My hero academia is a primary example of what I'm saying


It seems like sexuality is just a part of this subreddit tbh you can't have fairy tail Reddit without... Sexual preferences...


I’ll drink to that.


Homie you can like men while not being straight😭😭


I don’t think it’s confirmed Cana is bisexual, you see her more times wanting a boyfriend specifically, saying “rainy days are best spent with your boyfriend”, but never “girlfriend” or “lover”. There’s the time she took Lucy’s date when she flaked on him. She once had a crush on Macao when they were drinking buddies, he got her to drink less until he got a girlfriend which led Cana to drink more than usual.


The thing with bisexuality is that it's often not an equal 50/50 split between liking men and women like most people probably picture it as. Usually, they lean more towards one over the other. A bisexual could love most men but only certain types of women, or vice-versa, love most women but only certain types of men. It comes down to preferences. While Cana probably leans more towards liking men, she might only find certain types of girls attractive.


So nothing is confirmed with her then, correct? People are just assigning her a label because that’s what they want her to be?


It's funny because very few characters are outright confirmed to be straight so if it's a stretch to assume a character is bisexual then it's also the same for assuming they're straight.


So in that case, don’t just assume. It’s not that complicated. I’m unsure what you’re confused about. Inferring levy and gajeel are straight makes sense. We’ve only seen them with the opposite gender and have seen 0 indication they’re into something else. We’ve only seen Erza indicate romantic feelings for Jellal. We’ve only seen indications that Freed is into Laxus. We’ve only seen indications Juvia being into Gray. We have seen 0 indication of Cana being attracted to women. She has only been seen actually flirting with men. You can make inferences based on what the characters have done. If you want to headcannon she’s bisexual, that’s fine, but that’s all it is. But there’s literally 0 indication for that.


Dude said don't assume then immediately assumed a bunch of characters were straight. But like I said my comment was just something I thought was funny I'm not debating this topic. Also want to say that only being seen in relationship with the opposite sex doesn't disprove someone being bisexual. Bisexuals are fine with both and can prefer one over the other it's not as simple as you make it seem.


>Also want to say that only being seen in relationship with the opposite sex doesn't disprove someone being bisexual. And this would hold true for real life interaction with people you don't know at a deeper level. Characters that are illustrated by an artist are completely different, their whole story is shown to us and if they are not shown doing/feeling something or someway, it means their illustrator did not have that characteristic in mind for this character when making them. Meaning it's safe to assume they aren't what their illustrator/author hasn't made them out to be. I am not going to assume Natsu secretly reads yaoi fan fics of gray just because he hasn't been shown to NOT do it. You don't prove something with assumptions, you do it with irrefutable proof.


Do you people get it now? This is not a position anyone here can argue because from my perspective there is no answer so unless you idiots want to stop responding with the same evidence as the people your arguing against while acting as if your evidence is better then stop.


>so unless you idiots want to stop responding with the same evidence as the people your arguing against while acting as if your evidence is better then stop. Calling someone an idiot while failing to sound smart with the usage of a wrong analogy is funny and sad at the same time. If only you were as correct about your argument as you are passionate about it, we would all be having a good time here rather than systemically dismantling you like the dimwit you are.


There are a lot of goofies who can't read here. For the last time I haven't and am not making claims about any character's sexuality so coming here trying to debunk something I haven't said is a pointless endeavor like Todoroki without flames. My one and only claim is that the character's sexuality is similar to Schrödinger’s Cat. Since the "cat" is inside a box and can't be properly observed any hypothesis about what happened to it is equally plausible and implausible. You guys give your reasons for why she's straight and to me it holds as much weight as the others saying the opposite.


>My one and only claim is that the character's sexuality is similar to Schrödinger’s Cat That's a terrible analogy. In the Schrödinger's cat experiment/hypothesis, you get no information on the well being of the cat inside the box. We aren't told if the cat is being fed, how long it has been trapped and if it's being taken care of in any way because if that information was available, there would be an answer to the question of whether the cat is alive or not. Using your analogy, the character being illustrated is the cat, the author is Schrödinger, the character's sexuality is the question. However the difference is the author is actually giving us all the answers by showing us( in the case of Cana) we are being shown she takes interest in men through various instances and none whatsoever for the opposite. Schrödinger's Cat is an unanswerable question not because it's actually impossible to give an answer to the Cat's status in a general situation but because we don't actually know the treatment the cat undergoes while within the box or the period of time the cat is in the box. That unanswerable question stops being unanswerable when the author is actually showing us all the answers.




No, but every single inference I made was based on what we have seen. Your headcannon is based on what you want it to be. There’s no reason to debate this because you’re just making things up in your head


You're not reading or thinking. My only point was that it is extremely rare for characters to be explicitly stated to be straight so claims either way are equally plausible. I haven't made any claims about their sexuality and was just trying to express the thought that since it's never explicitly stated their sexuality is essentially in a superposition.


Cana has been actively shown to have interest in men. Besides the examples mentioned above, hibiki asked her out during the grand magic games and she showed willingness to it. When has she ever shown interest in a woman? If I see a female character be illustrated as showing interest in men on more than one occasion but never showing an interest in women, I am going to call her straight. Anything else is headcannon (keep in mind I said a character and not a person). Otherwise if we go with the round about approach that you have mentioned, freaking married characters from other series like Goku or Naruto would even be questionable since it's never out right denied they don't have an interest in men.


That would still leave her being bisexual rather ambiguous and unconfirmed. Cana is someone who likes to tease others for her amusement, like when she forced Wendy into different outfits, including an S&M one. Taking Wendy to meets fans but purposely not telling her, which only made the girl nervous. Or even teasing other people’s crushes. So you can’t narrow down her behaviour as bisexual because she generally has no shame or filter and overly casual towards anyone.


This argument is stupid. You can't say she's bisexual. This is a character. Not a real life person. If the author intended her to be bisexual it would have been at least alluded to. Not explicitly show her flirting with dudes. This is so dumb.


I agree that she's not bisexual because you see all the time people acting in such ways that Cana does towards friends. Just because she is comfortable enough with her sexuality to harass her friends doesn't mean she's bisexual




She’s drunk hence not in her right mind, especially for confusing Lucy for Wendy. Plus, Cana is just overly casual with everyone, overly intrusive, loves teasing others with no shame even when she should be, like wearing only a bra everywhere she goes. Excessive drinking. Wearing underwear at a resort. She once got Wendy to wear an S&M outfit just for giggles. Cana has no filter, as if acting like rebel for attention.


Cana's default state *is* drunk though.


Cana has no filter, as if acting like rebel for attention. With her dad being who he is...


https://preview.redd.it/zfqb4ho45n5d1.png?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360ad21e925373d40d9411e3aea07438c1c4c762 And what about this...? I don't remember her being drunk here.


If grabbing ones boobs means bisexual then by that logic Erza should have romantic feelings for Natsu and Grey because she baths naked with them.


It's not really the same, since it's apparent that the reason Erza is like that is because she sees them as sibling and doesn't sexualize them or nudity in general.


Exactly. Cana is actively being sexual here the whole point of erza is that she is completely unaware to the sexual context that the others would find obvious it's part of the joke


I don’t exactly know which chapter that is to get the full context. But she knows Juvia is adamantly crazy for Gray, so it seems rhetorical and more teasing while knowing it wasn’t going anywhere between her and Juvia.


Female sexuality is just different in Japan.


? Cana didn't confuse Lucy for Wendy lol. She points out Wendy who's in the background and asks if she's gotten a growth spurt. Then her dialogue to Lucy says she misses her melons. We know Cana doesn't get drunk easily and she's more-so just laid back in general. Cana has quite a lot of bisexual-coded things, I wouldn't brush this off as just "not in her right mind".


I might’ve confused the writing because I didn’t zoom in, my bad. But she’s still drunk as heck. Being coded doesn’t guarantee a person is that. That’s like saying an effeminate guy is gay, maybe some but not definitely. Like I said, she’s stated to want a boyfriend numerous times, why wouldn’t she ever say girlfriend or partner if she were bi? Has stated to have had a boyfriend prior and had urges for another before taking Lucy’s date.


It wouldn't be explicitly stated because Japan has issues with this (just like how they have problems with sexism). This is why things have to be *implied* and can't be confirmed completely. Look at Fried, he is definitely not straight yet he has never been confirmed to be gay within the show despite the show HEAVILY hinting towards it. It's really not fair to brush off the moments Cana has and not even consider her as bisexual when there are some implications.


I don’t know if that comparison works because Fried is not only a Laxus simp, but also pretended to be distracted by bikini women, confirming he wasn’t into it and even Bickslow saw through it. There’s also side story chapter showing Fried bought a magazine projecting hologram of the Blue Pegasus guys fully nude while enjoying the show. Plus, there’s the time Seilah and Kyoka got intimately close that it showed Seilah naked under the sheets. If it ever shows Cana in similar situations, I’ll believe she’s bi. I don’t think it’s a big of a deal as it seems when there’s characters like these, especially when there’s a ton of gay and Yuri content in Japan. Maybe even in some harem series.


In fact, it doesn’t matter much what Japan thinks as it more so depends on the age of audience and the time it shows. Most of the lip contact between boy and girl in the manga are omitted in the anime, with off screen or far as shots. Even in Pokémon when one of girls kisses Ash, they could only show the feet to suggest a kiss becomes that’s the most they were able to do for the show’s younger target audience.


she has touched lucy's boobs at least twice, and once asked juvia if she wanted to flirt with her.


Cana has always been the overly casual and less formal type, hence why she’s always half naked and over drinks, she just likes to tease everyone around her. She knows Juvia is crazy for Gray and not into girls, so that felt more rhetorical. It’s also a common gimmick in anime where girls constantly grope each other despite not being gay in any sense, just pure, comedic fan service.


Freed, Kyooka and Seylah. Edit.: Maybe Blue Pegasus master, Bob.


There is no straight explanation for Freed, but I would find it absolutely hilarious if Bob was straight.


Bob could just like doing drag. There are straight people that like drag too. In 100 Years Quest, we see a flashback to something that happens when Makarov was younger, and in it we see a younger Bob. He looked way different back then (the years were not kind to him), and he was not acting the way he does now. Looking at younger Bob, you'd never guess that was him if the name card didn't have his name. How we usually see him acting could just be him when he's in his drag persona, like how a lot of people that do drag have personas for when they are on stage.


Exactly. This guy gets it


You are correct and I am not diminishing the concept of straight guys enjoying drag… that being said it would be hilarious if Bob was straight.


I'm more curious to see how people are going to react to young Bob when he shows up in the 100 Year Quest anime. That's going to come as a shock to many. How does he go from looking like Sebastian from Black Butler to what he looks like now?


It’s not the first time he is shown when he is younger though. His younger look was shown in the lullaby arc to that one guy when he said he used to look exactly like him and it showed a picture.


Doesn’t he comment on the new members (ie Lucy) during that Guild masters meeting in the beginning of the show?


What about ichiya when rogue was looking for frosch in that one episode


Ichiya found the true love in 100YQ.


I have not read it but that's nice


Kyoka and Seilah from Tartaros did have sex together, so that's that


Maybe Dimaria, she was *really* pissed at Lucy for "taking" Brandish away.


I always got a gay/bi vibe from Brandish myself, Dimaria is definitely gay for Brandish to the point of obsession and loves shredding the ladies' clothing


Here's the thing there's no proof that Cana is bisexual just because she grabs boobs of Lucy or Juvia to tease them. It's like saying Erza has romantic feelings towards Natsu and Gray because she baths with them.


Those are played to very different effect. Erza is more a familial tone. Cana is straight grabbin em


Yes grabbing to annoy them.


It's not really the same, cana is very obviously aware of the sexual tone of what she's doing the whole gag with erza is that she has no clue


Any female in the ovas. Jokes aside I have 2. Kagura and Freed


I don't believe Cana is Bisexual because she states a lot about how she doesn't have a boyfriend. Just because she's comfortable enough with her friends to harass them abit doesn't mean she's bi. People act like they swing the other way alot with their friends and it's not uncommon.


Since when was Cana bisexual? I thought she was just a perv. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don't waste your time trying to explain it to these kinds of people




This is an insane reaction to a post that is extremely tame for fairy tail reddit


Freed... Also ngl I always got the vibe erza and natsu where asexual. I know erza is sometimes portrayed sexually (for fanservice usually) but whenever she does its because she legit does not care or something that feels more like a fascination then actual sexual desire (i.e the bunny suits). Same with natsu.


Natsu is food sexual. His only love is a large burger




I can lightly agree with Natsu but i got to disagree about Ezra. She is definitely into Jellal


No I agree, asexual means no sexual attraction you can still feel romantically attracted to people. I think erza likes jellal romantically is all since anytime anything sexual happens around them she seems violently uncomfortable


I know asexual people can still be romantically attracted to people. But I still believe that she isn’t asexual. I feel like anyone would get uncomfortable or embarrassed if anything sexual happened with someone they liked or grew up with.


Well yea but overall she just doesn't seem to have any kind of sexual attraction or even awareness of sexual attraction. Like she's more or less oblivious to sexual undertones of her actions, which I interpret as her not understanding the feelings they might illicit in others because she doesn't feel them herself. She has never even had a crush before besides liking jellal and again that attraction feels very romantically based rather then sexual. Again this is all just my interpretation it's cool if you don't agree


I feel like I’m a lot of ways romantic interest and sexual attraction are connected. Usually if you are looking for a romantic partner you’re not using sex as your main reason for searching but for companionship of some kind. Now that’s not everyone’s feeling on the matter but I feel overall relationships aren’t mainly for sex in most relationships. I also feel like part of the reason their relationship doesn’t get very far is because of the fact that Jellal is a criminal technically and it could cause issues with going further with the relationship. Also yeah you’re all good as everyone interprets things differently.


Sugar Boy, Eclipse Cancer, those two women in that one dungeon place in Crocus, maybe Laxus, and unfortunately, Mest




Bro is drunk Tohru is lesbian, Cana is 100% hetero


Freid is definitely in love with Laxus. There’s no way he isn’t


I currently have a fever… I meant Freed not Freid SOBS


There was Gay Elvis (I mean with a name like Sugarboy he pretty much had to be) but he was filler


no, Kanna is beersexual




Also that weird day in the OVA when Gray was shown hugging Lyon while they were naked... (May be unrelated. I'm gonna be honest, I just never had any valid confirmation) There's sometimes moments that suddenly happen and seeming like they're only added for hype so I'm forced to say weird


That was Juvia imagining BL


There's two ways it goes: Her finding out and talks about it with him once to try to stop him from doing lewd things with a guy even while naked so she made the hug sound lovely but she probably would need to know what it is BUT GUESS WHY? It can identify if she either wants "kids" from him or not and her thoughts about it. But even though he lost his clothes he and it never seemed because he would get horny and he did hug in public openly with a guy while naked The other way around but it's not possible or is way too bad to be possible She does actually thinks about it daily or once in a while and be bad abt like masturbating. BL in that case is something that limits her possibility with staying with a guy even when she thinks about it that way, even him since he's a guy, so why if she's so in love with him and want to imagine in the middle? Doesn't make sense, she hardly seem to know what it is, and she's also female 3rd case based on the first one: She doesn't mind if it's a guy as it's a entirely different person and she can't get confused or she's probably relationship open about him with females in a way


Aside from Cana possibly being bi, I think the only other characters we can say with certainty are very likely LGBT would be Freed (gay), Kyoka and Sheilah (lesbians), and Bob (trans), though Bob might just like doing drag and isn't necessarily queer. Everyone else is either just fan speculation, head canon, or projecting. One that could potentially be LGBT is Milliana. In one of the manga volumes, her profile said something like she joined Mermaid Heel due to her love for Kagura. However, I would take that with a grain of salt. Mashima doesn't write those extra info things found in the early manga volumes, the editor does. In some cases, he doesn't even look at them, an example being the time when he was confused that fans were wishing Lucy a Happy Birthday on July 1 when he didn't remember ever revealing that to be her birthday. Turns out, the reason was because one of the manga volumes had listed her birthday as July 1, which Mashima didn't even know they had put there. I'd put Milliana in the "maybe" category. I remember once reading somewhere that cats are often associated with lesbian characters in Japan (or something along those lines, don't quote me), so Milliana being a cat lover could be a subtle/not so subtle hint. Another one that often gets throw around is Kagura. If you've only seen the anime, I can see why some would think that due to her kissing Erza, but the anime left out a pretty important scene that gives some context to why she kissed Erza. Prior to that, she had saved Jellal from drowning and had to give him CPR. Kagura could have felt guilty for stealing the first kiss from Jellal, even if it was to save him, so her kissing Erza was her way of making up for it by transferring that first kiss from Jellal to Erza. So in a way, it's like an indirect kiss from Jellal to Erza. At the very least, you could maybe say that Kagura is bi, since she has technically kissed both men (Jellal) and woman (Erza) in the series.


i thought tohru was straight up gay 🧐


Honestly the only attraction we've seen is towards Kobayashi which could just be a person specific thing. Idk if she's even gay. Like I've got no signs she's interested in anything if Kobayashi just was dead suddenly


Tohru is not bi. She is straight up into girls


Freed is definitely gay lol. I think a handful of guys have been shown to have some tendencies towards other guys.


Unlikely. It's a Japanese series, ergo, the characters involved are more socially conservative and have heteronormative orientations. Especially a Japanese series from the early 2000s. It's changing slowly, but asking an anime for queer rep is like praying to God to get rich. Unless you're Araki-sensei. JoJo's is surprisingly good at handling it.






Freed Canocially gay at this point




Freed is SOMETHING, I'm not even sure he realizes it


He DEFINITELY realizes it; look at the little mini arc about Jenny's nude photoshoot, that the rest of Blue Pegasus joins in because in spite of whatever else could be said about them, they were all down to support her for something she wasn't very comfortable with. Freed was shown at the end happily admiring the guy's group centerfold.


God bless freed for being so obviously gay not even the most homophobic of fairy tail fans could deny it anymore


I thought Tohru was strictly gay.


Freed is bi 100%


I always got like OTP vibes from Lucy and Levy! They are so close and loving with each other and Levy says she wants to see Lucy’s butt when they first met lol




I thought tohru was gay?


When was Toru confirmed Bi?


If we’re not strictly talking about bisexual, Kyoka and the other girl from Tartaros had a relationship.


Bruh she's not bisexual. She didn't really show any romantic interest in anyone as far as I remember. I don't care if people project their head cannon on characters. That's fine but don't expect others to agree.




Since when is Cana bi


When did Cana become bi


The dragon girl is lesbian, given that she's only into the MC.


she would probably still be into the mc is she was a guy tho


Correction, the MC and another female dragon.


Forreal tho Cana really do be flirting with girls, and groping


I'm probably going to get roasted here, but Wendy and Chelia look like a couple to me.




Toru isn't bi, she's full lesbian and into no one but Kobayashi.


watchout with the b-word. the internet likes to pretend that bisexuals don't exist. I wouldn't be surprised if half the fairy tail fandom thinks kana as just a lesbian.


Sting is gay 


Didn't kagura give Erza a frenchie?


Because she kissed Jellal, in her reasoning she did as an apology not because she was into Erza.


I would accept it as somehow showing she was chill with kissing another woman, but it really did come across to me as purely fanservice but with a convoluted explanation.


She kissed Jelly? Wat? When? Geez been a Long Time since I read the manga


It was during the war arc when they were facing Neinhart. He saved her from an attack but led them to drown, so she saved him by performing CPR which is still lip contact. You don’t see it clearly in the anime but the manga doesn’t hide it.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thanks, liepe geht naus 🫶


There were other ways... Don't you think so?


I’m sure there were, but sometimes the plot demands people to be dumb enough for shocking humor to happen. Kagura didn’t explain to everyone why which would’ve helped clear Erza and everyone’s confusion.




https://preview.redd.it/2y7v33bmnm5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb51caa916fd5fe20399b329a13ffffd86e78dc It's true, I had completely forgotten


Yeah but that was less about attraction and more a weird attempt at an apology. 


I mean there are more convenient ways to apologize then kissing her staryght on the lips


Wendy could be with Sherria


Can we not with the very small child? And I don't care about the time travel shenanigans, if a 12 yo were to hypothetically jump 10 years into the future, that doesn't suddenly make them an adult


I'm not tryna be rude but don't people ship children all the time? There was a massive part of the fandom in the 2010s that shipped romeo and Wendy and people shipped jellal and erza based of their childhood interactions aswell. I mean obviously don't be thinking about anything NSFW involving children but it doesn't have to be NSFW does it?


I mean, assuming most people here are adults due to the overall age of the anime, shipping kids as adults is kinda really weird, even if it doesn't go nsfw. Erza and Jellal are young adults afaik? I can't 100% remember that, but physically and mentally Wendy is very much a child at least


I mean yea they're adults now but people have shipped them based of childhood interactions and it's pretty common to see people shipping children in the not NSFW way. Maybe it just doesn't feel weird to me since I'm a minor but I never really thought of it as bad unless it was NSFW since kids have crushes and shit all the time


Ah yeah, if you're a minor, fair enough. This anime's old enough I expected most people to be adults by now, but I could easily be wrong




Kagura ? She did kissed Erza and hates overly girly clothes.


Mirajane because of the punishment episode, Erza because of the Christmas stuff, and Lucy used to simp for both Mira and Erza in the early seasons.


I wouldn't say Lucy simped for Mira and Erza more like admired them.


"WOAH! I think I'm in love!!" -lucy 2009 while looking at erza


I think that Erza could be considered bi. But I always thought that Cana is bisexual. P.S. Tohru is pan.


Most people may not agree, but i see Lucy as bi too. I dont remember exactly where, but i remember that in the start of the series there was some scenes that can be seen as her liking women. But this is only my interpretation, Also, Freed is obviously gay.


Your interpretation are no sense. Because lucy doesn't have pyhsical contact with other women like cana always did like touching boobs. You can only say Lucy are bi if she want romance with both women and man or lucy want a pyhsical contact with other women like touching there private parts.


I think this person is actually referring to the time Lucy looked at erza and said "I think I'm in love"


Edelgard from fire emblem three houses


I mean, Lucy is often considered bi too


when was cana bisexual?






The part where she said "go on a date with me for real Lucy" comes to mind (fairy girls spin off manga) but if you want a main series example they had a relationship similar to Lucy and like early on where cana would hit on her and Lucy would just kinda ignore it then formed a genuine and deeply meaningful connection over the tenrou arc that could be easily read as romantic


easily read as romantic? maybe if you didnt watch the show but im pretty sure close connections are pretty visible between alot of the fairy tail members


Well yea but people also ship a lot of characters it's not uncommon really for people to see a strong relationship and interpret it however


fair enough




Is cana confirmed as bi sexual?


I personally headcanon Natsu as Demisexual or on the ace spectrum. Mostly cause A) noticed that he only has thing for two people throught the series and they were/are his best friends.B) I NEED THE REP PLEASEEEEEE


Me too bro I'm so sure erza and natsu are asexual and I know that it ain't cannon but it's cannon in my heart


Wouldn't that make him demiromantic instead or on the aro spectrum? Tho I do think he's also somewhere on the ace spectrum.