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Ah yes, the "I'm having an episode, time to post on TikTok" people. I used to think TikTok was for funny short videos like someone's bird flying into the shower while their friend is it it. Or a dog trying to climb up stairs with a stick that's clearly too big to get up. Never in my wildest dreams did I see "look at my disorder, aren't I quirky and cute?" coming. Nor did I see the 80000% increase of DID cases with "I got diagnosed by TikTok, you're privileged if you have a real doctor" hitting society in the face.


I commented that they shouldn't be able to record thier episode on their own and they told me I had nerve to criticize them when they are spreading AWaReNEss. I deleted it and blocked them because I wasn't ready to have that can of worms opened in my notifications. The only other person that dared to call the user out had a whole video posted about them. Gives me the ick.


That deflection is pretty showing that they're faking.


She said the second she was diagnosed she immediately went to TIK TOK to learn about her disorder.


Instead of... I don't know... a doctor.


Update: Tik Tok has found the video to be against community guidelines under the counts of fraud. https://preview.redd.it/ofq69i4mg7ub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff392d8e9ac4dc0e279895afe7830b0e9692f6e


I wish more videos of people faking could be taken down. Might stop a good chunk of people if they see faking disorder videos get taken down.


I didn't post the rest of the video because the username kept moving and I suck at editing, but they are seen to be walking with exaggerated movements and moving thier hands in what seems to be a planned and conscious manner.


If it's who I think it is, boy, they have a long history of the WORST acting in this area.


Probably not. They had only one video covering it and it was to spread ☆awareness☆


Awareness of what? How to post a fake disorder on TikTok and gain views from it while discrediting everyone who disagrees with them?


FND isn’t a fake disorder. They may be faking FND. That’s not the same thing as FND being a fake disorder


Good to know. Thanks.


You can download tiktok videos without the username, just google "download tiktok without username"


Thank you ❤️


And the other hand records and holds the camera just fine? Typing the caption and all? Okay. Tremors fucking suck. It's shitty to fake anything but always sucks to see. I'd like to see how they handle being unable to type (at least without typos that look like crytyping), write (without it looking like scribbles), use a phone/make a call, hold a utensil, hold food, open a container, hold an object, press any kind of buttons for the most part, shower, hell use the bathroom without issue, open doors, and all of the other important things tremors can get in the way of And it's not uncommon for it to be accompanied by pain- especially if it occurs due to something like overusing those muscles while having a disability where you're advised against doing so. it's not fun, it's not cute, it's not trendy or funny, it's irritating and frustrating and debilitating and downright embarrassing. They should be so ashamed. There are so many disorders that cause tremors, even substance/medication withdrawals. If you're someone who's never had them, I hope you never have to understand firsthand


i don’t have tremors but i do have cataplexy, but reading this made me feel less alone. trying to use my hands when they’re still ‘sleeping,’ or trying to use my body at all as it’s slowly shutting down to fall asleep - the overwhelming helplessness/sadness the feeling of being broken and the physical pain and how no one understands. it’s so curious to see kids claiming these disabilities, there’s no joy in this reality - there’s no wanting to record it for the world, it’s embarrassing and something i’m still in denial about most days. anyway, i’m glad i read what you said. thank you.


I'm really glad I helped you feel validated and not alone. Because despite the bullshit and people pretending for clout, there are many who can relate to you. Tremors and similar symptoms are pretty common really


Also like am I really gonna believe you sat through a whole ass manicure without shaking?


A girl at my school fakes this




She shakily closed her hand, there’s nothing else to say


That shaking seems kind of hard to fake, not saying they aren't faking, but if they are that's crazy Maybe I'm slow But I cannot do that, because I'm slow


Dont say youre slow! Its a valid argument. Most humans are able to do it by tensing the forearm and holding in that tension. It is often used as an acting technique. You can tell the user is using such technique as their tremors become more pronounced as she is trying to hold in the tension of the muscle. ETA: Another user mentioned that it could also be something called essential tremors, so that could also be another possibility.




Thank you for clarifying! 😊


Fnd doesn’t need to effect both hand at the same time if she just had it In that hand then it would be easy to record it also you do need to Record stuff like this to show your dr , but yea the tremors don’t gotta effect both hands she probably noticed the tremor in that hand then recorded it with her good hand


I can believe that. It's just hard to believe that the person has enough strength in the affected hand to hold it up long enough to record it on camera, let alone make a fist


I think the point of recording it is to show that it’s sorta hard when I get tremors I can still lift the area making a fist is kinda hard bc you don’t know how much strength ur using or it’s just rlly weak but they seemed to be kind struggling as it close slowly I also just tried to make my hand shake like that and close my fingers and I failed , I think they are more likely not faking or they are and have managed to put there arm in a weird angle to cause it to tremor like that


That's fair enough. I appreciate the alternative perspective!


We all know FND is the new bad back.


I don’t think this person is faking. It is very hard to fake that kind of movement. Maybe they falsely self-diagnosed, but it looks like they actually do have a real tremor. It’s possible to have something called an essential tremor, where tremors occur during movement. I have a similar problem and I’ve recorded it a bunch of times (it’s in part genetics and part medication).


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you are living well despite the setback. I can understand your argument (The essential tremor thing does make more sense after Googling it), but also still have my doubts based on the remainder of this video and the users other videos. Although I do appreciate the alternate insight!


Every person who fakes disorders on the internet is not neurotypical. They definitely have some sort of mental illness and/or developmental disorder. So it’s very likely that this person is both faking and/or exaggerating some things. It is complicated, but no “normal” person will fake for online clout. Basically, I think there is a mixture of truth, lies, and mistakes among people who fake disorders. And thanks for the kind reply! Having a mild essential tremor isn’t bad. It doesn’t disable me. It’s just a weird quirk that runs in my family.


Yet your phone hand is still as a Sansei master


FND is easily the easiest for them to fake.


I have this!! when I do a lot of drugs.


BS condition


My hands start shaking like that rarely and I get tremors in this one arm violently sometimes, but I don't think I have that. Nor do I post it on TikTok of all things 😂😂