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Me at my stupidest couldn't beat the first image


It's giving MySpace scene kid but somehow even more insufferable.


Nah man, if Jayfeather knew that this kid was claiming to be him he’d break the stick again


Page 8 was something else. This kid just sounds obnoxious, even if they WEREN’T faking all this bs. I KNOW I was cringe when I was young, I won’t pretend otherwise, but oh my goodness… This is just insulting, annoying, confusing… I’m guessing they just don’t care about people that ACTUALLY suffer from the mental disorders they claim they have? I have two teen daughters that I asked about this whole thing because it boggles my old mind. I simply don’t understand it. They laughed and ranted; it turned into a long discussion that resulted in this conclusion… They also don’t understand it lol. Do these ppl even make sense to each other?


I found this comment under another post but it sums it up pretty well. > Insular communities tend to develop abbreviations which everyone in said communities understand, but make the community unapproachable to outsiders because they are never explained anywhere. Basically the echo chamber has become so deep that it is no longer about having a serious dehabilitating disorder but an extreme form of gatekeeping your favourite characters.


I was only partially joking. The abbreviations just seem so overwhelming that I imagined even people within the community get confused, but your reply makes a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing that comment. It’s something I’ve never thought of before- abbreviations used as a method of exclusion; I’m surprised I never thought of or noticed that before. Seriously though… that kid seems unbearable. In my _honest_ opinion, ALL of the people within that community (don’t know what else to call it) truly _should_ see a psychologist… just not for the reasons they state. It can’t be healthy to be that deep and dedicated to a delusion, especially one like they have. No happy, stable person would want ANY personality disorder; they _certainly_ wouldn’t wish they had more than one or one as debilitating as DID.


What's insane to me is that they treat ocs and favorite characters like this. They can't simply say "I like this character" or "I watched a show and made an oc", they have to say "I have DID and I have an new alter", as if that makes any sense. It's become such a mess and I have no idea why they can't just say they like characters.


Back when I was a young'n we just called that "playing"


Ditto! Well, I remember pretending I was [fill in random fictional character or oc] during play time- I still role play/cosplay into adulthood!- but I never pretended that particular character _actually_ “existed” irl due to a severe personality disorder I did not have. I doubt you “played” like these kids either. Like, that doesn’t even seem fun to me… Pretending to be a character and going on adventures/role playing?! Oh, heck yes! Pretending I’m mentally ill and that character is an “actual” persona in my mind that “randomly” presents themselves? That just sounds stressful and depressing imho. Side note: Just to clarify in case it’s against the rules here (I don’t remember), I’m not referring to sexual RP. I’m just an adult nerd/dork that finds fellow nerds/dorks and gets excited to use my imagination online, writing, during Ren Fest & at costume parties lol.


I still RP every so often on discord and no one has ever said "it's really my alters". Because it's just dumb fun.


It was annoying when people did this with their ocs, but at least then it was acknowledged they were ocs and no one had to be subjected to "I really have alters and they're really really real! Bigot!" When not wanting to interact with a 2 year old Perry the Platypus.


I would unironically love to have a conversation with Sizzle. Like…. I need someone to make *me* feel toned down for once.


I just want to know if these people genuinely think they grow fur when they switch to an animal or furry alter.


My animal alter fronts when I stop shaving my legs, they're a gorilla!!!


What the hell does the first paragraph in 7/9 even mean? "Don't separate or I kill you (yoy)"? "If you think of introjects as doubles jump"? That's not even the only time they tell people to kill themelves, which is honestly horrifying. People throw that line around way too easily and over the most innocuous shit on these websites. Jesus H...


“Do not even THINK about liking this more than me I know how to make pipe bombs” is SENDING me


Man, why did they have to do Beffica and Kitbull like that


Not Miku 😭


i get the other ones, but what did Stanley do wrong? It’s perfectly plausible to be autistic, gay, and 14. I know Someone who is.Edit: oh wait a second this is an alter That someone is pretending to be?? Bruh whhyyyy do people fake DID, it occurs to the point I don’t even know if it’s a real disorder anymore, which makes me feel bad for the people who actually have it (if it’s a real disorder)


Yup. That was an “alter.” Gotta make sure each one is unique! Can’t have some “normie” alter, no no, it needs to be an autistic he/she/it dragon with BPD and IBS that speaks in either a baby voice or demon voice, depends on whether they’re manic that day. I just made up that alter as I typed. Do you think that’s how they do it?




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The six pic. I really understand his feeling about ships art


bro has roblox noob as their alter😭


Pretty sure that first one is a shitpost


nope, they're part of the same system as the other slides and they fully believe they have DID


That's insane. It's written the exact way a right-wing troll from the early 2010s would write their parody of a tumblr user.