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Can we stop giving attention to attention whores, it's not helping and it's getting old


This is probably the 5th time I've seen this person posted. It's getting pretty redundant. (Edit: or are these people just that similar to each other?)


Yea it’s the same person


Let's go champ


Things that affect your personality are different than your personality, right?


Yeah and even further, BPD would not make up every single personality trait you have, just some of them


I really hope so.


It’s people like this as to why people thing people who actually have bpd are crazy and totally self destructive.


Hope it help


Can I just whack this child back into a sperm? 🙄 Also are they using the "MOGAI wiki excuse" too? It takes years for an actual official dx PD with evidence too. Mine took 15 for BPD.


I bet their parents regret giving birth to them


Main character syndrome on steroids.


This has always made me so mad because no I for one do not make it my personality. There’s a difference between making it your personality and it “affecting” it.


@ anyone with BPD in their bio


This is more of a joke within the PD community because personality disorders affect literally everything that we do. They aren't seriously saying they're making it their whole personality (whether they are or aren't) they're just joking about how someone is telling a person with a PD that they're making their disorder their whole personality. Like yeah, it's a personality disorder, that's the whole point.


While I can see that being true, all joking aside, you shouldn’t *let* it be your overall personality, (which it seems they have, considering you can’t tell if they are joking or not - that’s not up to us to know if they are) AKA. You don’t need post / talk about it 24/7 to where your problems are all that you are made of. You can talk about interests, hobbies, who you want to be, who you have been, how you’ve grown, your daily random thoughts about plants. Anything besides letting your disorder become all that you are so you are worth nothing to everyone and yourself. But I understand your point


Absolutely. Being diagnosed with bpd isnt a good thing. You and your therapist should be working towards recovery. You should try your hardest to be mindful of your actions and find yourself lol


Lmao the personality disorder may affect how the person acts but it doesn’t absolve them of being held accountable for how they act. It may be against their will but it isn’t out of their control.


Show me where I said a PD absolves someone of their actions.


Because people like this, tend to blame behaviours that receive criticism, on their disorder. “Oh its just part of my personality i cant help it” whereas they wont do the same if they receive positive feedback. Doing so creates a negative perception of BPD and PD’s in general




I said they're joking about a personality disorder being... well, a personality disorder, and how there's a running joke in the community about how we "make it our whole personality" because it's a PD. Not sure where you got that I was saying this makes someone immune to the consequences of their actions.


Implications are real and just because one may have used implications instead of direct statements doesn’t strengthen anyones argument


What are you talking about? I wasn't implying anything and if I was, that wasn't what I was trying to imply? All I was trying to say is the "Its a personality disorder of course it's my whole personality" thing is just a running joke in the community.


See that’s another problem, it’s ultimately harmful for that to be a running joke. It’s not a good running joke. It doesn’t help hold anyone accountable


I don't understand why. What are you even holding them accountable for in this situation?


Using a disorder you’ve self diagnosed yourself with, as an excuse to be a horrible person


That's definition kiddo