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So much licking 😭


"I must wear socks or shoes so nothing touches my feet." Also known as my floor is filthy and someone dropped ice cream on it. "This song is tingly and I will listen to it until the end of time." Also known as I just like it. Please help, I've been listening to FGO's soundtrack for a month straight. "You're talking and the TV is on and now I can't hear either." Also known as "sounds interacting with one another." "How much context is appropriate, here have all of it." The poor writing groups I'm on. Also known as liking to tell stories. I'm not going to do all of them but what I find is that a lot of it is normal and I'm now having "if you drink water this way, you have autism" flashbacks.


Right, but most of those genuinely are behaviours that are exaggerated in ASD, as well as it's weird schizo-spec. cousin Schizotypal Disorder/PD. I'm not saying that the person who made this bingo card has ASD or is entirely correct, but your put-downs of some of those points read a little too close to disbelief/ableism. People with ASD often do go down a litany of digressions in conversation to add context which they don't even know whether is appropriate or not (better to have too much context rather than too little, I suppose). They do often experience pronounced difficulty with filtering-out layers when multiple sources of stimuli are present together, which at it's worst becomes full-blown, break-down triggering overstimulation. Lots more of them are really quite accurate, as well. The part about not knowing whether others are just quiet or are mad at you is particularly poignant to me and it's an aspect that's heavily exaggerated (and blended with Schizo-spec. paranoia) to make one of the core, defining experiences of Schizotypal Disorder. I'm not trying to be an ass lmao, but you're comment actually reminded me of the exact opposite - people who are too distrusting of the ASD/StPD experience and (effectively) end up encouraging the idea that weird, high-functioning eccentricities aren't possible and are all just self-absorbed interpretations of normal experience.


Yeah I have to agree here. Thanks for mentioning StPD too because not many people realize how many of these traits tend to show up in schizospec disorders (especially StPD).






Which is odd, right? Because StPD is probably the disorder that contains the most symptomatic overlap with ASD (even beyond ADHD). In fact, studies into childhood Schizotypy have found that young children with StPD are effectively indistinguishable from young children with ASD. The entire reason StPD came about as a diagnostic category was because Autism was being separated from Schizophrenia and there was a middle-group who also possessed elements of Borderline pathology. Thus, StPD was created and split 'Borderline Syndrome' into BPD and StPD. The two conditions most misdiagnosed for StPD are ASD and ADHD. Too autistic to be schizophrenic and too schizophrenic to be autistic. I just think they haven't discovered it yet. After all, with the amount of them that fake Schizophrenia and BPD (alongside ASD and ADHD), you'd think it would be golden for them.


Even without autism, some things are relatable, doesn't mean you always have to have adhd or autism just because you relate. Why does every normal behaviour or thought have to be a disorder.


Because kids on TikTok think having disorders makes them quirky and cool.


Yeah some of this is really offensive...?




Licking stuff. Eww. Doesn’t matter which diagnosis I have, the fact that I’m diagnosed human I do NOT lick sand nor shiny objects.




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guys my irl friend literally posted this on her snap story https://preview.redd.it/7lv3kz41oswb1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f566c07deb36588cfcb70e6e2010e70d9d9b047


I'm so sorry...


Man, I really hate kinnie bingo and mental illnesses bingo


kinnie bingos are aways 80% headannons, isn't that hard to put cannon things


Yeah, but they still cringe


i think mental illness bingos when made by people who actually have the condition are pretty fun, there was one i saw made for sz that was pretty relatable n rlly made me feel not alone seeing others struggling so hard with it but ones like this one r just stupid, mental illness bingo should bring people together in relatable moments of shared suffering to alleviate the loneliness and burden of having one in a fun and gentle light, not just stereotype traits n go oooh so quirky!!! though i digress that some people cope that way by making light of themselves and that's okay, i do it sometimes, but this isnt making light, its just making it appear mental illness isnt a struggle and putting it down to basic traits less than what it actually is, a fucking pain when i say mental illness i mean disorders like autism and adhd as well, not just necessarily actual illnesses autism bingos r pretty big offenders of this but i have seen some that r pretty good n serve the purpose of mental illness bingo


K ,that's ur opinion and I respect it and I hope one day you'll get fine


im not sure why the passive agressive speech, i just simply stated my thoughts on it from my own perspective of someone who copes through making light of their issues and im not sure why the sarcasm at the bottom have a nice day? edit: fuck u werent actually trying to be rude n i misread it werent u


K, I just said it's your opinion and I respect it And when I said I hope you'll get better I meant your mental state of sz become better not worst


oh thanks! sorry i misinterpret everythin as a threat or rude comment


a lot of these are present in both adhd and autism but i don't appreciate the dumb bingo thing saying 'tism (god i hate this) and the hashtag being adhd. like damn thanks for creating more confusion about the symptom overlap and portraying them like theyre the same disorder anyway these bingos are stupid and dumb and i hate them


Why did they tag adhd? I’m so sick of people with ADHD taking autism symptoms, and attributing it to adhd because they have bad stereotypes of what autism is so they won’t co opt the label, but will take the symptoms and say it’s the adhd


perhaps the creator of this bingo card should get their iron levels checked


Why are half the things about licking stuff? Licking sand sounds like a sensory nightmare to me


The top line is impossible to bingo vertically. As "I wanna wear shoes so nothing touches my feet" and "I want to be bare footed" are contradictory.


I'm personally offended by this bingo card, for all the wrong reasons.


I speak for no one but myself when I say that sand really do be looking salty and lickable sometimes. /j ofc


I was going to make a joke about diagnosing you with something, but since I have no idea which disorder the bingo card is supposed to be about, I don't know which one to jokingly self-diagnose you with


Obsessive-Compulsive Sand Licking Disorder


This is so 2020 “arson” kinda energy


Is this the fakw disorder bingo card?


Imma keep my autism to myself thank you




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Two neurodivergent relatives of mine would probably score 3/25 on that bingo sheet, I'll go tell them to give up their diagnoses