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Gotta fake them all like Pokémon cards!


Mine is shiny wanna trade


Omg yes please!




Why do so many people treat mental illness like it's something good?


Because they aren't actually suffering with it I assume.


Probably because it feels good to be "unique".


Because it looks good on social media. "Look at me, I'm so quirky and different!"


Bc they want the world to know ☆they aren't like the other girls☆


"Im not like other girls, I have debilitating mental illnesses." is not an unironic flex I was ever expecting to happen but hey... things are weird now


To their eyes it *is* a good thing even if they don't directly admit it. It's something that gets you pity, attention, excuses for your shitty behaviour, and a community. They don't have the actual illness so they don't feel it's debilitating effects and only see those benefits, so they subconsciously think of it as a good thing


For real, like, if they want it so bad, they can have mine. Then they can see how fun it is when you feel numb to everything but also way too anxious to do anything


It's "interesting" and "unique" to have


## 14 hit like a brick ended up with ~~almost every mental illness~~ sudden and intense dysregulation of neurotransmitters due to puberty


almost every mental illness prolly just means they're depressed 😭


I assumed as much that it was literally every diagnosis under the sun. it probably means their mental health got a bit rough


I will say tho The tag #comfortindepression kinda makes sense. A lot of people say that with their depression, it’s easier to stay sick rather than get better because feeling good is scary when you’ve felt shitty for so long


There's actually quite a few psych articles about that. That phenomenon is cited as one of the reasons why depression is so hard to overcome.


Humans have a tendency to be scared of change. That's why so many people stay married or partnered even when they aren't happy or face abuse. As stupid as it is, human beings will want to stay in terrible situations because we're so used to what we know.


I miss the comfort in being sad


If 14 hit her like a brick, just wait until 30 comes rolling in.


I've found it's easier than being 14.


Not for me, my 30s were awful lol. So far 40s are even worse with the hormonal changes from perimenopause and the general blah from getting old. If I could be a teenager again I would.


How much do you exercise? How is your diet? Do you sleep enough?


That's understandable. I was going off that I knew friends who felt and saw more physical issues pop up after 30 on top of already existing mental health issues. And just the stresses of adulthood, thinking of the future, jobs, expectations, outlook on life. Your lifestyle, diet, habits and other stuff from your teens to even your 20s can really contribute to how 30+ is going to go from what I've seen. And yeah, you can make changes after 30, but damn, it's a struggle.


How is it even possible to be 14 and have almost every mental illness in the book? Isn't the book as big as the dictionary and don't some contradict one another? Help me understand you!


it is bigger, I was reading about disorder anxiety (hipocondria) and found out it has 992 pages


If you had almost every mental illness, you would be in a hospital.


Repeat after me: the DSM V is not the Pokédex. It is not a good thing to catch them all.


I'm guessing this is hyperbolic and they actually mean like 2-4? And maybe not suddenly developing them but discovering them? Though you can just develop them from genetics and environmental factors ofc. Not impossible but if they're self dxed then they should see someone instead of flexing on TikTok lmao


I’m fixin’ to dive into the hashtag paintok and hunt fer sum fakers.


Lol #paintok?


"It's not a phase, mom"


Wait until you find out what a hyperbole is


Haven’t heard anyone go through that when they went through puberty


Pretty sure the thing they are experiencing is just puberty


Mf is Edward Nygma 💀


The hashtags please I’m shitting myself 😭