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I wonder if they realize that many of us on this subreddit ARE disabled, neurodivergent and/or autistic, just living normal lives without all the nonsense and ableist rhetoric šŸ™„


I'm even studying medicine and have access to all of the big editorial houses' books thanks to my university.


And I feel like many people are also sick of seeing people fake having a disorder to seem cute and quirky when the people who actually have said disorder are absolutely miserable and suffering immensely.




This all the way


As much as I try not to be the "this" comment- Yes. This.


100% this




You say "Fakeclaming", I say "Reality Check". Whenever one of these kids posts a video of themselves cosplaying an illness, it kinda reminds me of those 80's TV shows where every stereotype had to be turned to 1000. If you have a gay man, he has to automatically be flamboyant, have a lisp and makes all the guys uncomfortable by being sexually aggressive towards all the men. Why did they do that? Because that's how non-gay people interpreted being gay back then. But if a gay man watches those scenes, their first thought is: "What the hell is this? No one acts like that.". That's how this community feels when watching your wannabe "quirky" videos.


This explains exactly how I feel whenever I see TikToks of people drinking water or randomly dancing and calling it neurodivergent. It feels like someone doing a minstrel show instead of educating people.


Additionally, they say ā€œAbleistā€, I just hear ā€œI donā€™t like something.ā€ You throw words like that around every time you throw a fit kids, they lose meaning. And ableism is a real thing. Congratulations.


It is a real thing, that's what they are, all of them ableists. Then they have the audacity to say "we are not hurting anyone, we just spread awareness". You do spread awareness indeed, everyone is aware that you are scum and all future employers should stay far away from you since obviously you can't behave like a decent human in the real world. And I'm sorry kids, but the internet is forever.


>the internet is forever Yup... FOREVERRRR


Imagine being so pressed about something youā€™re faking šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Just donā€™t read it then, tumblrite. I donā€™t understand why you guys hate read and obsess over what we say. No one gives a shit about what some random redditors online say, at least no one should. You included.


I hate when people feel the need to broadcast that they have a disability, exaggerate their condition, or make up a disorder to feel like they are different and not like normal people. Being disabled is not a personality trait.


OOP claims that this sub says this and that, but doesn't provide a link or proof of when it happened. Then they claim 99% of people seeking diagnosis do so in good faith, without proof again. And ignores the fact many people in the sub are diagnosed with something themselves.


"They've started actively fake claiming diagnosed people," are they talking about all the cases of "I'm self diagnosed and that's more valid than a doctor!" Or are they talking about them cases of "my therapist told me my self diagnosis is valid!" Because I haven't seen much talk of actual doctors giving actual diagnoses.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking too. Any time Iā€™ve seen them claim something was diagnosed, itā€™s in a Iist of disorders with (diagnosed) or (self-diagnosed) after each one. Plus, itā€™s completely legitimate to point out that a diagnosed person can indeed exaggerate or fake symptoms for attention.


Or the cases of ā€œI researched the symptoms and practiced faking them/made up examples so I could convince a professionalā€ (there was also an infuriating article published in the U.K. a few months back by a man who did this to ā€˜proveā€™ private psychiatrists were handing out too many diagnoses for ADHD)


yeah cause its totally ableist to not believe the bs you see online ok


I wished people realized that a good amount of members of this subreddit are ND and are upset by it becoming diminished and trendy


Ok but, why would a doctor refuse to diagnose a legitimate case?


the only situation i can think of is a minor/ freshly 18 year old presenting with obvious bpd. some doctors will refuse to give you an outright diagnosis of bpd so early bc it can cause (unprofessional) doctors to not want to take your case. so a hospital could see the diagnosis in your chart and change how they view your case due to stigma related to bpd. otherwise i suppose theres always just bad doctors, but those are honestly few and far between. im all for second opinions, but when those second opinions turn into four or five doctors later, i think you might want a specific diagnosis and not to just figure out whats wrong with you.




Report them. That is a clear case of malpractice.


Unfortunately, I think itā€™s perfectly legal in the United States for general practitioners to do this.


That's a pretty common practice in doctors unfortunately that creates a lot of confusion and misdiagnoses, that's why it is important to search for good professionals, specially ones recommended by a therapist that you trust.


Sounds like GPs in the UK tbh


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I mean, thereā€™s plenty of skepticism about DID even in the psychiatric/medical field. Itā€™s a fairly rare, complex disorder that can carry a lot of baggage relating to philosophy and spirituality if you get too wrapped up in the presentation of it (Can different ā€œI thinkā€¦ā€s really mean different ā€œtherefore I amā€s? What is a ā€˜selfā€™? What is a consciousness? What is a soul? Are these things connected, and if so, what does that mean?) Even in subs like this you see skeptics get wrapped up in the ā€œmysticismā€ of it the same way fakers doā€”ie, ā€œhow would a Hamilton fictive know how to work Discord lmao computers didnā€™t exist,ā€ as though thereā€™s some credence to the idea that an introject is legitimately ā€œfromā€ some other time or place, as opposed to being a modern dissociated self-sense adopting a predetermined set of traits for whatever adaptive/maladaptive reasons. Getting bogged down in the idea that alters are truly whole, cohesive, entirely distinct individuals becomes a pitfall for everyone because it turns a clinical experience into something that seems fantastical; impossible. Some clinicians therefore go ā€œthere canā€™t be multiple people/selves/souls in one body, so this disorder doesnā€™t exist. This is just one person who thinks theyā€™re different people.ā€ Which is the essential truth anyway, but that gets lost to the idea that the dx denotes something magical. Some doctors also may believe that DID is simply too rare for them to ever encounter it, and thus wouldnā€™t diagnose due to that biasā€”instead writing symptoms off as BPD, schizophrenia, or histrionics. This happens with physical ailments too, where symptoms line up for something rare, but since itā€™s rare, it canā€™t be that thingā€”and so it doesnā€™t get tested for or diagnosed. That said, there are also plenty of overly trusting/inattentive/ underinformed/ less than thorough providers who would take a patient claiming to have DID at face value, and diagnosis shopping is never out of the question anywhere, with anything. And besides, people can claim whatever they want verbally or online. I can just claim in this comment that Iā€™m officially diagnosed with DID and liver disease and Williams Syndrome, but no one reading this has cause to believe any of those DXs to be legitimate. So this personā€™s argument doesnā€™t really hold up. Itā€™s ableist if I present medical documentation to my workplace for a disorder and they refuse to believe it and provide reasonable accommodation. Itā€™s ableist if a doctor refuses to treat me appropriately or refer me to someone who can because they take personal issue with my symptoms or medical condition. Iā€™ll even allow that it would be ableist if I disclose diagnoses to a friend and they treat me with contempt afterwards. I wouldnā€™t consider ā€œstrangers on the internet donā€™t believe me about somethingā€ to be a damning example of ableism.


> Getting bogged down in the idea that alters are truly whole, cohesive, entirely distinct individuals becomes a pitfall for everyone because it turns a clinical experience into something that seems fantastical; impossible. Some clinicians therefore go ā€œthere canā€™t be multiple people/selves/souls in one body, so this disorder doesnā€™t exist. This is just one person who thinks theyā€™re different people.ā€ Admittedly I haven't done *a ton* of reading on the topic, but nothing I've read from psychologists skeptical of the existence of BPD has anything to do with any of this. And for good reason I would assume, it's a completely silly argument on its face and just seems like a weird strawman to present as if it were the primary argument against DID. Obviously when researchers say they don't believe it's a real condition what they mean is "this is not a set of symptoms that naturally occurs in humans without priming by media/culture/clinicians," not "I don't think a person can have multiple souls."


Fair point, iatrogenic & sociogenic causes slipped my mind when I was typing, I suppose because this sub is essentially a showcase of examples. Good point and well worded that plenty of or even most skepticism in the medical field has to do with that. I do feel personally that a decent amount of the fundamental discomfort & rejection people feel with the symptomology is rooted in a psychological sense of ā€œfucked up if trueā€ due to the ways that DID presentation challenges the human norm, but you make a valid argument that that is more my assumption of root cause than the actual cognitive reality of clinicians who refuse or fail to diagnose. Thank you.


Off the top of my head one is some of them still believe sterotypes like for example woman cant have autism


Doctors are supposed to enroll in continuing medical education courses relevant to their specialties. Those practicing with that kind of outdated knowledge should have retired decades ago.


The thing is I don't think the notion that women can't have autism was ever endorsed by medical teachings, even when autism was first discovered. I don't understand where this idea that some doctors think that women can't have autism came from. Why would a doctor think this if this was never taught in medical school? Women with profound autism have always been involved in research and statistics about autism since the very beginning. There's no way you wouldn't know this if you went to medical school, even if your knowledge is outdated.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: ā€œDonā€™t Spread Misinformation.ā€ Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but please make an effort not to spread misinformation. Do not dispute the validity of diagnoses recognized by the most recent DSM or ICD. Controversial claims made about disorders that are not backed up by a credible source will be assumed to be misinformation.


i could be wrong but i feel like most people who *are* diagnosed (especially with things like ptsd, schizophrenia, DID, etc) arenā€™t parading it around in all their tiktok videos for views. thatā€™s why when thereā€™s a bunch of 13-16 year olds making it their entire personality / internet persona it just feels disingenuous.


ND people are cool. People who fake disorders or say they have something with their whole chest and go full blown anti-psychiatry mode with it suck. Sometimes they happen to be ND. Often they are. But CORRELATION DOESNT MEAN CAUSATION.




ā€œ99%ā€ = just trust me, bro


Iā€™m here cause Iā€™m annoyed by mocking + spreading miss information about the disorder that I have and would give everything to get rid of


FDC=based Fakers=cringe


i mean, I suppose the concept of this sub would seem pretty horrific if it were a bunch of fully abled people just shitting on disabled people. But itā€™s NOT THAT. Most of us are ND/disabled/mentally ill ourselves (if we werenā€™t, we would never be able to distinguish the faking) and weā€™re frustrated by those making a mockery of our serious struggles and contributing to the discrimination and stereotypes that we fight SO HARD against. Iā€™m also genuinely concerned about a lot of these peopleā€”so many of them are so young and have yet to truly experience the full force of societyā€™s prejudice and ableism. Iā€™m concerned about them getting inaccurate diagnoses permanently affixed to their medical records, not realizing that itā€™ll cause them to be dismissed and degraded by doctors for the rest of their livesā€¦ even more so when theyā€™ve posted all their personal, protected health information on the internet alongside their names and faces. In that sense, a lot of what is commented on here is ā€œtough loveā€ towards these creators from other ND people. It is so so so important for people struggling with mental health & psychologic issues to get the RIGHT kind of help, otherwise the difficulties just build and build until life becomes unbearably complicatedā€¦ unfortunately theyā€™ll learn that the hard way, sooner or later.


Hello! I work I one of the largest behavioral/psych health companies in my region of the U.S. Yes diagnosis are very fluid and can be slapped on anyone who argues enough for it. The clients in my program get a diagnosis after one meeting with an evaluator- diagnosis are not difficult to get where I am


Fake claiming isnā€™t ableist itā€™s just upsetting to those who are diagnosed lmao.


if someone utters or types the word ā€œfakeclaimingā€ i immediately know they are the people weā€™re talking abt


Anyone who disagrees with the self diagnosis crowd is ableist in their lil spechul snowflake minds. What IS ableist is assuming people with disabilities are above reproach and itā€™s NOT ableist to point out their inconsistencies or inaccurate information. Even IF someone IS diagnosed, they can still be spreading misinformation or exaggerating/feigning symptoms for attenshuns (like the people with POTS who lay down and then still faint - or they do an dance that requires a lot of movement and putting their head towards the floor or suddenly crouching down and back up - THATS NOT HOW POTS WORKS PEOPLE!! You know who doesnā€™t get all riled up about being fakeclaimed? Actual **diagnosed** people who have nothing to hide and they know they have what they have. My friend was fakeclaimed for a ridiculous reason (I canā€™t remember atm) on a now defunct sub and they thought it was HILARIOUS because they knew they werenā€™t faking. They loved reading the comments but didnā€™t really feel like they had to respond at all. It didnā€™t rent any space in their head. The ā€œthe lady doth protest too much, methinksā€ quote from Hamlet fits these fakers to a T. (Fun fact: It is spoken by Queen Gertrude in response to the **insincere overacting** of a character in a play within the play - talk about inception lol)


I dunno, I think it's perfectly valid if someone, diagnosed or in the process of diagnosis, gets upset when someone claims they are faking, especially depending on context. I got upset with an ableist jackass over food sensitivities caused by disabilities, saying that they shouldn't judge people for not being able eat certain foods (for context, they essentially said anyone who had to ask for any modifications to dishes should just be banned from restaurants or eating in public, period.) When a few comments later I explained I have hidden disabilities and shouldn't be forced out of socialising with people because of my issues with foods, they said I was clearly faking/making shit up. No, I just don't broadcast my disabilities the moment I start having a discussion with someone new, because I know exactly how ableist people treat me. Real piece of work, made me unreasonably upset (I've been treated that way a lot.)


Most people arenā€™t trying to invalidate people who have been diagnosed. Theyā€™re just saying anyone can tell any lie they want on the internet. You can say youā€™re diagnosed when youā€™re not. Many people do it, so saying youā€™re diagnosed online means nothing. Claiming you have a disorder online means nothing. This online disorder phenomenon is partially responsible for that. People do seek out disorders in bad faith and still get diagnosed with them, to the point where several disorders have paragraphs in diagnostic manuals about recognizing the phenomenon. If you desperately need to never ever be questioned on what you are experiencing, maybe itā€™s because what youā€™re experiencing is greatly affected by whether other people see, validate, and mirror it. Instead of a genuine experience coming from within that does not change or diminish even if you get posted on this subreddit.


This person that is justifying those undiagnosed/ self diagnosed lemons speaking for the experiences of those officially diagnosed by a doctor is abelist.


Pretty sure we can tell sufferees apart from fakers from if they're on TikTok going **I'M AUTISTIIIC LOOK GUYS I'M LIKE SOOOO AUTISTIC RN AND I HAVE PTSD AND ALSO DID AND ALSO IBS UH OH I'M ABOUT TO START STIMMING EVERYONE LOOK AT ME!!!!!**


Some posts Iā€™ve seen on here have been blatantly ableist but to say the entire subreddit is ableist is utterly ridiculous




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I find some amusement in the ones that actively doctor hop for a fibro diagnosis. Like cool, have fun with your ambiguous catch-all, no-cure diagnosis that is going to be blamed for every single new symptom you deal with from now on. Hope it was worth your ten minutes of generic sympathy and internet clout.


it is