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Are they really so naive that they think people won't step into the server, see this farce, and then screenshot it? YOU ARE ON DISCORD. YOUR CONVERSATIONS ARE NOT PRIVATE. NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU LABEL YOUR SERVER "PRIVATE".


IKR! Like what are you gonna do? Ban me? Joke’s on you, I already left


They probably only know the basics of ASL that almost everyone learns in like second grade 💀


They probably think knowing how to fingerspell makes them basically fluent


yeah. fingerspelling is such a small part of ASL. How much do you wanna bet that they don't even know the first thing about expressions/body language? It's literally a huge part of a large culture, and they're just saying it's "a stim". this makes me so mad


These are the types of people to think that ASL is just signed English, they’re probably smiling the whole time lmao


You know. If I saw this, I would run. Really fast.


Ikr, I only stayed in that server for max 30 minutes and I think I have irreparable brain damage


Here, take some holy water. I think you need it 💦💦


Thank u 🙏


Oh no you’re faking brain damage too /j


How dare you say I'm faking!! Self diagnosis is valid!!!!!


On the third image I’m pretty sure 2005 would make them 17-18 which is weird because first slide says 20 (I could just be reading it wrong tho lol)


All slides are of different people; and yep, 17-18 for 2005, I messed up with the age on the slide lol


Oh ok I thought it was the same person


Totally unrelated and I apologize, but I really like your pfp, melo is my favorite!


Aw ty


That same slide says that they’re an endogenic system too💀


Polyplural love sys. Does this mean they have their own made up polyamorous ships between the fictives in their head, or what? lol


According to my good ole friend pluralpedia: “Polyplural is an umbrella term for a system that has a complex structure with many layers and/or sisasystems. It encompasses terms such as polyfragmented, polymedian, and polymultiple” So… polyfragmentation, except with a bunch of endo bullshit piled on top lmfao


what in the gigantic fuck


My thoughts any time I open that website


What.. those aren’t even words. Tf?


I don’t get this questioning of C-DID while self diagnosing themselves with OSDD. This is why self diagnosis has made everything meaningless. Which OSDD? There are two that include compartmentalizations that resemble DID. 1A is a catchall for people with dissociated parts that are not very “different” (compartmentalizations that are all you without individual identities) and 1B resembles DID except there is not the same amnesia between day to day activities for the alters. This is what fakers usually choose since they can tell themselves it must be like knowing everything. All three are very different experiences in the world of dissociation but all part of dissociative identity disorders. If you have OSDD 1A or 1B, you don’t meet the criteria for DID. I don’t know what C-DID is, there aren’t even google results. Chosen DID? But you can’t suddenly change from OSSD-1b to DID. You don’t suddenly develop a different kind of amnesia. The distinction will really only be between you and whoever has diagnosed and is treating your symptoms. They were never meant to be collected like badges of honour. Those are two separate disorders with similar causes and very different experiences. What’s posted here looks like none of those, though. Edit: is C-DID supposed to be complex DID? That’s not a thing, DID is already on the far end of complex trauma disorders. If you need to specify you have an extra complex version and make it look like a new diagnosis, you’re just another roleplayer trying to stand out in a sea of roleplayers.


It baffles me that they could genuinely be “questioning” whether they have OSDD or C-DID. Complex DID means you have like, DID on steroids. Way more amnesia, more fragmented parts, more EPs, layers, and some really horrific trauma and comorbid disorders. Meanwhile OSDD-1B (which is what I’m assuming they’re referring to because nobody ever claims to have 1A— it’s not exciting enough because they can’t make the “alters” too distinct) presents with a distinct LACK of amnesia, and presumably a lot less of all those other things I just listed, because less amnesia means your brain didn’t think those experiences were bad enough to completely wall itself off from. I honestly have no clue how you could even mix the two up. Like, if you had 1B you would not even CONSIDER that you have C-DID because they are just that distinctive, not to mention if it was 1B, you already wouldn’t fit the criteria for regular DID! Do you fit the criteria, or do you not fit the criteria? Questions that would be easily answered if you, oh I don’t know, went in for diagnostic testing.


It’s not that hard to figure out if you are genuinely experiencing it and speaking to someone experienced in trauma disorders. If your only point of reference is discord, tik tok, and this internet phenomenon and you are trying to force internal experiences to match an outlandish idea of what a dissociative disorder might be so you can fit into an exploitative, selfish online community, then yes, you would be very confused about what sort of amnesia you are experiencing and which of the very different trauma conditions you fit into. You might decide you want to try them all.


Exactly. The internet loves to slap microlabels on everything, especially trauma and DID. We don’t need ten million different terms for the same things, just slightly different. I’ve seen this with LGBT stuff too. People get so hung up on labeling themselves correctly and finding the perfect label, and it becomes an obsession. When you’re differentiating between fifty different subtypes of dissociative amnesia, of course you’re gonna be confused about whether you have enough. I’m gonna sound old-timey here, but the internet can genuinely hurt adolescents trying to discover their identity. There needs to be more people advocating for kids to take time away from it all and reflect on themselves, and to go see a doctor if something really doesn’t seem right.


Drawing the family and typing in baby talk…”dwew dem” like !!!??? geeeeez.


I too enjoy dwawing my whole family, but unfortunately there’s lotsa peaoples :(


Are they making up words now?


Oh definitely lmao


Jesus christ, is that ever bad. Just bad.


When you say you have NPCs you are very clearly using DID to mean roleplaying. Just call it that and stop pretending you’re ill.


Honey, you are going to be the subject of an epic rant which I look forward to being posted here. May the circle be unbroken. Also, that server needs to be killed with fire.


Loll I can’t wait. The server is pretty big though (around 900 members) so they might not even know it was me. I hope they do. Looking forward to an angry DM Edit: mixed the server numbers up with one that I'm currently in lol. they have around 900 members, not 2000. still a lot though


They may not bust you out but they love to hate scroll here.


Damnn 💔 Maybe I should join it again to see if they made an announcement or something. Idk if I have enough brain cells left to do that, but honestly if they have, it would be extremely funny




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No White-Knighting.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not start arguments about the concept of the subreddit. Do not make posts or comments stating that you disagree with or do not like the people who use this subreddit. Do not comment defending the people who are posted here, if you feel that a post should be removed contact the moderators via modmail.


Seeing this makes me want to puke 🤮




This right here. I’ve always hated the phrasing “going non-verbal” because it implies that non-verbal folks can simply stop being non-verbal. These people have no idea what it’s actually like to not be able to speak or communicate with the majority of the people around you, and they never will. But they sure pretend that they do!








Omg please tell us why!!!


For being anti-endo


I don't know what that means. I'm pretty new here.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,833,839,320 comments, and only 346,765 of them were in alphabetical order.


I just need to know what makes them think ASL is a stim?


I’d pay good money to know how any of them rationalize ANY of this 💀


why not? at this point polyplural: system that has a complex structure with many layers / side systems. mirrors polyfragmented, but replaces fragments with plural to apply to people who otherwise fall under the polyfrag label, but dont want to use it. love system: whose behavior or functions may change depending on if the host of the system is in luv / in a relationship or not. adaptive: formed in response to trauma or other adversity. viewing plurality as adapting, healing and over coming obstacles. similar to traumagenic, but it encompasses non traumatic things. inclusive of nondisordered systems. fluitien: system without a consistent member count or a member count that changes frequently. cytien: system who’s fronting activity goes through a cycle based on new members forming / being discovered. main fronter remains until new members form, then those new members become the main fronters and so on and so forth. ( wow this sounds exactly like fictitious DID / OSDD lol ) masqutien: collective ID of system ( gender / attraction) affects everyone who fronts, regardless of if they ID with it or not. praesigenic: system that doesnt want their origin known / doesnt want to tell to specific people. multiplexconcisous: system / side system that are hydraconscious when fronting, but members of the system who do not front have their own separate consciousness in headspace / are polyconscious in headspace. each member feels that they have a distinct separate conscious of their own, while the body has its own consciousness while they enter fronting, making all consciousness available to all fronters. hydraconscious: every member has their own individual consciousness, but also share a collective consciousness. polyconscious: system / side system with multiple consciousness. members have their own individual conscious rather than sharing one together. emotional amnesia: aka dissociative amnesia. pluralpedia says inability to associate emotions with certain events. amnesiafluid: system who experiences fluidity / drastic changes with their amnesic barriers. covert switch: switch that is hard to detect. idk what they mean by mixed switch probably a bit of both covert and not maybe? idk theres only so far i can go with all of this faker lingo shit man.


Thank you for your service, brave soldier 🫡


thanks! :D i know too much faker lingo shit, might as well be helpful so other people dont have to do what i did lol.


Damn 20 💀💀 Aren’t they a bit old for this


out of ALL the things on slide 2, the only stuff I understood was body age and emotional amnesia 😭💀


What?! You mean you’ve never heard of amnesiaflux praesigenic masqutien polyplural love systems before?? Damn, and I thought kids these days knew everything…..


guess I'm just uneducated 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


"Dwew dem" 🤮


What happens when you enter a server where most of the people in it are under 18.


The worst part is, the admin is an adult (over 21 according to them), and most of the mods are in their 20s or even 30s. Meanwhile the majority of the members are 13-17. So it’s a bunch of adults LETTING a bunch of kids do this


majority of the mods are 14-16, i (the owner) am about to be 18, we have 3 mods in their 20s, and then like 1 mod that’s like 28




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the way theyre tryna make it aesthetic


They had an entire channel dedicated to making aesthetic templates for each other to use for their profiles


has humanity gone too far?


Maybe they should just have their own server that exists as an echo chamber for all 5K alters/personas/characters/whatevers


I’d pay to see what goes on in these people’s heads tbh. I wanna see what wacky shit they’re convincing themselves they have. A discord where they roleplay as all 5k alters would be very interesting fr




why 5k alters though-


I lost too many brain cells reading that MOGAI shit 🤧


"selective mustim" we straight outta VRChat w that one💀💀💀


C-DID?! DID is complex, and that’s not a thing. Have they ever heard of… a dsm?


C-DID is a term made up by the online “plural” community. Think of it like OSDD-1A and OSDD-1B. They’re not actual clinical diagnoses, but they certainly have gained popularity and people treat them like one. According to what I can find on the subject, they claim DID is split into three levels of severity— DID, C-DID (complex), and HC-DID (highly complex). These terms are not used in clinical settings. There are no papers or journals on C-DID. If you asked a therapist, they would probably have no idea what you were talking about. I’m not sure what the exact differences are between the levels, because again, there are literally no academic papers on this. All I know is what people online have claimed, which is why I gave that criteria for C-DID before. That’s not the clinical criteria. That’s the criteria according to Instagram “educational” posts and definitions in discord servers. Hell, even they can’t agree on a definition. I just went with the most popular definition that came up, which was that C-DID was just another name for polyfragmented DID (which, again, is still highly debatable as to whether it exists or not).


i wish i could find a server like that, i want to troll it SO BAD


I guess you just gotta get “lucky” enough to find em out in the wild




I don't think it's wise for OP to reveal that info cause people will just flood the server and they'll make it private or stop accepting requests, plus it could lead back to OPs discords name which may lead to a slu of messages bombarding them from upset people who claim to have C-DID or other conditions. But I'm also curious about its name so I know what to avoid on discord lol




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