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Cause the people saying you can get DID from liking a tv show/game and if you RP you might be a system are definitely the people who should listened to as "spreading true information". That's a joke.


OFC they're a dsmp fan, what is with children in that Fandom and faking serious disorders?


Mfw self diagnosed mfs spread more information in one day than this everyone on this sub has over the course of its existence ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


I'm convinced they just stalk this subreddit.


Oh, they most definitely do. The like to play pretend that they’re “super positive and accepting!!!!!” online, but in reality, they’re hatewatching because they’re fueled by negativity. They want a reason to hop on TikTok and cry wolf and shittalk the posters in this sub because punching down on people with disabilities who are telling them that they’re being insensitive and ableist is easier than admitting to faking.


they do, they desperately crave being the victim


these kids will never have a childhood without social media and i feel bad for them


Misinformation? I think it’s you OOP who is spreading misinformation. Please go outside and touch some grass.


You can lie your way into a DID diagnosis. It is not as easy any more, but just because a therapist or psychiatrist has stamped you with DID doesn’t mean you have the same thing. There have always been dissociative disorders due to trauma. This performative version of multiple personalities became popular in the 90s. The satanic panic really galvanized this idea of 1000s of parts, complicated relationships, diverse personalities. It’s almost like there are two conditions being diagnosed as DID right now. The dissociative disorder caused by severe, prolonged trauma where a person compartmentalizes their experience so hard that it is not their experience and they grow up as one person, disconnected states. And the more BPD-like presentation of a person having a very unstable sense of self and desire for external reward, who stretches their experience into something akin to multiple personality disorder and truly believes, or pushes themself to believe, that they have multiple personalities. In the 90s they found the explosion was due to these more BPD presentations being encouraged into seeing themselves as multiple personalities, and that is one reason why they removed multiple personality disorder as a diagnosis and replaced it with DID. But this presentation still needs help, if they’re willing to engage with it, so it is still classified under DID. I think this explosion of online exhibitionism might finally separate the two into different diagnoses. I hope so, because nobody can get help while there are such different ideas of what DID is. Tl;dr it wouldn’t be hard for someone to lie their way to a DID diagnosis in order to build a career or social media presence.


I’m under the impression that the vast majority of these people have BPD or HPD but unfortunately i am not a licensed professional and don’t know them, a fact these people only take advantage of when accused of faking but never acknowledge when self diagnosing


absolutely no diagnosed ppl posted here. just fake disorders lol. ooh i have some diagnosises too, GAD, PTSD and some other shit, might be some if not the majority of the commenters who ACTUALLY have a disorder. oopfppfpffpf


I'll take things that didn't happen for 200


The person vaping in the beginning ….😭




Vaping at the camera to prove your badassery has quite the opposite effect.


Hey. Lung cancer isn’t quirky, I know you’re seeing this. You’re gonna talk like a rat bit your vocal chords and never let go. Reject metal in your lungs, stay alive :)


Guys, I don’t think they like us very much.


Correct me if I'm wrong but you don't have to follow your own subreddit rules.


Bro I’m literally diagnosed


Every time I see this I keep thinking of the Food Drink and Cosmetic group and getting so confused on wtf they’re on about (also I know what it is no need to explain, just me being a bit stupid)