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Cringe: (It's midnight, sorry) Bullied for being cringe. Is it me being half asleep or does this sound extremely stupid? Blessed by angels: I'm sorry, what? No, what? Blessings by angels are supposed to be good things. How does anyone convince themselves that they were blessed by an angel to have DID? This is currently the most terminally online one, but I'm sure they'll beat themselves soon. Colors gave me DID: What did I just say? What did I literally just say? Colors. God damn colors causing DID. Minecraft flower: Actually educate these kids, please, I don't know how they just beat "an angel gave me DID" but they did and they need to stop. QueerDID: Being queer caused DID. And we beat "a Minecraft flower gave me DID". I would ask how it could get worse but I already know it'll answer me soon. So, I don't think the children who made these definitions even know what DID is. Hell, I don't think they know what words are at this point. What part of "DID is caused by trauma" did they not understand? I'm a person who wants to give the benefit of the doubt and really wants to say that these kids are trolling the site, but I have no doubt these are serious "causes". I mean, at this point, being up at midnight should be on there. I mean, I felt like it was hard to beat "you creating ocs is you discovering your alters" but look what we have here, DID is so magical that angels, Minecraft, and COLORS can cause it. Trauma? What's that? Nah, DID is formed by angels visiting and blessing a child with a mental illness. I can't wait until Santagenic exists where Santa comes down and gives kids DID as a Christmas present. Am I losing my mind? Absolutely. Edit: Grammar and numbers replaced with titles.


Cringegenic does seem accurate because reading this made me cringe so hard I had to split five alters to deal. (Hopefully unnecessary disclaimer that this is a joke and didn't actually do that)


Rip your brain Here’s some holy water💦💦 (hope it helps)




Omg I cause the formation of a new system? IM SO HAPPY CONGRATS ON BEING A SYSTEM /sarc


We've been blessed by angels. We now have DID /j


Philosophical question, because it’s 4am: If the point of language is to be understood, and 99.9% of the population will not understand these words unless given a link to these wiki articles… then what is the purpose of coining these terms? (I know people on here will say predictable shit like “for attention” or “to feel special,” but I’m curious how these pluralpedia authors would explain it.) I get that in-groups will sometimes use terms/jargon/slang that outsiders may not understand, but even people who regularly produce and consume DID-related content couldn’t possibly memorize all these terms and definitions, much less pronounce them correctly.


Not trying to be an ass in any way (because you make a very good point) but, within language discourse, there tends to exist two contrasting strains of thought: 1. Prescriptivism. The belief that words have their fixed meanings for a reason and that (most) terminology that is necessary already exists. The dictionary is viewed as comparable to a literary instruction manual, and the functionality/standardisation of language is taken to be more valuable than the shirking of it for other purposes. 2. Descriptivism. The view that language is not a fixed set of rules, but rather a set of varying and constantly adapting tools the individual must use (somewhat idiographically) to best express their experience. New terminology and portmanteaus are embraced instead of shunned, and use of words/terms outside of their dictionary definition is viewed as artistic expression moreso than being incorrect. Just thought I'd add. Pluralpedia's viewpoint on it would probably be one of extreme descriptivism, which imo is the approach that a lot of trans discourse takes in general nowadays.


Haha no, you're not an ass for answering, because my question wasn't really rhetorical. I am vaguely aware of these concepts, but this definitely isn't my area of study/expertise. (However, I am aware that "the point of language is to be understood" is a gross oversimplification.) Looking at it from a more descriptivist perspective (I think, anyway)... New words can help people define experiences they're already having. e.g., growing up trans was certainly different before words like genderqueer or nonbinary were coined. Linguistic descriptivism says genderqueer was a word before it was added to the dictionary, and they/them pronouns can be singular even if your high school English teacher insisted that was grammatically incorrect. But words like nonbinary are useful in part because they have become widespread enough to be widely understood, yes? It's a short-hand way of defining a shared experience. But if a word cannot be understood unless accompanied by its definition, is it still a word? All that being said, yes, these seem like attempts to put words to (or create words for) experiences that these pluralpedia authors are purportedly having. And maybe they're hoping that others will relate, or that the word will catch on the way nonbinary did. But the terms are so incredibly niche and overly specific, I can't see that happening.


Personally I feel like it's to feel like they know what they're talking about. I've really noticed this a lot with delusional/conspiracist circles, where they get called out so much for not knowing anything about the subject that they create their own terms and such to feel like they have some knowledge over those who oppose them, and to give their world of delusions has some weight behind it so it at least doesn't *look* like it's complete nonsense


Maybe because they feel like they contribute to the world by creating new ‘words’


A better term for this would be argot instead of “jargon”. Had to throw my 2 linguistic major cents in


well, I've learned a new word today. thanks! \[link for anyone else who hasn't studied linguistics, lol: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cant\_(language)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cant_(language))\]


No problem! :)


Slide 5 makes me want to cry, other side of paradise is my favourite song and it’s been turned into a fake DID thing😭


Same with Way Down We Go, such a precious song of mine


great, ruined MGMT for me.


Gotta be satire at this point right?


I hope so badly these are trolls who are having fun.




This should have the Endo/mixed origins flair


Make it stop. It hurts. Please. Why can't these people just write whacky DnD content.


wtf is a sisasystem


Y’all I know this is laughable and awful and repulsive all at once… but I just gotta say that I *love* the angelblessgenic flag’s color scheme…


does this mean that these caused them d.i.d, or caused an “alter”? 😭


caused the did or 'system' 💀


The fact there's enough bs on that website for multiple part reddit posts is horrifying.


im an extremely cringe person and i love "cringecore" shit (its literally just scene stuff though.), but even i can recognize how stupid this is.


Can we go back to the stargender stuff? At least that didn't insult a mental health issue and was mostly just a way of self-expression.