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…I don’t think your toddler alter should be questioning/thinking about sexuality yet


why do so many of these people put "touch: ask" or "touch: no" etc in their alter descriptions when you cant touch someone through text??? you can roleplay and be like *pats ur head uwu* but that isnt equivalent to a real touch. imo that just proves that theyre just roleplaying as their "alters" and thats why they also have so many fictional characters and animals, and never bobby the 55 year old balding man who likes grilling and drinking beer in his man cave


I know in servers like this “hugs” include adding heart emojis onto messages so it could be something like that


How the fuck is a body age a range of 3 years?


I always assume that people with age ranges are the lowest age they put in that range because i really doubt an 18 year old wants people to assume they are 15


Maybe they Uncomfortable sharing their actual age so they give a range Idk i do that too so that too so that's how it is for me personally


"2 to ageless" I- what?


why is the cat 5'8"


that's a huge ass cat. taller than me




Oh, ffs. Why does it read worse than the actual Tik Toks? 16 year olds have way too much free time.. also not consistent? Like the "role" isn't answered the sa--- Fuck, why am I trying to analyze this shit.


15-18 Is such a large age gap. Especially coming down to maturity. Any 18 year old is bound to know they shouldn't be telling people they could be 15, thats creepy. It's obvious they're 15/16 and attempting to avoid age based fake claims, lol.


Bruh one of their “alters’” pronouns is “mafia/magic.” There’s no way this is legit I refuse to believe this is a real person.


How would you even address Boss!Y/N if you were to talk to them???




DID fakers: “don’t sexualize our child alters!!” (valid tbh) also DID fakers: “this is my 4 year old agender lesbian little alter!” i just don’t understand why it’s terrible for others to sexualize their “child alters” then turn around and give them sexualities. if us singlets can’t do that, then neither can you guys 🙃


I miss the days when people thought they were planets and dragons.


Never thought I’d wish kids would go back to being obsessed with my little pony and warrior cats and shit, but we took them for granted.. cuz this new weird kid that the internet has birthed is something tf else 😭


i. fictive is not a role. why the hell are they saying its a role. that is a freaking *type* of alter.


my role is being a mommy-made 😤


I'm an endogenic alter so I'm home made! 🤪


Is this all the same “system”? Bc I hate the lack of consistency if so


Yea it is


I mean, with poly-fragmented systems that is possible, but polyfrag systems are usually a result of programming- I doubt a HC-DID system would have so many fictives.


Just a heads up you didn't censor their simplyplural


You can't do much with a sp tag, it's like a friend request you don't right away see this person's stuff on there, and they can easily make all of that private as well


Don't mention "source" yet mentions sources for like every alter?


250 is possible


Possible in general? Yes. Common? Not in the slightest. Possible in a 15 year old? Absolutely not.


Depends on the type of system and what trauma they went through if they have that many alters at 15 tbh but it is possible


Would you say that about every 15 year old who claims to have hundreds of alters? DID is already uncommon enough. To have that many alters and that many people with that many alters all together would be near impossible. Let alone a bunch of 15-18 year olds.


I would always say it's a possibility as it is no ones place but a trained professional that has personally worked with that person for quite a long time to say whether they are a system or not. And no it is not impossible to have that many alters or do you just ignore systems that went through TBMC, RAMCOA, constant nonstop abuse for years upon years, trafficking victims, etc??


I could use that same logic for you. If it's no ones place to point out blatant misinformation to say "Hey this isn't right. That's not how it works." then who are you to have a place "correcting" others on something you aren't a trained professional whos worked with DID patients for years? Pointing out misinformation hurts no body but the fakers feelings while spreading misinformation hurts the people who actually have the disorder who no longer get taken seriously because of these kids acting like it's just a clubhouse of all your favorite characters like a fan fiction come true. You can tell if someone has the disorder or not based off the wild information and unrealistic things they claim is normal such as having 250+ alters and being aware of that fact at 15. I also did not say it was impossible to have many alters, but highly uncommon. Again, it is also way too unrealistic to believe all of these children have 250+ alters and are aware of that with the majority not even having gone to therapy. I would suggest taking time to educate yourself on the disorder you're trying to give information on because you're really giving faker that lurks the sub.


💀💀💀blud should not be on the internet 💀💀💀


No way bro actually made their chuuya alter 6'2 he is like 5'2 💀