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This made me cringe so hard that I became a black hole. Jesus.


The intensity of my cringe clenching has sprained my butthole.


Same, I’m crying inside.


Honestly she needs medical intervention, just not for the things she "has". We have a mental health crisis and it's high time that it needs to be addressed.


Yeah tbh. Let your poor boyfriend go and go check yourself into a residential facility where you don’t have access to TikTok and fix this shit


To me it's a question if the boyfriend is just playing along so she doesn't leave, is affirming her and believes that all this is normal or is just oblivious to it.


I have a feeling he doesn’t know it’s fake. From what I could gather he’s not a professional caretaker or assisstant or anything like that, he’s just her boyfriend. My guess is she’s probably taking advantage of him not knowing anything about her “disorders” other than what she’s told him. He’s basically her live-in servant who she doesn’t have to pay or convince she’s actually sick. She really went downhill in the last year or so, so I’m imagining he’s pushing through it because he loves her. All speculation of course, but this whole thing feels eerily like one of those Munchausen’s documentaries where the person’s loved ones come out years later and say how they never knew and it devastated them.


I think he's just a dumbass.


That too. After the baby roleplay video I’m less inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt


Excuse me???


Man got butt-ass naked and started sucking his thumb while OOP rocked him and lip-synced to this god-awful audio. I’d post a screenshot but I genuinely think I’d get banned if I did


Ok I think at least one of these two is mentally ill to some degree


Shit, both of them gotta be at this point. No mentally healthy person is doing baby roleplays on TikTok


No, he’s probably playing along.


Wtf is that man doing? He needs to bolt outta here this is not healthy and this is embarrassing as hell.


In one of her videos she literally has him *carry her into the shower* like ??? Bro get out of there!! Leave!! She isn’t even paying you!! And the gall she has to attack people who call her a burden.


I wouldn't stay if I were thier partner. That's childcare, not a relationship.


Nah because the way it feels uncomfortably like a parent/child relationship.. like in that last video where he’s smiling back at her in the car and she’s acting like a child gives me such gross vibes


It's way close to ☆pedophillia☆


Dude I just can't. There's some weird infantilisation fetish going on here, and it's just 🤢 imagine carrying a grown ass able-bodied woman into the shower ? Bye, I'd rather lie butt naked on a red ants' nest than do that shit.


I went scrolling through her playlist with her partner… first video, he’s lifting her off a hammock like a child, letting her ride on his back (like how kids will sit on someone’s back and ride them like a horse), helping her down a slide in a public park UPDATE BECAUSE I DECIDED TO WATCH MORE THERE IS A VIDEO OF HER ROCKING HIM LIKE A BABY AND HE IS BUTT-FUCKING-NAKED AND SUCKING HIS THUMB GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACEEEE




No please it gets so much worse 😭 THEY’VE DONE INTERVIEWS!! WHO LOOKS AT THIS PROFILE AND GOES “hm yes of course, an educated person to interview about DID” BRO THEIR BF GOT NAKED ON THEIR PUBLIC TIKTOK LIKE WHAT


Honestly, their right to post interviews about DID should have been revoked the moment he got butt naked and let his gf rock him. This isn't normal adult behaviour. And now I'm picturing all the 14 year-old kids who spend a good amount of time on TikTok coming across this account 🫠 Mom, Dad, if your child can be easily influenced, you're in for a treat.


Im disgusted but i want to read more. Prob need to stop




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lol under the didiots there are a few with partners - that for some reason kinda look like the same man - who are DEFINITELY fetishising the "Little" alters aka their didiot gfs roleplaying as kids. These dudes call themselves caregivers and are adamant that it's *totally not* DDLG bs. Let's be real here, that's predatory behaviour and paedo light at best.. they are just as bad as the fakers


Oh totally, it’s rampant. Either it’s one party fetishizing what the other sees as being totally innocent, or both people are in on it and they’re using it as a way to engage in kink online and in public without it seeming morally wrong. I’m always reminded of DissociaDID’s Disney vlog with situations like these.


ugh.. *shudders*


Possibly he has some kind of fetish and his own good deal of mental issues.


So disrespectful.


you cant have tourettes and FND right? I thought one of the qualifiers for FND is absence of Tourettes.


From what I know, yep. There’s some gray area regarding how to differentiate a functional tic from a tic due to Tourette’s, but officially, one criteria in the DSM for Conversion Disorder (FND) is “another medical or mental disorder does not better explain the symptom or deficit.” Tourette’s wasn’t listed in the differential diagnosis section on the article I found, but I’d assume that could be easily ruled out. FND cannot be diagnosed if your only functional symptom is tics, which I’d imagine makes it easier to rule out whether your tics are functional or not. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551567/#:~:text=The%20diagnostic%20criteria%20for%20conversion,recognized%20neurological%20or%20medical%20conditions.


Aimed at OP as well but can't reply to both, FND isn't purely tics so you can indeed have tics and other Tourette's symptoms diagnosed as Tourette's and other neurological symptoms which are from FND. FND and tourette's are comorbid disorders as well, and many people do have both


It happens with other conditions as well, where one is cancelled out in the criteria, but try telling people that. They will tell you that they're super special or have been diagnosed with both, despite the criteria. They always say how the doctors are wrong, until they get the diagnoses they want - the more the better, then all of a sudden, the doctor is no longer wrong by diagnosing them with two mutually exclusive conditions.


Remembbpppphhher. LMAO what is that


The fake stimming and fake quirky autism. Fuck that.


For someone who has claimed to be unable to walk, requiring the use of a wheelchair, cane or being carried. They definitely appear to be walking quite fine in the first clip. Also, I hope that isn't an actual AAC and just an app because if it is, that is a very asshole move to get one, as they are already in high demand with limited availability.


That makes me so sad to hear. My kids go to an autism school and someone broke into it and stole all the laptops, iPads and AAC devices. I can’t even IMAGINE going through that.


I’m not entirely sure what the difference is, but she did have a video unboxing an iPad mini to “take her AAC on the go” so I’m guessing it’s an app? Still shitty, but at least it’s probably not an actual AAC device Edit to answer the first part (it’s like 5 am, I apologize): she claims her FND is progressive and super severe (what a shock). I think she just started using mobility aids last year, if not sooner. Funnily enough, her boyfriend temporarily used crutches because of an injury, right before she supposedly deteriorated to the point of needing a wheelchair and not being able to move her legs (despite clearly moving them in several videos after the onset of this supposed paralysis)


I’m flabbergasted… and second handedly embarrassed


Hate this shit and see it a lot from late diagnosed autistics where they like PERFORM their autism to a gross, stereotypic, completely unnatural for them level. A lot of these people I actually do think are autistic but then start picking up stims and behaviors that they straight up have never done and do not feel and EVERYTHING becomes related to their autism. Like… nothing should be changing about you except your self-acceptance and understanding after a diagnosis. I get that some people are learning to unmask and i emphasize with that but there’s unmasking and then there’s pretending. PLUS, for the vast majority of actually autistic individuals, a new car would be a challenge to adapt to- new smell, new feel, new look, a change in routine and to some of us (self included) it would be like the “death” of the other car for whom we had ascribed a sort of soul and personality to. I’m a fully grown largely functional adult with a good job who lives alone and is completely independent and even still a new car like this would be both a physical and emotional adjustment- it wouldn’t be something to get immediately excited over. Just goes to show they’re acting out what they THINK autism is instead of just existing as how they are naturally as an autistic individual


The whole phenomenon of people going up a level in severity just because they were diagnosed baffles me. Like yeah sure, you’re probably not gonna mask as much as before, but masking’s mostly a level 1 thing. Once you get to levels 2 or 3 it becomes much harder to mask. And I get that late regressive autism is a thing and I don’t want to minimize the experiences of people who actually do have it, but there’s features of late regressive autism that are just completely absent in people like this. For one, the person will almost always already have a diagnosis from childhood (this isn’t usually a thing that happens in level 1 autism), and people will lose a lot of skills very suddenly. This isn’t just a “heehee I like to stim a lot because my sensory issues are soooo bad and sometimes talking’s hard :((” thing, this is an actual deficit in multiple areas, like social and occupational skills. And it doesn’t come and go, the deficit is permanent, and you have to work to build up those skills again. This also mostly happens to adolescents, like around 13 years old. Gotta love how absolutely none of these people have problems with things like tying their shoes, brushing their teeth, going out in public, interacting with people (even with an AAC, many higher-level autistics will not interact in a typical way- fakers will usually have no problem expressing themselves), walking and coordination, nonverbal communication, changing tasks, et cetera et cetera. Amazing how they claim they’re soooo autistic, and yet they can still do all those things with ease and only break out the AAC when they want to make content with it. They’re fully functioning adults who don’t want to admit there’s nothing seriously wrong with them. They just *have* to claim they’re the most severely disabled, even when they’re really not. And I agree, getting a new car is a huge adjustment. Unless someone’s special interest is cars, I don’t see why getting a new car would be anything but distressing for someone with autism, especially autism as severe as hers supposedly is. Edit: wording Edit 2: fixed up some not entirely true information. I originally said the diagnosis comes after the regression, but most cases of late autism regression actually happen in people who are already diagnosed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8585308/#:~:text=However%2C%20some%20patients%20experience%20severe,already%20been%20diagnosed%20with%20autism.


The white knighting has started! Buckle your seatbelts, everyone!


The degradation


Are those...supposed to be the same person? I mean with the orange hair.


Pretty sure OOP started taking testosterone, or is using a voice filter. Their voice and their hair change like, every single video. Definitely still the same person though.


Is there any mental illness these people don't romanticize?


I currently have bronchitis right now, this video make me laugh and cringe so much...that I had a huge coughing fit. I passed out. I am writing this from the floor. God help my soul.


This is the funniest comment I’ve ever received on a post. Go drink some water man 😂


Wait wait wait. (I’m new here). The person at the end of the video was COSPLAYING as someone who is non verbal?


God I wish. I feel like cosplaying would be less of a mockery than claiming that’s actually how being nonverbal works.


No wayy😂


the irony of this is i swear i’ve seen that tiktoker tell others that they’re faking stuff


They make content calling out other fakers all the time. No specific people, but mostly talking about how fakers treat disorders like a game. Incredibly hypocritical, lol. I’ve a feeling they’re compensating


definitely compensating


Cognitive dissonance 🤪


i think i actually remember them telling another frequent subject here through a comment that they were sexualising autism (true lmfao) but it was ironic because all thwst baby stuff they do is so gross


It's the people around these people who enable them to behave this way, imo.


Sounds like someone needs a grippy sock vacation 😳 This is really strange..


Scout from tf2?? 💀


Either she only fakes on camera or this is a weird abusive relationship or they are equally crazy


I'd have to put her in the trunk with that "red car" bs.




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