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Galaxy and Kermit pulling up to FDC (they can't call their own doctor for an appointment) ![gif](giphy|3oriNSf2iLjMVO7dao)


Sorry, I’m lost. How does having source memories of a mayor give you connections in high places IRL???


It doesn't. These people are mixing fiction with reality.


On no we committed the worst sin of all, mocking her flag!!! (If the person in the post sees this then I have a message for you, go outside and get a hobby)


She'll definitely see this and probably try to sue you like she's trying to sue Summer Rose. And maybe me at this point.


Okay, for context! Summer Rose is an avid poster of MUDS, usually this person's. They have been screaming and crying over it, even getting the attorney general of their area involved, and it seems like they want to sue everyone in the comments (that's just based on what I've read but I could be wrong). As if that's going to do anything. I posted "Infinsick" which means "is always sick" and they cried like a toddler over it. I've actually checked up on them again and they have made another MUD that I'm sure Summer Rose is going to have a blast with. From how they act, they seem to believe they're the victim and the hero of this situation. A very common thing to do for idiots online. They're the victim because we're posting them and it's causing them to "split more alters" but they're also the hero because... "I have source memories of being mayor so I have friends in high places". Listen, your mayor alter talking to real politicians means nothing. Then there's the fact they want Reddit itself to take down the post even though it breaks none of the rules. The want for censorship of other's opinion is also very common with the terminally online. Just asking not to be posted is one thing, but we all know it's because they don't want to hear anything unless it's praise and coddling. I've seen too many of their posts, it's getting a bit depressing. And, well, people wouldn't be mocking your "non alter headspace entity" fixing the "fronting controls" if that wasn't a scene in Inside Out that you're copying. You can act like you don't know what it means, but we know you think Inside Out is a perfect representation of DID. And seeing as all of your alters are "quirky roommates who do silly things in the headspace", and mimic the movie's characters, you know what we mean. Finally, your "source picture" looks like an old man saying "you kids get off my lawn". No one is going to be scared of you, your mayor alter, or the attorney general you contacted who probably laughed you out of office.


I dug through the blog, and I disagree. I think this person is just bait and doing this intentionally to get put on FDC. I’m honestly considering making a full post on it because there’s a lot of stuff pointing towards them being blatantly a troll, likely someone from FDC. There’s a lot of evidence pointing towards it, such as blatant contradictions between their DNI and posts to their very posting history. It’s transparently bait.


Ok but hear me out, baiters are fakers too are they not? They don’t have the disorder they claim to have and they are knowingly faking for attention it’s just negative attention they want instead of positive. It’s just as harmful to the mental health community.


I agree , but the majority of this persons post have less than 3 notes, but then they get tons of attention on FDC, for context. They also have a posts about “transfdcposted stim boards”, and the majority of their blog mentions FDC to some extent. At this point, it becomes clear to me that the account only exists to bait FDC users into posting them, at least in my opinion.


It’s karma farming with extra steps


![gif](giphy|UU1bHu6QWyFxZM63Jh) L bozo


This person is most likely trolling




They ain’t that special 😭 “umm. Hi. Iiiim this guy. U prob know me..” no way hose


I'M SORRY DOONESBURY? Why is OOP claiming to be a character from a political comic strip?


I’m infinsick of this shit.


This is bait and I'm 1000% here for Uncle Duke being at the center of it


Them rn: ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized) Okay buy reading this was somehow both uncomfortable and funny. I also love how the lore connect to other posts on this sub.


omg the world famous faker system! i need an autograph!


"I have memories of being a mayor so I have friends in high places" had me ROLLING


This HAS to be satire. No way is an actual person thus pathetically funny


I've never heard of this person. But the quote "Doesn't harm anyone, AFAIK." Just made me laugh and laugh. Oh, how I hope your youthful health continues to flourish for several decades longer OOP.


Deadass thought that was mr. Lahey.


From HTGAWM? Lol


I think this faker is faking being a faker. Trolling?


Too bad. We're random loosers online, you posted something that fits here, so stop crying about it. Seriously, it's like somebody crying about their ice cream falling


Not the Donald Trump alter


All I have to say if you’re posted here and don’t like it is fuck off and get a life


How can someone have infinite diseases? There may be a lot of diseases, but the number of how many diseases there are is finite. The logic isn't here


Uncle Duke rn ![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0)


*I'm* so mad that *we're* posted


Is this satire??? This one CANNOT be real 😭


Oh no, anyway


this hurts my head to read, i can barely understand half the stuff they are saying


This feels like satire. 😭 But idk anymore.


the hell is AFAIK


“As far as I know” (I think but I’m a millennial and old so I could be very wrong 😂)


okay that definitely makes sense. im terrible with these acronyms lmao


Honestly some acronyms spawn out of nowhere and as a non native speaker having to keep up with everything is HARD 😂


Is that Hunter Thompson??




Wow the world of delusions they live in is crazy. How do these people hold jobs? Or are they living off their parents or something?


This must be bait.


This is like, very transparently bait. How are you guys falling for this?