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What customer service does


"Have a great day" :D \*customer leaves\* :|


God forbid you drop that fake ass smile a second to soon and the customer then thinks you're a raging bitch 🙃


Brooooo. I did this the other day. The lady was like “why did you roll your eyes at me”. Never mind she was being a complete idiot the entire time. Sorry I dropped the pretence of being nice to you a second early after you harassed me for the last 30 minutes.


That’s why I just don’t smile w my mouth. Only my voice and eyes otherwise it’s like an emotional strain and I worry all shift people will see how fake it is


I still wear a face mask at work so that I only have to worry about the top half of my facial expressions


self-diagnosed with working in retail


You can fake a smile??? Holy shit!!!44!!!


so deppresiv 😔


Is your exclamation mark shift + 4?


Masking is not always going and it can be a subconscious effort


It is. I often find myself correcting my behavior automatically whenever someone is around, and I even have this habit of looking around me to make sure no one saw me do something weird. I have to instantly switch up whenever I see anyone. It sucks. I feel like a different person around other people. I can’t “unmask” though. I have too much at stake to risk being hospitalized or having my reputation destroyed This will probably get removed for violating anecdotal evidence or whatever, so read fast


I do this too, but I'm just depressed, not autistic.


How are you altering your behavior?


I suppose I put on a mask. The person they see is not the person I really am, I guess. Isn't that how most people are? Vastly different when they're alone, versus around others? It had exploded in my face a couple of times. I ran into a friend on my way to work one morning. She asked me how I was, and obviously I said I'm fine, because that's the standard small-talk answer you're supposed to give. She refused to accept that answer, and dug into my very being. I broke, had a huge panic attack, hyperventilated, made a little girl cry because I was scaring her. And then I showed up at work with my makeup all messed up, and you could easily see I had been crying. It's not as easy to pretend you're okay when the mask is broken. Most days I'm legitimately fine, though. But I have bad days, and some *really* bad days. I'm lucky I have people who love me.


Yeah, but in what ways are you different alone? If you’re pretending to be happy I don’t think it’s the same as pretending to not want to scream for no reason. When I’m alone, I do scream for no reason. I talk to myself, make weird noises, flap my arms, spin, rock, repeat words over and over again for no reason.


Autistic person here. It’s not a competition
 I don’t know why you’re making it one. For all you know he’s undiagnosed autistic. Everyone masks & stims tho, it’s just varied severity for everyone. Again I say, it’s not a competition on who is worse, making it one is weird af lol


Everyone “stims,” yes, but “stimming” isn’t part of the criteria. It’s “stereotyped and repetitive movements.” We just call it stimming because it’s less ambiguous. Only autistic people usually have the repetitive and stereotyped movements like rocking, flapping, etc. It’s even rare in ADHD folks. The idea that everyone has some autistic symptoms just isn’t true. In order for something to be considered a “symptom,” it has to be clinically significant, which means it has to be a pervasive problem. The same applies to “special interests,” which everyone thinks are just really strong hobbies.


Like I said, I'm not autistic. My point is thay I behave differently when I'm alone, vs around people, like you mentioned in the first comment. I make sure they don't see the real me, because they'd be put off. I talk to myself just like everyone does. I cry, I punch myself, and I scream on worse days. I don't consider these symptoms of anything, other than depression. I don't get why you can't just accept that I have my issues just like you. Why do I have to be validated by you.


It’s not a competition. I’m trying to understand how they mask. How did I convey that is was a competition?


I came here to say something similar. If you're actually Autistic you've likely been masking for so long, because you're taught to do it, that you don't even think about it on any level. It doesn't really effect day to day life. Honestly, I'm not sure how not masking, in public, would even look. I don't think I do it at home, but how would I even know? I've been with the same person for half my life and he's likely also Autistic, but hasn't ever been diagnosed.


Exactly! I'm adhd, but masking is a totally subconscious process for me. Sraightening myself out, quieting my more noticeable stims, and making sure I'm "pleasant" to others are all done automatically and without thought, just like putting on shoes before leaving the house. It's like I pass through a barrier in my door that turns all of these traits inwards. I don't know anything different, so it's even hard to know if I'm masking or not at times. Sure, maybe I can reflect on situations and go "oh yeah, I stopped myself from xyz..." or whatever, but it's so difficult to recognise (and stop) when your brain has been trained to automatically do it.


The only way to actually know if your masking is buy having someone who knows how you act outside be in your home


I don’t get this one “Yoooo I learned how to change faces”


literally. masking is way more than just faces lol. its behavior mostly. despite it being called “masking” so youd think its all about faces when its not


It's also a tik tok trend đŸ€Ș


this is exactly why i deleted tik tok lol




She just learned to press e to emote what a noob


Am I the only one who thinks this isn't even an especially convincing fake smile? I'd be suspicious that she's being sarcastic if they did that face towards me.


girl i learned how to convincingly fake smile because im a fucking drama kid. my older sibling learned how to convincingly fake smile because she uses it to comfort people in awkward or sad situations. doesn't always mean masking. anyone can fake smile.


Your flair sent me lmfao đŸ€Ł


AVD didn’t? 😂😂😂


I should tell my parents I have AVD and see how they react


Someone told me they have RBFD and I didn’t know it was Resting Bitch Face Disorder, in which, I looked at her bitchy rested face, and fucking laughed so hard my sides hurt. I love making shit up. Like CBDBPD chronic big dick back pain disorder hilariously made up


I worked in retail. My fake smile wins Oscars.


exactly!! not everyone learns how to fake smile from masking


uuuh TIL not everyone can do this?


the whole point of my comment, per the last sentence, is THAT everyone can do this, and it doesn't HAVE to be masking


yeah I know, but like... I thought that was common knowledge? I didn't know there were people out there who really believe one's life is supposed to be 100% real and you are supposed to smile every time you're happy and cry every time you're sad


Wouldn't masking mean acting as expected in a situation? In that case, shouldn't she be fake crying/emoting?


sorry if this was misunderstood, i wasn't using my sibling and i as examples of masking. i was trying to prove a point that learning how to fake smile ≠ masking, sort of proving that everyone could do it, not just people masking


This is literally the most basic normal thing ever lol


Who watches this video back and says yep I am cool and this is a cool video. So cringe.


this is the most surface level interpretation of masking lmfao. It’s not even on the surface, it’s hovering


I think they forget that people without Autism also mask their feelings and intentions. People also change depending on who they’re around.


Exactly! Like anyone in a customer service job can do this 💀


Teenagers pick up that in public you're supposed to manage your feelings on your own for the most part: smile when you wanna scream, etc. But they act like freaking pariahs about. Like I don't think they really get why it's good to do this, only that "the rules" say you have to, which to them is a message no one cares they feel bad. Which, I mean, is kind of true. Why should anyone?


Yup. It’s interesting how far this can go too. For example, around my close friends and family, I’d be known as the “friendly girl that talks too much”. To acquaintances I’m just “the timid girl who shys away from people”. I will say tho it’s easier to be myself online than offline.


also you cant just mask for 20 years straight. the way this sentence it put togetjer doenst make sense. “what being masked for 20 years blabla” makes it sound like she masked non stop lmao. might not seem like a big deal but this is actually how misinformation is unknowingly spread and no one bats an eye to it


the grind never stops


When in reality this is just faking emotions so people don’t think you’re rude


if she thinks *that's* masking, sorry to tell her but all those years of hard work didn't pay off 💀💀


Everyone masks to an extent. Especially when it comes to facial expressions.


My dumbass thought this person was masking for 20 years, as in they were wearing a mask their whole life lol


I don’t get it. She smiled and then she stopped smiling. So what?


Masking is not making faces! Masking is literally what it is! Pretending you don't have autism in a public place. Yes, it's hard. It's quite complicated to explain making videos like these absolute BS


genuine question though coming from ignorance and curiosity, how does an autistic act any different from an allistic? like how can you tell the two apart? and what changes exactly in your behaviour when you're masking?


Autistics have a range of different masking behaviors. Masking can be anything from suppressing obsessive-compulsive behaviors and stims to physically mirroring the body language of another person you're having a conversation with or behaving in a way that emulates someone else entirely. It's most common in AFAB autistics and can be comorbid with or misdiagnosed as cluster b disorders.


lmao love their obsession with masking. not everyone can or does mask but i mean, they love stereotypes


really hate how “masking” is used as an excuse for showing zero symptoms before coming across tiktok


Masking is more than just making faces. We have to act “normal” around people in order to fit in. I fucking hate it. And hate TikTok.


fakers when they find out about RBF: 😭😭😭😭😱😱😭😭😭😱😱đŸ„ș😭😭😱đŸ„șđŸ„ș😭😭😭


i feel like if you’re autistic it’s not that easy to mask?


It's not easy. It can be exhausting, but sometimes it's a subconscious thing. In my case, it definitely is.


That frickn music is too loud for my ears


That's like her proclaiming this video is related to saving endangered species... Literally NO CONNECTION...


Omg faking smiles exists? đŸ€Ż


Anytime someone has adhd/autism in their bio and doesn't make awareness posts I just know they fake it... like why do ppl need this information? Imma be honest i did that too but after 2 weeks i put it out because why would people need that info if I don't make awareness posts?


Huh? What's that supposed to mean?


What is this proving? I’m confused. Everyone can change their faces and fake mood, it’s not some super power. A smile takes like minimal effort to fake.


Me, seriously thinking for the first few seconds she's talking about face masks until the metaphor hits me:


Ah. So you know how to act.


Wtf does this even mean


what does this mean


Masking is such a stupid concept for the chronically online. You change your demeanor and expressions depending on the situation, surroundings, and people you're with? That's not mental illness, that's called appropriate behavior.


Masking is kinda different than that, lol. Personally, I stim because it grounds me and helps me self-regulate. Neurodivergent brains don't filter out unneeded stimuli as they should. I try to minimize these behaviors in public because they're inconvenient. That's masking, not just changing facial expressions or attitudes.


so relatable.. sometime i smile then frown too 😔 #actuallyaustin




What’s this even supposed to mean?


When will people learn that autistic masking isnt just going from all fake happy to edgy depressed villain arc?💀


so what does it do?


Why does "masking" to these people mean acting like Patrick fucking Bateman. Like fuck, you can mask without trying to act like you have to be emotionless and not at all human-like.


It’s so frustrating how fakers are now taking the phrase “actually autistic” when it was made with the purpose to draw attention to actual autistic people and raise their voices up


Fake a smile=autistic


I don’t even understand what’s she’s doing/implying tbh


As a person who is definitely a doctor, I am formally diagnosing this person with narcissistic personality disorder and mild food poisoning (facial expressions indicate severe gas). I think they need treatment — 500g of seroquel stat, 2x per day to put them to sleep so that they cannot use their phone, to be followed up with 1x bottle of pepto bismol daily and perhaps in the future we may need to consider hospitalization if these social media posts continue.


Best comment so far


Thank you, all in a days work of helping individuals on the internet. After all, I didn’t take the hippocampus oath for nothing.


Every individual has to mask their feelings from time to time. Particularly if you’re socialized as a female. Anyone who works customer service in any capacity.


I don't get it


I’m not sure what “being masked” means, and what is going on here
Little help?


“Masking” aka pretending you’re fine when you’re not. This person is just saying they’re autistic and this is their only basis


Ohhhh. Gotcha


Is this not what we all do


Technically speaking this is masking, but it’s barely scratching the surface of what masking fully is. Just so happens to be something everyone on the entire planet does


WEWOOAAAAHHH GUYS. Did you see that
?? They SMILED.. and then they STOPPED SMILING?!!?! WwwwwwhhaaaattđŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±/j


what does that even mean


"Masking " the new catch all term that we all actually do in our day to day lives, because you know, life and all that, but has somehow become a diagnosis for every idiot craving attention


Impressive fake smile though, like she doesn’t only look happy, she looked entranced. Would be a great actress


People who have anxiety and depression can also mask without being autistic. As the saying goes “check on your happy friends” Because 
 wait for it
. Masking ! People will say they are anything to keep all eyes on them.


Wait til you hear my work phone voice vs my actual voice.


i can do that too and i’m not autistic i’m just never happy


I can fix her


I honestly don't get this sub Like someone going out of their way to pretend they have a disorder in all likelihood probably has another completely different disorder.


So what masking does? She just moves her lips and makes different face. 😂😂😂 music changes from beautiful to more heavy. I dont understand.


Deeply impressive 👏 👌


Nah this is just how it feels to work in healthcare/hospitality/retail. 💀


autism is when smile stops


I cannot believe I used to add the #ActuallyAutistics on my social media posts đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž




fuck TikTok and this faking horsefly for butchering I Monster


I've had to look in the mirror to practice my smile because my real smile makes me look like a maniac.


Covids only been out for a few years now /s


i got poop on my fingers while wiping 😭


20-yr-old: "what being masked for 20 years does" No one: ...