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Emperor Scorpions are the most popular kind for pets.


from Herbert Dashwood terminal entries: (Tenpenny Tower) >I've been a lot of places in my day, and everywhere you'd find those damned Radscorpions.Rumor was they'd descended from Emperor Scorpions, which you could find in pretty much any pet store in the country when bombs fell. I guess that explains their population.


Ok thanks! Not sure how the scorpions would survive the nuclear winter though. Emperor Scorpions can only survive in temperatures as low as 20 degrees Celsius I believe.


Yes, but they also handle radiation better than most species. I figured the rads helped them evolve quicker than normal and they just evolved into their environment.


I mean, radiation doesn't really turn people into ghouls either. It's just a fun way to add variety!


If scorpions can mutate to the point they become giant I imagine they can mutate to survive the cold.


They came from pet Emperor Scorpions, which were popular pets all throughout the US. When the bombs struck, the Scorpions escaped, bred, and mutated, creating the Radscorpion population in those areas.


I live a few hours south of the Capital Wasteland, and strangely enough there are wild scorpions, called the Southern Devil Scorpion. They’re sorta “tropical” and I don’t think they’re very plentiful, but there’s a few around.


[There were no hippos in Columbia then Pablo Escobar bought them as pets and their population is now exponentially growing in Columbia](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/18/americas/colombia-pablo-escobar-hippos-scli-intl-scn/index.html)


The biggest reason why hippos are a problem there is that the people think they look cute. You see, if the government could just shoot them like the invasive species should, the problem would be gone. Instead, the people would riot if they do that. And sterilizing a hippo is surprisingly difficult and so expensive that they can't afford it. ...So until the people stop seeing hippos as adorable, probably after a dozen or so children are trampled to death, the hippos remain a growing problem.


With hippos, I don’t think the danger is trampling, as much as it is being gored to death.


Hippos are pure danger. They do stomp shit to death, I've seen one destroy a croc. They are also ornery and quick to anger.


Steve Irwin said hippos were the one animal he was terrified by. Imagine a truck with teeth and hatred and you have a pretty good idea of what a hippos is.


Im not sure if thats true as I haven’t done much research but the cartel has aa guns and theres only ~88 hippos there i see an easy fix.


If shooting the hippos was an option, the government would have already done it. But the people oppose that.


Likely pets and zoos. It's the reason there's sloths in fallout 76. There was a guy that had a bunch of pet sloths and after the bombs fell they escaped and made Appalachia their home


You've already got the explanation, I just came here to say there are scorpions in the general area of the Mason-Dixon line


Yep, seen em in East Tennessee but only once


Yep, I live in Georgia and have seen a few scorpions crawling about, though not many.


Similar reason as to how Sloths now live in Appalachia, having them as pets.


emperor scorpions were popular pets in DC and Boston and they mutated from them


They don't look like Emperor Scorpions in Boston though. They look more like Arizona Bark Scorpions.


There are animals called "pseudoscorpions," that are just very small scorpions, in Maine, and scorpions naturally live as far as South Virginia. The pet theory mentioned in the game is also valid. I'd call the population of radscorpions unlikely, but at least plausible and definitely cool.




Well it’s also worth noting it’s been 200 years. I’m sure that is plenty of time for them to spread across the wasteland


They came from a popular pet known as the Emperor Scorpion.


Bruv Tennessee touches Virginia, and there's MANY Scorpions there. I used to play with them.


I don't care about the unrealistic nature they still scare the deep outta me sometimes when they just pop outta the ground 😂


Yeah I was exploring a little shack next to a bridge the other day in FO4 when all of a sudden a legendary Radscorpion pops out right below me, killing me almost instantly hahaha


Idk what you're talking about, Florida has Scorpions. They're small, but they are here. They could've migrated north at some point


I don't see a reason why the radscorpions could not of simply migrated into the new territory. The world, in this case specifically the climate, of Fallout is not the same as our world. Otherwise giant radscorpions wouldn't be able to exist. So if radscorpions came about in the South West, I don't find it THAT hard to believe that they would be able to migrate East.


There are some kind of scorpions in almost every state.


My dad knows from experience that there are scorpions in Arkansas.


I'm European so I didn't know that scorpions were everywhere in the US haha, I still find the idea that they are all pets a little far fetched. I personally think that it would make more sense that they migrated to the east coast. Anyways thanks for all the comments!


They are not the same species that rad scorpions supposedly evolved from (emperor scorpions) but scorpions can be found all over the southeast US


They're pretty near the top of the post-apocalyptic food chain, I mean I know Bethesda added the pet store excuse in Fallout 3 but I don't think there's any reason they couldn't have just spread for lack of predators.


Doesn't help the argument, but they're also in southern and central Idaho


You can find wild scorpions in parts of Oklahoma and southern kansas.


Pet stores or scientific lab experiments, or a little bit of both?


They were digging and took a wrong turn at Alburquerque


I live in Georgia and we have tiny scorpions. I moved here from kansas/missouri, we had them back there as well.


I live in Arkansas and we’ve got plenty of scorpions. Idk how many I’ve killed on my front porch or how many I’ve scooped out of swimming pools.


Fast reproduction, a new, radioactive ecosystem, and a complete restructuring of biodiversity in the post nuclear world allowed for emperor scorpions to expand well beyond their pre-apocalyptic range.




The Enclave hauled them all over because the Enclave are absolute twats. This is canon; fight me. Jokes aside there's a pretty solid theory about pet shops and emperor scorpions.






Well they were pre war pets for one and I can see them easily migrating in large masses, wouldn’t be too hard as they can burrow underground


Actually, There are scorpions in the southern states( Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi,) I come across them in the sticks all the time.