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Only 3,000 hours? Why are you skipping over half of the game? /s


If by skipping you mend mashing jump and walking backwards over mountains sure.




Going backwards turns humans into mountain goats - Bethesda


Here i was lamenting that the game didnt have mountain climbing horses like skryim, when *I* was the mountain climbing horse the entire time


Maybe the real mountain climbing horse was the bugs we found along the way




Diagonal jump for speed, backwards jump for that grippy


Fucking lost it


Why are you BLJing over the mountains filled with cazadors?


Mmmmm, jalapeño bloatflies give spicy damage


My favorite is melee block jumping 30 yds through the boomer mortar range


You say that but I've played about 2000 to 2500 hours.... And there's still some parts that I'm learning from YouTubers that I've never seen.


Wild Wasteland


Indiana Jones' fridge made me transgender


I'm sick of them putting Indiana Jones references in the games that make the friggin kids gay, do you understand that?!?!


I never played any Monkey Island games during the child section of my game, is my character now locked out of getting the Trans Perk?


There’s a workaround where you get really into video essays on YouTube and can unlock the “I’m not cis?” Dialogue option that opens the whole gender exploration quest once one of your favorite creators comes out


My sides, stop I'm begging you


Wait what abt MI?


Anything in the Broken Sword series or the Discworld point-and-clicks also counts, you can unlock it that way if you missed the Monkey Island prompt.


This made me blow air out of my nose and say out loud "Ha, that's funny."


Take a walk on the wild side


I said heyyyy sugar-bombs


Giger-counter sings do, di-do, di-do, do, duh-do, do, di-do, di-do...


I don’t get how FNV is related to trans stuff


My simplest guess is you can choose your gender, there are deeper answers in other comments But this thread is for Velvet ~~Underground~~ Vault lyrics bro


Bro is on the second stage


I have no idea, but wild guess: This game forces you to think about choices and identity a lot. The game has allows you to pick an orientation through perks and roleplay but it doesn’t allow you to pursue relationships, only to observe and think about the relationships of others. There are two canonically gay companions, who are portrayed with a surprising amount of realism and care. Which is pretty true about every sort of person they portray in this game. It caught me off guard when I found out Mormons like this game because it has like three different Mormon characters who each represent a different perspective on their religion. So this game has characters that gay men, gay women, and Mormons can all enjoy while having fun little cowpoke adventures in the wasteland. Not many games can make you passively understand that many different perspectives that are often needlessly placed in opposition of each other in the real world. New Vegas is complicated, and it makes you think. And thinking about complicated things seems to be integral to the trans experience.


"Not many games can make you passively understand that many different perspectives *that are often needlessly placed in opposition of each other* in the real world" couldn't have said this better


Meanwhile in fallout 4 “im addicted to drugs so take me to the magic chair that makes everything better in an instant “


The opposition is only so the wealthy can make us labor cattle again like pre 1945, there is no reason to take freedom of self away in America and yet it's purposely put under attack so laws can be changed back to the cattle days.


Ah yes, but Fallout 3 lets you decide whether to blow up a town of innocents or not because someone doesn't like looking at it. Now that's real nuance!


I still love the other games, but “nuance” is nowhere to be found.


Yeah, I like Fallout 3 too. I tried Fallout 4 but didn't enjoy it, but intend to go back with a different frame of mind soon.


I *hated* 4 but I re-bought it during winter sale for PC, researched mods, and right when I started falling in *love* with the franchise all over again they pushed out an update that broke all my mods and it's still not fixed to this day. I'm so heartbroken


Check out the Simple Fallout 4 Downgrader on nexus, helped me out to avoid Beth's mistake


Thank you so much! Didn't even think to look for something like this


Np, have fun


I misread “beth” and thought “wow this guy’s really throwing out a big guess on the other person’s name”


Lol, happens to the best of us


Try using one of the downgrade methods and that should fix the problem with your mods


Hey thanks! Didn't know that was a thing


That’s where I’m at now. I had made a *great* mod list for myself, only for it to get shat all over.


Some people replied to me with a fix, there is a Nexus downgrader!


I play 4 like it's a dungeon crawler. Playing it like it's an indepth RPG is a recipe for disappointment, in my view.


Why can’t anyone say “new Vegas is good” here without someone else jumping in to say “Yeah but 3 and 4 suck!”


Cause it’s the internet, them’s the rules! I love 3, 4, and New Vegas


You can say "FO3 is lacking in this area" without saying "FO3 is terrible". I like both FO3 and FNV, but (with the exception of The Pitt) that sort of moral grey area was sorely missing in FO3. But that's OK because I play FO3 for different reasons to FNV, precisely *because* they have different tones. If I want to have sociological fun, FNV. If I want survivalist fun FO3. I don't have a machine powerful enough to play FO4 or F76, but if I did I would probably love them in different ways too.


For whatever reason I actually find their bad writing oddly endearing in fallout 3.


I know what you mean: some bits are like watching classic sci-fi films with their social assumptions of the time. I find myself thinking "I know there point you're trying to make and the emotion you're trying to evoke, but it's just not landing, sorry." But it's somehow endearing. Some parts are genuinely brilliant though. Like if you tell that guy in Megaton governments should serve their citizens, not the other way around.


for me the bethesda games are incredibly flawed and even bad in many ways. and yet. and YET... they are some of the best RPGs ive ever played and i've struggled to find other RPGs that give me what I want. A world to explore, loot to find, a place to call home. I cant even say how the story compares to other RPGs cause i cant stick with them due to these things. morrowind molded me when I first stepped into that room and was told I could interact with everything. so games like Fallout 3 and 4 being bad is purely on a spectrum with how many RPGs are out there. "compared to what." is the question.


I enjoyed 3 as a kid. It was alright for back then but its writing is obviously leaves a lot to be desired. I dont think every fallout game has to be new vegas tier in writing, 1 and 2 werent really, but it would be nice to have more actual roleplay. Bethesda needs to learn a pure character driven story doesnt work with the level of roleplay a fallout game should have.


I was very much the same way too. When I was a kid/young teenager I preferred 3 over New Vegas because at the time I felt like there was "too much" going on and shoved into New Vegas and I preferred the more simplistic style and writing of 3. At the time I felt that 3's more "trying to survive bleak and barren wasteland" vibe better fit my idea of a post apocalypse story at the time. As I got older my preferences switched as I began to better understand and appreciate the writing and depth in New Vegas. My taste in post apocalypse stories shifted away from the "trying to survival a bleak and barren wasteland" to the "navigating the new world after the initial dust of the apocalypse has settled".


Seriously it’s so annoying. Like we get it you like the game I like it too but you can just say “this game is good” you don’t need to add the “compared to this game which is trash”. I think people forget they can just like something and don’t need a reason to defend their interest. In this day and age people are attacked constantly for having differing interests that they feel they always need some reason of why they like it


I enjoyed fallout 3


I agree strongly with this perspective. I'm inclined to take it a step further: The game presents you with a variety of less than ideal options and forces you to justify them to yourself. I favor the NCR. But I really shouldn't, some part of me just seeks what is familiar and comfortable. But I'm a little bit wrong to do so. I chose an imperfect system because it makes me feel safe. Once you accept that and apply it to your own life, it becomes harder to accept the options society has presented to you. And one of those big ones is biological gender essentialism. A doctor held me upside down one day, saw my genitals, marked them down, and from that everything from physical presentation to how much I get paid to what kind of friends I can have was determined? There's got to be a better way forward, right? We shouldn't keep a system because its familiar and comfortable.


I think that’s a really great point. That follows up what I was saying about how the game passively explores your perception of the world and forces you to think about it. With the main ending factions, you are forced to choose which one your character would agree with, but in making that choice you have to consider what makes any society worth living in.


This is what I don't understand about modern writers is they don't seem to understand or care about making someone think vs. telling them what to think. Don't get me wrong a bigot is gonna bigot no matter what. I think that's a big reason you don't see games like NV anymore, the message becomes more important than the messenger (story).


3 Mormons? I know Joshua and Daniel, who's #3?


I was wondering that myself - Bert Gunnarson maybe? I figured he was too minor of a character to count but I’m struggling to think of another


https://kotaku.com/im-a-mormon-pop-culture-often-mocks-my-faith-but-fall-5988935 this says Bert and Driver Nephi are also mormon


He’s easy to miss, but I was referring to Bert Gunnarsson, who is a Mormon priest and doctor helping the Followers of the Apocalypse.


As a Mormon with LGBTQ+ family members, this is PERFECT. Thank you for putting this into words in a way I can't.


As a gay, Mormon, trans woman (don’t ask), I feel like it’s my duty to play New Vegas!


Get rid of the last 2 and that's me


Let's ride into the sunset together


Steer up to steer, side by siiiiiiiiiide


I thought it was "stirrup to stirrup"?


It is.




Same here


What a boring reply. Get rid of the first two and that's me. Fuck New Vegas. (This message has been brought to you by the 3000+ hours of playtime gang)


as a trans person - no fucking clue. I love this game but can't figure out how it's related to being trans really. I'll take it tho


I'm in the same boat. The best I can figure is that it was just in the right place at the right time. And I don't think it needs to be more complicated than that.


It’s like ace people and garlic bread. Zero correlation. It’s just a thing that popped up.


none of the ace people ive ever met have a specific affinity for garlic bread, literally all of the trans people in my life like nv


Yeah but by the same measure who's played nv and not liked it


I know a streamer who couldn’t get past the first hour or two because they got disgusted with the amount of creepy crawlies you have to kill, which imo is pretty valid reason lol


Yeah but do the like it cause they're trans ?. Or is it a coincidence, cause it's a good rpg.


My hypothesis is: It's a really good RPG, which also includes a lot of queer representation. Respectively that makes it appeal to people with a desire to reinvent themselves, and people who are queer. Us trans people are usually an intersection of those two types of people, so it's more likely to speak to us. So the fact that it's a really good RPG is a big reason trans people like it, but not the only factor.


I also think that the nature of good RPGs can help people explore their identity in a safe space through character creation and even more so if choices matter in the game.


I'm ace and I don't even fucking like garlic bread


Are they all transfemme?


Not sure what ace people are, but I fucks with some garlic bread.


Short for "asexual" (it makes sense if you say them aloud). It means a person who doesn't feel sexual attraction to anyone. Not to be confused with "aro/aromantic", which means a person who doesn't feel romantic attraction towards anyone. NB that ace and aro are separate things that can occur independently of each other, both together, or not at all in any individual. EDIT: Why the downvotes? Someone said they didn't know what a thing is, I explained. EDIT 2: OIC, the whole thread is being brigaded by some anti-queer lot who are downvoting everything that's accepting of queerness. Good: I'm glad I'm pissing *those* people off.


O OK, gotcha. Thanks for the explanation.




But what if I'm asexual but too slow to take out 5 enemy fighters?


Get yourself a good tail gunner?


Wow I read that as "aromatic" at first and I was so confused. Like, there are people who only attracted to smells?


Or a plush shark from Ikea.


Yeah, but I feel we do that half for the meme and half because blåhaj happens to be in the trans flag colours.


I truly think it’s just that a lot of people into RPGs are autistic and we have a significantly higher rate of coming out than cis people (though it’s unclear if the baseline rate of gender dysphoria is higher than the cis population or if autism just makes it more likely that you are willing to deal with the social consequences


Right. I was like trying to think why this was in here. I thought because people were using mods to do this but I don't get it.


I feel like this is good example of a meme that was made purely for the OCs head canon. Like an inside joke, but just for them


Me and my 2 trans friends have no clue either.


It was just a frequently loved game by trans folks. I think entirely by chance. Then the memes took off


Well, I bet what they explain in the video linked below has something to do with it. [Fallout's Meme War - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzwj-dY6alc)


The only reason i could think is because if you set your character as Female/Male, you can only equip the M/F version of that equipment? I.e. if you're set as a female, you will always get a dress when wearing Formal Attire?


NGL, that does kinda bug me. I'd rather clothes stayed as they are but just change the fit for different genders. If I wanna be a woman in a snazzy suit I should be able to do that. Similarly for people who want to play a guy in a dress. TBH though it's only a minor annoyance. If it majorly bugged me I'd have installed the mod I've already found that does just that by now, but I couldn't be bothered yet so...


The one that kills me the most: Vera's Outfit from Dead Money. Pretty sure it said Dress when I picked it up, it is clearly a dress, Vera does not even wear a suit. I may never play as a male character, but what is wrong with me wanting Boone wearing that epic dress, slit going up to his waist?


"we have a problem with guys in dresses" "you're literally asterix cosplayers it's 40% of what you should be doing"


I mean that's just a bgs game thing.  Been that way since oblivion.  I think fallout 4 was their first game since morrowind to let dudes wear dresses


Black widow to kill benny?


Doesn't correlate with trans lol


Well my guess is a bunch of dudes choosing a female char for in game advantages. My take at least.


Actually not a bad theory. I definitely saw a lot more more dudes making female characters in NV. Could have been *an awakening* for some.


Guys choosing to play as women in video games is a tale as old as time tho so I doubt it


Playing the "wrong" gender in video games and TTRPGs having a hand in trans people figuring out our identities is also a tale as old as time though. Source: Me! I was the female Courier *all along!*


The real gender was the couriers we made along the way.


It’s complicated, simply playing a fem character obviously doesn’t mean anything. Always and only playing a fem character, identifying with them, your OCs all being fem etc can be a way of exploring gender in a safe way


Also trans, I think a lot of it has to do with the dialogue being affirming. Hearing people all over the Mojave use your pronouns and treat you as your gender of choice is definitely nice but that also goes for most RPGs so idk what about specifically new vegas makes it so alluring to us. Genders, sexuality, and race also seem to be treated completely equally in the fallout universe and not many games create that kind of openly queer, if you want it to be, space. Just my rambling thoughts on it.


Basically every game treats you as the gender you choose though. It's not unique.


No but how many games let you truely choose who you want to be and support. I mean if you wanna be a gay man who into ancient cosplay and fisting people but also like people who fly planes. You can do that and the game works around you and the choices you make. Not many RPGs have the same choice and depth as FNV.


It's a good roleplaying game. That's pretty much it. There's nothing else to do with being trans and the memes about it get really annoying.


The New Vegas fan base is huge. This leads to a huge number of annoying fans. A large number of annoying fans leads to a huge number of fans who are annoying AND also happen to be trans. (They're not annoying because they're trans)


An open world RPG that gives you freedom over your character and their choices, placed in a complicated, less than ideal world. God, I can’t imagine why a trans person might want to engage with that.


Activated your meta-gene


Trans too, I think it's because it's very common for young trans people to be on the reclusive side when they're figuring things out so we stay indoors and get into video games and online shenanigans. New Vegas being a phenomenal game and one with a lot of open queerness (for the time at least) and being able to make your character whoever you want, yeah we kinda gravitated to it even if subconsciously. Plus arguably the 1950's retro futurist wasteland has appeal for, well being a fun unique setting, but also invoking the society that would oppress us destroyed by it's own hand.


The second one really only seems to pertain to online communities. The average person seems to just think about the first one.


Honestly the queer representation (Veronica and Ganon especially) probably go a long way to making it more accessible to queer people. It also touches upon a lot of politics, with there being some explicitly left wing politics involved in the game, which I'm guessing queer people are more likely to be attune to given the recent history of queer repression. I wouldn't say there are any real trans themes to speak of, but it gives the player a lot of choice on who they are and how they skew politically. This is probably more an indictment of games of the time and before having less queer rep than they would now.


Betsy being a very "hot model" comparatively to the rest, she has the same type as Red Lucy i do believe. You would as a young buck of 15, try an flirt with her. Only to be politely shut down and with enough Speech can make a joke of the awkward situation. Its very tounge and cheek and thats how i like those interactions. Natural, not forced. Game taught me at a young age how to be respectful if you stumble into a situation like this. New Vegas touches alot of corners of what an Apocalypse would devolve into. Fiends being a huge part of it.


What the fuck are you talking about


Was this written by a nightkin? Who is up voting this.


Prehaps while i feel like the trans themes take a back seat to acceptance of queerness. I'd argue that isn't major necessary since from my perspective of being trans being the "ideal version" of yourself. Though saying that i'm suprised no one has ever talked about or made a super mutant or ghoul that has dysphoria about how they look or feel. I mean how would you feel if one day you looked like margot robbie and then the next you looked like a sterioded up super male athlete thats 8ft tall.


New vegas specifically makes it so you can have the lady killer and confirmed bachelor perks regardless of gender, allowing you to play as whatever sexuality you want


I get what you mean: You can get homosexual and heterosexual perks for any character (and take them both for bi perks). But it's Cherchez la Femme and Black Widow for women Couriers.


I always take both for the damage bonuses and ignore that it implies anything about my character's sexual interests. I then just don't pick the dialogue options I don't want to. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to say it.


Accessible to queer people? You can play anything you want it wouldn't stop you if it had no representation. If it would then that's weird. But it doesn't bring any queer players in because we wouldn't know there were any queer folk in the game without playing it long enough


'if it had no representation' Representation is important, the fact of the matter is that games have changed their composition as more demographics have gotten involved in gaming, be it poc, women or queer people. If everyone in fallout was average straight white dude and all you could play is a straight male, it would be antithetical to both the RPG genre and the interests of a great many people. "We wouldn't know" Arguably people looking for such an experience would find that out and even then, there is ample evidence even in the early game that you can play many different demographics. Mass effect would not be as popular as it is if all you could play is white male shep who is only interested in women.


There's a lot of queer and bi people in the game and plenty of nuance regarding sexuality (james garret and dalla off the top of my head). More than anything I think it's just the fact that you can design a character of either gender and still have romantic dialougues allowed with male and female characters. It was a good role-playing game that touched on topics that were still fairly taboo in mainstream games


Transgender people are often more likely to be ostracized from society and are going relate to people who are also ostracized for different reasons, such as people that are eccentric or live different lifestyles. Many transgender people also fall into more geeky fandoms as a result, which Fallout admittedly is (most rpgs have geeky fanbases though). The fallout series and fallout New Vegas in particular is full of eccentric characters and also has a massive amount of LGBT representation, which adds to the appeal.


What's the "massive representation"? all i know of is Arcade and Veronica both being gay.


this game is from like 2010 that was massive for the time also the existence of confirmed bachelor and cherchez la femme was unprecedented


>massive for the time A year prior, Dragon Age Origins had a gay sex scene.


It had 2.


Arcade, Veronica, some Legion NPCs, NCR NPCs (Knight + Betsy), Cass (maybe), Christine (Veronica's old squeeze), at least one NPC in freeside... that's off the top of my head. I believe the prostitutes also pretty much have sex regardless of gender but I could be misremembering. There is also some level of discourse on how different factions handle homosexuality, but this isn't *too* in-depth.


There's two prostitutes that will refuse to sleep with you if you're a woman: Maude, who is straight up homophobic to you if you ask; and Jimmy, who has the fair enough reaction of "Ew, no. I'm not into women." But yeah, the vast majority are like "As long as I get paid IDK." I always feel sorry for Jimmy for having to live and work in the same place as Maude.


Arcade, Veronica, Manny Vargas in Novac, Major Knight at the Mojave Outpost, Betsy at camp McCarran, Christine in the Dead Money DLC, Red Lucy (It's not really part of her character, but iirc she'll sleep with the PC regardless of gender). Cass canonically will sleep with other women if she drinks enough, which I guess is just her admitting she's bi but represses it for whatever reason. Hell, even Tabitha at Black mountain is 'married' to a female robot. I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple, but his is *a lot* of representation for 2010.


Huh. I didn't know about a majority of that, tbh


Also, the geeks are gonna be more willing to accept people who are different because they are different themselves. Speaking from experience lol


I'm afraid this is a 90s thing (if it was ever true) and it's the opposite right now


Yes and no, there’s a lot of gamers who are pieces of shit and spew the most horrendous talking points you can ever hear.


Radio New Vegas does say you're a pretty girl a lot tbf


...the fuck?


I don't get it


not all people who play this game are trans. I mean I am... but not everyone!


Left-leaning autists like to play video games with heavy focus on politics. Most games do a really shit job of working in their political themes (IE: ‘we made Shao Khan say “make outworld great again” take that Trump tards’). Fallout New Vegas is an exception to that rule, so a lot of left-leaning autists play it. Left-leaning autists are also disproportionately likely to become trans. Consequently a lot of people who love FNV turn out to be trans.  Works for a lot of games in the trans-core meme that are not explicitly/implicitly about sexuality/gender identity (Disco Elysium, Metal Gear Solid 2, etc).


The only right answer in the thread. Damn it’s like a fresh of breath air in a cloud of smog for someone to be able to put it that way on Reddit.


It’s true, once you hit 700 hours in New Vegas Obsidian sends a cat girl hit squad to inject you with anti androgens and estradiol (if you’re amab) and provide your regulation programmer socks.


So, y'know that Super Mutant, Tabitha? Yeah, I heard once that there was a bit of controversy early before the game released that essentially centered around Tabitha being perceived as a cruel caricature of trans women and drag queens. Bethesda answered this controversy by citing in-universe lore: Super Mutants are stripped of all their gendered features after they are exposed to the FEV, so despite super mutants appearing and sounding Male, Tabitha is very much a woman, and is trying to compensate by dressing accordingly. Of course, fans of Fallout appreciated this response, but also the whole discourse in general attracted the attention of a bunch of queer folk. And once the game came out, not only was Tabitha seen as a fully realized character, but all the other LGBTQ+ friendly aspects of the game shine through and were widely praised. I think if a finger could be pointed at any single answer to this question- this would be it.


thank you!


I love Tabitha (i mean who wouldn't after listening to Radio Utobitha?) and always make sure to reunite her with Rhonda.


it's kinda the egg_irl fan base trying to claim as much media as possible. New Vegas suffers from it's own success in terms of having sympathetic viewpoints - to the point where the fanbase is quite varied, and the same piece of media is held up as being an ideal statement piece for several communities, despite how none of them would typically find common ground. the game also lets you push nearly any agenda along to a satisfying ending, which is very pointedly the last time in the franchise where you had that much freedom. you wanna support the flawed NCR who most closely approximate pre-war society with their reach across the Southwest? you can. you want to fly the Enclave in to stomp the NCR to dust before handing it over to the dictator controlling angry savages in football gear who crucify civilians? of course. you want to screw over both major factions, either for yourself or the pragmatic capitalist who might represent the pinnacle of human ideals, with designs on getting humanity to space? feel free. shit, you can even non-standard game over to help Elijah roll the evils of the Sierra Madre over to the Mojave so he can eradicate the lives of all those who wronged him, so, there's even a sociopathic mad scientist ending.  [if you want one of the most accurate meta memes about New Vegas, I'm inclined to offer this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutnewvegas/comments/1818c6o/fallout_new_vegas_fans/) and really, the catering is there, either way. if you're familiar with the Political Compass, well, you'll find plenty of story beats and characters that would apply to just about any point on that scale. the game also just hits so many spots that all these alternative viewpoints can make sense. even things that the community is highly conflicted on just work for different folks. like, say, Ulysses. is Ulysses a deeply scorned character with a penchant for the philosophical, protecting one of the freshest reminders of the frailty of new world settlements? - or is he an annoying shitbag in an overtuned linear DLC who can't shut the fuck up about bulls and bears? I can't make that judgement for the community, but, I love the character. that voice actor could report our quarterly earnings at work and I'd be stuck on every fucking word. the game is not heavy-handed about any faction being the best, to the point where every one has glaring faults. I think the only group in the whole game without major issues are the pacifist Followers of the Apocalypse - but, hey, Caesar was once also a Follower, so, even they bear the weight of that cross. but, back to the point - is this a game about the trans experience? **I** don't think so, but, like, reading some of the other comments in this thread have me thinking that some people seem to put a ton of weight on concepts I don't give a second thought to. it's just an incredibly complex statement that applies to a subgroup of the fandom that probably agrees with the idea, but, will be totally lost on people who aren't looking for that in their media.


There just seems to be a weirdly high amount of trans people in the Fandom, especially on reddit. I think someone pointed out once that rpg's in general allow you to role-play from the perspective of the other gender, so if you are trans you are more likely to realize it while playing an rpg like fallout. Or something like that. It was years ago


Dog shit meme


second one is a major overreaction


It's a joke


Idk how much it’s changed, but like a year or two ago I remember only seeing trans posts in this sub and it was hard to find a post that was just about the actual game. Apparently a bunch of other people had the same experience and saw this sub as going the way of many meme subs after 100k: the unfunny trans circlejerk


The 3000 hours hate thing? Probably burnout.


I hate reddit "humor"


Last part is because nothing comparable came after NV. Five stages of grief, but I continue to choose anger


Bisexuals deals 10% to everybody


I'm pretty sure it's just because it's a good game and it's beloved in trans communities. So people just started saying it's a game for trans people or to crack your egg.


Fallout New Vegas pipeline


It's a popular game so trans people like it because everyone likes it


Video games (and the internet in general) are a form of escapism. People play use to feel things they would never be able to feel in the real world. Skyrim was extremely popular because you got to live out the feeling of being a powerful demigod who ragdolls people with his voice. Minecraft was popular because it captured the feeling of building things from the ground up. On every porn site, the front page is filled with the same exact trash videos of a young expressionless blonde shaboinking a middle aged man in an expensive house because it appeals to middle aged men who want to be an archetypal playboy billionaire. New Vegas, while a good video game for many reasons, happens to appeal to chronically online people because you get to be a regular person who impacts the people around them and helps his/her fringe ideology rise from the ashes (which they will never do). And a lot of chronically online people happen to be trans fetishists who make everything (such as fnv) about being trans.


i just fucking shoot giant scorpions with a lever action rifle


I just like fallout and rpgs. Owned it on Xbox and on pc. I’ve never hated the rest of the games, and probably never will. I love the combat of the first two games, the cruel setting of 3, and the gameplay of 4. I could never hate the whole franchise, even if new Vegas is my favorite game.


Cause you meet Joshua and think. “I can be his girl” (I have no idea I started like 2 weeks ago)


We attract a type 😎


https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutnewvegas/s/JzsIY5BqvN Josh Sawyer says it's just because the community is welcoming


The NV community really is the best, especially compared to the general fallout community, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. NV fans just love it so much. Also I think Josh Sawyer is downplaying the fact that it is more queer compared to fallout 3/ fallout 4 and it's not close. There isn't specifically trans representation but there's a lot of gay/ bisexual characters and they are revealed by a perk and it makes perfect sense for each one. Especially for the time, this wasn't common in mainstream games. And i think that's because it's a niche game disguised as a mainstream game and it's amazing.


It's a meme in transgender communities


I think it’s because NV makes you think about yourself constantly.


The loudest minority of players are transgender. It just seems like a lot because theyre all on this app as well


It’s probably this more than anything tbh.


I mean yeah. If you invest a lot of time into the older games (1,2, and FNV) you'll hate what the franchise has become


A lot of people seem to be trying to big brain out some queer gender theory about this. Most trans people today were kids who loved gaming in 2010, and it's probably one of the best games from its era.


Silly goofy meme Edit: real answer, theres lots of lgbtq rep in the game which helped good portion of ppl be ok with theyre real selves (gay, trans etc) and it slowly became a meme because there seems to be alot of people who loved that game and ended up transitioning later in life


im not trans tho I do own the shark and love this game i swear


Cuz a lot of trans people play new vegas and internet did an internet


I actually asked a few trans friends about this, about why NV gets associated with trans folk so much. Pretty much all of them said it’s mostly just a coincidence: a _lot_ of trans folk online happened to enjoy NV, and as people got to talking and making friends it was discovered this was a common shared experience. So NV just kinda got absorbed into internet trans culture, to the point where even trans folk who haven’t played the game before might seek it out because it’s spoken of so highly by their friends. Which, of course, leads to even more trans folks that have positive associations with NV. Kinda fascinating how that happens.


I came out as transgender after I started playing new Vegas


A group of people with a trait in common realized they all liked the same game and assumed it was because of the trait and not just because the game is good.


I think i skipped a step...


Explain the transgeder bit?


Lot of trans people really like the game and they make memes just like cis people




"hey I'm trans and I enjoy this game" "WHY ArE YoU PuSHinG tHis On OtHeRS?????!?!?!" Christ, get a life.




I assure you they didn't need to 'inject' New Vegas with trans crap, New Vegas is the trans crap itself.


literally me ngl


They don't have allot of trans people in the game mostly trans creatures.


Because it's a game with actually thought out politics on top of being hehe hoohoo funny cowboy game And man, when you're trans you gotta do a lot of reassessing of your politics when you realize that suddenly 20% of the world vehemently hates you on principle and the horrors of the world become readily apparent Not a direct correlation, but there isn't one. It's just a good game on top of being one of very few that allows a decent representation of political stances that a lot of queer people end up having. Josh Sawyer would get along with a lot of anarchist trans girls is all.


I don't make the rules, but it do be like that.