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The most prominent faction in Utah is a tribe called the 80s. We don't know much about them, but by all accounts they're a force to be reckoned with. Caesar's Legion also has holdings in Utah.


Could it be assumed that Caesar mostly controls along I-15?


Given that the majority of Legion territory is in what used to be Arizona and New Mexico, I assume that their holdings in Utah are in the southern portions of the state. Though, I don't think there's any official lore on that, one way or the other.


Thanks, I am also wondering to an 80's character would support?


Would a member of the 80s tribe support the Legion? Probably not; my guess is that they'd be competing for territory. Though, if your *playing as* a character from the 80s, that implies you've left the tribe (since you've been a Courier around the Mojave/NCR border for several years by the start of the game), so might not necessarily hold to the exact same ideals.


Can we assume the 80's would be a gun based build too?


There's nothing to really indicate one way or another, so it's safe to assume the 80s are similar in their approach to combat to smaller raider gangs like the Fiends or Jackals. We have very few proper descriptions of the 80s within official material. They were created for Joshua Sawyer's (the lead designer of F:NV) unofficial *Fallout* tabletop RPG back in 2004, which established that they originate from Sacramento, California, and wear I-80 Freeway signs on their chests, with red-and-blue interstate signs denoting high rank and green highway signs indicating lower status. Though the 80s now exist within canon, that doesn't necessarily mean the original unofficial descriptions of them are 100% canon now, so you've got some room to fill in the gaps as you see fit.


Thanks a lot!


Caesar's Legion


80s or another raider group.


One of the many tribes absorbed by the great bull


So if I wanted to make a Utahn character should they have a roman name?