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Do you want her to hate you? Cause it really seems like you want her to hate you. Your daughter deserves better. I hope she has other family she can go live with.


If she doesn't want parents then she can go.


Go where? She's 13 years old. You posted here asking whether you're in the wrong. Yes, OP, being willing to throw your little girl out on the street because she had the audacity to be born without a penis is wrong


I have no words. You clearly favor your son. And I did not quite understand that when you told your son was yelling and took her Phone away (why your son thinks he can even do that?) your thinking in this is that tour daughter has anger issues. Your daughter would not be happuer if she were a muslim. I think that your muslim view of women is making her sad. Clearly you treat her like she is lower and prefer your son. This was hurtful to read.


Why is it okay for you and your son treat her aggressively, but she cannot even stand for herself. I cannot understand this at all. Just rude, misogynist and abusive.


Plus she is a teenager, of course she has moods and feelings. And she is supposed to be putting her own boundaries, I just don't understand why you just see it as a problem. She is not supposed to be acting as you like, she is her own person. You should love and support her and now you are just angry to her and let your son be an ass with you.


He told his then 9yo daughter she looked like a stray dog. This has been happening since before puberty, before she was a teen. This poor girl. I hope, for the daughters sake, this is just rage bait.


He is a good child and is older than her. He should be teaching her.


Not like that as u r describing it. And with your story told neither of u know how to raise a child.


I hope this is a shitpost. If you're serious, I'll be gentle this time - your daughter deserves much better parents than you. You make a big difference between a son and a daughter, which can be felt even through a screen, but what about reality... Use your wits, because your daughter won't even call you when she moves away. I hope that she will leave the toxic environment as soon as possible and that happiness and love will follow her every step of the way.


Well said. My heart hurts for the poor girl.


Really reads as ragebait to me tbh


Well if she does not want parents then she can leave I will not complain. I pay 2000$ for her education each year and she doesn't even study well. As if she could go anywhere.


But you also pay for your son and buy expensive gifts also just for his


It was not a gift I brought it because it was on sale and maybe we could spend time as a family with it.


And yet you have not described a single instance of doing anything with your son and daughter 'as a family'...


OMG....I'm having a hard time believing this is a real post. I'm going to respond like this is a real post and you are being sincere. You say you used to be close to your daughter, but in the time that she has become distant you have told her she looks like a prostitute and a mangey dog. Even in your writing it is clear you prefer your son. When a male cousin who is younger than your daughter comes to visit, he still seems to get favorable treatment. You allow your son to treat your daughter like he is a parent even though he is her brother. I'm assuming it's because he is a male. He should never be allowed to scream at her. And if he does, she should certainly be allowed to scream back without being punished. Unless you are also going to punish him. Treat your daughter with kindness, love, and respect and remember that she is a child!! You are the adult! Your son is a child! You need to be the adult. Always stay calm, always lead with love. Never mock or make fun of your daughter. That is so cruel coming from a parent. You said she is bullied at school and you are bullying her at home as is her brother. How awful for her! You said you tried to apologize but you were harsh, so she knew it was not a sincere apology. You are expecting behaviors from her (forgiveness , love and kindness) that you are unable to show her. Does that make sense to you? If you humbly apologize and tell her sincerely that you will try to be a better parent, you might begin to break down her walls. You have to understand that she has erected walls in order to protect herself from the pain she is feeling within your home. Reflect upon that.


I hope this isn’t real


Once your daughter is of legal age, I wouldn't be suprised if she left home and blocks you out of her life for good. I wouldn't blame her either. Your daughter deserves and needs all the love, support, acceptance and care from her Parents. But, the damage has already been done. You are emotionally neglecting your daughter, showing blatent favorism toward your son, you are verbally abusive (calling a 13yr old girl a prostitute is just wrong on so many levels), And you are disrespecting her as a person. Your poor child will be emotionally scarred for life because of the way you treat her.


So at the age of 10 at best possibly 9 you criticised your daughter for her hair when at that age t is absolutely a parents job still to be making sure hair is brushed and not just left to the child. Then at the age of either 11 or 12 you told her she looked like a prostitute?! WTF is wrong with you?! Of course she doesn't want to speak to you.


Please don’t use being a muslim as an excuse to be an awful person!!! It’s a choice you actively making


Dude...you're a horrible human being First and foremost don't push your beliefs on her, does she do that towards you. You treat her like she's a foster child you never wanted.... I pray your daughter leaves when she's old enough and never looks back. You don't deserve her.


I feel sorry for your daughter. Hopefully she seeks therapy from the crappy upbringing and treats her own kids better in the future if she’s brave enough to have them


this can't be real. no one can be such a piece of shit mom and not know it.


Troll. I refuse to believe this is a real post. No father can be such an idiot …. RIGHT? lol


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