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The Doors post Jim Morrison was insane


Only post Jim album worth listening to is the one where it's just the band playing to old recordings of Jim reading his poems.


100%. An American prayer is a nice homage to Morrison


I didn't even know they made more stuff after Morrison died


2 albums. One called "Other Voices" and another I think was called "Full Circle"?


I kind of like the song Verdillac off Full Circle but yeah it’s mostly pretty awful lol. Ray Manzerick was an awesome keys player but not exactly a great singer. And The Mosquito is a very strange and cringey “song”.


I have those two albums and have never been able to finish either one despite my best efforts.


I will never get over how the band called the first post-Jim album "Other Voices". Always felt really tasteless.


Despite the sad circumstances, Linkin Park for sure


I was actually kind of surprised to learn that basically all of Linkin Park's albums hover around 60/100 on Metacritic. I'm no LP fan, but Hybrid Theory and Meteora are definitely better than a lot of the junk that gets around 70/100.


it was music that was routinely dunked on when it came out. linkin park were a punch line joke for people making fun of anime music videos even before youtube existed.


Yeah it absolutely was, not sure why everyone is denying it. Especially fans of metal and that kinda stuff did not look kindly on it


I definitely remember my metalhead friends definitely not liking them... or any other nu-metal group from that same period for that matter... but i feel like the punk and indie/alt kids also hated them lol


Hey man, Z Fighters vs Broly set to In The End was fucking epic in 2003.


Two rats fighting for a pizza slice in a NY subway goes hard with LP


Yeah there are definitely some rose colored glasses/younger fans finding about them a decade+ after their debut. At the time they were the poster boys along with Papa Roach for shitty whiny nu rap metal. Crawling in my veins these wounds they will not heal was a 00's meme


Late 90s/early 00s butt rock hardos HATED Linkin Park and most of those second wave of nu-metal bands with more hip hop/electronic elements. If you have any whiny old Deftones fans in your life you can still get their blood pressure worked up (probably dangerous at this stage in their lives) by saying that the kids today still love old Linkin Park and don’t give a shit about White Pony.


I mean i like Linkin Park but this just ain’t true. Deftones is everywhere on TikTok and pretty known across college ages. but for some reason it’s more their later shit like Cherry Waves and Rosemary not so much White Pony lol


You gotta take those critics with a grain of salt, they often praise boring albums we would never listen to and when there are bad albums they have to be careful not to give too bad of a review and upset the labels


I think critiquing popular music is also kinda hard. Like reviewing a block buster movie. If you review something from the perspective of being deep in the medium, it's easier to reward something challenging, experimental, or genre defying because it's fresh, new and exciting for the conversation of the art. But if you want to recommend music to casual listeners, I'd think you would be listening for and rewarding stuff that polishes or improves on what came before without changing too much to subvert the expectation of the sound. What's good in social settings, what makes for a nice drive to work, that sort of shit. The two aren't mutually exclusive, but I do think it's a small overlap and most reviewers tend to pick a lane.


LP are just the type of music that music critics who are often pretentious snobs hate, A Thousand Suns is a brilliant album that deserves more than a 60


And LP fans can pretentious snobs too.


Linkin Park's fanbase is one of the least pretentious fanbases out there


In what way are LP fans pretentious? They’re genuinely one of the nicer fanbases I’ve interacted with.


I see you took that personal. 😂


When Pitchfork reviewed Jet's album and gave 0/10 and posted a video of a monkey pissing in his mouth I have really stopped paying attention to reviews and giving them any significance.  https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/9464-shine-on/


But that was their best review


GET BORN IS A 3.7?? WIld.






Inb4 Brockhampton fan says TM


Well it is true and I’m sure the band would even agree


The family is my fav brockhampton album. TM is my least fav


The Family is elite


got introduced to brockhampton from the family but i wish i was there for stuff like the saturation trilogy and iridescence


Saturation trilogy was such a special time, I was a college freshman so it’s really nostalgic for me


God, I remember seeing the first video from that trilogy posted with like under 1k views. Such a unique moment


I just can’t accept The Family as a Brockhampton album. It really just feels like a Kevin Abstract album.


TM is garbagio and that's ok to admit


They’re right too. The leaked puppy demo album has more replay value than their closing album


If that’s Muse’s last album, it’s arguably their worst album.


They’re released their worst album yet like 4 times in a row lmao (maybe drones > t2l idk)


Even though it hasn't aged the best and definitely is a product of its time, 2nd Law is a really fun album with a handful of great songs. Their other albums after it though...


I used to love muse when younger and stopped when resistance came out cause it wasn't for me. Went back recently to try listen to all their stuff and Jesus Christ the resistance is a brilliant album compared to everything after it.


I felt the same way about The Resistance at the time. Little did we know how bad of a skid they'd just entered.


I saw them at festival in 2010, one of the best shows I've ever seen and played citizen erased. Who knew it would get so bad?


Muse is a fucking phenomenal love band. I saw them on their Black Holes and Revelations tour and it was the best concert I’ve ever seen. Shame they’ve gotten so fucking bad.


At least Muse trying dupstep is fun-bad, whereas Drones just bores me. Also Animals is a top 5 Muse song. Simulation Theory isn't the worst, but the cringe elements that'll eventually make Will of the People a straight dumpsterfire of an album are slowly revealing themselves. I'd say 2nd Law > Drones > Sim. Theory >>> WotP


Yeah I think you’re right. I’d say some T2L singles carry (animals, explorers, panic station, maybe the stuff at the end) and then there’s some garbage, whereas drones is consistently meh (reapers is good though)






Yeah, it would be sad, but MAN. That record kinda turned me off Muse altogether, even their good stuff.


Idlewild isn’t bad but definitely OutKast’s worst


There are some really great songs on there but yeah no comparison overall to their other albums


Never understood if that was a proper album of there’s or a soundtrack. Like that circus album they had.


Speaks to how good the rest of their discography is.


[Check out the “Trainwreckords” series by YouTuber Todd in the Shadows where he goes over albums so bad that they ended careers](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLznZMqdhi_RVHtZYrMeoi3Fjg9VNhPAX&si=QdGtsR_lA509A3Xd) He deep dives on Cut the Crap and Mardi Gras actually! Some other notable videos include The Funky Headhunter - MC Hammer Be Here Now - Oasis 0304 - Jewel Funstyle - Liz Phair


Oh, I know and love Todd's videos. I've been aware of him longer than Fantano actually. I specified bad albums that truly ended a band's career. Because some videos, like St. Anger by Metallica, feature artists who merely had a low point but are still going strong.


Oh, you’re also right for sure. Like, I don’t think Madonna, The Carpenters or even Liz Phair were ruined by one album, it seemed like just a result of a more natural, gradual decline of an artist. For someone not covered by Trainwreckords, I agree with that commenter who said Chance the Rapper. Maybe also Calvin Harris with that 2nd Funk Wav album.


Yeah for Madonna she immediately followed up her trainwrecord with an absolute career highlight so it definitely didn’t end her career


To be fair Be Here Now is Oasis’s third album (and probably not their worst). Not sure if what you’re saying here is what OP is saying - ie a band signing off with their worst album.


The Katy Perry Witness episode was amazing


Oasis had more than more album after Be Here Now so no, not career-ending


Todd is one of the best YouTubers ever. His videos are very re-watchable and always high quality. He’s perfected the way he writes and edits his videos so they’re always entertaining to watch / listen to. And he’s been doing it consistently for years. I’ve learned so much about recent music history from Todd and every time I see he’s uploaded I watch it immediately because I know it’s gonna be a banger video.


One of my favorite series on YouTube ever. One hit wonderland is also hilarious.


Be Here Now is neither Oasis' last album nor their worst. Their worst is Heathen Chemistry, by far.


It's close between those middle three imo. Though tbf they're all pretty bad after morning glory


Funstyle is amazing


ween - la cucaracha not a completely terrible album but certainly their worst


Yet when you say this on r/ween, you're met with dogpiling of "LA CUC IS JUST AS GOOD I DONT GET THE HATE ITS STILL BROWN"


It’s a shame, because the songs on that album played live are on a different level to their recorded versions.


My thoughts exactly. I wasn’t much of a fan of the studio versions of the songs, but once I heard songs like Learnin’ to Love live, completely changed my perspective, such bangers


Yep. Woman and Man too. A bit of a drudge to get through on the LP but live it’s a fucking behemoth.




Came here to say this. Not bad at all, it has great songs. But it’s their worst


Klaxons the fuck was that last album.


the second album was pretty doggers too though tbf after their debut they had one big party that lasted from 2007-2009, by the time they sobered up they didn’t really know what they were about and the industry as a whole had moved on it’s a shame because that first album is quite unique and they had some interesting themes, aesthetically too


Ah yes, the stone roses trajectory


God I love the debut so much and yeah I did not really enjoy even their 2nd lp at all either. It’s just too bad all the juice was squeezed on the first pull.


Listening to their debut as I read this comment, 2000s indie at it’s absolute best


Talking Heads


Though Nothing But Flowers is amazing, it’s hard to disagree.


As much as I like that album I'd have to agree


Naked is better than true stories and little creatures though. I love that album


Broooo Little Creatures fuckin SLAPS


True Stories is the worst Heads album


Panic at the effin disco for sure. Went out with a whimper but the argument could be made that the last two albums don’t even count as panic albums


None of the albums except the first two count as a band album, it's just Brendon! And His Ego


I won’t listen to that album ever again, the strain he puts on his voice is excruciating to hear.


i’m quite annoyed by that whole thing, i’ve been listening to panic since i was like 6 or 7.




I was a pretty big fan of them a few years back. I think I listened to the last album soon after it came out, got halfway through it, and then just never thought about it again until now.


I couldn't even finish that album.


I’ll fight to the day I die Pray for the wicked was a fine album, is it the best panic album? Absolutely not, it’s probably in 6th place if you were to rank the 7 studio albums. I think it’s fun and different to what the albums were, it has an identifiable theme and the some of the songs still sit in my rotation to this day. Viva on the other hand…


Soundgarden's last album was pretty forgettable. Audioslave's final album was also their worst. 


I revisit Soundgarden’s King Animal a lot more than Ultramega OK, personally. Ultramega was more of a concept album with an interesting sound but not a lot of actual songs.


Revelations was their weakest but it was still an amazing album


In through the out door - Led Zeppelin


I still love ITtOD though, so many good tracks on it for me


It has Fool In The Rain and All My Love on it, it's not their worst. Presence is worse


Presence has Achilles’ Last Stand though


All My Love is a banger.


I think Presence is kinda worse.


I’m inclined to agree. I’ve listened to ITTOD way more than Presence in my life.


Achilles Last Stand alone makes it better IMO


I listened to Zeppelin so much as a teenager that my brain got warped to the point where I think In Through the Out Door and Presence are better than II and IV because those have so many of the overplayed hits


My Chemical Romance - Danger Days Panic at the Disco - Viva Las Vengeance


Danger Days has an interesting concept but it is so cringe in execution that I can’t listen to it.


It sounds so dated too…


Danger Days has the worst production I've ever heard and almost the entire record is reworked songs they previously scrapped, concept is very loose, band was unhappy


SING is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard in my life


There's so many cringe inducing choruses on the album


Finally someone who gets it. This album was a complete Hail Mary to try and keep the band members heads above water


They should've just finished Conventional Weapons and called it a day, those songs have way better production and energy


Boy Division is one of their best songs


Viva Las Vengeance is not a good album at all, but it's easily better than pftw imo


I agree


Danger days is goated I will not stand for this. However, VLV is correct.


agree danger days sucks ass but aren't they releasing a new album sometime soonish? plus that foundations song not long ago was great


Foundations was awesome, they toured 2 years ago but I haven’t heard about a new album, fingers crossed tho!


Don't get the hate for danger days. That's my fave mcr record


As someone who thinks it's their worst, I put it down to 2 things. My tastes are different and it's their album with the least post-hardcore influences. It has what feels like a lot of attempts at different styles and none of them really stick for me. It sounds the most radio friendly (not that that's an inherently wrong thing, but SING, Scarecrow, and Summertime sounds like they were cynically written for radio play. Still though, Bulletproof Heart is a top 10 MCR song, even if I think it sounds similar to Famous Last Words. It's a product of its time in retrospect. I feel like it has aged quite poorly, and that is in massive part because of the sound they popularised on Black Parade. If it released sooner than 4 years after Black Parade I might feel differently.


Weezer every Weezer album. (This coming from a Weezer fan)


Weezer has fans?


Sigh yes


Ok human was great


Their third best album


No that would probably be the White album.


Kinda based


Is there like a legit reason why Weezer went from one of the best power pop/rock bands to a mediocre one? Did they not have the drive or what


I mean don't get me wrong they had some pretty good albums after Pinkerton. It's just they have inconsistent quality. The white album is still great


Everything Must Go by Steely Dan for sure. Primus’ last full length album to date (Desaturating Seven) is pretty lame by their standards as well.


Desaturating Seven is a better way to end things than the Wonka record.


No way that’s the last Primus album and isn’t this about bands whose career is over? Primus is touring hard this year


Isn’t that the one they won a grammy for? Lol


Nah that was Two Against Nature, the album before. Pretty silly for that to win over it’s competition even though I love Steely Dan lmao.


That was a sick Primus tour tho and you can argue that Primus is playing better than ever currently, their last tour when they played that rush album was the best of the 10+ Primus shows I’ve seen.


Drake cuz every album gets worse or at least trends towards it, he’s gonna drop some shit when he’s 60 that’s a new level of boring (trust me I am from the future)


The late 2020s will see the rise of hyper pop trends in mainstream hip hop vs. country trends. The mainstream will be divided between two camps of more traditionalists who need that twang and then gen z motherfuckers who like the high pitched vocals. Rock will never achieve a revival and will always be an underground/indie genre. Eventually, indie pop will die off and be replaced with a more electronic sound. Since humans will become even more antisocial, music is going to be much less emotional and much more focused on atmosphere, thus creating a dark age in many genres. Eventually, humans will decide to overthrow technology and revert to the mid 2000s sorta vibes and music will gain emotion again. By the late 21st century, climate change will have become such a large issue that music will grow hopeless, and humans will brace for the end. After a large series of disasters, musicians will have to start from scratch due to a destroyed planet that is out of technology and the resources needed to create it again. For the rest of human history, there will only be folk music played with family and passed down for generations.


man i was on the verge of a panic attack the whole time i was reading this why would u do that to me??? 😭😭


I unironically think, but mostly hope, punk comes back and it’s not even like a “genre”… just so many different genres having political punk elements/social commentary elements. We will get a hyperpop song about blowing up pipelines before the end of the decade. I hope to see more songs with the sentiments/elements of technophobia, anti-fascism, ecoterrorism, anti-police, anti-neoliberalism, existentialism, post-irony, etc etc.


Genesis - Calling All Stations


Oh wow, that’s a memory… I used to play Send me to the Congo to troll my college roommates


My first thought as well - their debut gets a lot of stick but it's miles better than CAS.


Chance the rapper?


His career has not ended


downvoted for stating the fact lol (at the point of writing this original comment was like -40)


> “i reject ur reality, and substitute my own” —the downvoters, probably


Waiting for the comeback of the centure personally


I do not agree with this, but Genesis' last album Calling All Stations with Ray Wilson on vocals is widely considered to be their worst. 2Pac's posthomous albums were getting worse with every release, with the last one being a disaster. I don't know whether Stone Sour or System of a Down ever release any new music, but their last albums were their worst IMO.


Hypnotize by SOAD was very very solid though and its quality had nothing to do with the end of their career. That is a really weird album to pick imo. It was just an album that happened to be their last


SOAD just doesn’t have a single miss


Do posthumous albums count?


I'd say no tbh, they're more like bonuses for fans than 'real albums'


System albums are all great 5 bangers no misses


Nahhh Hydrograd was solid imo, Audio Secrecy was for sure the worst, the rest, I agree tho lmao


Anyone replacing Phil Collins after leaving Genesis would’ve had big shoes to fill not only on vocals for Ray, but also for whoever took over on drums. IIRC Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks didn’t ask their other live drummer, Chester Thompson, to help with Calling All Stations, instead opting to use two studio-session drummers for the album. The lack of consistency and quality of Collins’ drumming and vocals, or anyone close to his caliber with both, on Calling All Stations hindered the album tremendously. Even if some think it’s not the worst Genesis album, it never had a fair chance of being one of the band’s best albums


They apparently did ask Thompson to play on it, but he wanted to be made a full member of the band and they refused.


The title track on Calling all Stations is a banger imo.


Outkast - Idlewild


I feel like Mardi Gras almost doesn’t count and Squeeze definitely doesn’t which actually makes it so CCR and VU ended on my favorite albums of theirs: Pendulum and Loaded. I like that much better.


I certainly wouldn't count Squeeze as it's missing Lou Reed and all the other original Velvets. But Mardi Gras does have John Fogerty on it so it's fair game.


To be fair vu didn’t end their careers with squeeze. The band had already split up by that point and was a vu album only in name.




Can't argue, Rite Time is dreadful.


Chance the rapper


A lot of reunion albums would fall under this banner. In Space by Big Star, Fourth by the Verve. The last Byrds album, the last CSNY album (especially). All Shook Down is probably the worst Replacements album. 


I'm gonna say The Pogues with Pogue Mahone in 1995.  It just wasn't the same without MacGowan. But the quality of the music was also steadily declining in my opinion.


But man those first three records are absolutely brilliant


I would say Pink Floyd's last album is arguably their worst. Some people act like it doesn't exist when rating the Pink Floyd albums


I agree. It isn't really said because Gilmore fans usually say the Final Cut is their worst & Waters fans might say Ummaguma or AMLOR. Honestly, I love Ummaguma. There's really nothing like it. AMLOR is definitely more memorable & good-intended than Endless River. More also has some of their most beautifying cuts & I wouldn't accept that answer either. As for the Final Cut... Waters knows it's not his best work & maybe you could argue it's their worst...


Talking Heads - Naked


REM maybe? It's weird, I always think of New Adventures in HiFi as their last album, for some reason, and forget they have another five albums that I've never listened to more than once. I can't remember if Collapse Into Now is the worst of those.


None of the albums are bad, but Conventional Weapons is the lowest ranked in my opinion for MCR before they broke up in 2013 I believe.


I wouldn’t even count that though because they didn’t want it to be released and it was released two songs at a time so technically a bunch of EPs, danger days is the worst in my opinion even though it’s still pretty good


Can someone pls explain to me what this sub is about?


It’s technically a sub about the YouTuber and music critic Anthony Fantano, and there is discussion about his videos and reviews whenever he posts one. However, when there’s nothing new about Fantano to talk about, the sub just likes to discuss anything about music in general. This sub tends to be more critical and willing to be negative than most music discussion subs, which I find to be its biggest strength.




There's also a sizable contingent of people who seemingly hate Anthony, or at least dislike him. I don't really know what they're doing here but they're fun to have around.


Music nerds talking about music.


the Let It Be Phil Spector edition is kind of a sad way to end, if you don't consider Abbey Road as the last (their best album)


Let it be definitely isn't the worst Beatles album, but the Phil Spector mix really is the worst way to listen to it.


Let It Be isn’t their best, but an album with Get Back, Two Of Us, Across the Universe, and Let It Be cannot be their worst


Butthole Surfers


Surprise nobody has said The Clash yet. Cut The Crap was so bad, even Strummer tried to take it to court to not release the album.


No one said it bc OP said it lol did you read the post?


My fault, I was half asleep when I posted it. Was gonna comment The Doors as well since their 2 albums without Jim are all doodoo but looks like I didnt comment it lol


Emerson Lake & Palmer, *Love Beach*


Rage Against The Machine


Sticky Bubbly


The Velvet Underground.


Brockhampton ending with TM definitely gave me some nostalgia but it was kinda a let down. after PUPPY leaked a few days ago i really wish that was the final send off


Mindless Self Indulgence. That last one was a mixed bag of bangers and total flops.


You could make a case for Hot Sauce Committee Part Two from The Beastie Boys. I think most people would put The Mix Up as their worst album, but I really like it.


Everyone I've met that's listened to hot sauce committee has told me they really liked it


I fear Rainbow Kitten Surprise will die with this new dogshit album they are about to put out


La Cucaracha by Ween. Dean and Gene pretty much both took it as a sign that they had lost their mojo and they called it off soon after


Talking Heads sadly


Panic at the Disco