• By -


U2 is also the first answer that came to mind for me. I was pretty obsessed with them for a while in high school and they’re pretty much a punching bag.


Bro people hate U2? I don’t pay to much attention to them but I’ve heard Joshua Tree and that record is really solid


I think for a lot of people it's Bono himself that they hate


Bono is sort of annoying, some people think the Edge just hides behind a delay pedal, and the whole, hard to remove from your iPhone record thing rubbed prime the wrong way.


The Unforgettable Fire is as good. Before that they pretty much a post-punk group, on *War* especially.


Honestly to me they were one of the best bands of the 80s/90s, I wish they weren’t destroyed by hubris but they are still hugely influential, I don’t think we get Radiohead without u2


> 80s Definitely don't. They are fans, and being a rock band that changed their sound to something drastically alternative but INCREASE their net poplarity a bajallion percent (making it enticing to go down that road , at least fur record companies)... it really opened the doors for other bands to do that.


Love their music. I've never really understood the hate.


The forced download on my 16 gb iPod in 2014 is why I strongly dislike them


Honestly to me they were one of the best bands of the 80s/90s, I wish they weren’t destroyed by hubris but they are still hugely influential, I don’t think we get Radiohead without u2


you could say that again!


Creed. I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to them but if Higher or My Sacrifice comes on the radio I'm not changing the station either.


Nothing better than some Creed after a few beers




With Arms Wide Open 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


The 1975. They have some really great songs but most people can’t look past how annoying they find Matty Healy.


This was gonna be my answer.. there’s a lot of gold in their discography 


I know not everyone hates Fall Out Boy because they have a big fan base but they’ve been my favorite band for 17 years and I still constantly see comments about how they suck.


I don’t like them anymore but for my childhood self, I’ll always defend their old shit. they were actually unique and interesting beyond the hits and I still adore Pete. he’s so endearing. I’ve been surprised to hear that apparently Patrick is the heartthrob now in current era FOB lol I have overheard young girls talking about them and lusting after him which is hilarious to me as someone who grew up listening to Fall Out Boy


I’ve always been a Patrick Stan lol


ayye you set the trend


Those pipes though! He’s such a good singer and he’s really polished his singing as he’s gotten older.


Folie is an amazing album


My fav of theirs!


Always one of my favorites. Tbh I like the srar-mania run. Bit if people think their just a sellout pop band, they gotta listen to the first 4 albums, evening out, pax am, and stardust. Incredible stuff


They are super nostalgic for me so I still consistently listen to them. Anything before their break up is great but when they got back together it’s like they forgot how to make good music


NGL I even like mania


I wouldn't say everyone but from what I heard from others the opinions about him are split. Im talking about J Cole


A lot of people like Cole if you step outside of these hoe-less music nerd spaces.


J. Cole is one of my favourite rappers lmao, i never understood the hate on him




Cole reminds me a lot of Logic. Both seem like cool guys, but their music comes off as so corny and tryhard in a total “lyrical miracle spiritual” form of conscious rap.


Logic is so much worse of a lyricist though. Not comparable on a technical level.


I’m not a big fan of his, but Friday Night Lights, Forest Hills Drive, and The Off Season are all widely considered to be great projects. He’s also had some of the most impressive lyrical performances of the decade so far. There’s this misconception that he’s trying to make super deep music. Thats just not true. Dude just tries to make honest, personal music. He’s not for me, but he’s clearly great at what he does.


You like drake, fuck outta here


How is it fake deep?


The Eagles


I hate the fuckin’ Eagles, man


Get out of my cab 


I mean Hotel California is great though


Wish I could upvote this twice. Once for the Big Lebowski reference, and again because it’s the fuckin Eagles. Though I am a sucker for the harmonies on Seven Bridges Road.


U2 is a good shout, but I think they bottled it after Zooropa/Pop. They were making really interesting music there for a minute.


Ghost. I was really big into them their first 3 albums and realized how much of a bad rep they get in the metal community. Now that they have become really popular it seems they get even more hate. Doesn’t help their last two albums sound vastly different from their early stuff. Going for a more arena rock/pop sound.




nice pfp


I sometimes unironically listen to Silver Side Up - All The Right Reasons (Nickelback albums #3-5) I get the hate but I also can’t deny some of the songs on those albums are bops.


This was going to be my comment too. Silver side up is genuinely an amazing album. I've listened to that album hundreds of times. 'Too bad' is a stunning song. It feels like the albums after silver side up are from a completely different band! 


Joji. I’ve seen too many people just write him off as making generic pop music because women love his music. His music and artistry has evolved in a great way. Nectar is one of the most consistent pop/alternative records I remember throughly enjoying in recent memory.


Joji isn’t really an album artist, which is fine. He makes decent pop songs. I loved his music in high school. Glimpse of Us is a gorgeous song though from what I heard his label didn’t let him write any of the most recent album


Sanctuary is a great song.


Glimpse of Us is beautiful.


Few artists can scratch the itch when you feel depressed like Joji can.


Pretty Boy is such a banger


I love Joji!


Hobo Johnson


His first album’s pretty solid. After that it’s a swan dive into hot garbage. Edit: Second, actually. I forgot he released an album before The Fall of Hobo Johnson.


What do you like about them? Haven’t heard a lot of their stuff so I’m just curious.


I think he somehow managed to unabashedly lay out all the worst qualities young college-aged u/dragonoid296 recognised in himself but didn't know how to deal with. Bitterness, envy, self-hatred, pessimism, anxiety, the whole shebang. I liked how lacking in subtlety he was about those topics rather than shrouding it in metaphors and symbolism. Because that's really how it it feels when you don't have the tools to work through your issues effectively. It feels visceral and immediate. I've moved past that stage of my life now but his stuff still scratches that particular itch for me. Also, a lot of his production choices are pretty cool. Especially on his second record


Coldplays early stuff is just irreplaceable. Like people hate them for their newer stuff, but man… x&y is a 9/10 for me. It has so many good space-rockish songs that i still listen to


X&Y is a 9,5/10 even, and A Rush Of Blood To The Head is definitely a 10 for me. Love their first 3 albums and I have a soft spot for Mylo Xyloto and Ghost Stories as well


I just learnt there are significant amount of people who hate Polyphia


I don't hate them, but I just can't get into them. While it is super impressive, I don't think that means it's enjoyable to listen to, I feel like the value virtuoso over actual musicianship most of the time


I used to enjoy their music, until I met them.




The only time I've ever seen an adult man (Tim Henson) throw a pre-show tantrum because none of the 20+ pairs of designer sneakers he brought on tour matched the particular stage outfit he picked out. Also ran into them at NAMM a few years back and the egos were utterly intolerable, drummer was fairly chill though.


Sounds like a lot of people in this field tbh.


The style of music Polyphia does is usually not my thing and like the rock equivalent of "spiritual miracle" rap to me. But I absolutely adore Polyphia and it pains me that people see them as the poster boy of this crappy "prog rock style technical over meaningful" music because Polyphia is honestly really catchy. Like the instrumentals are ear worms to me. When I saw them live they had a "sing the melody" part where they stopped playing their instruments and the crowd was just \*da-da\*ing the melody and everyone in the room just knew how guitar riff went. I had only heard that particular song twice before and I knew it


Enya. Like, why? I've literally seen reddit posts, comments from music rating websites of artists that have similar music as Enya, saying that they hate her and say "Fvck Enya." Her music might be a bit same-y and might not be showing innovation or other personality throughout the years, but is the hate really necessary???


I was a big Cocteau Twins fan in the 80s. Enya seemed like a sanitized and safe version of what the Cocteaus were doing. I don’t hate Enya, I just don’t see the point.


Enya is much more relaxed than Cocteau Twins. I will vibe in a bath to some Enya, I will not be a relaxed with Cocteau Twins (but I do love them)


Not even Victorialand?


I don't know if I've ever heard that album. I'll give it a listen


It’s so dreamy compared to their other stuff. Like dreamier than dreamy. Songs like Lazy Calm and Fluffy Tufts are so relaxing.


That sounds right up my ally 


I feel like you would have to have a very surface level appreciation of both to make the statement. Aside from the dream quality of their music they aren’t similar at all. Cocteau Twins is a rock band. Enya makes pop infused with classical and celtic music. The only genre similarity is the pop basis. Additionally cocteau twins use mainly guitars whereas Enya is mostly synth keyboards. Elizabeth frasiers vocal style is unique and vastly different than Enyas. There is definitely an overlap in both artists, but it is mostly surface level. The songwriting styles are vastly different, and production is only vaguely similar in the usage of layering.


I consider myself informed now. Thanks!


Yoko Ono


Yoko’s music isn’t that bad (until she starts Yokoing)


Panic! At The Disco I’ll admit the last two albums weren’t the greatest when stacked against their whole discography but dammit that band holds a place in my heart. And for the one that might get me torn to shreds…Melanie Martinez. Again, I’ll admit she has her issues, and her responses to *that* situation were pretty terrible. And as expressed by people here before, yes a majority of her fan base does suck. But like Panic, Melanie’s music holds a special place in my heart because I listened to a lot of *Crybaby* during my freshman year of high school. Her music isn’t the greatest lyrically or musically, hell it’s nothing to remark at. However I think it’s a lil catchy and at the end of the day that’s what matters to me. Not really a huge fan of her following two albums k-12 or portals but I toss a few songs in a rotating playlist.


I honestly really liked the last panic album. Singing live to tape these driving rock songs was a cool departure from what was happening previously. 


***finally*** I stand firm on vlv being a good album, everyone shits on it just because it’s a panic album.


Being a Greta Van Fleet fan and a Fantano fan is hard 😶‍🌫️


i’m not even trying to wind you up i’m actually curious, how could you genuinely like them?


This reminds me of a podcast idea I had where we pit artists against each other to see if bad music is more fun to listen to than good music. Sadly enough I got the idea from a kid rock interview where he said no one gets laid and has fun listening to Radiohead at a party. And while I love Radiohead more than kid rock, I don’t think he’s wrong. Even if ironically, three beers deep singing kid rock with your friends is probably gonna go off more than Radiohead.


i would listen to that podcast lmao


Will Wood. "Everyone hates him" might be an exaggeration but people tend to dislike anything that becomes popular among children


do people really dislike will wood? and is he really popular among children? i think he is cool and makes cool music i didn’t know about this though, is there a reason that he’s big with children like was a song of his in a video or something?


His music got pretty popular on tiktok and he's frequently compared to artists like Tally Hall and Lemon Demon (which respectfully I think he has nothing to do with). I've heard people refer to him as just music for tiktok theater kids, which is kinda sad especially when the man himself is very anti-social media I guess his quirky songwriting and playful lyrics made him popular among kids


Avenged sevenfold maybe. Although I would say I only love City of evil and Life is but a dream...


There’s dozens of us!


Limp Bizkit. The Chocolate Starfish album is just really funny. People have very negative opinions about the band, but whenever I put that album on those same people have a good time.


Do people really hate Limp Bizkit? I thought it was just fantano I love their music they have too many bangers for people to hate them


It's definitely a more hated band than U2


There was definitely a stretch where people really hated on nu-metal and especially LB, but enough time has passed that those bands are now nostalgic (to older millennials) and influential (to young current bands)


Coldplay make good music and I'm tired of repeating it. Objectively, their first four albums are excellent, and Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head are masterpieces. Yeah, they have become more pop, but even their pop albums are pretty good, only one of them I can call below average (obviously A Music Of The Spheres), but otherwise the music is pleasant, Martin’s vocals are good, the main thing is that they experiment with the sound, with their music, and they don’t stand still, not as good as with Kid A, but they are also experimenting. I love Radiohead and I'm ready to love Coldplay, they're both great bands, just stop crap on them for "going pop", they make good pop at least. And if you still can’t stand the new Coldplay, admit that their first albums are good, not that you don’t like them, but that they are good.


But does everyone else hate Coldplay?


Believe me, there are a lot of such people, you can go to r/Radiohead and you will see how many haters there are.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/radiohead using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/radiohead/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [met Thom Yorke today at some random alleyway boutique in montreal today](https://i.redd.it/8qswse9oulbb1.jpg) | [288 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/radiohead/comments/14y1tdv/met_thom_yorke_today_at_some_random_alleyway/) \#2: [Worked in front of OK Computer today lol](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/154b1hv) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/radiohead/comments/154b1hv/worked_in_front_of_ok_computer_today_lol/) \#3: [So this happened last night…](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17da2zb) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/radiohead/comments/17da2zb/so_this_happened_last_night/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m not super keen on some of their later stuff but I actually really like Night Visions by Imagine Dragons.


Crazy town, msi, limp bizkit


Limo Bizkit has a mix of irony and nostalgia. That's enough to enjoy myself but I don't get further then the hits


there’s a group of people out there who strongly hate Billy Corgans voice, so Smashing Pumpkins.


jimmy chamberlin is one of the most badass drummers ever


one of the best of the 90s hands down and hella underrated. His work, especially on Gish, is some of my favorite.


It’s not so much his voice it’s the dumb shit in the past he’s said with his voice


It is easy to forget how great they were - Gish through Adore is perfection to me, with Machina I being the beginning of the end (although still very good). Its weird how all of this 90s / grunge nostalgia is going on right now, and SP seems to get forgotten.


I don’t think it’s weird at all. Have you heard the last 24 years of output? Had they not put out a single album after their first break up and corgan stopped going on Alex Jones and acting like a spiritual guru then I’m sure they’d be held in high regard. They’ve ruined their legacy.


i love primus, but for some reason everyone says they suck /s


Logic! He's actually a good rapper and I actually mess with his bars about living out your dreams/being biracial. He's not at 'punching bag' status yet but he's definitely made fun of more than other rappers


what exactly do you like about the biracial bars lol. he says that shit all the time for shock value and that's definitely worth making fun of


Yeah, I'd take the best stuff that Logic has made over a lot of other rappers for sure


Gong. My friends think I am insane for liking Gong!


I think Tally Hall and Jacob Collier have made some great songs that I resonate with a lot. Their discographies have become spotty from me but I feel some nostalgia for the days when their music was all that I listened to.


People don’t hate Tally Hall they just hate the fandom (i hate most of them too) It’s just a bunch of “Weird Kids”. Like a Weird Kid is different from the others but all of them name themselves Weird Kids even tho they like all The same things.


I’m so conflicted on Jacob Collier. Dude is an actual genius but I don’t think his music reflects it. Fair play to him if he’s really just making the music he wants to make though.




Not everbody hates them by any means but being an R.E.M. in the past usually meant getting some razzin' and/or everyone assuming all of their songs sounded like "Shiny Happy People" or "Losing My Religion"


Arctic Monkeys’s earlier stuff is pretty decent. Not so much with their last couple of albums though


Dave Matthews Band


I’ll never understand the hate they get. They’re very talented and have their own sound. They also never chased trends and they put on a great show. Dave is a great writer.


I can´t think of an artist, but when I tell people I like jazz, they usually give me strange look.


Hear me out: Ed sheeran gets too much hate. People seem genuinely convinced that he is totally untalented, which I don't agree with


Most of my favorite bands. Weezer, Panic!, Train, etc.


Most people that hate Weezer haven’t even listened to them 🤦


Panic supremacy


Corpse Husband lol


Embarrassing, I know Maybe I’m just biased cuz I was a big fan of him when Among Us was popping off, but I really do like the deep voice, I think it’s very impressive. I will say his lyrics are not the best lol


I think I'd get it more if the dude clearly wasn't forcing his voice to sound so much deeper and fried than it actually is.


Fair, tbh, his natural speaking voice is already really deep, but he tries to lower it even further when he raps


BTS Edit to clarify since someone commented but deleted it: I said BTS because while they have a huge fan base, fantano heads aka the people in this group hate 99% of kpop and chalk BTS up to their 3 English songs and claim that they make “bad” music because of it which is how I interpreted OP’s question. Everyone referring to everyone in this group not everyone as a whole.


Coldplay, spotty as their discography may be


Machine Gun Kelly


311, hands down


Omaha Stylee!


Mindless Self Indulgence 💯💯💯💯


u2 were (but i believe they still have at least one good album in them) incredible yeah. both their 80s and 90s runs were insane, give or take october and rattle and hum but the latter is only bc a bunch of live stuff is jammed in there. all the studio material rules




people hate them?


I heard they suck live


Saw them when i was working a food truck at punk in drublic fest in Vancouver, luckily we sold out of food before they got on so we were able to enjoy the last few acts and they were definitely the weakest, definitely had the best stage energy but the descendants were waaay better


I sure do


i feel like NOFX are too pop for punk and too punk for pop which is why they’re so hated. pop punk fans don’t care about them and punk fans think they’re cringe.


I fucking love NOFX. I have most of their classics on vinyl. Saw them in Columbus last year


It’s not your fault they haven’t heard Heavy Petting Zoo.


Linkin park. They just really blow.


ajr isn’t THAT bad


Name a single good song by ajr


i think it might be the nostalgia talking, but come hang out is genuinely a good song. like is it corny as fuck? yes, absolutely but there’s something about it that just makes it hit different for me.


Black Eyed Peas up until THE END








Haven’t listened to a ton of Staind but Break the Cycle is a really good album imo


NF, Ik he’s corny and he’s not a great lyricist and some people don’t like his production style but something about it is just really enjoyable for me.


Imagination dragon




obviously oasis and olivia rodrigo are extremely popular, but in online music spaces i’ve seen people hate on them


Avenged Sevenfold


Emmure, lmao




... Nickel...back... :)


Emerson, Lake and Palmer. They were cool in the 70s but nowadays, some people just can't stand them apparently. And they're the same people who love prog, Yes and other bands, but I often see ELP described as "excessive noodling".


Imagine dragons




Ngl, besides being horrible fucking people, Die Antwoord fucking slapped back in the day


i love u2


KPop in general. Yes, the fans can range from annoying to psychotic. Yes, the industry is really fucked up and the talent is often treated poorly. Yes, the songs are usually pretty mindless and not particularly deep. But there's a lot of talent and hard work that goes into some of that stuff and it really shows. My current favorite bands are Stray Kids and Le Sserafim.






Hobo Johnson gets so much undeserved hate. He definitely gets some deserved hate, but The Fall of Hobo Johnson is genuinely one of my favorite albums of all time


Limp Bizkit. Yes I know, Fred is not a great guy, and their music is extremely repetitive. But I genuinely, love almost every song.


Lil darkie, he is lowkey weird but some his stuff is powerful ngl. banana pie is one of my favorite songs off all time


NF. I agree Hope is terrible, but I don’t really mind Therapy Session - Clouds.




I’ll go to bat for Kid Rock’s run from Devil Without a Cause through his self titled album. Two albums of sleazy, kind of funky nu-metal adjacent shit talking music, one straight ahead earnest rock album, and in between a decently-curated compilation of his independent releases (with “American Badass” foreseeing the terrible sampling crimes to come)


His collab with Cheryl Crow was really good too it just got overplayed for a decade 


Kim Petras


considerinf you mentioned U2 I would say: Drake, J.Cole, Eminem (to an extend), In Flames, Macklemore, Eric Clapton (solo and his groups), Limp Bizkit, alot of radio Rock, Immortal Technique (to an extend), Yelawolf, Tech N9ne, Big Sean, Sabaton, Pantera (to an extend), Machine Head, Dream Theater (to an extend)


Big Sean is just a really good rapper, no one can convince me otherwise.


Not to be that guy but I think you mean "extent".


Who hates immortal technique?


young "Underground Rap" fans hate Immortal Technique saying shit like "He only lives of Dance With The Devil", "He only raps about conspiracy theories", "too many politics", "but-can-we-address-the-world s-tate ass rap", ans so on


Obnoxious is one of my favorite rap songs ever made. Easily better than Dance with the Devil


Freedom of speech also goes hard


I didn’t know In Flames was hated. They’re fucking awesome.


they have been one of Metal's punching bags for the last 15 or so years


Imagine dragon’s first album is legit really good


NBA Youngboy…




people don’t hate them because of their music..


Lostprophets are my absolute answer for anyone that says you can separate the art from the artist. Was a huge fan of theirs as a teenager and thought they had some fantastic songs, so when the Ian Watkins news first emerged I tried to continue on with listening to them, but found it too hard to ignore. Kind of a shame to lose a band I loved from my discography, but what I’ve learned since then is that no one artist is too big to remove from it.




People don’t like them?


I love U2! I’m not a fan but some of their stuff on Innocence and Experience got me through 2020. Everyone always gives me hate for liking them though


Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, CocoRosie, and Clinic


WHO the hell hates OMD?


For one reason or another that is the one band I have been given more shit over than any other from all of my different friend groups over the years. No idea why, I love them.


yeah for me it’s U2


Phish. They deserve so much more love


Brockhampton. For some reason everyone I’ve seen online dropped them after saturation and now just trashes them whenever their name comes up online. Wish people kept listening to them because their music really matured and evolved in a great way.