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not Freedom Dude


He has it trademarked u cant say that




Yo no way I found you outside of r/tyler the creator


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tyler using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tyler/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Tyler](https://np.reddit.com/r/tyler/comments/1c6c6hk/tyler/) \#2: [my name is tyler](https://np.reddit.com/r/tyler/comments/18p1zg0/my_name_is_tyler/) \#3: [how has nobody claimed this sub name lol](https://np.reddit.com/r/tyler/comments/18loyuv/how_has_nobody_claimed_this_sub_name_lol/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


not freedom, dude


That reply at the very bottom makes me furious lol


I'm not surprised they would reply like that given their pfp/username and the vibes it reminds me of (and not in a good way either).


"Debate me" guys are so annoying. Shut up and go away, this isn't high school debate club.


Their debate perverts. Awful humans that think argument in the "market place of ideas" will mean anything. Weirdos get off to dunking on people with pre-planned talking points and logic trees.


They saw losers like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder build whole careers off debating unprepared college kids and think it’ll get them respect. Of course it doesn’t but they’re deluded into thinking if they can win a debate then it proves them right on a take they have.


They’re both very media trained too, and beyond how that affects their bad faith performances, they selectively edit which parts of which debates made it into their asinine compilations. My friend (and he’s a particularly brutally honest guy so I believe him, and there’s evidence of Ben and Crowder doing this often) said that he debated Shapiro on religious fundamentalism and how it kills freedoms and freedom of speech when Ben was on the Berkeley campus in the auditorium debating pro-choice vs. pro life. And he said that Ben eventually just got frustrated and said: “We’re cutting this one. Its a waste of time.” Sure enough, my friend didn’t pop up in the video and he called me PISSED about it. Absolute cowards and idiots and above all propagandists. You can’t laud the so-called “marketplace of ideas” when you only include the moments where the college kid isn’t being articulate, or is nervous, etc. You don’t care about ideas or other perspectives at all if that’s your mission. (Apparently Ben’s only counter to my friends arguments was: “What about Marxism? That’s bad for freedoms and freedom of speech!” to which he replied: “Okay but what about (inserts multiple examples of religious fundamentalism being bad for freedoms) and Ben said: “Communism is FAR worse.” My friend countered “So you agree that religious fundamentalism is still (insert arguments as to why its bad) Also: I’m not even a Marxist...” Ben said: “Yes you are. It’s obvious with your line of argumentation.” And that’s when the mic was taken away lol.)


Absolutely believe that. They a grifters trying to make content. It's the iNtELleCtUAl equivalent of zoomers harassing service workers for likes. Unfortunately conservative boomers seem to pay way more then tictok. There are plenty of well leftists that would love to dunk all over these grifters. That's why they stay in their hug box subscription services and debate freshmen.


Honestly Ben Shapiro and his daily wire team were pretty good initially but now I’m somewhat jaded and would say Shapiro is being a hypocrite. For example the whole freedom of speech thing was a definite lie as he seems to be willing to censor any talking points relating to Israeli Palestine Conflict in the slightest. Also the content on DW+ like Mr Birchrum and Chip Chilla has been critiqued for the same things that the leftist media they engage with do by prioritising the socio-ideological politics over the actual story.


Yeah, anybody who thinks their “debate” formats are fair is either a moron or just defends it because they agree with them. It’s hilariously hard to lose a “debate” when you control the single mic, can interrupt whenever, argue with randoms that just happened to show up that day, can kick somebody if they make too many counterpoints that make you look bad, and best of all: you can cut them out entirely in the final edit for the video you’re making. There’s a reason why they don’t debate in a proper format or even accept the offer of left wing pundits like Sam Seder or Hasan Piker to debate in their biased formats. They know anybody familiar with their talking points and tactics can walk circles around them to make them look bad.


Ben Shapiro will prep for 72 hours and then find a random college kid in the quad and “beat” them in a debate and losers think that means something


I'll never forget that time he was humiliated to the point of tears on national television lol.


Is there a video of this? I'm not even American, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing that dickhead humiliated.


Ya normalize calling them debatePDFfiles lol. As if defeating their interlocutor with bs gish gallop talking points will actually win people to their side. Its just so unproductive to start a conversation like your stepping into the ring.


Not everyone is good at debating . You are projecting hard


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it? My point was being good at debate is irrelevant. You can have a bad argument but win a debate, and vice versa. Being a good debater means you just understand what “wins” in the eyes in the audience for the format but says nothing about whether you made the more logical, factual or ethical arguments. And saying Shapiro or Crowder are “good” at debates is generous, there’s a reason why the only “debates” they do are laughably favored for them. You’ll never see them in a proper debate format: two mics, a moderator, no interruptions allowed, both sides are equally verse on the topic instead of one side having randoms unfamiliar with the standard talking points or rebuttals, unedited, etc.


It’s not that they’re debate perverts. It’s that they’re conservatives. It’s always the conservatives.


They’re* I’m sorry


No you ain't


No I am - not that much, but a little bit


Making it pretty clear it was for you


Ok I don’t know what you’re saying and I’ve lost interest


You do realize you are making an argument right??? Self own


Also. There’s literally no winning that “debate”. No matter what perfectly crafted argument you come up with, he’s bound to respond with “well here’s where you’re wrong” and insert some BS about how America was built off the ideals in the Bible.


I’m learning that arguing with people is a fool’s errand now online. You’re either arguing with a bot, or a moron who argues in bad faith, and wouldn’t be swayed even with clear, irrefutable proof. If you have an insightful opinion, just drop it and leave it be, you may still win people over with your perspective. Don’t engage with the chuds.


As someone who was in Debate Club for all four years of high school, I’d still be pissed if someone tried to argue against everything I said outside of a competition setting


Also they’re always idiots who are about to parrot some Andrew Tate Ben Shapiro bullshit they memorised




The problem isn’t that he’s asking to debate, it’s that he’s wrong. I’d rather he engage in debates so his stupid ideas could be out in the open and debunked instead of running off to his little echo chamber of right-wing christonationalist freaks that talk about how lunch ladies are putting estrogen in the chocolate milk or some other dumb conspiracy shit. Let’s not run away when easily debunkable ideas are served to us on a silver platter. The left is soo much better than that.


Isnt that most of the fantano fan base?


How much we betting it’s a Russian bot


"Be specific. Defend your claim." I'm sorry but I don't go on social media to relive highschool debate team antics. Not every human interaction has to have a winner and a loser, you freakshows.


That’s what we call sealioning.


"Freedom dude"


That's the target demographic of post-Elon Twitter. Well, that and bots.


Imagine the outrage by same “freedom loving” conservatives if they mandated the Quran to be taught in schools. lol


That's kind of the whole answer to "Freedom" "Dude"


Nah they want America to be a Christian state the logic wouldn't make a dent


Well whatever does a make a dent, use that


What this person said.


What are the chances that Freedom Dude has graduated high school?


What are the chances that he is an actual person lmao


Slim chances, he seems shady


Slim shady?




who do you think he is? a welcome mat? for us to step on?


Cambridge Analytica ass


I dropped out of high school and I didn't turn out like Freedom Dude...


Well good for you then


That’s not fair to say, he probably graduated from a high school that force fed him the Bible


Give him some credit, he’s probably been trained on almost all the text on the internet


"You have to teach the bible!" *teaches the scientifically impossible, hypocritical, and other parts people like to ignore these days* "No, not like that."


You can try to teach the bible but I doubt it will learn much.


The reply at the bottom completely misses the point. It's not about what harm it can do, it's the fact that religion should not be in public education. Public schools are government funded, and religion has no place in government. Anybody who still argues after that point is simply grifting or they're too fucking stupid to comprehend that.


You just have to ignore these. It is a pretty regular right wing dog whistle tactic. That guy already knows what is wrong about it. They just want you to say it to say "how dare you insinuate". The only valid response is "nazi shut up."


i doubt that guy is a nazi


Liberals have become lazy.


Can you please explain why not? Defend your claim. It's just really rude and in bad faith. No one is genuinely confused. He is definitely a christo-fascist. Telltale signs are there. Also, you joined reddit 3 days ago, but most of your comments are removed in r/roblox? What in the bot?


maga wackjob does not equal nazi why does my join date or what subreddits i use have anything do to with this


Thanks for making this point. I get the sentiment when people say it, but we really should reserve words like Nazi for actual Nazis/neo-Nazis, i.e. the worst of the worst. Twisting language to mean what we want it to mean is the same thing the far right loves to do and there should be more pushback against people using verbiage like this incorrectly, it just softens up language and makes things seem less severe / dangerous when the real deal is being discussed


Couldn’t agree more


Honestly, I hope someone asks them whether their opinion changes if the Quran was required instead.


That's not how these guys work. They either embrace their supposed superiority ("Islam is evil, Christianity is good. That's why we shouldn't teach the quran") or refuse to engage with hypotheticals ("that will never happen, so there's no reason to discuss it"). Do not fall for the idea that these people are interested in genuine duscussion or curiosity about others' perspectives. You can win a debate optically by being completely intellectually dishonest; that's how Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder built their careers. There's that fun Sartre quote about antisemites, but it applies broadly to the Right. "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." If you do have a discussion with a conservative that is actually willing to engage honest, you'll find that tautology forms the bedrock of most of their beliefs. I.e. "that's just the way things are", "it's just common sense", "that's the way it's always been", "that's just what I believe", etc. And they'll get agitated at any further prying.


I think teaching the bible is great, students should learn about religion. But they should also be teaching about other major religions alongside it. Should be part of history/social studies curriculum.


Teaching *about* the Bible in social studies as party of a larger course on organized religions is fine. Teach *the* Bible in schools like its a text book is fucking crazy. A collection of stories with magic in them should stay far far away from history curriculum. That like saying we should add cyiptozoology next to AP bio, or conspiracy theories to polysci courses.


Teach it in history class where it belongs. As in ‘look at the shit people used to believe before the enlightenment age, isn’t that cute’


I think that would be a waste of time. The stories are too bloated.


It’s also about the harm it can do


AGREED my primary school replaced science with bible study I fucking hated religion all through those years I’ve grown up now and I don’t hold a grudge against religious people but I wouldn’t lie and say I don’t hold some hate for Christianity


No that's not the point. There are plenty of people who choose to learn about other people's religions as their subjects in school. Entire bachelors & masters dedicated to it. And that's the actual point, they **choose** to. The problem with this is that it's forced on students. There's nothing wrong with having the option in public education


And the fact that it’s blatantly unconstitutional


Freedom Dude has quite the ironic name lmao


Another chud who thinks they just get to decide a debate is happening now


And not only that, his username is so absurd, it might as well be parody, he has the car selfie with sunglasses and a hat, and scruffy beard combo? This guy is like the most stereotypical hardcore conservative on the Internet


Even as a Christian let me say… this is absolutely ridiculous. Of course, I believe everyone ***should*** read the Bible, but no one who’s FORCED to read/teach it is going to affected by it. That doesn’t work. It needs to be the individual’s choice. Something they seek out by their own volition due to a genuine curiosity. Like… this is objectively not a good strategy for “spreading the word” if that’s really their goal, and forcing teachers to loose their jobs just because of their beliefs… isn’t that like verifiably unconstitutional or something? So yeah. This is bullshit. I’m not inherently opposed to like… the “sentiment” of it? But looking at all the factors, it’s just bullshit. I want The Word to be spread as well, but this is so obviously a bad idea that’s probably gonna do a lot more harm than good.


100% agree. Everyone SHOULD read it to see how ridiculous it is lmao. Queue angry cultists:


Tip fedora. In this moment, i am euphoric...


reddit atheist try not to only insult western Christians and not hindus muslims or buddhists


Fuck them too. Tf.


[Whatever you say bud](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsee-what-i-mean-v0-2mc0j38vh2vc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D67db570cd9d9497dc3b99c95d2b5bd29c9e1aa6e&tbnid=f2Z60RCDMgMmNM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCuratedTumblr%2Fcomments%2F1c6ehf9%2Fsee_what_i_mean%2F&docid=incj9V4MX_-pcM&w=316&h=1024&hl=en-ca&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=3377210affce5b9f&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


The post you linked has nothing to do with the conversation tho. Image you linked is about religions as a whole while the person you replied was just calling the Bible “ridiculous”


Just because the link is broadly applicable doesn’t mean it’s not applicable to the topic at hand.


It definitely isn’t applicable to the topic at hand because nothing in it serves as any kind of response to anything they said. It feels like you’ve found that image at some point and you use it whenever someone says something against your religion Because it seriously isn’t relevant at all to what they said


Nvm, you win. Nice mic drop. I have no rebuttal. 🤓 I too used to post cringe replies as such. You’ll outgrow your cult someday (if you use your brain).


Insulting someone’s religion who didn’t even do anything wrong is such a dick move


I think this counts as ~violently ironic~ there fella


You seem like a fun person to talk to 


I'm not religious at all but reddit atheists are SO fuckin annoying


>I too used to post cringe replies Used to, sure...




Its redic how people take the bible so literally. Theres actually a LOT of wisdom in there.


Take it literally when it’s meant to be read literally . You don’t actually think people thought the world had four corners do you?


Ofc people use to think the world was flat. This book is not intended to be taken literally and shouldnt be tho. Its allegorical. Some books were re written literally when they should not have been.


Cults and religions aren’t the same


And Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s a lifestyle. 😂 I was in the church 18 years and could quote the Bible like a mfer. You know what ruined it all? Once I took a Bible interpretation class. That’s why I think people should read the Bible. All it takes is honesty and some brains to see it’s all baloney. The US at least is still radically Christian, so you get downvoted for ridiculing. That’s fine. lol.


No dude cults have a specific defitnion in academia . Jehovas witness and Mormons would be examples of cults. You can think it’s all bullshit but religions aren’t cults by definition . And dude nobody understands the Bible . Like literally nobody .


>No dude cults have a specific definition in academia . No, they don't. In fact, whether or not "cult" is even a useful designation is hotly debated among experts, which is why some religious studies scholars use terms like "New Religious Movement" instead. You can learn this in a 101 Intro To Religion class. You're just talking out of your ass so you can feel smarter than the Reddit atheists at this point.


“The common, modern definition of a cult is “a group of people with extreme dedication to a certain leader or set of beliefs that are often viewed as odd by others.” religions in general are basically just socially acceptable cults lol. when christianity first started it was definitely viewed as odd. if we use that definition, then islam and judaism could be considered a cult by christians. also, isnt mormonism just a sect of christianity? why would they be a cult but not catholics?


Mormonism is a wildcard. They *claim* to be Christian, but they’re really not. They elevate Joseph Smith to a nearly Christ-like level of veneration and treat his word as gospel. They’re a cult of personality built around a conman and a pedophile.


i think mormons have weird beliefs too but thats literally how ‘normal’ christianity started too lmao


Agreed. But I think everyone should study every single major religion. So they can understand it more and learn all of us are really the same, just looking for something higher than ourselves. I am an atheist but I think learning about all religions is fun and useful.


i agree but you’re gonna summon the reddit atheists with this one


I thought women weren't allowed to teach about God? Since most teachers are women, I'm not sure why these dickheads in power are going against the bible and forcing them to teach religion. 1 Timothy 2:11-12 (New International Version): "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."


They’ll tell you that part is somehow not meant to be taken literally now because it’s inconvenient to this argument


1 John 1:8 - "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Everyone lives in sin Edit: All Sin is not the Same 


Except it is. According to the Bible, as far as God is concerned, having an angry thought against your brother is literally the same as outright killing him. Sin is sin to God.


Proverbs (6:16-19) identifies seven things that God hates although there is not any punishment proscribed for those


The Bible is a pretty interesting document. You could teach it from a historical and cultural perspective and get a lot out of it. If I was a teacher I'd make lessons on its influence through history, how it branched out from the old testament to new, how it influenced Islam, how it shaped European identity from the classical to medieval eras, the political reasons for when and why it was translated into different languages, ending with Martin Luther and the printing press, and the subsequent scientific revolution. Push the students to question why this collection of stories is so powerful that it has been used as a political tool for thousands of years, and continues to be used in that way even now in the modern world. But I suspect that's not what Orlando lawmakers have in mind.


That's how they did it at my school and also taught about Judaism and Islam as well. Guess which unit had 1/3 of the class pulled out of by their parents?


I attended a catholic school that taught exactly that. We were also taught the scientific explanation for the origin of the universe and had proper sex education classes where our teacher throughly taught us about birth control and how to use it. That’s because the national curriculum of education in my country is dictated by the state board of education, secular as the government is secular.


Oklahoma is a light 1. And the 1 is because it exists. I'm feeling a light to decent 1 on Oklahoma's existence.


Why do trumpy dudes always want to debate? It’s so obnoxious. They know they aren’t going to change their mind. What is it they want?


Aw hell yeah, a law respecting an establishment of religion? Freedom, dude!


From the “Freedom Dude” 😂😂😂


I’m gonna force him to read the Quran and see if he gets it then


Well if I was a public school student in Oklahoma I would be walking the fuck out. Go after me for truancy, I don't give a shit. Just because they are required to teach it doesn't mean I'm required to sit there and listen to that bullshit.


Look up project 2025 please


I’ve had it. I’m reversing my position on climate change. Now I’m rooting for it.


Ironic that “Freedom Dude” wants one established religion to be mandatory to learn.


Gotta love someone arguing in favor of forced religion in schools and teachers losing their licenses is they don’t go along with, especially when said guy is going by “Freedom Dude”


Freedom Dude has never heard of separation of church and state


Taliban-ass republicans. Sorry for anyone that lives in Oklahomastan


All schools need to teach the Quaran and Hadiths. Oh now you have a problem, Freedom Dude? Defend your claim


*bE sPeCiFiC*


They hate the Middle East but want life like the Middle East. Religion has no place in rule.


What does that even mean? "Teach the Bible"? In every class? Like are we just jumping into the Book of Matthew in the middle of Algebra or what? What a bizarre edict.


> calls himself "freedom dude" >doesn't understand why being forced to teach/ learn about the bible isn't... good


so by his logic what harm can teaching the Quran do? I bet he will inexplicably oppose that with no evidence presented.


Conservatives when they realize “freedom” also includes expression that they *don’t* like


I mean this sucks but why is it on the fantano sub


Because it's a melon tweet


as a devout christian myself its really sad how some americans weaponize the faith. its spreading love not hate. smh.


I get that this is concerning, but what has this to do with this sub?


It’s a tweet from Melon….


That's what happens in Iran with quran


No government should force religion


Don’t even mention anything Islam related. People on Reddit will ride and pamper islam until they can’t no more


Bibles in schools? It's.. Not Good💥


I mean they could start by actually teaching the Bible in churches.


Dude at the bottom asking high school English test ass questions.


This is… not constitutional


What wait? That original post is fake right? Or at least exaggerated? That seems ridiculous


Spreading the gospel is fine but forcing it isn’t.


Shoutout to Freedom to religion💯💯


Alright Freedom Dude, I’m going to make a well researched 5 page essay using 5 different peer reviewed sources. The only thing you have to do to beat me in this argument…is read it


Freedom dude dislikes freedom, what a let down.


It’s unconstitutional for starters. Tho I admit I’d love to be one of them teachers. “ Okay kids, today we’re going to learn about the worlds most famous book of fantasy and fictional essays…..”


I give religious indoctrination a light 3


\*FREEDOM DUDE\* loving forced religious indoctrination, you Americans really have thoroughly destroyed the word freedom lmao


I think teaching the bible in school should be mandatory. But only if it's studied it as a work of high fantasy like LoTR.


Republicans really love forgetting that the Founding Fathers wrote the constitution as a secular document.


I Went to a Catholic school and that taught abit of all the other religions which I thought was cool.


This new Oklahoma legislation? It's not good.


I'd love to see teachers rule lawyer the hell out of this, but it'd only mean they'd get persecuted out of the classroom. Still, it's so easy to see it's almost impossible not to imagine it. Want me to teach the Bible in history class? OK, we're gonna go into depth about the discrepancies in the Bible and how they can only be explained by understanding it as a book written by flawed men using God to make a point or defend a political position. Explain how the holy book might still be willfully misinterpreted for political gain today to get an extra point! We're gonna go into the historical figure of Jesus and exactly which letters were and weren't written by Paul, and why other writers might have wanted to appropriate his name. We're gonna go into how the Catholic Church picked what books got to be in the Bible, not God. We're gonna go exactly into how Mosaic law represented the slave driving, patriarchal society it was written by. This is all a dream though. As if teachers actually had the time to do any of this! Just tell the kids that God hates them elgeebetees and move on, or you get the wall.


There were specific responses, none of which Freedom Guy replied to.


I don’t agree with Fantano that often but I agree with him here


I’m sure FREEDOMDUDE ™ will participate in a well intentioned and reasonable debate


This new christian force-feeding? Not good.


"Free" speech.


Does anyone in fantano sub actually like fantano lmao


America is a strange place


Oh boy… this is… not good 😝😅😂😁


This is…not music


I feel like these headlines are a bit misleading. Maybe not but just an inkling that maybe they presented the law or legislation but I seriously doubt they can enforce mandatory Bible teaching in a public school without violating like 20 laws at a time.


Recently Conservatives have been passing unconstitutional laws to see if the courts would check them on it or not. If SCOTUS (and lower circuit courts) continue to not hold Republicans accountable for obviously violating the constitution; then we should expect more of these laws to be put in place unfortunately.


Why does Fantano care about Oklahoma anyway


Because this is one piece of a long running plan to turn our country into a Christian nationalist state. Wake up buddy.


Because it’s part of the country he lives in…duh




"freedom dude" is replying to fantano


This new God album,, the 'bible'? Is not good. Let's start with the production. This is an ambitious work, no doubt. Compiled from various authors over many years, it's a sprawling narrative that covers everything from creation myths to epic battles to personal revelations. The scope is impressive, and you can tell a lot of passion went into crafting each chapter. Now, let's talk about the themes. There's a lot going on here, folks. Love, betrayal, redemption, divine intervention — it's a rollercoaster of emotions. The characters are vivid and varied, from flawed heroes to complex villains. It's clear this is a story about humanity grappling with its place in the universe and its relationship with the divine. But, you know me, I've got to be honest about the execution. While there are some truly memorable passages that stick with you long after you've put it down, there are also moments where the pacing drags. The prose can be dense and archaic, which might be a turn-off for modern readers looking for a more streamlined narrative. In terms of influence, though, "The Bible" is unmatched. It's inspired countless works of art, literature, and even music. Its impact on culture and society cannot be overstated. Whether you're religious or not, it's impossible to deny its significance. Overall, "The Bible" is a timeless classic that deserves its place in the canon of world literature. It's a bit of a mixed bag in terms of readability, but its ambition and lasting impact earn it a solid 8 out of 10 from me. Thanks for watching, everyone. What do you think of "The Bible"? Let me know in the comments, and don't forget to like and subscribe for more reviews. Write it as a very negative review ChatGPT Review: The Bible Hey, it's Anthony Fantano, and today we're diving into "The Bible," a historical text that's been lauded for centuries, but honestly, I'm not buying the hype. Let's start with the production. Sure, it's a monumental effort compiled over centuries by multiple authors, but the inconsistencies are glaring. From contradictory accounts of key events to convoluted genealogies that read like a bad family tree, it's a mess structurally. The lack of editorial coherence leaves readers scratching their heads. Now, onto the themes. It's a mishmash of outdated moral lessons and dubious ethics. We've got rampant violence, misogyny, and enough wrath of God to make you wonder if he's having a bad day every day. It's a dystopian fantasy at times, glorifying barbarism in the name of divine righteousness. Let's talk readability. The prose is as dry as the desert it often describes. Archaic language and cultural references make it a chore to slog through, and the lack of narrative flow will have you reaching for any other book on the shelf just to cleanse your literary palate. Influence? Sure, it's influenced plenty of art and literature, but that doesn't excuse its flaws. The Bible's impact has been divisive, to say the least, fueling centuries of conflict and intolerance. Its legacy is stained with centuries of misuse and misinterpretation. Overall, "The Bible" is an overhyped relic of a bygone era. Its disjointed narrative, questionable ethics, and tedious prose earn it a disappointing 3 out of 10 from me. Thanks for watching, but I'm not sure I'll be revisiting this one anytime soon. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and don't forget to dislike and unsubscribe if you disagree.


One of Christianity’s tenets is the freedom of choice. Ever since the Book of Genesis, it’s been established that God allows us the freedom to think and act on our own accord, even if those thoughts or actions aren’t always good. Taking away the freedom of these schools to decide their religious affiliation is directly against what the Bible teaches.


I agree with your overall message but god literally punished the first people for choosing to gain knowledge and declared it the original sin


I understand your confusion. The punishment of Adam and Eve was not for the seeking of knowledge, though it may seem like that at first. Rather, it was for the seeking of God’s power and the breaking of His sole rule for them to follow (don’t eat the fruit, it’ll be the cause of your mortality). Adam and Eve had been convinced by Satan that God was lying and that the fruit of knowledge would make them gods. The original sin was never about wanting to know more; it was about the prideful assumption that one could become a god.


Every time I see someone use more or less than three dots for an ellipsis I get one step closer to my eventual aneurysm.


so true....


My biology teacher brought in a box of Bibles in our biology class (in Germany). I think it was the evolution part. I don't really know why he did it, but he was ok with us destroying it as far as I remember.


My biology teacher brought in a box of Bibles in our biology class (in Germany). I think it was the evolution part. I don't really know why he did it, but he was ok with us destroying it as far as I remember.


It makes complete sense. It's a book that's foundational/at the core of the Western canon. Analyzing the Bible from a literary/psychological perspective is extremely useful. I truly believe that everyone in the West should read the Bible. Not from a dogmatic/fanatical perspective, but as one would read Shakespeare or Milton


Had it been a Quran u mfs wouldn’t be spazzing out like this.


yea we would lol


You’re absolutely braindead if you believe that…and how would that even make this right?


Same guy that slams Kanye for hating on a religion


You gotta be trolling if you think this is remotely comparable. The government enforcing a religion goes against everything America was built on


Kanye hates an ethnoreligious group, the Jewish people. A group who has been historically oppressed, targeted, and victimized by people in power who viewed them as disloyal, evil subhumans intent on destroying society. He praised the man who murdered millions of them in gas chambers and said they should forgive him for it. This is not the same, you know it, and if you have any shred of self respect you’ll acknowledge that.


Fuck all religion