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no wonder he gave jesus is king a 4


10 - 4? that's 6. I was going to do a whole CONNECT THE DOTS 666 goofy ass post but thats the only dumb equation I could come up with


He has reviewed 6 solo Eminem projects Eminem has been known as the Rap God since he dropped the song


And his most viewed video, Review for “To Pimp A Butterfly.” Has nearly 6 million views. A number that is divisible by 6. In Kendrick’s last album he talks about not being your savior, along with his back catalog of religious music. [Relevant Link](https://youtu.be/QyrDgEz3DR0)


How do you think he managed to have the best teeth in the game for so many years?


Nah they just tweet funny shit


Yeah I'm pretty sure he follows politicians like Marjorie Taylor Green, and clearly that isn't an endorsement of her policies. Just following something or someone doesn't mean that you agree with them, it just means that you're choosing to allow them in your feed, whether for humor reasons or otherwise.


Yeah ik. That's why I was on their account in the first place




No wonder MBDTF is a 6


huh? i never saw the mbdtf review you must be kidding me? a 6 outta 10, what the hell?


don’t worry he did a redux review you should give it a watch


I’m literally crying and shaking rn


I'm farting, teething,pissing and cumming too


Impressive that you can cum without losing your baby teeth, incredible chad 10 yr old energy


LMAO bruh this shit is mean


Its still a bit cringe but LaVeyan Satanism is not what you think it is.


It’s basically just Atheism


It is purely just atheism and just using the idea of Satan to satirize Christianity.


Edgy atheism


More pointed than that, they use their religion organization status to fight back against (generally) Christian overreach. Example: public achool wants to fly a Christian flag, so they want to fly a Satanic flag as well. Generally stops the Christian flag from putting up


Gotta balance out all those edgy Christians damning homosexuals and unmarried mothers to hell.


That’s the satanic temple that does the lawsuits. The church of satan is just edgy atheism and doesnt let felons join.


I love that I know what LaVeyan Satanism is because I've had it explained to me by every quirky 13 year old atheist back in middle school (to be fair I was that kid too lol)




>Cringe because it's re-skinned libertarianism. This isn't true at all.


"LaVey stated that his Satanism was 'just Ayn Rand's philosophy with ceremony and ritual added'." [academic source](https://web.archive.org/web/20180630052956/https://www.uni-marburg.de/fb03/ivk/mjr/pdfs/2001/articles/lewis2001.pdf) The man himself disagrees with you. Fuck ayn rand and fuck the church of satan


Go ask any modern followers of Satanism if they adhere to those ideologies. The vast majority do not, just as the vast majority of Christians don't come close to following the teachings of Christ, like someone else already said in this thread. Just because the founder of something claims it was supposed to be a certain way doesn't mean that's how it still presents itself in modern times, which is what I'm talking about.


Most modern satanists aren't LaVeyan and the ones who are uniformly south park style libertarians, while The Satanic Temple has deeply embedded progressive values in fighting against the ill effects of conservative christianity, and the CoS simply does not. I've been through eighth grade. Trust me, I know about satanism. LaVey's brand of Satanism is edgy Randian objectivism with religious aesthetics. That's why I stopped being a satanist once I understood that element of it. I had kinda shitty politics as a teen but I never liked libertarianism, and I sure as fuck wasn't going to be a theistic satanist. It's tenets of worshiping yourself as a god is the same thing as Rand's ideology. It's not like there's been massive pushback within the organization against it either. You trying to argue against it is as absurd as arguing that cats don't meow. In fact it's more absurd, because cats haven't been quoted saying "we meow".


It is rather individualistic and right-wing. I get major Ayn Rand vibes from them. Also if you read the Eleven Rules it looks like it was written by some 15 yr old edgelord.


It's individualistic in that it tells you to believe in yourself and people instead of some higher power that's going to make everything ok, but it's really nothing like libertarianism or the right wing. It's literally the opposite of that in almost every way. One of the main tenets of libertarians is a lack of regulation and oversight, and there is nothing about Satanism that matches up with that. I also don't care how cringe you think it is, that doesn't make it right leaning or libertarian at all.


From Ruben van Luijk's book, "Children of Lucifer: The Origins of Modern Religious Satanism", which explores the history of Satanism. I have it in PDF format, if you want it. > It is largely, if not exclusively, due to LaVey’s enthusiastic absorption of Nietzschean ideas, I would venture, that modern Satanism became the religious movement that it is: that is, a religion that can broadly be placed on the “Rightist” side of the political spectrum, instead of the Leftist. This represents a clear break with the nineteenth-century “tradition” of iden- tification with Satan, which almost always served, for better or worse, “progressive” causes. In The Satanic Bible, their Californian successor trumpeted a completely different tune. In the first verse of the first book of the foundation text of modern Satanism, the resounding injunction “Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong!” can be read.192 A few pages later, the words attributed to Jesus are completely reversed: >>Love your enemies and do good to them that hate and use you— is this not the despi- cable philosophy of the spaniel that rolls on its back when kicked? Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek,smash him on the other!; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law!193 >These and similar sentiments are repeated, although in somewhat more measured language, throughout LaVey’s bible. Number four of the Nine Satanic Statements states: “Satanism represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!” This is also the first sentence of the short chapter dealing with “love and hate,” which continues “Therefore, the Satanist believes you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy!”194 >Given these passages, it is not surprising that LaVey does not think it unfeasible to harm or kill others by magical curses, if the circumstances are exceptional and the receiver of the curse is a structural pest bound on the Satanist’s destruction. 195 Elsewhere, LaVey gives Nietzsche a virtuoso kitchen- psychological application when he introduces the concept of the “psychic vampire”: people who “practise the fine art of making others feel responsible and even indebted to them, without cause.” These should be “graciously” shaken off. 196 In fact, Nietzsche’s influence on The Satanic Bible is so pervasive that some have dubbed the book a Nietzschean travesty. LaVey was not evasive about his inspiration. He frequently named Nietzsche as the single most influential writer he read, and when he mentioned other authors, these were generally not Romantic Satanists or occultists, but American and English writers that he considered (rightly or wrongly) as expounding Nietzschean or social Darwinist ideas, such as Ayn Rand, H. L. Mencken, H. G. Wells, Ben Hecht, George Bernard Shaw, Herbert Spencer, and Jack London.


I mean Christianity viewed in a vacuum is a fundamentally leftist ideology, but it’s very rarely perceived as or practiced as such. I would argue that modern satanism has done the same: regardless of its roots or foundational texts, the culture around it has changed to be a response to modern Christianity, which is generally right wing in nature. Those who are fans of satanism likely have become disillusioned with the Christian church, and its exclusivity that’s contradictory to the teachings of Jesus. It’s a push back to Christianity, and you can’t argue that Christianity isn’t generally right-wing in its current cultural context. Modern culture is and will be history, and in the next book regarding religious satanism in 100 years or so they’ll probably mention this very Twitter account and the influences it brings.


I suppose it's more nuanced than that. Is this true about LaVeyan Satanists? Do they reject the foundational texts? I'm not talking about people who are in organizations like TST, but people who specifically identify as LaVeyans.


I would imagine that they haven’t read the foundational texts in a similar way that most Christians haven’t read the whole bible, despite it being the world’s best selling book. I’m sure there are plenty of LaVeyan Satanists who read and follow them though. I’m just saying that as a cultural fixture, Christianity and Satanism have moved in very different directions than what was originally intended by their creation. Individual Christians and Satanists are sadly kind of irrelevant here, as “true” Christians or Satanists would probably be ostracized by the very groups they are a part of. And it’s up for debate what “true” anything even means. There are probably some people who call themselves LeVeyans and are leftie commies. If that group becomes the majority, then the majority of LeVeyans are leftie commies, and LeVeyan Satanism can be generalized as such.


good points


It's reskinned humanism


Satanic Temple >>>>> Church of Satan


Think its the reverse ? Church of Satan has a pretty solid website + tenants and FAQ


I’m just a big proponent of the political steps the satanic temple has taken. That’s why I’m a member. 🤘


I think they both do pretty similar things in the same vein.


Yea he’s been following/reposting stuff from this account since like 2016 I’m p sure but it’s not an actual full on satanism thing


I’d hope so


Detta e varför han har dom bästa tänderna i spelet.


r/unket leaking? Wrong sub?


Neee, han visste bara att jag också var svensk Juste min twitter är på svenska


i follow them too does that make me a satanist


Yes, for the rest of your life. Be careful who you follow


The Satanic Temple >>> Church of Satan


Cradle Catholics often veer


Melonen är djävulen själv




Oh no, I think that’s the gross satanists who don’t let felons join. The other satanist orgs are cool.




Hell yeah


Rare fantano W


Girl same


Epic!!!!!!1 🤣🤣🤣


Yea, not watching a single review of this clown again


Noooo I don’t want melons to go to hell you guys 😔😔😔


2005 called, it wants its edgy gestures back


reddit users when you don't hate gay people and think women are equals


I hate straight people and think men is unnecessary for the humankind


So that's why melon doesn't hate gay people or treat women as second class citizens...hmmm


God please shut the hell up


what a cornball


Antony Laveytano here. Internet’s devilish music nerd.


Average death grips fan


But would it really matter? Short answer is “no,” long answer is “it depends on the person watching.”