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Character one: hurl her into a black hole. Maybe it won't kill this god-like being, but unless she's immune to gravity then at least it will contain her. Character two: proton pack and a ghost trap


For this character, the Sun might be powerful enough too. Or the gas giants. Or space


Superman once defeated Doomsday by trapping him at the end of time. In WoT, the gholam was thrown into a portal where it would fall forever. "Invincible" foes are typically defeated by trapping them somewhere impossible.


Yeah, I looked into that for the arch enemy of character one because of the concept of entropy in the Mass Effect games.


Character two is just losing her body. The "ghost" you're refering to will host all her teammates and she will still be alive. That energy that programmably leaves her body after it dies sort of flies to her teammates. My thought process was just that, if she can separate into an intangible migration, than how do you even kill her in the first place? I had the idea of her being a martyr from an artifact I've already created for a separate part of the story, but I don't want it to be sacrificial.


Throw her into the black hole too.


carbon monoxide, the *silent killer*


Could work for character one. I do have her pass out to fire once before.


Then go with that! You would be retroactively turning that scene to foreshadowing, thereby enhancing both scenes!


The OP literally says no suffocation multiple times.


Madness or broken heart disease? Madness for the first, perhaps as a result of losing her form for too long and maybe broken heart syndrome for the second when they get into some sort of remembrance of the others death or something similar?


I immediately thought of character one dying from a broken heart (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takotsubo\_cardiomyopathy).


Trap her under the ocean. Sure the lack of oxygen won't kill her, but her muscles can't process ATP without it. She'll be completely unable to move for all eternity


I mean, you already said she's not immune to radiation. Hit her with some extremely powerful man made radiation, like gamma rays or something. Destroy her cells from the inside. Even if she kills the guy that blasted her she's still likely to die from various cancers.


Ok... * Character #1: Singularity... create a black hole centered on the character's back so they cannot see it coming... nothing escapes the gravity well and its shearing and compression forces * Character #2: A Blender to shred its corporeal form and a Ghostbusters Ghost Trap You're way overthinking this.


*"How to kill a character that can't virtually be killed?"*  *"She is weak to radiation"*  Congrats OP you answered your own question. 


You didn't read the whole thing.


Junji Ito’s Tomie was encased in concrete so that no part of her, not even her hair, would be set free and wreak havoc


Virtual? So she's like a program? Remember when Ultron got his copies erased from internet? Or how Vision was destroyed by that Hydra professor? The answer from this is obvious: a virus.


It's more like living energy that I was thinking. Not a hologram or program. I mentioned a Cortana for the visuals, but not the exact... lore. Just an example, also hence the mention of "living" before her name, Astral Projection and the "not artificial at all" statement. There's also Athena in the God of War games, for example, I guess. >Vision was destroyed by that Hydra professor? Vision being destroyed by a Hydra professor isn't something I remember.


It's from marvel what if episode 9: https://youtu.be/3gnbKiU7OlI?si=v8BnrbtYojlq7jqC So, an astral projection? Like a god born out of concept? Or a spirit? Usually, spirit can be vanquished via exorcise or power so strong that it disintegrated energy back to what it was. Other than that, you may not be able to destroy them completely, but how about you destroy "who" they are? Gods can be killed when they lose their followers/believers because when there was none, how could they called themselves a god, or be what they are? They'll lose their identity, and eventually their purpose, returning to a concept they were born from, nothing more but a worldly phenomenon.


Character one: Drop a heavy object on her, she maybe invulnerable but can she lift it off. Biological weapons, disease and the like. Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, Dr.Stone stated that there was this accident where knee level was filled with the poison so when one man tried to kneel he was instantly dead. If I remember this is a naturally occuring thing You could probably just suffocate her through forcing an object through her mouth or outright blocking her nose/mouth(I think one good example would be Spiderman's webbing) Character 2: Non corporeal form seems to not make sense scientifically, but I'll try. If there is energy you could probably just suck her in, black hole or maybe just use a normal ass vacuum You don't need to kill her, maybe you just need to freeze her. Prevents both the non corporeal problem, alternatively just put her to sleep then you cut off everything. Limbs, finger, lobotomy to prevent suicide.


Introduce some crazy plague? It could kill either one, though I’d recommend using it on character 2.


Do you watch The Boys?


I do not


Do you plan to? (I don't want to spoil)


Never heard of it, actually


**Spoiler for anyone else reading that is interested in The Boys and are planning to watch!** >! So a new episode came out, episode 6 of season 4. Butcher has been trying to kill Homelander since season one. Homelander... just think of Superman without the same weaknesses as Superman and a whole lot more grounded and realistic. !< >! In season 6, Butcher learns that some scientists have been secretly running tests, trying to create something to kill Homelander, but when he gets there, there's one sample left, and the animals the scientists were running tests on are running rampant, flying and eating and tearing anything alive nearby. With that one sample, instead of keeping it for Homelander, they take a dead scientist's body and inject the "poison" for the animals to eat. It works. Later, after the whole thing, Butcher secretly kidnaps the scientist to make more, but the scientist reveals that a... "poison" strong enough to kill Homelander will cause a pandemic. Originally, when they were running tests, they said it was kill anyone with powers and not harm any humans, but now I guess they were lying and keeping the "pandemic" part a secret. I think they said it would kill all humans and cause a pandemic among "supes". I can't remember exactly. Maybe it still does leave the humans alone, Butcher's wife's son is also a supe, so he's hesitant to continue to try and force the scientist to make that poison (or whatever it's called). !< >! The new episode made me think of your comment, and I found it kind of... ironic that you made the comment directly before the episode came out. Like days or a week before it came out. !<


In the War of the Words, the aliens were killed >!by an Earth microorganism.!<


If their invulnerability is physically based, I'd go with the mental route. Body swap, overriding their original personality with fake memories, wiping their consciousness leaving them a husk, etc. Or just outright using it against them - banishing them to another plane, imprisonment in an inescapable prison (core of the Earth, transforming them into something like stone, etc).


Cancer. It's made of her own nearly invulnerable cells, so it's untreatable. Maybe radiation can buy a little time, but it's too distributed to ever get it all, and the radiation makes her sick as well.


So she's weak against radiation, physically invulnerable but you don't want her to die due to suffocation? I mean, starvation is an option. Maybe a fear based heart attack, though that depends on how her invulnerability works. What's the tech level in your world? Putting her into a zone of accelerated time so she's ages to death is another one.


>So she's weak against radiation, physically invulnerable but you don't want her to die due to suffocation? Maybe a fear based heart attack, though that depends on how her invulnerability works. That heart attack actually sounds creative, in a way. I didn't think of that concept, but it would be hard considering her confidence and since she's fighting weaker enemies. >What's the tech level in your world? Tech level is... these deaths take place after either a 12 year time skip from 2021 or 12 years after a certain event that takes place in Spring 2019, which would make it somewhere between a 2031 and 2033 modern world. Cybernetics exist, tho. Even in, I think, the 2010's.


So probably no supertech. Is there magic? Whats the source of her powers?


She has a cosmic alien mother and human father, and also has plant physiology and her cosmic energy is biological unlike her mother's and others, so it's not something that can be separated or absorbed. No magic in the universe at all. Everything is explained scientifically. Her powers isn't much of a source if you're talking about what I think you're talking about to be like Green Lanterns or something. It's more of that her mother and family got exposed. Sort of like the Fantastic Four. She's just strong and durable, with a poison touch, electrocution, and personal weapons she can manipulate the matter of, and some unknown form of mind manipulation that I can't remember how was explained (probably through pheromones). Oh, hold on. That's character one. Assuming you're talking about character two, her powers is a mix of techno-organics that let her control all tech, and a cosmic energy force that uses her body as a host, like the Pheonix and Jean Grey or Venom and Eddie, but instead inspired by Psylocke and Cable. The only difference between her and Cable's techno-organics is that it's only her eye; not her body or arm or anything. I have it set to that when she dies, she becomes the cosmic energy and is still alive but with no physical body. The only thing she loses is her body.


If she's partially plant race based what about poisons that affect that race?


What do you mean? Like, herbicide?


Every race has species predators. Humans have poisons, diseases, kangaroos, emus, etc. Somethings are good at killing us, despite our apex predator species status. Similarly theres probably stuff in a similar from her planet that hit her race hard .


Arrow to the Achilles tendon Or Being left to guard the Vangaurd of Charlemagnes army due to a dispute with the king. Whereupon they are set upon by the Spanish. And brave Rollo is to proud and disheartened to blow his horn for reinforcements until the bishop tells him to and then it's to late.


Launch them into the sun.


Volcanic eruption. A pyroclastic flow, like the one that took out Pompeii, can travel faster than a car.


How about cancer?


Have them be killed by something relatively benign like a mosquito bite that gave them malaria.


If you are dealing with any type of immortality I highly advise the tale of the monkey king *Sūn Wù Kōng* this character is the most immortal among all fantasy, only upped by Existance creating entities (Monoteistic God for example), if you check how he is immortal on 7 different levels, and that could help you narrow down your character's limits and categorize them and therefore you could find a non magical, modern way of killing them off.


That should definitely help. I'll look onto that, thanks.


So not a building collapsing or a rockslide?


I feel like they could just move that off top of them and crawl out, tbh. Literally imagining it right now as I read your comment. Well, for the first character.


I mean, why worry about killing an immortal character when you can make them suffer consequences in other ways? I have a character who's in a similar boat. She's an extremely powerful Goddess who built a massive Empire, started a prominent lineage, and amassed many, many followers. She can *technically* be killed, but it would be exceedingly difficult, even for other Gods. That's where her arch nemesis, another God, comes in. He lost to her in a battle long ago, and now seeks to take everything from her. If you can't destroy someone from the outside, *destroy them from the inside.*


>I mean, why worry about killing an immortal character Honestly, I never wanted the character to die. Just the second one. The first one, her creator wants her to die. Like literal creator, my friend helping me write with ideas, and I'm going with it, especially since it helps rid of what could be seen as plot armor. Plus, they get called a certain name by the villains because the villains want to prove the protagonists immortality to be false, so it works.




If magic doesn’t exist in your universe, how are these two characters virtually unkillable?


Durability for the first, cosmic entity host for the second. Something like the Fantastic Four and/or Jean Grey. They're similar and also not magic.


How did the first one become so durable without magic? And second one’s just possessed by an alien? Is it an alien species that’s massively scientifically advanced?


The first one has a cosmic alien mother and human father. The mother and her family, before character one was born, were all exposed to cosmic energy (hence why I mentioned Fantastic Four). The others were greedy, and the mother and another ran to Earth. They all were already stronger than humans, maybe on a superhuman level, but the cosmic energy increased that. With character one being born that way, her biology is cosmic, rather than having the energy like her ancestors and mother, so while their energy can be absorbed, hers can not. She also has plant physiology, I think maybe due to another incident that happened worldwide to a 3rd or 4th of humanity abilities based on their surroundings and other factors, or because it's her element, as all of the ancestors with the cosmic energy have an element. She's the strongest on Earth, physically, but I still keep things at a realistic level, so it's not like Marvel's Morlun and Inheritor level strength, which is who inspired the ancestors, and not like Superman level or anything. Just above superhuman level, which I have at lifting 4,000 pounds while they lift a lot more than that. The second one, I never thought of it as alien, but just a cosmic entity (hence why I mentioned the Phoenix and Jean Grey). It bonded with her when she was a child, and she was later in life exposed to techno-organics that splashed into her eye, only affecting her eye but granting technological control powers. The cosmic entity is really just living cosmic energy, but different than the cosmic energy for the other character's ancestors and mother, not granting enhanced strengths and durability, etc., but control over the energy and things like invisibility, adrenaline rush, dispersing her body into an intangible migration to dodge attacks, and more, but is positively affected by good emotions (happiness, love, etc.) while negatively affected by bad emotions (anger, sadness, etc. which could cause it to go dormant).


Brain trauma and mental damage is always to answer: no matter how resilient your physical body may be, your mind and one's mushy brain will always be open to attacks.


Sometimes with questions like this I just copy and paste the whole thing into ChatGPT to see what AI suggests. Today, we get the following: Creating a satisfying and respectful demise for a virtually invulnerable character can be challenging, especially within the parameters you've set. Here are a few ideas that align with your criteria: 1. Natural Disaster A colossal natural disaster could be a fitting end. For example: Volcanic Eruption: While the character may be resistant to temperatures, the sheer force and molten rock from an erupting volcano could overwhelm her. The destruction of the landscape and the pressure from a pyroclastic flow could be powerful enough to crush or immobilize her. Earthquake and Tsunami: A massive earthquake followed by a tsunami could create a scenario where the character is trapped or crushed by shifting tectonic plates or submerged under a vast amount of water and debris. Even if she can withstand being underwater, the pressure and force could still be fatal. 2. Cosmic Event A cosmic event could provide a natural yet extraordinary death: Meteor Strike: A large meteor impact would release an immense amount of energy upon collision, capable of destroying anything in its vicinity. The sheer force and subsequent shockwave could be sufficient to kill even the most resilient characters. Gamma-Ray Burst: Exposure to a gamma-ray burst from a distant astronomical event could bombard her with intense radiation far beyond her tolerance, leading to a devastating and unavoidable death. 3. Extreme Environmental Hazard Exploiting an extreme environmental hazard can also be an option: Crushing Pressure: Being deep within the Earth's crust or at the bottom of an oceanic trench where the pressure is immense could lead to her being crushed by the overwhelming weight of the earth or water above her. Landslide/Avalanche: A massive landslide or avalanche could bury her under tons of rock, soil, or snow. The sheer mass and movement might overwhelm her. 4. Uncontrollable Natural Phenomena Phenomena that are beyond anyone's control: Sinkhole: A sudden and massive sinkhole could open up and swallow her. The collapse of the ground and subsequent burial could be fatal. Lava Flow: Even if she is resistant to temperature, the flow of lava could still engulf and immobilize her, leading to a deadly situation due to the immense weight and force. 5. Biological Decay or Parasitic Attack Consider natural biological elements: Parasitic Organism: A powerful parasitic organism or infection that targets and consumes her unique physiology could lead to her demise. This could be a newly discovered organism that thrives on her specific biology. 6. Temporal Anomaly A twist involving time: Temporal Disruption: An anomaly in the fabric of time and space could disrupt her existence. This could be an unavoidable and natural phenomenon that causes her to age rapidly or be displaced out of reality. Implementing the Death Ensure the death scene respects the character's strength and significance. Build up to the event with a sense of inevitability and grandeur, emphasizing that even the mightiest can fall to the raw and untamed forces of nature. This approach not only provides a fitting end but also enriches the story by showcasing the power and unpredictability of the natural world.