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I grew up in Montana so definitely enjoyed the game more. They did an incredible job of capturing the landscape.


Oh! What part! I’m from Lolo.


I have that EXACT pfp on YouTube.


No, I don't think so. FC4 is my personal favorite and there's a quite vocal group here that would say FC3 is the best. I think the key for Far Cry settings is that they have to be remote and cut off from the rest of the world. That may be one reason why FC6 doesn't really have the same feel as the others.


I'm one of the "fC3 is best" group, but FC 4 is good too. I actually didn't like 5. The isolated setting didn't feel logical to me, and didn't like 6 either


Yeah it's definitely a huge stretch to say that this county in Montana has completely cut itself off from the rest of the world unnoticed. And more accurately that the outside world has noticed enough to send personal in a fucking police helicopter there but then don't notice when said personal I'll go missing. Like we live in the information age. You can't just Collapse some tunnels and build your own private society within the United States like. Far cry 3's setting and its pirate antagonists felt much more plausible in that regard.


The US is a biiiiiig place and some areas really are remote it's not beyond the bounds of possibility to cut off a remote area from the rest of the country


What about the police who were sent there going missing?


Yeah, I'd have gotten the National Guard into Hope County if I had to dig a tunnel to get me outside of the cult's grip.


the reason I disliked far cry 6 is due to it being new dawn 2.0 and I hated that game ...I don't care how light they consider the mechanics to be far cry is not a rpg but hey that's just my opinion, each to their own


Exactly 6 is everything wrong with Ubisoft. They wanted their games to be similar to each other. Odyssey 2.0 more like. Hated the bloaty huge open world MMO. Its a radical change from previous FC. Mediocre RPG mechanics with FC flavor. Ubisoft could cross 5 and replace with 6 if they could. All those huge empty worlds. Tons of boring sidequests and reuse mechanics. At least 5 brought us 3D maps and GFH. 6 is just a rehash of Ubisoft RPG formula.


I think I enjoyed the setting more because in a series of games where you're always in a foreign country (from my viewpoint, and likely many others' even not from North America), the foreign countries eventually lose their appeal, so the more local, "normal" setting feels more unique in relation. Plus I just like seeing people shit on Far Cry 5's setting whenever I say it's my favorite for no other reason than "it's in America", just to see that they actually have no reasoning beyond that.


It's in america, but it's a damn fine section of america. I don't care much for country living, but i could make an exception for hope county. As for the murderous cult? Eh, i could take it or leave it honestly.


I grew up in the sticks, and find nature relaxing. I found the setting, music, and even loading screens relaxing and in fun juxtaposition to the action of it all. It’s my favorite far cry. I wouldn’t say I love it because I’m American, but love it because it remind me of where I grew up. They could have picked a different part of America and I’d have no preference toward it.


Not at all, where I live looks nothing like Montana, but I've seen other states with similar landscapes/geography before. It's cool when a game really nails a setting that you're familiar with (such as GTA with LA/NYC/and soon Miami), but usually with video games I prefer seeing something foreign/new, and I think that's why I initially loved and prefer FC3 and 4 to 5. Personally, I'm really hoping the next installment takes place in one of Australia, Africa, Eastern Europe, etc.


No. I thought the location was a good change but part of the appeal of Far Cry is it is always a sort of Paradise lost scenario where the character is trapped in an exotic foreign location (usually tropical). I get it that this is only from the perspective of someone who is north American but that is always how I have viewed the series.


I love Far Cry 5, but always wondered this, even the soundtrack etc. (I'm Australian)


I've only played enough FC 5 to leave Dutch's Island (just got 5 early this month) as I want to finish 2 before continuing on. What I can say is that due to our (The US') history with religious cults, 5's opening sequence certainly starts out with a familiar creepiness that did send some chills down my back.


I think I bought 5 in mid 2021 or thereabouts. I think if I had played it on release it would have hit different, but playing it post Jan 6/mid pandemic really did it.


Sure did! But far cry 3 being in a tropical location helped me enjoy it more And farcry 4 being set in the mountains helped me enjoy it more


I found it only to be a minor net negative. I could look past it for the most part.


I like the music. I live in Southern California so there’s not really anything too relatable about it other than American characters and that just kinda feels normal to me. It’s my favorite game because of the story line and plot, and the ability to fly everywhere


Yes and no. I don’t live in a place that looks or feels anything like Hope County, but compared to 4 it felt more realistic with the lack of a city. The reason it’s my favorite has more to do with the characters and gameplay than the setting though. 4 was amazing.


I’m Canadian, but Montana isn’t that different from here, it definitely felt more like home than the other games.


Nope. I enjoyed the gameplay of 5 and it had some good story elements, but the game being located in the US wasn't a selling point for me.


I mean, I loved it, but I loved 3 as well for the tropical vibe. For some reason 6 did not capture that for me


Not relatable per say, but still the location is the main reason it's my favorite. Just love games with thick forests. They just nailed the art direction and vibe for it in my opinion. Having an actual religious cult did make it feel more real as well.


Yes the familiar location and themes was interesting it’s a shame the story was complete ass. Far Cry 4 is still the best to me


This exactly. As an American, I can see this scenario play out considering our current political climate, and throw in sectors of our population getting fed up with it.


I lived for a year near-ish to Montana out in a very rural town, so I can confirm they did the map exactly right. Like they captured everything from the landscape to the people to the buildings to the interior design perfectly. Improved the experience? Eh. But it was a perfect replication of real life for sure


No. Put me on an island or in a foreign land where I'm not surrounded by the culture I've lived my entire life with and I'm a happy gamer.


It would really only be a "relatable location" for peolle who live in and around rural Montana. I can't speak for the rest of my fellow americans, but i don't live in rural Montana. I was drawn into the game more by it's shockingly relatable depiction of religion and the harm associated with it than by the location it was set in.


In 5, I think they finally decided to make the location a part of the experience instead of just a backdrop. It has a different feel and look. You aren't just transversing some topology to get to the next mission. It's a component of the game. That's why I got so mad when I couldn't enjoy it for 15 minutes before getting kidnapped.


Not really, in fact I’d say it being in the US at all was a point against it, and made it feel less like a far cry game. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed 5 and to be honest the idea of a cult taking over a small rural town deep in Montana is interesting and probably the only way to have the game make any sense being in the US. But for me personally it didn’t feel as “exotic” enough. I think a secretive Native American/ First Nation society in Alaska or the northern territories (Canada) would have a more “fish out of water” vibe. To me Farcry is someone being thrown out of their element in a completely new environment they know nothing about. Being a county cop (with no personality) being sent in to an area that is established to be a former normal US rural community) seems like a different type of game. I kinda feel the same thing with 6. I thought 6 was okay but it being established that you’re already part of the community you’re interacting with (instead of earning it) takes me out a bit.


Honestly it was the opposite for me the land is too familiar to my state and knowing that just outside the county that I could fly too was the federal government kinda takes me out of it. In the other games it wasn’t as easy as that the main character feels trapped in a strange land but in 5 I don’t feel trapped and while the terrain is different it doesn’t feel like strange land to me.


Nope, I actually disliked it because the setting felt too familiar instead of more exotic like the other entries. It didn't feel like a " Far Cry" from home.


Am American. And I would say 5 is probably my favorite Far Cry. It's a toss up between 5 and 6.


I really like 6 and I think it gets a lot of undeserved hate. Picked it up on the winter sale and I'm working through the first of the three areas. I think 5 was better, with game systems well evolved from 4. I am disappointed that they did away with the skill system and went to the clothing based "choice" system. Like dammit by the end of the game I want to feel OP you know?


For me, yeah. It's a lot like the place I live in, so there is an air of familiarity.


I got into the far cry series because it was set in America. I hadn’t really heard of far cry before. I remember hearing about the setting on YouTube and I was hooked. It should be noted that the cult part of the setting was especially intriguing to me, but having it set in my country was very enticing as well.


yeah i love it


Yes, I think it's awesome and a lot of is because of the setting. I'm a huge FC fan in general and I always look forward to the next location, whatever it is. Being set in rural US is fun to me. I never understood all the hate it got but maybe I'm just easily pleased. 🤷‍♂️ I truly love being out in environments like that irl and coincidentally, the first 2 years or so after getting the game, I visited a few locations that have similar elements so it felt cool to play around in that kind of setting in the game.


No it did not


I think more than anything 5 nailed the gameplay, characters, storyline, vehicles etc 4 is my favorite but based mainly on characters and location but if it had a few of the things from 5 and a bit of an extended story it would’ve been damn near perfect


The US is so large, Montana isn't really relatable for like 80% of the country, aside from the characters having American accents. I think it's talked about a lot because FC6 was a disappointment for many, so FC5 is the most recent good game. It's pretty common among any series for more recent titles to be talked about more than older titles. I live in California but FC2 and FC4 are tied for my favorites for different reasons.




Gotcha, I did pull the number out of my ass. Thanks for the correction.


I live in Florida and always wanted to travel, so I LOVED 4 and 5. Such a nice change. By contrast, the location of 6, with swamp, beaches and Hispanic heritage out the wazoo, it felt like it could have been set less than an hour from my house. I felt like I should have been swatting mosquitos and sweating out of my clothes the whole time.


Far cry 5 provided the most “escapism” from the real world for me. I want to live in a Montana type environment so it was relatable and relaxing. Still play it when I’m particularly stressed (10+ completions)


After finishing 5 and going to New Dawn, although still the same location it feels nothing like Montana and I did not enjoy it


I live in idaho (not far from Montana) so it was a fun dive into that region. Very enjoyable


Well I grew up two thousand miles away from it in the suburbs so no


I wouldn't call it relatable? It was a violent cult.


For me, absolutely. I live in the Northwest and Far Cry 5 was my first Far Cry, I was hookked from the very first trailer simply because of how much it reminded me of home. But I can imagine this feeling would not carry over to people who do not live in the Northwest, or an area similar to it.


I enjoyed aspects of it, but really prefer tropical settings, like FC3, for this series


Not really. I enjoyed it because the main antagonist was fantastic, and I enjoy FC games. I don’t care what setting a game is, as long as it’s fun. One of my favorite settings is Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I love running and sailing around Ancient Greece sometimes.


Riding an ATV down dirt trails did remind me a lot of my youth.


I'm not from US, but the landscape was fine to me. Not as beautiful as far cry 3 or 4, but still. The thing that I didn't like about that part, was a main hero without any voice, and boring missions. How can someone say FC5 was better than 3 or 4, while your's character can't even speak.


I am literally from the exact area it takes place. The game says Missoula is northeast so it needs to take place in the Bitterroot Valley. Where I’m from. While I hate the geographical incorrectness I loved walking around and thinking about similarities between my home and the game.


I just liked the Montana setting. I grew up in Oklahoma and have never been to Montana 😅