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I have to say 2 felt the most "down to earth" for me. While the story wasn't the most exciting or even gripping, I really felt like I was just some dude pretty much the whole time.


I agree! Story was kind of meager, but the gameplay felt the most realistic of all the titles.


OP Asked about STORY WISE, and here you be dudes talking about meager story but good gameplay... reading comprehension ma'dudes!


To be fair, u/JefferyJeffJefferys is saying that fc2 is the most *immersive* experience out of them which overlaps with both story and gameplay Then the next guy brings up gameplay


Hey!    Is my answer that much of  a … far cry… from OPs original question?


Why realistic? Because of the weapon - because the Gun jamming too often or maybe the reaction of soldiers - 4 scripts all the time?


Needed to physically pull out a map and compass, no pausing, to figure out where to go. Weapons jammed. Field Medicine (pulling shrapnel and whatnot out. Yes it's in the other games, but this was the first). The Buddy System. And the realistic fire physics (which was a main selling point of this game, and pioneered other such effects in other video games).


I remember playing around with the map editor and fire physics. good times.


If anyone is looking to scratch that itch, I found the STALKER trilogy really hit. Especially the jamming guns, and repeated deaths lol.


I second that, and everyone should definitely try the fan made Stalker Anomaly or Stalker GAMMA (they're free). Very hardcore modded experiences with insane atmosphere and awesome gunplay and grit.


Even wounded enemy ai was great, none of this magic hand waving to heal them


Because you were pretty much just some dude, some dude having a horrible time. You're not some super human bloodthirsty killer. Farcry 3 was my first and favorite, then I played Farcry 2 and fell in love with it. It became my new favorite, it just feels grittier. Getting into it again now on my pc (after I found out there was a pc version finally) w/ the realism/redux mod, and it's amazing all over again. I seriously hope there's a remake or Ubisoft makes another Farcry in Africa someday.


We’re not gonna talk about Judy! In fact we’re not gonna talk about Judy at all!


That one fucked me up.


2 is the only good farcry game. It's going after the jackal only to find your friends all attack you and you only can count on your target. It's the whole quality of life things like gravity causing rpgs fired straight up to come back down to earth, enemies going into fight for your life like they are borderlands players to name a few. Everything afterwards was a downgrade. Same game engine. Dunia. https://youtu.be/5_pVMaSCvdM


Far Cry 4. Amazing backstory told with just dialogue which is absolutely impressive. Amazing complex villain with ties to the protagonist and an overall great world building!


I really miss the karma system from it too. Wish they would have did something similar in 5 with it


There was a karma system???


Yes so you’d get the XP from it by doing random events and spinning the mana wheels and it would give you like a couple unique guns and XP bonuses each time you leveled it up.


You would also lose karma if you killed civilians and such.


The karma system doesn’t make sense if there’s no reason to have bad karma, other than being an asshole. It really was just a grind to get the discounts/guns.


I’d have preferred that over than being able to beat farcry 5 solely just doing random events that’s really my only gripe with that game. The karma system could have been reworked into it and just get discounts instead of being forced to progress which I can see why on paper it sounded good but in game I didn’t care for it


Honestly it would work great implemented that way in FC5. That resistance meter forced-progression really kills the exploration and side-quest engagement.


Yeah. Unless it's an Infamous or Army of Two scenarios where being a dick or choosing your own convenience over saving others nets you great rewards, it's just a reason to grind. Instead of 'complete these 4 random encounters' it's 'gain 40 karma to unlock gun'


Starting FC 4 right now for the first time. Super excited.


Correct answer


I have not played all of them so I cannot really say, but I agree that FC4 story and main baddie are awesome


Piecing together the backstory through Mohan’s journals was awesome. They provide a lot more detail, and flesh out important characters who we don’t actually see (Mohan and Ishwari).


Farcry 3's story is literally the thing that made it the best one in the series, all farcry's (specially 4 and 5) have great stories but farcry 3 has the greatest endings and you switching from a hero to a villain and even the fact that vaas the head of the game isn't even the main villain, the story is just insane


for real, it sucks the only alternate endings in 5 and 6 are Easter eggs. I really like how killing the main promotional villain is just the start, it reminds me of fallout new vegas


I wouldn't say we switch from a hero to a villain, more like to a selfish and bloodthirsty anti-hero. At least if the player chooses to save friends, which is what I always do.


Far Cry 3 and it’s not even close. None of the other games have a propelling protagonist like Jason Brody. Majority of the games have amazing villains, but FC3 literally scores both for protagonist and antagonist. Jason and Vaas are the best mirror images of one another the franchise has brought in


Also loved Jason's slow decend to madness


...& turning Vaas' crazy monologues into "well predicted, now I see the parallels"


That’s the best part of the game and why it’ll always be one of my favorite games of all time. I haven’t seen a psychological turn like that in anything other than breaking bad


Might be an unpopular opinion around here, but I wholeheartedly concur. A lot of well developed peripheral characters as well.


People will hate me for saying this, but its almost like FC4, 5, 6 and the spin offs get waaaay too much credit than they deserve. 3 was honestly groundbreaking back in the day


Yeah but it’s not back in the day anymore.


Still woukd take 3 over 5


Exactly. I will pick far cry 3 over any other game in the series. I think 4 is really good, but 3 is my fav. 3 and 4 are the only ones that I personally can play again and again. I love the story, the characters, and the way the game plays.


I may be biased. But it really.was the final far cry IMO


I don’t think that’s wrong, I love the newer games but they definitely have that open world Ubisoft stink. Feels like a different genre.


Exactly. They are entertaining but fC3 was so good


The problem is Vaas is only in half the game and the other half is a non descript Western drug lord. But in 4, there's you and 3 villain factions.


Ya but ajay doesn’t have any real reactions. He has to be the most forgettable character. Antagonist work really well if the protagonist is good and 4 had a real shit protagonist. 3 Jason was an actual human your playing as compared to 4 and 5


Yeah this needs to be higher on the list. Scrolled too long to have to find 3 as the answer. I thought for sure it’d be on top.


I agree


My only beef with 3 was Vaas not being the sole antagonist.....he was too perfect to only be in half the game


I love the game, but I could never accept how quickly he went from “smart college athlete” to Seal Team Six.


Character development of the protagonist is another thing that should come back  in FC 7, because it's through them we interact with the game's world. Also player choices with real effect on the story, like 3 and 4.


Idk man. Maybe it’s because I didn’t play it until like a decade later and didn’t have the nostalgia, but it left me disappointed. All I saw was Vaas hype and then it felt like he was barely in it. Then there’s the whole rape thing, which was weird.


The story in Far Cry 5 is amazing. One of the best in any game imo.


If the deputy actually had a voice actor it would be the best by far in my opinion.


Nah I'd say having the silent protagonist plays really well into the story especially with the villains, if they had gotten a voice actor I don't think the villains duologue with the player would be anywhere near as impactful. Imagine playing through Jacobs region for example and during the training missions your character was speaking and responding, it would feel more like you're just watching this brainwashing happen to someone else rather than it feeling like you're the one it's affecting personally. Or how about when Faith is telling you about her life before joining the cult, I don't think I would've actually had felt any remorse towards her had she been saying that to some random person. But due to the silent protagonist the character all feel like they're talking and interacting directly with **you**.


If I remember correctly, that’s what the developers were going for, making it feel like you were the deputy


>Imagine playing through Jacobs region for example and during the training missions your character was speaking and responding, it would feel more like you're just watching this brainwashing happen to someone else rather than it feeling like you're the one it's affecting personally. >Or how about when Faith is telling you about her life before joining the cult, I don't think I would've actually had felt any remorse towards her had she been saying that to some random person. But due to the silent protagonist the character all feel like they're talking and interacting directly with you. I disagree. I felt like they were talking to absolutely nobody. I prefer it when the protagonist speaks mainly because I'm playing a game to live out the perspective of an interesting character, not to be myself. I wanna know how the character thinks, what they'd say in response to the antagonists, etc. I still loved fc5, but silent protagonists just aren't my thing. Feels like I'm playing call of duty or something where I'm just running around shooting people to shoot people, and not like I'm actually working towards doing what the protagonist wants to achieve because I have no fuckin clue what they want to achieve other than "go liberate this camp". I don't wanna do it because the game says "this is the goal", I want to do it because of the incentive/drive/motivation to do so that protagonists usually have. Like in far cry 3, my favorite far cry, Jason's motivation was to find his friends and get home, and through dialogue and cutscenes you got to understand that better and relate to it.


if they did if wouldve just been “fuck!” “shit!”


“I swear to God if I hear one more plane fly over.”


Fucking Becky


Nah I really like the silent protagonist in 5


The PEG are by far my favorite antagonist. They had a consultant help them flesh out the cult psychology. It feels especially familiar if you live in the Bible Belt of the U.S. (really 2: Midwest and the Southern states). There are douchebags who really act like the Seeds. The environment is gorgeously spot-on for the region, too.


Far Cry 5 was the first that made me care for an antagonist: Faith


I loved 5 so much I got an interview in Montana. Something about the church screen and soft music.


I think that the original far cry is the best game they ever made because that is the first game. I was introduced to as a kid and absolutely loved tropical islands but I agree that far cry five is one of the best games ever made and I absolutely love the story and the music is also beautiful.


Best music, enviroment, customazition, antagonists/antagonist and story




And the atmospheric story telling is top notch. If it were a Bethesda game there would be countless hours of YouTube content dissecting locations. I consider that a fundamental part of the overall story.


I liked the story but didn't like how they presented it to the player. I wasn't a huge fan of the whole grind out outposts until you get kidnapped trying to hunt a deer method. That's just me tho


Far Cry 3 for me is the best most emotional story I've played from the series. 5+ND was a great continuation series with my favorite villain of the series.


2 and 3. 2 was gritty and realistic because you'll be injured and need meds and the next car is across a field that's on fire while dudes are shooting at you and you're on the brink of survival which is fun. 3 introduced this great fresh formula for how open world games should be and the intro and the story are so awesome and fresh and taking down outposts was so fun but it was definitely easier than 2. Then every other Far Cry after that was mediocre because it just used the same formula. I loved 5 though because of the better sound effects and the weapons were select fire now but 6 was shit.


4 improved upon 3's shortcomings, which made it the better of the two, IMHO. 5 was great, but yeah, same formula starts to get old and too many enemies, never any downtime.


It just feels like AC with guns at a certain point




The most underrated of all the games. By far my favorite


Sure, 3 was great, but can I ride a Saber tooth into battle???


Far cry 2 is the one that most reminisces of Heart of Darkness, which is what I felt all of the games since have tried to emulate. So yeah, FC2 for me


For real. Heart of darkness is my favorite work of fiction


Did your profile pic answer for you?




5+New Dawn were so fucking good I cried a little when I finished New Dawn yesterday. Talk about closure. Also, >!Fuck you, Joseph, you didn't get the liberation from my bullet, live with your sin!<


Joseph was right so I spared hin


5 because murica


Blood Dragon


For me, it's farcry 5.


Far Cry 3 and 4


If you're talking simply story, then it's the original Farcry hands down: Boat tour guy takes female "journalist" to a remote island and gets jumped by pirates and separated from his client - only to find out she's been taken by a Para military organization that rules the island doing weird research on making a super human with mythic native flora - of which you get dosed and turned into a feral killing machine with hunter sight. No other installment in the franchise gets close besides Primal to the original story. Everything else is some spin on "protagonist enters a Flashpoint area willingly or not and effects resistance on the overarching Warlord type: African Warlords, Pirate Warlords, Despot Warlords, Domestic Warlords, and finally a Politically legitimate Warlord.


I agree with you... except your original is the console version XD


I could have sworn they came out with a PC version prior to any remaster release. But totes good times on the old school Xbox


I’m with you - the original is the craziest, cause you just don’t expect it to go all mutant monster after what appears to be some henchmen hunting on some boats


Far Cry 3


I liked 5>ND, then 4, 6, 3


Blood Dragon


Far Cry 5 for me




3 or 5


I think the correct and general answer is FC3.


Far cry 5


4 by far and away... Totally deserves a movie and a book. Any of the others could be a good TV show, but 4 is special.


Tie between FC3 and FC5 for me. They sucked me in so deep I couldn't escape.


Personally loved far cry 4.


I'll always stand for Primal, just such a unique setting. So few games give us a hunter-gatherer point of view. Most won't think much of the story, but I think the smaller and more personal scale gives it charm. The characters are quite memorable, and the weapons are not the usual set if guns XD


Hot take 5


Definitely 5 for me actually really liked the story and characters in that one was like a solid 8 fc3 was great for it's time but 5 hit different imo


Far Cry 4 Amazing storyline plus Shangri-la. It's a shame Ajay had as much Personality as Joe Biden


Far Cry 6


Agreed. No one wants to read it...but there it is. It's Far Cry 6


not attacking but i’m genuinely curious, what makes it your favorite? i been looking for motivation to get into it but i never can😭


You included Primal and not Blood Dragon. Smh


Primal: the only one with an ending that’s.. actually nice, or at least it’s the nicest ending, >!Takkar brings peace and tranquility to the Wenja tribe!<, and honestly that’s all that’s needed. The other endings from other games are either very bland or so grim and dreary, almost to the point of being mean spirited, if it even deigns to have an ending. Instincts >!first had a vague scene showing Jack being given a container as he laughs in a helicopter, while the second is just.. what even was that? He’s lost on the island?!< 3 shows >!either exile from the island and everyone is traumatised, and Citra dies, or Jason dies after impregnating Citra.!< 4: >!Take your pick, turn the country into a drug nation and an innocent girl dies, or turn the country into a patriarchal state and an innocent girl ends up in a child marriage.. oh, you could just team up with a psychopath who allows torture under his rule.!< 5: >!so do you like nuclear war? Turning into a killer? Or walking away?!< I won’t go into the others, except Blood Dragon, which is objectively the best and I rescind everything I just said. So primal is actually the second best. And I find it has the most likeable protagonist except maybe Jack Carver or Ajay. Jason is a SoCal douche and the Rook is a silent self insert, which is fine, it just doesn’t always help storytelling. The land of Oros valley is a rich environment as most Far Cry settings are, but being out of time gives it a.. primal feeling, and the blurs the lines of what’s real and what’s mysticism. The characters aren’t overly complex, but they have depth and each have a their own compelling stories. The journey of Takkar and deadpan delivery in Mesolithic central and Eastern Europe, isn’t some path of the unrealistic chosen one like Jason, or the unwilling protagonist like Jack or Ajay, who just wanted to do a job or fulfil a task—Takkar is a hunter looking to survive and right the wrongs of the valley, so peace can return.


6 or 3


Far Cry 4 is by far my favorite Far Cry story and game.


Probably 4, I feel like it wasn’t as ‘in your face obvious’ with how both path factions being highly flawed compared to Jason’s shift from city boy to monster? Tricky to find words for but it felt like there was less ‘hey, you get what’s going on here??’




Honestly, I love Primal for its stupid little story


Personally, 5 has the best story, but goddamn is that Primal art incredible


4 I said stop the bus, not shoot the bus




I can't speak on far cry 1 and 2, but I feel like 4 has a much more compelling story compared to the others. The dynamic of the 2 sides of the golden path and Ajay turning out to be somewhat related to Pagan Min (his half sister is Pagan's daughter in case y'all forgot). I am biased because 4 I by far my favorite far cry game, but I feel my point still stands.


1. Just kind of wild and belligerent 2. Didn’t play 3. Really excellent character development 4. Really excellent story Primal. Just excellent all around 5. Good story but fell a little flat with the lecturing and no pushback. A story needs a little pushback New Dawn. Eh, it’s kind of weak but the gameplay is pretty decent 6. Has some really good stuff but also somehow feels both under developed and overdeveloped


Idk thr answer to this one. BUT....I was honestly JUST thinking about the HAUNTED HOUSE or house of horrors or whatever it was in FC5... (you find it after the quest with the guy who showed you how to use drugs, which became special powers that were actually pretty cool but I always forgot that I had them) BUT, that house of horrors, that shit was next level fucked up yo! I LOVED IT! The scene you find in the attic is absolutely INSANE! I took so many screenshots in there. What a great addition to the story. Talking about FC5, the ending with the *****SPOILER ALERT**** bombs going off. Omd I loved it. Perhaps it's because I just finished a playthrough, idk. But I think I am going to say that FC5 had the best storyline. I'm about to do another FC6 playthrough I think and maybe I'll change my mind? I also would love to play 4 again. I still have to kill some beasty thing in New Dawn to fully finish the game. That is a SUPER ANNOYING way to end the game imo...I I really enjoyed New Dawn though, the scenery was absolutely stunning, but it was such a short game and by the time I got the guns I I really wanted & abilities like double jump etc I had cleared the map. I think those are my only complaints besides... make it much bigger and longer please! I never even used a copter in the game! There were so many things I never got to use or do because it took so much gasoline to upgrade the facilities and ulock those features. Gasoline was just a massive pain in the ass and should not have been used as currency at all. It took a lot asay from the experience unfortunately in an otherwise absolutely stunning and immersive game. It just would have been SO much better without that feature. I had a TON of fun playing it while I still had plenty to do and places to explore. I'd really love to go back though and play 4 or 3. I don't remember which is was that I owned and never registered with Microsoft but it was an island and I was having an absolute blast, there were that giant Buddha statues I was trying to climb then something prevented me from being able to finish. Oh... hunting should def be a bigger part of ALL the games, not as a necessity but to enable a person to gain more reward from just chillin in the woods and getting skins and fish, just because it's so fun to do. (If you're in to that) Maybe a hunters lodge where you can keep heads of special animals and there are other hunters and you can carry more skins. Just a thought. Shit. Ubisoft should definitely visit these forums to take notes on how to make the perfect game. I think they do a fantastic job though! Some of the absolute best games ever! I totally love them. They should make a questionnaire though and poll fans about things we like and don't like. Idk why I just thought of the quest in FC6 where I had to go out on the crane all drunk after chillin with Beso or whatever his name was...shit sorry I have a bad memory....anyhow.... I loved how much he admired me and ended up being such a loyal friend..and how our friendship helped his self esteem and he even wanted to change his name at the end. Yeah. FC6 was great. I wish I hadn't rushed through parts of it. I AlWAYS love my animals Companions(whichever game) and when they can travel sidecar is the bomb. I love seeing my happy dogs face riding with the wind blowing in his hair, particularly in FC6.. i'm really defensive off my animals. I mess you up if you fuk wit dem. The gator, i can't believe I don't remember his name, he was amazing in FC6 with his tshirt- so cute, they were all amazing. The tripod dog haha. There was some bomb ass storyline in 6 as I start talking about it and remembering. I still have a lot of signs to blow up. Lol I'm just thinking of stuff. Wish they had genuinely sent me undercover more often. Sneaky shit. Remember the quicineřa quest? (Side quest? ) that was cool. Also they should gorce us to play with bow and arrow amd things like that more often through certain missions. All sorts of guns. Or no guns, just dynamite. Or a shovel hehe. Whatever. Make em side quests if you want but get us to use things other than our favorite weapons and learn to use and like things we might not ever even try to use by choice. I've discovered at the very end when I've finally unlocked everything that I would have played entirely differently if I had realized how certain weapons worked. Also, let us access anything we've unlocked from anywhere we are. Just, pause menu add it to our weapons wheel. We can still have a weapons bench but maybe use it for upgrading shit idk. Time for another playthrough of 6 I think! Maybe i can come up for money to purchase 3 or 4 whichever one was where you escape a cage I think? On an island in the beginning and your friend dies? Yeah that one. That's the one I was enjoying a lot but never got to finish. I think it had the blonde guy in pink. Which one was that? Thanks for trip down memory lane! Great games. Damn. Much ❤️ y'all


I WANT to say Farcry 4. But I think Farcry 3 is the best story by far. Having each of your villains be little microcosms of the devolvement of your own character mentally was such a cool way to show it. In 3 you watch your protagonist lose his humanity almost entirely, which I feel is more effective than the morality based choices of 4.


Honestly 6 doesn't get enough love IMO, it's my second favourite Farcry gameplay wise but my favourite story wise, this is the only game that had characters i felt attached to (fucking love Juan), and Dictatorships like Anton's still exist, shit just look at Cuba


Who gives a fuck. They're all fun to play


Love far cry 5 even after playing 3, 4, and 6. They really seemed to nail their game design and the feeling of just down to earth Montana instead of some exotic location just hit me


Far cry 3 for me


3, easily


None. Ubisoft can’t tell good stories for shit


2 and 3... Imagine kids who started with 5or 6 trying 2 for the first time and having to deal with the malaria pill grind. People are complaining about the potential timer for 7 forgetting that 2 had a neg health timer built in


Primal favorite game in the world baby


What about New Dawn?


3 without a doubt


3. Definitely 3


Far cry 4 has the best far cry story and the best villain and the most beautiful open world.


I agree with everything, except the story. I just feel like Ajay went from a nobody to supersoldier real fast without any character development and clear motivation, unlike Jason.


5 is the best overall far cry and then 3. The worst is still 6 for me. It’s just not good. It’s not a bad game but compared to the other far cry games, it’s the worst in the series.


Six is boring and that's the worst sin a game can make.


Far cry 3 no better far cry then 3


Farcry 6 is my favorite one, next to 4 I like to believe 3 is overrated af


imo 5/new dawn and 3


5- my favourite ND- should have been a full game 6 3 4 I never had a chance to play 1 and 2, and have zero interest in primal.


5 and 3


5+ND. Environmental storytelling of visiting the same environment before and after nuclear apocalypse is one of most memorable stories in gaming. 3 had decent story of your descent into madness but it was a bit too subtle and half the people missed it. 4 suffered from everyone being cartoonishly evil. 6 story was worse than chatgpt generated slop. The rest barely had any story.


Tried to get into 5 and 6 and just couldn’t for some reason, so as for now, 4 is the best to me. I’ll have to try and finish 5/6


i see, the ooga booga fan club is running low on members. Ain't that a little sad


I love FC4 but the answer for me is FC2, for the simple reason that it delivers its story through gameplay the best, understanding that video games are a different medium than movies or tv shows


Far Cry 2 because it's a Heart of Darkness adaptation, for all intents and purposes




Far cry 2 has a very detailed plot about the Jackal methodically destabilizing the country into an endless war as a cover for getting all civilians out of harms way. Primal has a lot of themes between the Udam's slow decline and the Izila fear of prophecy and the various Wenja characters arcs. For just the story, I'd say best was one of the two


3 > 2 > 5 > 4 Jason and Vas were the best protagonist/antagonist pair we have seen, and likely ever will see from the franchise. Not to mention, the story was captivating and the world was hands down the best open world for its time ( AC Black flag was a strong second from Ubisoft). FC 5 captured a similar feeling, but gave a "close to home" vibe that made me want to explore the world more than anything. The story was ok at best, but they really butchered the fanatical religious group. Should have made it about a para-military smuggling ring.


For me far cry five has the best story the best music and it’s just a beautiful game. I feel like it’s one of the best video games I’ve ever played in my life. And the map creator is just amazing. One is my favorite because I was introduced to far cry series and I love tropical islands. And I also love 2 because it’s just amazing simulator of survival in the middle of the desert


Far Cry 1! Wish they would remake it I was terrified by those pink mutants.


I loved 3 up until hoyt and the second island


Far Cry 2


If only Far cry 3 got remastered. Same everything but better graphics and Slightly better game play. Like 4 or even 5. Far cry 3 was really fun to play


4 had the greatest story.


New Dawn




Far Cry 4, hands down


Far Cry 3 in terms of it being the most fun and entertaining story. It featured a charismatic villain and an interesting dynamic with its protagonist, even if post Vaas the games struggles a bit. Far Cry 2 wins imo in terms of a realistic and grounded storyline. From it's Malaria angle, the Civil War seemingly having no end with arrogant leaders, and a more realistic villain; Far Cry 2 definitely is the most grim and realistic one of the series. They're both the best in their own ways as Far Cry 3 entertains the player with fun, cool, and eye catching story telling from it's villain, the drug sequences, and the plot; whereas Far Cry 2 thrives on minimal writing, grounded storytelling, and harsh realities of real countries that face this. Between these two, imo, it comes down to personal preference of what the player likes but both succeed greatly at what they're doing.


When you account for the entire game which one is the best? Isn't that how we determine which one is the best anyway?


Seeing Jason spiral into madness in FC3 was amazing and is something I rarely see, if ever see, in other stories


5. Definitely.


FC4 for sure. It’s the most grandiose and absurd. You come back to your parent’s homeland all to find you’re somehow related to the mad dog dictator that’s been running the country.


It’s usually the first one you played because it’s special.


5 without a doubt, Joseph is one dam good villain every time I play through 5 he gets in me ears every time man


I played 6/7... can you guess which one i dont like? 🤣 Fc4 is best but 3&5 is close too


4, it actually has some really decent political psychology baked in for the people who care


6. I’ll die on this hill (alone).


For me it's FC4, you got Ajay: prior millitary experience, the past of his father that pushes him fovard, longer thru the game you start questioning Sabal and Amita if they are really the "good" guys Becouse 3 was allright but imagining that basic fratboy turns into one man army is hardly beliveble (allthou I liked the concept of friendly characters aknowleging personallitly change is cool). 3 BD was trying to make fun of stereotypes, but not much storry. Primal was cool, but I didn't felt like playing anymore after finnishing the story. 5/ND story alone felt like a lucid dream, but the side characters were neat. 6 was storywise not bad, but I didn't feel like Dani wasn't looked at as much as the protag, more like "manager" of the revoution (if it makes sence). And I didn't get to play older entries yet so that are my oppinions


2, 4 and 5.




FC2 - it was the only one that was successful in trying to say something about the world, rather than just ‘here’s a generic bad guy you have to kill’. The Jackal wasn’t a traditional gaming antagonist, he was a burnt-out Nihilist who (if you listened to all of the Jackal Tapes) was questioning the meaning of conflict and his role in it.


I quite enjoyed the aspect of the “good side” you’re fighting for in FC4 also having questionable personal motives among them bc it was more accurate to how things play out in real life. Also, Pagan Min was super charismatic/interesting as a villain during the story which helps lol


FC2, FC4 and Primal :)


For me if 5's main character had a story or could talk would make the game a lot better, id probably go with 3 but 4 was a little more fun. In a dlc you find out you didn't even kill vaas and pegan that kinda shit on it for me. I liberated my way up to his temple, killed sabal. Just for dude to nuke hope county.


Form me, its 5. It hits a little to close to home though. Doesn't seem like it would be too much of a stretch anymore.


Far Cry 3 simply because it’s the only game with a remotely compelling protagonist. While I love parts of FC4’s story Ajay is so boring and basically just reacts to everything going on around him without giving much of his own input.


Purely storywise, far cry 4 was the most well done but 3 is a close second


I get way too involved in all of the games’ storylines, but Far Cry 5 was the most involved. I finished playing the last mission and just sat back in my seat and went “woah”. Had a similar experience with FC6, but not as profound.


Every farcry game from 3-5 (including blood dragon, and primal)


3. I don’t care about all the white savior criticism the critics gave it, Jason’s development from a spoiled rich kid to a cold blooded killer with a messiah complex was by far the most character development any FC protagonist has had, and it has several great villains. 4 was also interesting, but Ajay hardly has any personality and can’t match up to Pagan. Pagan and the two sides you work for carry the story, but I think we all wish we could’ve gone rogue and taken over as leader of the rebels, or even joined Pagan’s side. 5 has cool side characters and the Seed family are great villains, and I loved the twist ending, but they went from a boring protagonist in 4 to a literal self insert in 5. The mute protagonist drags it down.


I gotta say all those cover arts made me feel old.. I still remember buying the first Far Cry on the Xbox. But Far Cry 3 all the way!


Far Cry 5. Would love to see a movie of that story. Although Giancarlo Esposito is a great movie villain, the story of FC6 is pretty bland.


Personally I enjoyed the OG story. It kind of reminded me of The Big Lebowski. It was just a retired guy that thought he was having a nice trip and hired for some journalist, only to get ambushed by a merc group which he tries to stop, then it escalates to include secret research facilities, monsters, and mutants. Then you have a twist ending as well. And the whole time, Jack just wants to go home.


On paper or in how it actually turned out? I'll be honest; i do not remember Far Cry 1's story at all but of the rest; Far cry 2>Far Cry 5>Far Cry 6> Far cry 3 Far cry 4 I did not include Primal or Blood dragon, they are just too different to really compare


New Dawn never happened, got it!


far cry 5 then 2


I feel like 3,4, and 5 had very compelling stories (3 was my first). That said 4 is my favorite and the reason being is the story unfolds a lot smoother and the characters are more… charismatic. The issue with 3 is that while I like the villains, your friends (especially Lisa, Jasons gf) are super whiny and preachy. Like I get how stressful that’s gotta be, but mf it’s killed or be killed. Like damn, let me work.


New Dawn


Has to be far cry 4 for me. It's story is inspired by my country's civil war so it has some personal resonance as well. But even if you take that outside of consideration, I think Pagan Min was a very dynamic and likable villian. The overall gameplay dosen't lack in any department and the visuals are also stunning


My humble opinion: 1: Far Cry 3 2: Far Cry 6 3: tie between Far Cry 4 & 5 4: Far Cry 2 5: Primal 6: Far Cry 7: Tie between New Dawn and Predator 8: Instincts 9: Vengeance 10: Blood Dragon


Blood Dragon, just because of how wacky it all ended up being. Followed by the Hours of Darkness DLC for FC5. Really made feel like Rambo.


1 and 2.


story? far cry 4 was great. gameplay, i fucking loved 6