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Game is beautiful and a blast to play. Get it on sale and go have a fun time. Don't sleep on your amigos!


Yes its beatiful and fun in the first half but in the end i didnt know what to do to end game


Just keep playing missions until you get there. There's a whole lot to do.


i mean i played the game at launch and didnt run into any issues. It ran smoothly for the most part on my 1660ti. I say it's worth it 100 percent. It was a fun game.


Honestly, yes. It didn’t totally click with me at launch. But I did a New Game Plus playthrough last month, and it quickly became one of my favorites. I don’t know what changed exactly, but I enjoyed it a lot more. Even if it’s not your favorite Far Cry, I think it’s a fun time and worth the best.




It will be your formulaic Far Cry experience. The only real difference is that there will be more customisation and collectible options. A LOT more map to roam in as well. What you see in the demo is what you'll get for the rest of the game. Story is subjective, but I think this was one of the weaker ones overall. I've just beat the game and hardly encountered any bugs. I think it crashed once or twice over some 60h of gameplay. If you enjoy FC, 75% off would be a good deal.


Thank you


In my opinion the best Far Cry


I am currently replaying it for the first time since it was first released. The only difference I noticed is you can now change ammo types from the weapon wheel instead of having to find a bench.


It’s mediocre if you’ve played any other far cry games. I’m replaying it since I couldn’t finish it when it came out and I’m not having very much fun but the bits of great cutscenes and good missions here and there are getting me through. I’d recommend it but only because it’s on sale. DO NOT expect to play it like the other far cry games, it’s much more of an RPG than before


Thank you.


I'm playing with my buddy on ps5(coop). Game still has a few bugs in the missions that are not fixed yet. So consider playing the campaign with a grain of salt.


NOOO I BOUGHT IT ON DISCOUNT (20 EUROS) Thats a good price but 75% ??? THATS A STEAL


Not really - you can reset the maps and keep your weapons. If you liked previous FC you will like it at that price


I held off playing it after reading so much hate but after finishing FC5 again I gave it a shot. Over a month later and I just finished the story last night and I still have a lot on the map to do. The map is much bigger and has a lot more variety in things so do. I understand complaints about it replacing the perk system with the gear you wear but I think it works out well. I'm allowed to respec throughout the game as needed by changing gear but more importantly having more items to find really incentivizes players to explore every bit of the very very large map. The story was okay and I like the characters just fine but I appreciate the fact that the story isn't rubbed in your face every time you do a handful of things, much less randomly just kidnap you out of the map to do some annoying thing for the story like far cry 5 does.


It’s the worst installment in the franchise in my opinion as well as many other fans of the franchise, but the madness DLC makes it worth it.


Interesting. Is that because the madness dlc explores the villains from previous games?


Well yes that’s a big awesome part of it, but the main thing is the gameplay within the DLC completely reverts back to what has always been in the Far Cry gameplay bible in previous games. Body shots matter again. The pointless ammo types are gone. The clothing perk system is gone. But yes, the content is super awesome.