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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The reality of being the fat friend keeps me motivated.


That will do it. I’ve been stuck on the same weight for over 6 months. I’m ready to let go


Fr like why the fuck AM I STOPPING MYSELF from being the hottest best version of MYSELF fr need to get a fucking grip, at the gym sweating while typing this 🤣


Keep going!!!


So true!!! I was in the gym at midnight after a day of refeeding. I told myself, I'm tired of starting over again. Something had to give!


Ugh same, I work from home mostly and I can’t stop eating all day


What happens if you keep no food at home?


This is the only way I can fast. It also helps with grocery bills!


I love this- might make it a new mantra- I am stopping myself from being the hottest best version of myself. Wow.


If you've been fasting for 6 months, you might want to take a closer look at your eating habits in between. Just for an example, a lot of people don't realize how much progress they can lose just by having one cheat day a week.


Thank you. This is my first prolonged fast in 4 months 🙏


Don’t I know it! One day of bad eating is so bad for me and I get so upset that I have to start over. I was 17 days into my sugar fast and I broke it yesterday


What does 1 cheat day so?


It's just easy for people to eat more than they think. If you fasted 1 day and went into a 2,000 calorie deficit, for example, you could eat an extra 2,000 on the cheat day, essentially putting you back at even/ maintenance. It's easier and more common than you might think. Most people tend to do better with just a cheat meal, or smaller "treats" throughout the week.


this motivated me too😭 lol i need to do a 72hr fast this week




I feel this. Sounds fucked up but I measure my progress by what rank fat friend I am lol. Slowly moving down in the ranks of fat friends. While I wish they also would be healthy it is what it is.


I feel this 💯 they say you shouldn't compare yourself to others, but I don't always agree with that. Growth comes from within but sometimes you need a measuring stick for reference.


oh my gosh yesssss!!! It’s my time to be that girl, I don’t wanna depend on my humor, charisma and wits anymore 😂😂


What does he/she say or were you just being scummy here?


I've got a trip to France planned in 3 months. I'd like to go from obese to just overweight. So far, I'm on track.


My goal is also from obese to overweight. TWINNING 🥳👯‍♀️


When I went from obese to overweight it was the best feeling ever. Keep going! My new goal, and something I haven’t been since I was probably 8 (I’m 32 F) is to be in the “normal” category


I haven’t fasted in a while and just went on binges so all my progress is gone but I’d like to travel comfortably too 😭😔


It isn't gone! You could have been binging that entire time, instead you've built up fasting experience and you were giving your digestive system a much needed break. Progress, not perfection! You can do it! Fasting for individuals with disordered eating always swings back in the extreme direction. After however long you are able to water/tea fast for, use extreme portion control, eat every bite very slowly and intently, and use intermittent fasting - and you'd be surprised what you can enjoy and still lose weight! So far I've lost 35 lbs with lots of fruits, veggies and replacing my most binged items with healthier options. Such as, there is an avocado based ice cream I was able to replace regular ice cream with and since I've been practicing portion control, I don't even have room in my stomach for the whole pint - I only ate 2/3 of it - THE SERVING SIZE lol I've never eaten the serving size of ice cream my entire life! For the first time my mom who is obese and has back and hip pain is off of carbs and she has so much more energy and mental clarity, she's adopted the portion control and since her stomach has shrunk, she doesn't even want any snacks at night now because a regular dinner fills her up. Everything is an adjustment period, but once we get over the hump, it's a far simpler life to not have every thought revolve around food and weight. I personally have more energy and am so much more clear headed. I no longer get the frequent headaches I was getting either. Good luck to you, don't give up!


This is literally me cause I'm going on a cruise in September 🤣


I have one planned for the 26th of July. Currently deep into a 700 hr fast.


Wow, that's intense! The longest I've done is 89 or 90 hrs. Enjoy your trip!


Drink water and find something to clean


I’ll try cleaning it’s going to take a lot of intentional focus but i think i can do it! And yes, Water is always the first option!


Brushing my teeth also helps signal my brain that I'm done eating


!!!that makes sense!!! Thank you. I’ll try that too!


I also really like watching youtube videos (or having them on in the background anyway) where people clean incredibly messy houses while I’m cleaning my own house. It makes my smaller cleaning tasks seem very easy compared to what’s going on in the vid.


If you're only fasting for fat loss, you can use anything that don't have calories really.




Sorry hun I hope pull through. Look after yourself xx


Real answer? I lose weight best when I’m single and alone because I know people won’t even notice me until I’m under 200 lb.


💯💯💯That’s the part of fasting that the fasting snobs don’t want to talk about! Being seen and wanted is a important part of existence and not having it because of your size is emotionally damaging. I’m not ashamed to say I want to be seen and noticed too ❤️


HELL YEAH, I think a lot of people on this sub don't want to perpetuate negative ideals regarding fasting. They want people to respect the process and respect themselves so they do it in a healthy way and don't end up hurting themselves or integrating deeper into disordered eating. However, I completely agree that to be desired and noticed is an amazing feeling and should be celebrated, not looked down upon as ego-driven or something to be ashamed about. We all deserve attention and love, and as long as we are using healthy routes to our desired shapes and sizes to further our goals for attention and love - let us yell it from the rooftops! It gets hard when you have a vacation planned or want to enjoy summer activities that you used to or never did because of insecurities about how we look. Being able to forge ahead despite those emotions is something to be celebrated. I KNOW I'll get there and when I do, I'll be posting way too many selfies on here like an ego-driven instagram model lol.


Yes I think a lot of people shy away from that desire. It’s a part of fat phobia that people don’t want to confront for some reason? They feel like if they make it about “I just want to get healthy” it becomes more valid and more virtuous. I’m 5’3 and 174lbs. I fall under obese as of right now. Which is fine. I LOVE MY BODY. I pole dance, hit the gym regularly and am dating and have people interested. I don’t have diabetes or heart disease or any weight related health issues. I do however want move from the obese category to the overweight category and eventually to normal. I’m disappointed that some have chosen to call this out to be wrong. I understand the benefits of autophagy etc but there is a piece about knowing when you are hungry vs bored (which is what this question is leaning towards), and also a piece about seeing physical changes as well. The clothes in the picture are a medium top and a LARGE skirt. But some have chosen to call it tiny lol. I in no way promote negative eating habits. I’m specifically asking about beating hunger pangs during prolonged fasting. Outside of fasting I don’t look at clothes and drink a Coke Zero instead of eat. Come on people. Stop projecting. I’m advocating for becoming more aware of hunger vs boredom vs eating as self soothing to avoid emotions. Anyways thanks for the support for those who get it. And if this is triggering I think there’s a personal issue that should be addressed individually. Good luck to everyone!


Completely agreed. The majority of individuals who are on this sub that have something negative to say have unidentified disordered eating and are so far up their own empty, air filled asses, they can't see the projection of their own unresolved issues. If they ever stopped to think about how 90% of their replies are just bashing other people about what they write, eat, drink, don't eat, don't drink, do or don't do and demanding they follow some preconceived 'perfect' way of fasting - the problem is not beyond, it is within my friend. I really never thought I'd be this big, but dwelling on the big red letters on my fasting app that say SEVERELY OBESE doesn't help anything. Not one single person, especially strangers on the internet, can tell me how I am supposed to feel or how to go about fasting, anything to do with MY body. If I'm not asking for advice or complaining, don't piss on my parade! I can finally accept where I am and continue to progress, whatever that looks like for ME. Essentially, were all just trying to find a way to do our best; hurling through space on this big blue marble, I think we need to cut each other a big slice of slack and stop acting like looks don't matter, all other facets of human life say otherwise! The hypocrisy is completely mind-boggling. I can't dwell on it too long otherwise I fear my brain may collapse. Anyway, again - you go girl! Keep up the excellent attitude and progress and can't wait to see how great the outfit is going to look!


Hey-fellow pole dancer here ☺️




I lost 175 lbs to be with the man of my dreams. 100% valid honestly. Yes there are a half dozen other very good reasons, BUT EYES ON THE PRIZE.


M or F? Height?


M, 5’11” so I know I’m fat. 22 years old.


I'm slightly heavier, slightly shorter, and a hell of a lot older. You're at a great age to get all whipped into shape, and start slaying it in the romance department. Go get 'em!


Oh yeah I’m not worried


I have two weddings to attend in September where I will see family and friends that haven't seen me in years. The last time they all saw me I was fit and now I'm about 70lbs overweight. That's a helluva motivation to save face.     Also I really really don't want to buy new fancy dresses when I already have a closet full of them in my old size. Hopefully I can squeeze into one of them by the end of summer!   Oh edited to add, my daily motivation is very simple. You only need to get through today. That's all. One day at a time.


I got tired of not trying and I was only getting bigger. I lost 47 ibs in my fasting journey and won't stop till I reach my goal It gets easier the pangs will go away. Every now and then you'll want a bite of something. Don't do it. Do things to distract yourself. This year is the first year I've reached the weight I was at before I had my first little one. And nothing feels better than looking in the mirror and seeing a slimmer you.


I found myself restricting myself or creating diets and I wasn’t getting rid of any weight until I came across this sub and thought no food was the best solution, I’ve only lost 10 lbs so far but I’m planning to continue fasting 3 days or longer every week until I get rid of 40 more lbs


Staying busy. When I fast, if I am sitting bored, I eat. If I'm busy, I don't.


Ive set mini goals so far… my first was to lose 30lbs before attending a wedding and before my next weight check at the doctors (i did it!), next it was to lose 5 more before my sons first bday( i did it!) now i want to lose 10-15 more before august 14th cause we’re going on a beach vacation! Hopefully at that point ill be 7lbs away from my GW.


I watched my 600lbs life or something like that


Your question is often asked, but I've only given techniques before. In my life, I amost always have an obsession. It is only one at a time, and it usually lasts from one to four years. My first fast was 72 days. I'm down about 233 pounds. The first year was intense. Fasting became my identity. It was who I was. I've kind of lost that edge because the interest has faded. I've decided to continue anyway. In fact I start a new fast tomorrow. Doing long fasts isn't the same anymore. I probably won't do another long fast, maybe 33 days, but nothing long. As with anything that is important to you, you either want it or you don't. The thing or things that you want in life take priority, maybe not by conscious choice but priority is what makes you end up where you end up. I think that the answer to your question, at least in my opinion, is whatever works. Think of it as a game, a competition, a hobby, or a sport. I personally use the game approach. I plan my strategy. It has to be easily adaptable. There need to be rules, lines I don't cross. People have been critical of my opinions when it comes to what is allowed for my fast. No sugar-free gum, no sugar-free soda, no pickle juice, nothing but water and black coffee. I didn't understand for a long time. I thought the rules were clear for a water fast. I think it was because we look at it from different perspectives. Does it break a fasted state to have ten calories? Questions like that didn't make sense to me. The rules were simple. No food, only water, black coffee, and electrolytes. I didn't understand the whole loophole thing. I meditated on it and contemplated where my inability to understand originated. I think it has to be perspective. I'm not good at the whole "human" thing. I think taking it apart in my mind was part of why fasting doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I'll still do it because it is an end to a means, but it isn't fun anymore. Maybe I'm just burnt out. I'm not saying that my way was the right way. I don't think that there are many things that have a universal right way. Each of us interprets data from a perspective based on our life experiences and beliefs. That's part of the reason I started a fasting group. There isn't a right or wrong way in our group. We support and encourage each other. If we are concerned for someone's safety, we might say something, but we don't criticize or bully. The answer is whatever works. I'm sure you will achieve your goal. Believe in yourself. Our failures are usually the things that we focus on. Take a step back and revisit all of the successes that you have had. I'm sure that there are a lot of them.


I really enjoyed your reply. Very concise and insightful. If there is room, could I please join the fasting group? I'd love to encourage others and I could use the support too.


There is always room. https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/fciwR0Uy7C


It currently says it's private—I would also love to know how to join :)


I just added you https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/P54yt25131


Keeping busy helps. Deep cleaning, playing video games, going on walks.


Me not wanting a double chin.


This outfit is adorable ❤️


I look in the mirror and fucking hate the way I look, that’s what it is for me. Alternatively, I transitioned into an ingredient house and I’m more lazy than I am hungry


I totally get this. I find myself occasionally going to my wardrobe when I feel bored (I fast 82-120 hours each week) and I grab jeans or dresses that were barely fitting me recently and I love trying them on it just gives me that boost to keep going.


Ugh I love all of the jeans I used to wear! I miss them so much. I haven't fit into them in years, I have been in leggings for so long. I recently lost 35lbs and am keeping going but I've got another 50lbs before even some of them fit. I've kept them all these years and refuse to donate them, sometimes I pull one or two pairs out and just lay them out for me to see as motivation, but it just reminds me how far away I am. I just need to focus on today and then one day before I know it I'll be dusting them off and I'll strut down the street like a Calvin Klein Jeans model lol


Discipline and wanting to finally be hot and I want a bf lol


my birthday is helping me & my sons birthday party as well ! i was 191 currently 162 i have 32lbs until im at my comfort weight ! 42lbs until my weight goal


Congratulations! That's gotta feel SOOO much better!


yes! thank you!! still have a little way to go but nowhere near as much as before 🙏🏼 ☺️


I’ve been fasting routinely since 2017 - all weight loss is a combination of muscle, water, and fat - it’s important to stay active and try to reduce the muscle mass you already have - I usually fast on my work days and don’t when I’m off - I used to be incredibly disciplined- I have gotten away from that - but I’m 6’2 and 176 lbs dry and I’m 49 so I care about maintaining and not trying to break any records or anything drastic at this point in my life.


My gym has a sauna, steam room, and quiet relaxation room where you can lounge for however long you'd like. I'm on day 1 of a 10-day fast, and I think I'm going to do this sauna/relaxation routine every evening for the duration. It was the perfect place to pamper myself and not be around (or even thinking about) food.


That's a sexy outfit, you're gonna look great! Move a muscle, change a thought. Always helps me, even if it's just yoga stretches. Also if I have to go to the kitchen to feed the cats I pretend the refrigerator is glued shut and I will never be able to open it lol. Our minds can be very powerful, get creative! I also write the word NO on my hand so if I reach for chips in the cabinet I see it and am reminded to choose differently!


The classic of stacking habits together, somewhat. I'm doing daily 20 hour fasts and also going to the gym. If I'm feeling out of it for the gym I think about the fast I did the day before and how I should respect my effort and go to the gym as well. And the other way around, if I'm feeling hungry or trying to make excuses in my head I think about the tough workout I just went through earlier that day. This is so powerful!! It makes you live the big picture and not chase momentary gratification. You got this ✨


Aderall unexpectedly.


S.Pellegrino mineral water and planning what I will eat when I break my fast. I look online at food and at reddit breakfast food subs. I remind myself that I'm going to eat something really good when I'm through with my fast.


Thanks for this idea, no clue why I never used a visual motivation. Seeing fit people on Instagram is not very inspiring personally, so now I’m definitely going to pull out my goal outfit. Time to stop messing around B)


It’s similar to yours! You want to look your best at all times! That includes fitting into any clothes anytime!


Salt really helps


Where do I even start? The fact that I am the fat friend or at least one of them. The fact that I have accepted I have been unattractive my whole life so anytime I see a girl who is remotely attractive to me, I accept that I can’t be in a relationship with her. The fact that I can’t(couldn’t) run. Self hatred, self loathing and the desire to be more. These are some of the things pushing me to be better.


Cooking, weirdly


That is the cutest skirt on the planet


Not being as mobile and able to endure long work hours like I used to im 20 so it's really bums me that me feet kill me after a few hours when I could work 18 hr shifts before. I need that back


I would say if it's your first time fasting or if ur struggling to keep a prolonged fast, try juice fasting first. I could barely fast for 24 hrs, but I did 3 days no problem while juicing. I made the yahki awakened juice that I found on yt and had the most energy that I've had in years.I went to the gym with no issues, but also not pushing myself to hard to the point of passing out or anything. I would also have watermelon and cucumber when I got rlly hungry or just wanted a little extra something. I heard okra is also rlly good as well. I would have tea during the night, and that made a really big difference, definitely soothed my stomach. Hope this helps!


Walks- go somewhere busy but no restaurants, and just watch people. The key is to stay hydrated so you don't come home hangry. Places that don't allow food like libraries or clothing shops also help- I can spend hours in a thrift store and not leave with more than a few dollars spent. I also nap- if I can't stop thinking about food, it's better to just shut the body down and try again after.


Off topic from fasting but that skirt is super cute. What’s helped me stay focused is staying as busy as possible, like taking walks, painting, things like that. You come to realize you have a ton of time on your hands when you take eating or preparing meals out of the picture and it gives a great opportunity to learn new things. Oh also, black coffee and tea helps a lot if you like that. Plenty of water helps as well.


A goal outfit. That's a great idea. I'm going to use that 😃


Scrolling on Pinterest different models and celebrities with really cute outfits that I love. Avoiding any food related content and being really careful about what I watch and consume on social media. Usually just people with my dream body and clothes, etc., so I can manifest my goals. Window shopping or shopping. I'll go to stores and look at designer clothes I want or actually buy something but in my goal size only. I go to makeup stores and lingerie stores too. Jewelry stores too. Anything not food related, avoid food courts and pretend like food places don't exist or that they're all sold out so I don't get tempted. Journal. Sleep lots and do meditations especially manifestation meditations to help me get in the right mindset to achieve my goals. I treat fasts like times of rest. I also like to pray at this time, but to each their own. Go for long extended walks to the water or a favorite park or in the forest. When you're fasted you really take on the smells and sights and sounds more. I'll be present and grateful for the beauty around me and write in my gratitude journal. I also make sure to hydrate with electrolytes. It helps with headaches and stuff. I haven't dry fasted yet for more than half a day but hope to do some dry fasts for the health benefits. Hope you can find some things to try and wishing you the best on your journey. That outfit is super cute and you're almost there! Go you!


Keeping busy. Getting all the household chores done, going to the gym, taking my dog out for a walk, reading, crafting, and if all else fails; napping.


Try swapping the Pepsi Zero for sparkling water Diet/Zero drinks are infinitely worse for you than just the regular versions


Thinking about my boyfriend and his old crush works pretty well


I'm an actor. I'm tired of getting small bit roles because I don't look the part of lead. I also just...wanna be hot?? :D


Sugarless Gum and Coke Zero


No one will ever love me until I look normal. I never want to eat anything ever again.


We have to love ourselves in order for others to love us. If we don't see in value in ourselves, how can others? We set the intentions and standards for our relationships and our treatment in those relationships. This all sounds like flighty bullshit, but I assure you I completely understand how you're feeling and how hopeless it all seems. The good news is that it isn't hopeless. The best approach is to attack the problem logically. Make a fasting plan that tailors to your current ability, then each time you fast, push yourself to a new limit. Each time add another hour, then 2 hours, 5 hours, then another half a day, another day etc. Patience for your body and adjusting to a new and healthier lifestyle is a commitment and requires us to prioritize long term goals over fleeting, temporary desires. It can be done, it has been done, by many, many whom may have had a much harder time adjusting or an even harder time coping. Remember, you're not alone! We are here for you and there are many virtual and in person support groups you can find in your local area. Working on our physical bodies is one aspect, but being fit or thin won't manifest proper self-love and self-care unless you implement it. We need to work towards it, because despite any circumstances around us, if we have a solid foundation of self-love, not only weight loss- but life becomes so much easier because we don't have to defend against ourselves, instead we are rooting for ourselves and helping instead of adding to the hurt which perpetuates the negativity which can lead us to negatively react to chaos and crisis, doing more damage we will eventually have to deal with at some point even if we try to use negative coping skills to ignore it like isolating, negative self talk, binging and other disordered eating, substance abuse, etc. and the cycle repeats - unless we get off the merry-go-round. We CAN break the cycle! We just have to allow ourselves the adjustment period. It will feel uncomfortable at first, since we are breaking out of well known familiar patterns, and the brain doesn't like that. However, luckily; we are very adaptable beings, truly capable of so much more than we think. I believe in you and your ability and I hope you begin to give yourself a chance to be cared for by yourself, because that will ultimately lead to what it seems you desire, to be content and ultimately find another person to share your life with. Good luck to you!


I’m gonna be honest with you—pushing through hunger pangs by staring at a tiny outfit you want to wear is not exactly the healthy fasting mindset I believe this sub espouses. Weight loss is a positive goal when it’s associated with health benefits. Fasting is not an eating disorder when it is done to achieve real, tangible health benefits. When the motives are different and you find yourself “dirty fasting” with Coke Zero because the only goal is to make your body smaller, I worry a little about why you’re doing it and where that road leads.


I think that's self righteous BS so long as the outfit fit doesn't require being grossly underweight then it's a great motivator. I don't care if I get down voted for it but it's exactly this sort of crap that ruins the sub. People fast for their own reasons and if it happens to be vanity first health benefits second but doesn't bridge unhealthy body images then who cares! All you're doing is putting someone down to make yourself superior.


No need to worry about me, I’m happy, playful and hopeful ☺️. And good on you to want to just fast for health benefits but for some of us we want to reduce our size and nowhere in this sub does it say losing dresses sizes is wrong. I already explained how Coke Zero helps me given my uncontrollable compulsion to stuff my face even when I don’t need. Good for you for being on a high horse and only fasting with just water and only fasting for autophagy and not to lose dress sizes. However tonnes of people on here want to reduce their body size and I don’t know who made you the judge and jury but ok 👍. Also I don’t know who told you weight loss is only attributed to health benefits but I’m very healthy and active so I guess I shouldn’t be fasting then. Or are you one of those people who associate a bigger body with being unhealthy?


Go girl! Fk the haters!


Ty 🥹


AMEN ate them up!! Zero calories consumed 🤣 These purists have a massive ego for no reason and dog on people trying to better themselves my god go be miserable elsewhere🙄


I thought your comment was respectful, and didn't make the assumptions you're being accused of. Given the defensive responses, makes me think what you brought up might actually be legitimate concerns? Of course, at the end of the day, we each must do what we think is right. No one said otherwise.


watch those TLC my 600 pound life, 1000lb sisters, something like that. i also like watching mukbangs because i can live vicariously through them 🙏


I can’t wait to walk into the local bar and see my ex with the woman he cheated on me with (who is 15 years old than me 🙂)


going to the cinema, watching tv series which i never do, watching food videos/competitive eating videos/streetfood videos from abroad. its boredom that gets me. just finished a 6 day fast but could have easily gone 10 lol


I stopped creating the desire for the things that would derail the fast.


My mind races when I get hunger pangs sometimes I find myself already on door dash without actually intending on getting on there. How would I stop my compulsion?


Dang, And I thought eating belt leather was hardcore dieting!


Not eating has helped me the most. To each their own though.


I tell myself my body will thank me and will last longer. You should fast for health not to achieve a certain thinness or aesthetics... That's how ED's start.


not being overweight is for health ?


I’m 5’3 and 174lbs. I’m healthy. Having a bigger body doesn’t mean automatically unhealthy. That’s the cornerstone of fatphobia.




Doesn't affect my cravings in the least, not everyone is the same.


Guys I do what works. My food compulsion is very very strong and for me the artificial sweetener helps. Some people can let sugar and food go cold turkey but I’m like a drug addict when it comes to food compulsion. The aspartame helps me a lot. It actually curbs the cravings completely. I’m still working through it and I hope to one day be able to deal with the physiological and mental to a point where I go cold turkey, but for now this is a big help.


Do what works for you! When/if it stops working, then it might be worth reviewing some of the claims but more power to you in the meantime. I love the clothing test, i do the same thing!


I lost 250 pounds fasting with diet and zero sodas. These days I can fast without them, but sometimes I just want one so I have one. If it helps it helps, do what you need to do!


Thank you!


Pepsi zero is crazy, just drink water wtf


U are all very sick. I pray for your recovery’s i really do this is so incredibly heart breaking to see. 6 inches is a massive amount to lose especially just to “fit” into an outfit. Clothes are supposed to fit you, not vise versa. :(


why are you in a fasting group if you look at it as an sickness or ed ?


Fasting isn’t supposed to revolve around “fitting” into an outfit or anything along those lines, it’s supposed to be about being healthy and happy with your body. this post is not showing any of that and rather a very very bad ed on its way to a very very bad conclusion.


i could be wrong? but i think she saying that’s her motivation to lose the weight? just as people who lose weight by working out by clothes for when they reach their goal.


the “cut it in half by months end” is what really disturbed me tbh, there is really no way to accomplish that safely and by posting that type of goal on here it definitely seems like and ed to me


That’s your own personal issue. I’m very healthy happy and active. I’m 173lbs 5’3 and losing 3 inches during a month of prolonged fasting is not extreme. Just because I already consider my body healthy and am fasting with a goal to lose dress size’s doesn’t mean I have an ED. It’s problematic to look at a bigger body and automatically assume it’s unhealthy. I dance and workout. I’m active. No weight related health issues and your being a keyboard psychologist telling me I should be aiming to be healthy. I’m already healthy. I don’t look at clothes and drink a Coke Zero instead of eat a full meal outside of prolonged fasting. Stop projecting.


oh, understandable


Knowing my husband will love me more if I look like the women he looks at online


I wear diapers to help


#Bro this is giving pro-ana tumblr how the F is this subreddit still up?


I’m happy to discuss. How is this giving pro Ana? I’m talking about beating hunger pangs during a prolonged fasting run. I’m 5’3 174lbs and are a large top and an XL bottom. The clothes in the picture are a medium size top and a Large bottom. Please tell me how discussing beating hunger pangs (which is a huge factor in successful prolonged fasting), tell me how this is pro Ana? What exactly has triggered you to come to that conclusion?


Triggered me? You’re talking about starving yourself in an effort to fit into your goal outfit. Be for real.


Lmfao 🤣 get a life. You’re clearly triggered. This is a fasting group. If you are triggered by “starvation” leave. This group is literally about not eating.


Read these comments and tell me again who is triggered. Fasting is just a synonym for starving. They literally mean the same exact thing. I don’t get the confusion. Google “define fasting” and then “define starving.” *laugh emoji*


The comments are just fine bud. People are happy, thriving and reaching their goals. Lots of great feedback. I don’t know why you are asking me to google fasting, I just said it’s literally not eating? Which means starvation. So what? This a fasting/starvation/not eating sub. What’s your point? Oh, yeah misery, attention, projection and not being happy with your life so you try to make yourself important online. Good job 👍


Those are definitely words. You’re the one bothered by what I said. Relax. You’re starving, so I get the mood.


You keep saying the same thing in different ways 😂🤣. Fasting, starving, words. So what lol. I’m fasting and I’m doing great 😌. I’m losing inches and doing what I set out to do. What is it? You can’t reach the goals you set for yourself so it upsets you when others do? Or do you look at that top and skirt and know you will never be that size because you don’t have the willpower? Or are you just an unhappy keyboard warrior who seeks out things that upset them online like this sub so you can do your silly little protest and feel like you’re actually doing something when in reality you’re just sitting on your ass and typing on your phone while people like me actually crush their goals in real life 😂😂🤣😂