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I do but keep it discreet




Since gaining some weight I get checked out less overall but the times I do they are very interested and it's flattering for me at least.


Omg is your username a fat Joanna Newsom pun


YES lmao


LOL ily




please seek professional help for these issues.


Love to hear that. Keep doing you 🫡


Bless you skinny mesmorized boys


Bless you beautiful thick woman ❤️


You're definitely not the only one. I literally can't help it. Almost knocked over somebody at a bar yesterday as I was rubbernecking.


I fully understand lol


Just at a museum yesterday I was awestruck on at least three occasions by young and middle age women with absolutely huge juicy pear shapes, dump trucks, hips, and thighs. Omg I was so jealous of their partners lol


I sometimes envy the partner lol but at the same time good for them


I've gained a good amount of weight and here in SoCal the beauty standards can make it feel a bit discouraging when wanting to be noticed "like that". However, I do get jealous of those women and their partners because I would love to be in a relationship right now with someone who admired me.


I’ve heard SoCal is terrible for bigger folks. You’ll find your person soon


Thank you, I hope so!


How couldn't I? Can't ignore the most attractive people on the area. Always looking respectfully. 👀


Hey I'm with you dude, if they are pretty then big yes




You’re not the only one. I look, albeit respectfully and don’t stare or make anyone feel uncomfortable. I’ll give a very subtle smile if we make eye contact and usually they know why I’m looking and usually take it as a compliment.


Well, I abstain when I'm in the company of my wife. (There's nothing wrong with admiring the flowers in the garden even if you don't intend to pick them, but come on, have a bit of sensitivity.) But yes, my head can easily be turned -- literally -- by the beauteous sight of ample charms!


I wish I could tell when I’m being admired or appreciated


You can’t tell but there’s definitely people out there that appreciate the way you look!


I'm an older guy and frankly, I don't think it ever goes away. Most men are visual, and we are pretty hard-wired to look at attractive women. Many in this thread point out the difference between "looking" and "creeping" (ogling, following, stalking, leering, generally being obvious or threatening). Yes. Some gentlemanly discretion is needed to stay on the side of "polite admiration" versus creeping. Funnily enough, I was just thinking about this yesterday. I was in a bookstore store and a 40ish woman in shorts that cut off mid-thigh came in. She was attractive, maybe 220 lbs with very thick legs with some juicy cellulite. She came into my section and I definitely enjoyed the view from behind while browsing a book. Maybe 15 minutes later, we passed each other on our way to different sections. What I found interesting was that she gave me a big smile as we passed. I think she had identified us as "mutual browsers/booklovers," but it's possible she was also picking up a mutual attraction vibe. I smiled and moved on. She wound up ahead of me in the checkout line, with a son of maybe 7 or 8 in tow. Definitely a "MILF" experience. Anyway, the point is - you are not alone. We all do it. Just stay on the non-creeper side if the line.


You are absolutely allowed to look and admire, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. You just shouldn't be creepy or stare too much. It's about respecting boundaries: You are allowed to see, to assess, to appreciate. But you aren't allowed to intrude or impose. This time of year, one of my favorite things about going to the local farmers' market is just how many beautiful fat people are showing up and showing off.


Totally. Can’t help it and make sure I’m not being creepy or rude but yeah. If I see a big beautiful woman I’m checking her out.


I know how you feel




I do as well but i really don’t care if they’re not big. Its like I’m drawn to fat women in public specifically


please seek professional help for these issues.


I do but it's pretty reserved ofc because I'd hate to make her uncomfortable. For a few short moments, there is peace in the world.