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I just goddamn wish people would comprehend “balance” as a concept. Like sure, categorizing foods as good or bad is kind of reductive, but maybe we could just go with “more or less” foods? Ice cream is a less food, broccoli is a more food; doesn’t mean one or the other is intrinsically better, but have some Christ on a crackering sense of proportion already.


Cookie Monster had a song about "anytime foods" that are good to eat all the time and "sometimes foods" that are best eaten occasionally. [A Cookie is a Sometimes Food](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaHkwE7TaNg)


Imagine the FA outrage had it aired yesterday lol.


oh trust me, i remember when it dropped (7 years ago) and there were enough people mad about it for it to make headlines. it takes a special kind of evil to try and cancel *sesame street*. 


In my childhood, we had the [Cookie Monster Healthy Food Rap](https://youtu.be/KBMxpDbp51A), and I still sing it while shopping.


Came here to say this!




Me too. I don't think that level of rigidity around food is good at all (I think it's part of the reason I tend to binge when presented with anything that was off-limits as a kid). We use "anytime" and "sometimes" foods with our 3-year-olds, and they seem to grasp the concept pretty well.


That's how I handle it with my kids. They know that they need to have some sort of vegetable with both lunch and dinner and can have fruit as well (but right now I make sure they have at least one non fruit just so it isn't all sweet stuff). They can also have a piece of Halloween/Christmas/Valentine's/Easter candy or a Popsicle/frozen yogurt tube if they want to as well. They're allowed potato chips or harvest snaps or crackers as long as they've had a protein, fruit, and vegetable as part of their meal. They've long since learned to get a protein (peanut butter, lunch meat, cheese, etc), fruits, vegetables, and a carb side for their meals and can even pack their school lunches that way.


One of the most infantile things about the FA movement is how much they loathe the concept of moderation. Nobody is saying you can never have Domino's or Krispy Kreme ever again. Just not every fucking day. That's another thing that annoys me about FAs. I'm a bit done being scolded about privilege from people who have the income to constantly eat expensive junk food and buy designer "plus size" clothing. Every time I've been to the optician, the most expensive frames in the store are those vintage cat eye glasses so beloved by many a FA.


It’s that addict mentality. Addiction can very much be all or nothing, especially food addiction which is why FA’s have this weird black and white idea about how nutrition works. It’s definitely an emotional coping mechanism, and it doesn’t help that the human brain is kinda illogical in these matters at times. Caveman brain loves dopamine and instant gratification and confirmation bias. Also, why tf do they always wear the same glasses I thought I was the only one to notice this lmao.


I mean I definitely think calling foods "healthy food" and "treats" is a better approach than "good" and "bad", I don't think explaining that ice cream isn't healthy to eat all the time but fruit is will steer kids into an eating disorder.


Oh god... I loved Polly Pocket when I was little, so your name dealt me ten points of psychic damage.


There were 0 snacks, sweets, juice or fizzy drinks in my house growing up. We ate well-balanced meals, our snacks consisted of fruit or yoghurt and we drank water. Chocolate, juice and sodas were only reserved for special occasions. That was my normal until I went to middle school, when I got pocket money and sometimes bought sugary treats. And yet, here I am, no ED in sight, with a healthy relationship around food and happily going to the gym 5x a week.


I grew up similarly. And my parents often talked about making healthy choices with food. Like chips and ice cream are fine to eat but they are treats and fruits and veggies and whole foods are important and should be prioritized. Children are capable of understanding these concepts without eventually developing an ED. Things are not so black and white as some of these people seem to believe.


What's absurd to me is that these people will see this comment and accuse you of having an eating disorder. It's absurd


I was raised with fast food and junk food available, and not taught about healthy food. My step sister had no fast food, few if any unhealthy snacks, and learned about healthy food. She became a ballerina and dancer. I became almost 300 lbs as a 5'3 woman. I went through weight loss surgery, relearning what to eat, breaking old habits, and losing 150 lbs. I had to deal with Binge Eating Disorder and a ton of self hate until then. Now, in our early 30s, neither of us has an ED. I'm recovered and she is in good health. We are both the same size, which is about a 2/4. She's a pescatarian, I am not. We are both thin, fit, and can exchange clothes if needed. It took me weight loss surgery, skin removals, and a lot of struggle and pain to get here. Some of my body, like my back and knees, will never really recover. She is in great shape. Teach kids about healthy eating and doing good things for their bodies. Teach it as giving their body the love and nourishment it really needs to thrive. And you will end up with healthier kids. Teach it not with shame, but as an act of self love. It will be way better in the long run.


Congratulations on your recovery!!


Thanks! I am now at my goal weight and have maintained for 5 years.


Thats amazing! Keep it up!!! ❤️


I fully intend to. When I have children I won't make the mistakes my parents made, and plan to raise them with realistic and healthy ideas about food and weight. I don't want my kids to be overweight, but it is not about the aesthetics at all. It's about the suffering I went through and I want to spare them from that. Healthy and realistic approaches to food and weight, and treating weight like just another medical condition helps. I don't have any shame associated with it anymore. I felt for a long time like my dad was embarrassed of me, because of my weight and because he was always trying to get me to be healthier. It took going through all this and losing the weight and seeing his reaction to understand that had nothing to do with it. He wasn't worried about my appearance, but my future, well being and happiness. He was scared for me, and he is so happy and relieved to see me where I am now. It's like a weight has been lifted from him, no pun intended. I have a genetic condition that causes weakness in connective tissue, and I want to make sure my kids stay active and fit so that, in case they have it too, it doesn't cause problems. It can be managed and issues can be avoided by staying in good shape, and building muscle basically compensates and prevents any problems.


Yet my sister grew up in a household where we had snacks, chocolate, cakes and soda whenever we wanted and developed an ed when she was a teen. These FAs are morons.


Same with me, we didn't get it whenever we wanted (like weren't allowed to eat 25 cookies and leave none for the other family members) but we were allowed to eat it everyday even though most days we chose not to. I developed an ED.


Haha yeah saying ‘whenever we wanted’ was maybe far fetched of me, our situation growing up was very similar to yours, we were allowed a bag of chips as snacks and ice cream or cake for after meals, we weren’t allowed to shovel as many as we could in our mouths but we certainly weren’t forced to eat healthy stuff rather than cake as snacks.


I don’t see a problem with this at all. Like, how did they come to the conclusion that staying away from unhealthy junk makes you a miserable deprived orthorexic person? I feel like it FEELS that way to them because they grew up getting used to and addicted to these foods, and a lot of them probably also had parents with unhealthy/toxic views about food and their own bodies. I feel like even if you raised a child to never eat junk food at home, so what? They will probably encounter it occasionally in other settings outside of the home. As long as you don’t make the child feel like they’re shameful, I think it’s such important type of love to build up healthy habits in your child.


I had deserts and snacks growing up, but they were highly relegated with how much we could have, we weren’t allowed to have ice cream whenever we wanted in the Sam proportions as healthy foods.


Obesity is a form of child abuse. Not even kidding.


“Mommy! But the teacher said no foods are bad! And I want cookies!” Yeah, can’t see how this can go wrong at all.


Whenever I see the "there are no bad foods" talking point, I want to ask these people if they're even aware of what things like saturated fat and sodium can do to a body over time.


My dad very much had the outlook of "eat, drink and be merry". He's now had a triple bypass, stroke, blocked arteries, and half his foot amputated from diabetes. He was never "obese" just overweight. But ate terribly. I eat much better and never want to follow in those footsteps.


Sometimes I think about the melamine in milk scandal. And what happened to those Ethiopoans who were forced by famine conditions to over eat grass peas. Of course there are bad foods. I know that in some ways it's a cheap argument but the idea that there are no bad things to put in food and sell people sounds better for business than for human beings.


Billion dollar companies have decades upon decades of research from scientists on their payroll exclusively studying how to make food more palatable and more addicting. There are ABSOLUTELY bad foods.


That's exactly what I think whenever I hear about "intuitive eating". No, it's not that fast food companies make sure their foods are full of tons of additives to make you want to eat more. Or that our bodies evolved in a time when foods high in salt, fat and sugars were far more scarce, and we had a significantly more active lifestyle to burn off the calories and energy of those foods, and when we got them, we needed them to fuel that lifestyle.


Not to mention 'intuitive eating' just means eating what and when you want, and doesn't account for the many, many reasons people eat aside from hunger and how poor we are at differentiating between these reasons. Real intuitive eating can only occur when a healthy person makes choices that are good for them and meet cravings. Eating three bowls of cereal is not intuitive eating. Maybe you're hungry, maybe you just want to munch, or are tired and want the sugar. Intuitive eating is that when I'm anemic, I find myself craving red meat. Intuitively, I know I need something, and choose a healthy food option to get it. I need iron, so I get red meat and spinach. Not burgers. Lean meat. I need the iron, not the fat. Often cold cut roast beef. I am intuitively aware of a need, and then choose the healthiest option to meet that need. You might need fiber and find yourself craving grains and fibrous foods. You can then chow down on white bread, or make some oatmeal and throw some chia in there. Both meet the same craving and need, but one does it in a much healthier and more satisfying way. When I'm tired and need energy, and crave sugar, I go for fruits. Still high in sugars and carbs, but the better ones, and full of other nutrients that I need. There is sugar and the same calories in a slice of bread or a banana, but one is clearly healthier than the other. Intuitive eating also means you have to know when wanting to eat comes from actual hunger and need, or other impulses.


This is an inability to differentiate good and bad as ethical concepts from good and bad for you. It's not the same. Bad for you and bad thing to do. Not wearing a bike helmet while riding is bad for you. But has no ethical implication. Kicking a rock is bad for you. Smoking is bad for you. Eating a lot of sugar is bad for you. Loving your body and doing what is good for you needs to be taught like self care, like washing and caring for yourself and your space.


> I want to ask these people if they're even aware of what things like saturated fat and sodium can do to a body over time. Of course they don’t. These are people that believe there are no negative health consequences for being obese.


And exactly why intuitive eating can be such a problem when these foods are made to hijack your brain and "intuition"


You need sodium to live.


The issue isn't that people shouldn't consume sodium, ever. The issue is that these people keep advocating for ultra-processed foods that contain high sodium that can have adverse affects on blood pressure and increase risk for things like heart issues and stroke.


"Mommy, stop being a fatphobic piece of shit and let me have McDonald's every day!"


Children, especially KS1 (3 to 7) have no concept of enough when it comes to the things they like. They would eat cookies until they throw up and then probably ask for more given the chance. It's important to establish good habits early for this reason. Personally I wouldn't use the terms good or bad outside of allergies and instead encourage the concept of everyday foods and special occasion foods. Maybe teach them about calories when they're a bit older and able to understand balance better, but teaching kids about healthy eating habits is a must.


For some reason I always assume fat logic is only an American thing because we’re such a fat country, but I feel like half the posts I see here are from the UK… not sure if that makes me feel better or worse lol


To be honest UK is leading in obesity in Europe, so there's that


Is it? Last I heard that was Malta. But it's bloody close...


"The most shocking fact is probably that in almost every country in Europe, more than half of all adults are overweight. In **Malta (62.5%), Iceland (62.0%) and Latvia (60.4%)** it's even over 60%" - 16 Mar 2024 [https://landgeist.com/2024/03/16/overweight-in-europe/](https://landgeist.com/2024/03/16/overweight-in-europe/) "The urgency of tackling obesity has been brought to the fore by evidence of a link to an increased risk from Covid-19. The UK is one of the heaviest nations. [It’s estimated](https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/67450d67-en/1/2/2/index.html?itemId=/content/publication/67450d67-en&_csp_=77ac5dad9f2cb67b4d2e46c9fc814aa4&itemIGO=oecd&itemContentType=book#boxsection-d1e2722) 64 percent of British adults are now overweight, having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more. This includes around [28 percent](http://www.oecd.org/unitedkingdom/Health-at-a-Glance-2017-Key-Findings-UNITED-KINGDOM.pdf) who are obese (with a BMI of 30 or more), double the percentage figure in 1990, when obesity affected just 14 percent of British adults. More than 10 percent of obese people in the UK have a BMI of 35 or more." [https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/articles/britain\_diet](https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/articles/britain_diet)


Does it make you feel even better if I tell you that a couple of weeks ago someone had donated an anti diet book full of starvation mode and all the other fatlogic tropes to our free library in Germany? (I moved it to the box of books we are donating to paper recycling 😁) On the other hand - the previous owner might have seen the light because they did get rid of the book after all.


Likely ended up in long-term care for multiple obesity-related issues and a family member started clearing out their living quarters.


Someone hasn't seen fat doctor UK, who finally lost their medical licence recently. The same deranged rhetoric, obesity is spiralling here and primarily in lower working class areas


It's all exported through from the States through social media, though.


The rate of stupid people is pretty much the same everywhere, even before the internet.


This really weird scaremongering about restrictive eating disorders drives me insane. While poor body image, unhealthy eating habits or crash dieting are pretty common, people dying of severe eating disorders isn’t. Meanwhile huge chunks of the population very demonstrably are dying of obesity-related health conditions, so surely, focusing on getting kids to avoid overeating junk food should by far be the lesser of two evils here?  (Disclaimer: Not trivialising restrictive eating disorders here - some of my friends have fallen way down that rabbit-hole, as did I, though never to a clinical severity - and I recognise how horrific they are. I just don’t think they’re the prolific killer that FAs believe them to be) Edit: I meant specifically restrictive EDs here, as those were the ones discussed in the post


Overeating and binge eating *are* eating disorders and the leading cause of death for men, and second most common cause of death for women in my country.


sorry: I meant specifically restrictive eating disorders, as in anorexia, orthorexia, and so forth, as those were the ones being discussed by the OP of the screenshot. You’re right about that and I’ll edit my comment to clarify 👍


I actually think FAs and fatlogic can greatly contribute to developing restrictive type eating disorders. When you're constantly told that diets don't work, people eat healthy and still gain weight, that the only way people are thin are through starvation diets, you end up trying to go on starvation diets. It's like DARE and drug use. If you constantly tell kids that everyone is doing drugs and how all the cool kids are doing drugs and you're going to be pressured into doing drugs, you're going to be more likely to try drugs cause it feels like that's what you have to do to fit in.


can vouch, source: it happened to me. i technically started lurking here when i was 17, and this sub was instrumental to my *recovery* and not the pro-ana community that the FA/HAES community preached that it was. before this sub i'd never even *heard* of CICO, so i was terrified to eat more than 500 calories a day because almost all of the obese women in my life cited that as the magic 'i ate x amount of calories and STILL stayed fat' number. what ACTUALLY caused me to start restricting? along with dysphoria, i was CONVINCED that i had some kind of elusive 'fat gene' that hadn't kicked in yet, and if i let myself fully go through puberty (the thing most people told me would make me "blow up") then i'd evolve into obesity like some kind of fucked up pokemon. i was only ever warned of the superficial (for lack of a better term) side of anorexia and not the genuine medical concerns. instead of talking about the heart, kidney, and bone deterioration it was "oh men don't want skeletons!" and "if you lose too much weight, you'll lose your Womanly Curves™️".


oh god that sounds horrible! I can definitely see how that would cause destructive habits and I’m glad you found something that helped w that in the end :))


Glad you're doing better


Your story is *so* similar to mine. I find actual fatlogic so triggering of what used to be life-threatening anorexia.


agreed! I haven’t really seen that happen in my (limited) life experience, but honestly I can see how that could be a thing 


As horrific as restrictive ED’s are, I don’t think a lot of people understand that they’re relatively rare. It’s 4% of women and .3% of men that end up with AN, and 3% of women and 1% of men that end up with Bulimia, at least in the U.S.  They’re also a lot more complicated than “my parents only let me have ice cream occasionally.” 




Yeah, voluntarily starving yourself to death is pretty extreme behavior, and not really the kind of thing everyone is in danger of just falling into all the time.


The problem is that they seem to think ED's are a social issue, and not a mental illness. Just as most people are not in danger of ever developing Bipolar Disorder or OCD, most people are not in danger of developing an ED, because they just don't have the underlying risk factors.  FA'S have conflated disordered eating (something that's very common, especially for teenage girls) with actual Eating Disorders. It's sort of like conflating being a neat freak with having OCD. Both disordered eating and being a neat freak can be annoying and cause distress, but neither rises to the point where clinical intervention becomes necessary, and the underlying mechanisms are different. Someone with disordered eating patterns is genuinely just worried about their weight. Someone with an ED is terrified that they might lose control over their entire lives if they gain a pound. A neat freak is worried that someone might judge them if their house isn't spotless. Someone with OCD is worried that if they don't clean the floor 5 or 6 times a day, something terrible will happen to them or to someone they love. 


Have OCD with repugnant obsessions (mostly about sex and religion), can confirm. I do get annoyed when people say they “have OCD” because they like things to be tidy.


Notice how they don't say "cause" but "predictor"? When someone develops a restrictive ED what you'll probably notice first is that they are on some type of diet. You'll notice other symptoms later on in the illness. So yes, it's technically the "number one predictor" but it's not the cause and has nothing to do with teaching kids healthy eating habits of course. It's deliberately worded in a way that makes people misunderstand it in the intended way but they don't actually have to lie to achieve this. Pretty transparent and not as clever as they think they are.


>*Terrifying* >*FRIGHTENING* These people are such drama queens.


I have a tic disorder. Usually I have no tics. They only arise right before my period and right before I ovulate. There's something about the shifting hormones that causes them to come out. For the past couple of days, I have been having tics. Not anything major and the bouts have been short. But still noticeable to me. My hormones, as far as I know, aren't shifting. So what's the dealio, brain? Yesterday I realized something. Over the past few days I have been snacking on a particular brand of sandwich cookies. I have never gotten this brand of cookie before but they are good. I have been limiting myself to just one in the afternoon, so I'm not pigging out on them. Guess when the tics have been coming out? Right after eating one of those cookies! There's something in them that makes my brain kind of crazy. When I was younger and having tics daily, I was a huge junk food eater. I don't think it's just a coincidence that my tics have become almost non-existent over the past five years or so, now that I am much more conscientious about what I put in my mouth. All this to say...we totally need to be teaching kids that foods are not all the same! You don't have to label them "good" or "bad" if you don't want to, but you should be telling kids "Hey, this kind of food is an everyday food while this kind of food is 'once in awhile'." Those sandwich cookies that I love so much are going to be a "once in awhile, in small quantities, and only when I have nowhere important to be" foods. I assure the OOP that this kind of classification isn't going to give me an ED.


What an outstanding example of ultra-processed food having a neurological effect!


Posting unnuanced takes on EDs on social media is number one predictor of the fact the person is not knowledgeable regarding EDs and should be dismissed.


Okay, this is the part that really pisses me the fuck off about FAs. You want to ruin your bodies, wallow in self pity and have no alternative to comfort besides junk food? You do that. But you want to trap as many children into the miserable existence you currently have, so you can feel better about your fat asses? Fuck you. If you don't want to break the cycle for yourself,the least you could do is not perpetuate it so you can feel validated.


Diets in general [don't cause eating disorders](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8745028/). [Trauma ](https://www.medainc.org/the-powerful-connection-between-trauma-eating-disorders/)is most associated with eating disorders.


Almost every person on my 600 pound life had some form of trauma they are using food to cope.


My dad used to do psych evaluations for gastric bypass patients and at least anecdotally can confirm there was a lot of trauma for those patients. 


Sesame Street had it right in teaching kids about "sometimes foods."


Do they have beef with the food pyramid 💀 god I wish I had that much free time


Oh, they absolutely do. They have a beef with anything that suggests that one should eat more of some foods and less of others.


I'm really starting to hate this "eating disorder by default" gaslighting. Any attempt at self-moderation or restriction or control or balance or just trying to educate yourself more about nutrition is being cast as the first step towards inevitable anorexia. Unfortunately this is not an internet-only phenomenon, and it's a load of crap.


It’s many times more likely that you’ll end up with some form of heart disease than an ED, but I don’t see FAs showing much concern about that. 


these pepole are not only denying somthing like "fruit is better for you than ice cream" is baffling to me, these pepoleare on the same level as flat earthers and anti-vaxers


Not only denying it, but being absolutely outraged that anyone would dare to even dare to utter such a sentence. It's absolutely batshit.


I have come to the conclusion that posts like these are astroturf campaigns from junk food companies.


There is evidence that the processed food industry is paying influencers to promote their products and a lifestyle that normalizes the over consumption of their products.


That’s the optimistic scenario.


Imagine being this insecure about your lifestyle choices that you want to actively hurt children to insulate yourself from reality.


It's like saying we shouldn't teach our kids how to bathe properly because that's teaching them OCD.


That's as ridiculous as saying letting kids eat junk food at all will make them 600 pounds 🙄


This person must be so caught up in their own obsession with weight that they have forgotten that nutrition is not just about weight loss. Their first premise is flat-out wrong. Teaching kids about nutrition is NOT the same as teaching them to diet. (Where, I assume dieting means restricting food in some way for weight loss). Yeah, let's not teach kids that they need to track their calories or points, or weigh their food, or whatever. That would totally be problematic. But teaching kids how to choose a balanced and healthy diet is a really important part of their education!


I hate that "all food is good" No, food literally has no moral value.


God forbid your kids learn which foods contain which nutrients.


Do these people realize there are reasons to avoid junk foods that have nothing to do with weight? Getting enough vitamins and nutrients and avoiding tooth decay is a great reason to eat an apple instead of a bowl of ice cream. I hate how they water down the severity of eating disorders too. No one I know became anorexic because their parents said "you've had enough candy today, how about a peach instead?"


Sorry, some foods are bad. There is shit we eat that really isn’t even food. I’m not going to call it good because some addict killing herself with this poison demands I endorse it.


Pizza is not part of the diet.


Knowledge is fatphobia!!


It’s definitely says something that most of those images are junk food.


Somehow I initially read this as saying that you can give a kid an ED by teaching them the difference between a fruit and a vegetable


>Thankfully you are aware! How many parents aren't?! I would assume many parents are aware, since fruit being healthier than ice cream is just a fact?


"The number one predictor"!!! This makes me so angry. As a mother, messages like this really make me question myself. We are supposed to now be teaching our children that eating vegetables is the same as eating cookies or I WILL MAKE THEM HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS that could kill them!!???


No. It’s not. Factually teaching about food does not create EDs. This is embarrassing fear mongering.


dumb question, but is a receptioner some kind of slang term for a student category? tried googling it and all i could find is the definition of receptionist in french. 


UK for kindergarteners I think, I found a definition for reception Reception (uk) - “The school year, or part thereof, between preschool and Year 1, when children are introduced to formal education.”


thanks for the info!  that said, that's depressing as hell that someone thinks 'my kindergartener learned that ice cream is bad for you and fruit is good for you' is a bad thing.


My approach was to tell my kids that if they ate too much candy or sugar their stomach would hurt a couple days before Halloween and then I let them eat as much candy as they wanted from trick or treating on Halloween. They had never had that kind of access to sweets before so the predictably got sick from it. Now they self regulate sugar pretty well. They will only eat a little then stop saying they don't want to feel sick.


Idk I feel like if you raise your kids to have a healthy relationship with food, teach them to love healthy and nutritious food, the concept of “diet” isn’t something they’ll ever have to worry about. It’s literally the opposite, if you are actually involved in your child’s nutrition and making sure they’re healthy, it will greatly reduce their risk for developing an ED.


What they don’t realise is that you do not have to categorize foods as “good” or “bad”, you categorize them as protein, carbs or fat. Makes it easier for the kid to understand how calories work, what their body needs and when. If they know how foods affect their body they will surely be aware of malnutrition as well, decreasing the risk of them developing an eating disorder or even binging since they would be full from eating nutritious foods, not relying on sugar to satiate their cravings. It is a big plus to not end up obese with fat around your organs like many kids do just because their parents care more about feelings than facts.


I loathe children. I cannot stand them. I hate every moment I must endure around them, and I take active steps to avoid having to be around them. The thought of being a parent is nightmarish to me and I ovulate cinders and ash. And yet, I don't actually want to hurt children. That's the key difference between a child-hating fairytale witch like me and these people. They want to hurt children and I don't. They want children to suffer. And there is nothing in the world more baleful than someone who has convinced themselves and those under their power that the inflicting of suffering is love.


Yup. After taking care of three younger siblings I'm glad as hell that my ovaries look like shriveled prunes. But for fuck's sake, I cannot understand how someone can wish suffering and illnesses on children. Because that's what they do. In one post they will tell the entire world how their knees and backs hurt, how they need accomodations because that can't wipe their own ass, and then they will turn around and say that kids don't need to know about proper nutrition because it certainly isn't causing the raise of overweight and obesity. Wtaf.




Eh… I had a younger brother and I never felt remotely like his parent.


We're sorry but your comment has been removed for the following reason: In breach of [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/wiki/rules#wiki_7._keep_it_relevant.2C_keep_it_factual.2C_keep_medical_advice_to_yourself): > No politics; keep those discussions on the political subreddits. This is not the place to continue the culture wars. > No Misinformation or Conspiracy Peddling. Misinformation will be removed. Conspiracy peddling may result in a permanent ban. Do not flagrantly misrepresent the subject of your post. > Medical professionals are welcome, but we can't verify qualifications; do not seek or give medical advice. See your own doctor for medical advice for diet and exercise. > #Your comment was removed because it is misinformation. Please take your evidence-free absolute assertions elsewhere. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fatlogic/wiki/rules/) for more information.


>The oldest girl is always the second (yes, second, not third) parent to her brothers. Excuse me? Am I missing something or is this just straight up sexism here?


They're referring to the well-documented phenomenon of oldest daughters being parentified at a young age. The reason this happens is absolutely sexism, but pointing out that it happens is not. 


It's not sexist to essentially dismiss and insult all fathers? I'm not denying such a phenomenon exists, but they specifically said "always" and "second not third".


They are pointing out that in the families where this happens to the daughters the father absolutely is not a parent. It causes a lot of trauma for the people who endure it and in my generation (I'm an elder millennial) it was SUPER COMMON. Looking at your user flair you are much younger so I'll take your shock in seeing this as a good sign that it's become a lot less prevalent since my childhood.


The person said "always". Which means that fathers NEVER parent their children so the task ALWAYS falls on the oldest daughter.




OK, so yes, you are in fact a sexist. Thank you for answering.


We're sorry but your comment has been removed for the following reason: In breach of [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/wiki/rules#wiki_1._no_personal_attacks._no_hate_speech._no_racism._no_dehumanizing.): > Name calling, misogyny, race baiting, and dehumanizing language are prohibited; this includes homo- and transphobia, and ableism. Referring to individuals as "it" or comparing them to animals or objects is not allowed. Bigotry is unwelcome. Insults or mockery based on weight are not allowed. Wishing death on people is prohibited. Follow the rules of Reddiquette and the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Violations may lead to permanent bans. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fatlogic/wiki/rules/) for more information.


I'll point out that poverty tends to be a pretty large cause of parentification as well (at least in my experience).


Since the person upthread asserted that this **always** happens, poverty would not be a cause since there is no difference in the rate (100%) across SES lines.


As a childfree woman, YES.


Ayo, this comment goes HELLA hard though? Like damn, you may not be an evil fairytale witch, but you've got the badass storytelling vibe down. /gen /pos


I feel this comment in my loins! So much yes. Just so very much yes.


How to raise 300 lbs 12 year old with pre-diabetes.


Misery loves company, doesn’t it?


There are bad foods. Funnel cake. Onion blossoms. Doesn't mean never eat them but be aware.


I would have to see proof that little children are being taught to categorize food into "good" and "bad" categories before believing this. A primary school "wellbeing program" is terrifyingly backward in the language they are using? I'm skeptical and would like details.


Well, I'm ready to fight (I loved to categorize things when I was a child)


Not not teaching kids 4-11 that a balance is good. As I understand it, actual dietitians recommend that basically feed them a mostly healthy diet, get them involved in some kind of sport they enjoy. Unless they are extremely overweight, most kids will stay a healthy weight.


Try to eat a piece of fruit everyday VS the same amount of Ice cream everyday for a year and lets see if your sugar levels and rotten teeth agree with you 😌


That's just silly. A child should know that you can only get certain nutrients from certain sources. You get your vitamins and minerals largely from plant sources, and you get protein largely from animal sources. Different foods do different things for your body.


I have a feeling if I was taught in school to reliably diet, I wouldn't be anorexic so wat da hell is this guy on about


They sound just like parents who are flat earthers and climate change deniers.


Idk onion makes me sh!t my brains out so I feel fine calling those a bad food
