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“No way to capitalise on fat bodies” Selling more junk food Stronger mattresses Giant towels Tools to help you wipe Stronger chairs List is endless


Medical costs, new clothing in bigger sizes every year, new furniture when you break a couch meant for multiple people, fast food...


Don’t forget about the medical industry, think of all the prescriptions they will have to buy for hypertension, diabetes and the other million health issues that come with being that heavy


Half the shelves in CVS and Walgreens stores are stocked with processed junk food, candy and soda to literally feed people to the pharmacy desk.


I misunderstood what you were saying for a second and had this image of the stores just using junk food to guide people from the front of the store to the pharmacy.


Hospitals full of super sized stuff


I thought you said super sized staff.


Lol that too! They have lift teams in hospitals now.


I work in medsci and know a CNA who is literally a bodybuilder in his spare time, bro gets called in on that team every time there’s a 400+ patient. Sweetest guy in the world too, I could never work patient-facing but he’s so chill and charming he does an excellent job at comforting people despite being a very tall John cena lookalike


nurses shouldn't have to risk injuring themselves because of obese patients refusing to take care of themselves. i have a friend who was a CNA until a large patient fell on her while trying to get him to ambulate and she broke several bones


Hard agree. We may bitch about nurses in the lab (it really is not so hard to stick a label on a tube) but I have immense respect for them. I hope your friend is doing okay and got a big workers comp payout. Nobody in healthcare is paid enough for the risks we are exposed to. Personally I am in contact with hiv+ blood multiple times a night, as well as mrsa swabs, covid, and so. Much. Piss. I have all my shots and wear my PPE but it is still pretty stressful, I have an autoimmune disorder so it’s not fun when I get even a flu lol


I mean they’d be over the weight limits of most ARJO lifters and most wheelchairs


HRTS - Tema Obesity & Cardiometabolic ETF, tracks the stocks of the various weight loss drug makers


Okay, I will say, I’m no longer morbidly obese, but you can pry my “bath sheet” out of my cold dead hands. Sure it can wrap around my body twice now, but I’m still never going back to normal-size towels. They’re so luxurious and cozy!


“Normal” bmi but I love my bath sheet!!! Feels like I’m rich.


Huh I just got new towels recently and they said “bath sheets” and I was so confused why. Now I know and I won’t ever go back to a regular towel!!


Bigger bigger bigger shit! Clothing and furniture companies for the infinifats! When you have a 5x model, you automatically get huge investment from FA VCs


Let's not forget all of the money being made off of treating their various health conditions. It's hilarious to see FAs rail against the pharmaceutical industry for selling Ozempic, but conveniently ignore all of the insulin, metformin, heart, stroke, and cancer meds that your typical obese person purchases.


They'll scream about fad diets and supplements until they're blue in the face but always forget to mention the multi-billion dollar snack food industry in their rants about capitalism. So weird.


Two seat to fly, anyone?


seriously. i used to be 400 pounds and i spent soooo much money on junk and fast food


I've been seeing sooooo many ads for all over deodorant, which becomes necessary when you have rolls. Also, anti-chafing cream -- not just for runners anymore.


What?! Wow I haven’t come across this (yet). So depressing. You’re not meant to be sweating or chafing in parts of your anatomy that shouldn’t exist. We’re not designed to be like that


I've seen these ads *constantly* on YouTube. I use anti-chafing cream because I run (in Texas), but I can't imagine needing it everyday. Even in Texas.


Is it like the chamois cream cyclists use? Can understand the point for running when it’s hot. I also run in Australia- much more pleasant now it’s ‘winter’ here!


I think it's pretty similar. I've never used anything for cycling, but tbh I bike less consistently and rigorously than I run. I googled chamois cream and the main difference between chamois cream and the stuff I've seen in ads and for sale is that the anti chafing stuff I've seen is packaged like a stick of deodorant. It feels different, though. It's full-on summer here now. It's so hot it feels like I'm living on the devil's taint as he patrols hell. All I can say is that if he plans to go cycling, he'll definitely need some chamois cream.


I get these all the time too. I also connected it to obesity.


You missed the biggest most important one: medication, 100's of billion of meds of conditions enhanced or caused by obesity


Twice the cost of a seat on a plane, in some cases.


Don’t forget seatbelt extenders, which they mentioned on the tags. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.


Buy my Body Love 2 week program for only $495. Link in bio.


But that is mUtUaL aID designed to help fat people fight back against their oppresshun!


I aid you by keeping you fat. You aid me by paying my mortgage.


Yeah you are helping them put food on the table and they are convincing you it's okay to eat all of it.


Don’t forget also to shop on my plus size merch shop for them flattering summer fits at outrageous prices


They always talk about how all the available clothing options for plus-sized ppl are ugly and have no style and then they open shops filled with the ugliest clothes that have zero style. I have seen my fill of ugly ass skirts that I could have made had you given me a handful of fabric and I can't even sew.


And I beg you to not lose weight ~~like way too many of my other potential customers recently because my income depends on it~~


> society realized there is no way to capitalize on fat bodies staying fat Lol, as if McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Pepsico, Mondelez and every other junk food conglomerate didn't exist.


I’m sorry but didn’t a fucking cereal company not just get caught months ago funding FA influencers.


Yes, General Mills, and it's not the only one.


Huh? Half of the videos I see about FAs are them talking about buying things or wanting to buy things.


> you have to make them hate themselves so they buy the workout plans, but the diet supplements, buy a gym membership, buy into fad diets It costs 0 dollars to eat 500 fewer calories a day than your TDEE, and/or going for an hour's walk around your neighborhood.


Which one is it? Didn't they spend years saying diet and exercise don't matter if your body wants to stay fat, arguing about set point weight and medical professionals? How can the diet industry then make money if going to the gym and eating in a deficit doesn't cause weight loss? I swear, they are incapable of a single logical thought.


Because they're not thinking logically, they're using excuses to validate their emotions. Losing weight is hard work at the end of the day, hard work they don't want to do. It involves effort they don't want to put in. Circle back around on this whole issue. They can't show a single piece of evidence that shows that "Fatphobia" exists. There are no laws, no institutions, no regulations that restrict fat people from anything in life, beyond ones to protect their safety. They *feel* like they're oppressed though, because Yves Saint Laurent doesn't make the dress that a size 6 model can wear, look the same on a size 36 woman. Male Celeb du Jour with his 12 pack abs, perfect hair and piercing eyes is dating a Hollywood Starlet and not Bessy from Wisconsin with more rolls than a buffet. That's the biggest inequality of this day and age. The government needs to pass laws to make it illegal.


> Male Celeb du Jour with his 12 pack abs, perfect hair and piercing eyes is dating a Hollywood Starlet and not Bessy from Wisconsin with more rolls than a buffet. That's the biggest inequality of this day and age. The government needs to pass laws to make it illegal. No, they're fine keeping the conventional beauty standards men. Fat acceptance is only for women, dontchaknow?


"Rules for Thee, not for Me" ~ the average Fat Activist.


>Because they're not thinking logically, they're using excuses to validate their emotions. Losing weight is hard work at the end of the day, hard work they don't want to do. It involves effort they don't want to put in. Perfectly summarized the whole group 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


It's funny that a size 36 is a slim normal weight woman in European sizing (Italy and France have different sizes though), so this sentence took a second to compute for me 😂


The way I've been saving literally hundreds of dollars every month by cutting back the calories I consume and not overindulging. Losing weight has technically given me my money back.


Also, even if one eats at maintenance with no weight loss goal, that still saves money compared to a diet where one is continually gaining, and thus needs more and more food.


I'm sure if you combined all of these things, their profits would still be completely dwarfed by just one of the major fast food corporations.


> theres no way to make money off fat people Fast food industry, medical insurance industry, pharmaceutical make a literal killing off people over eating, then selling medicine to fix the side effects of it. And they charge a whole hell of a lot more than fad diets and skinny clothes A gym membership costs a lot less than home oxygen and twelve medical supplements to fix heart lung and knee problems


> medical insurance industry Wouldn't the medical industry, not the medical insurance industry, profit from obesity? The insurance companies are the ones footing the bill for the health problems caused by obesity.


They're a for profit business. The insurance companies are making far more money than the medical companies either way.


Can I ask, is what you pay for health insurance linked to your BMI? It’s not something I’m familiar with (only lived in UK and Australia). Because if it isn’t, the healthy weight people are subsidising the obese ones. Not that it isn’t indirectly the same in publically funded schemes, just through taxes instead


No, they talked about doing that many years ago and it was wildly unpopular. At my company, we do get "points" for maintaining healthy BMI, cholesterol etc that if you accumulate enough gives you a discount, but there are other ways to earn the points like being active or watching webinars on health topics. I think it does factor into life insurance rates.


I can believe that a lot of people would have not been keen. A bit like the furore we get whenever someone in the media suggests excess baggage charges on aeroplanes be baggage + person


Insurance companies are run for profit, which is why it’s such a nightmare to get so many things (especially preventative care) covered. That’s also why plenty of specialized doctors and therapists are out of network—it’s the best way to actually make a living while also providing a decent standard of client care.  Doctors coming into your appointment, spending 5 minutes with you, and saying “I diagnose you with Tylenol and leaving my office” aren’t always malicious/fatphobic/useless/whatever. More often they’re just somewhere in the middle of their 100 hour work week, their day’s schedule has 45 patients on it (because insurance) and they just had a conversation with someone’s family about preparing end of life care for someone with an inoperable rectal bleed.  Does it suck? Absolutely. For everyone involved. TLDR: fuck insurance companies.  Source: Work in healthcare adjacent field, doctor/nurse/PT friends, am subject to many informative rants from the physical therapists i rent office space from, and have paid out of pocket for specialists because trying to get healthcare for my autoimmune diseases covered by insurance is such a waste of time. 


I'd imagine the more common and serious problems are the more insurance companies charge for covering them. Insurance companies are masters of calculated risks with their moeny: they'll work out the numbers somehow to make a profit.


Depending on where you go, gym membership for one month probably costs the same or less then one Doordash delivery.


lol. As if getting fat isn’t billions of dollars in corporate profits. Extra large everything is billions. Silliness


>No way to capitalize on fat bodies Tess Holliday certainly did this very thing for quite a while, but it looks like the tide is turning. Recently she posted a video crying about how she can't get work anymore, because fatphobia or something. Boo-hoo, I suppose. >I wish more people were cognizant of the fact that thinness isn't innate and can be very difficult Yeah, getting in shape and staying in shape requires a constant effort. Who woulda thunk??


She aged out and was so unpleasant to work with even plus sized clothing companies don’t want to work with her. They have new morbidly obese models to drag out when they want to pretend like they care about fat people.


Damn it must be international national lobby of protein powder manufacturers with huge political influence on our culture in the chase of profit margins! One can only dream of a world where McDonald's, coca-cola, Nestlé, Frito Lay, Food brands America, Cadbury Plc , Unilever, Associated Bristsh food Plc, PepsiCo or Mondelèz food International could make their voices heard and we could end fatphobia!


They always say this shit but conveniently forget that the fast food industry is making millions, if not billions more than the diet/fitness industry. “No way to profit off of a fat body”?? First it’s the food industry, making their stuff even more addictive & cheaper than real food, then come the people who need to provide your fat body with stuff, like bigger clothes, towels, toilets, chairs and things to help you walk. And at last, when you finally suffer the consequences of your fatness, hospitals, doctors and “big pharma” profit from your medical/health issues.


Most of the time the fast food and diet industry are the same. Pepsi co owns muscle milk so they make money off you either way.


like it or not, everyone is a demographic- just as certain soap brands and leggings shops will market towards fat people and protein supplement shops will market towards fitness enthusiasts, there's coffee brands for gun enthusiasts, luxury clothing brands for hipsters who want youtuber merch that doesn't look like youtuber merch... the list goes on, insert redesign your logo lyrics here. any positive effects that come from representing you are a pleasant side effect from what companies mainly want: your money.  the body positivity movement as it was stolen (the original movement was for people with extreme deformities such as birth defects, amputations, and 3rd-degree/acid burns) is unsustainable because no matter how much science you deny, it's going to kill people. you can cover skin infections in perfume, heart failure in glittery clothing, and failing joints with barbie-pink mobility scooters, but at the end of the day aestheticized dying is still dying.


I've lost 78lbs so far, never bought a gym membership, never used a fad diet or any kind of medication. You don't have to spend money to lose weight.


"You don't make money off of fat bodies being fat and happy." * Fast food on every corner. * Telling people they can be healthy at every size. * Making clothes exponentially bigger and bigger. * Promoting morbid gluttony and opulence via Youtube videos of mukbangs and calorie challenges. * Requiring hospitals to have tools and resources for morbidly obese bodies. * Saying everything is body shaming and fatphobic, so you never have to change.


I spent way more money being fat than I ever have while I’m losing weight 😭


Meanwhile Taco Bell is like “what if we made like a really really big cheese-it?” 


the worst part is that the big cheez-it sucks 💀 love taco bell but goddamn the big cheez-it was so weird tasting


Yeah out of all the snacks that might have made sense wtf. 




So thinness isn’t innate but you can be “naturally made [fat],” huh? What fresh nonsense is this?


I'm trying to figure out how OOP thinks "society", corporations making money from people dieting, and people being mean on tiktok are connected to each other. Apparently they're all part of the same conspiracy against fat people?


Buying whole foods in bulk cost less Eating less cost less Walking 30mins a day is literally free.


Lots of ways to make money off of people being fat. 1) fast food/ultra processed food 2) meds, fat people are far more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure ect 3) knee replacement surgery 4) cpap machine 5) stronger, bigger more expensive furniture 6) specialty clothing 7) HAES anything 8) fat con ( this is a real thing)


My gym membership cost 33$/month. That's a trip for two to the Mcdonald's drive through. I don't need any fad diet because when I started working out I also learned to cook. My gym is about 2 miles from my house. I drive by at least 5 fast food joints on my way there. And any "medical procedure to be thin" is way cheaper than a lifetime supply of insuline. Defacing their body with all that blob is what's dehumanizing. I don't think they have issue with the money their real issue is with the EFFORT.


Can’t capitalize yet medical costs and health insurance rates are hugely driven by the sheer number of obese people.


When will they realize that we just want them to be healthy?


Aren't these the same people who love to bitch about plus-sized clothing being more expensive than straight sizes?


They forgot junk food, fast food, GrubHub, Door Dash, etc etc. Oh and diabetes medications.


*>also im not arguing with you if you're fatphobic...think about shutting up forever.* I know internet arguments with strangers can be a pain in general, but it's like tell me your take is weak and won't stand up to actual scrutiny without telling me your take is weak and won't stand up to scrutiny. I'm thin and the only one of these things listed that I "bought" in recent history was a gym membership. No diet supplements. No medical procedure. No fad diet. Hell, I still have things like pancakes, cookies, and muffins every so often. I just don't let these things rule my life and let my happiness revolve around them.


Right? They just want to live in their own little echo chamber, not actually debate.


Well of course the companies that manufacture fast food, soda, ultra-processed snack foods, etc., don’t make a penny off of fat bodies staying fat! Everyone knows that the majority of super morbidly obese people eat less than 1000 calories a day and much healthier than their thin friends, and the less food they eat, the more weight they put on. They’re just cursed with metabolisms that break the laws of physics!


How do they think being fat doesn’t affect their finances?????????? You can’t buy cheap or vintage/secondhand furniture and base model toilets, you can’t fit in economy/coach seats, can’t fit in ‘cheap’ fast fashion (they’re CONSTANTLY complaining about that), etc., not to mention my FIL couldn’t even fit in my standard size mazda6. It seems expensive asf to be super morbidly obese and obviously *someone* profits or it wouldn’t be so easy to get to that weight in the first place. I’ll give them that it’s probably cheaper upfront because it’s a lifetime of costs and sacrifices vs one or two big procedures (or changes) but fuck, it’s expensive to get so heavy that you need special modifications/accommodations to exist.


[The absurdly high cost of insulin, explained](https://www.vox.com/2019/4/3/18293950/why-is-insulin-so-expensive)


[Why Plus Size Clothing Costs More to Produce](https://one-six.com/why-plus-size-clothing-costs-more-to-produce/)


love the short and to the point response: "read these articles that proves you wrong". theres no use in typing up a huge argument against stuff like OOPs claims LOL


the medical industry(?) already has. and the rest of us pay taxes to support them -_- they do nothing but overburden the healthcare system and take up beds that could be used for actual sick people. not people who eat themselves into disability and then have the audacity to pretend they're disabled permanently as if they couldn't just stop shoving their face. it really doesn't sit right with me


Oh and all the seminars! Ppl with made up titles sign up for expensive online courses for things like “ Body positivity workshop “ Classes on how to cope in a shrinking world.” 5 tricks you didn’t know to get that 2nd seat for free!


I mean there are shit people online who go on other people's content and comment things like "go on a diet you disgusting whale" and "put the fork down fatty"  I think the most optimistic take on those people is it's a misguided attempt to help by bullying people into changing their behaviors.  Every so often I get a bit uncomfortable being in this subreddit because a user just comes across as mean. Bullying people does not work. It's not helpful.  Now it's obviously not a giant conspiracy to make money off people's insecurities. Unless you run into some of those shitty MLM pages being all "hey mommas how can you be a good mom if you're feeling tired all the time? Buy my slimming tea and be the mom your child deserves" Basically there is definitely shit on social media that is toxic af. This is why its important to get offline and go interact with real people


It never fails to amaze me how these people claim that losing weight is so incredibly dangerous and even life threatening, but they refuse to admit that gaining weight is


> there is no way to capitalise on fat bodies staying fat Entire food industry tries to stifle their laughter. And that last sentence sure shows, how sane and mentally stable OOP is. /s


God they make losing weight sound so fucking complicated. Its literally just eat less and move more. You dont even need a gym membership, just doing a youtube workout at home does a lot. And "staying thin" as if thin people's every moment is excruiting pain


Losing weight can actually SAVE you money if anything because youre buying less food. These people irritate me


It's literally eat less. You can't outrun your fork, but the converse of that is that if you put the fork down you don't have to run. It takes seconds to decide to only eat half a donut rather than a full one. It could take more than an hour of walking to burn that donut off.


I didn't realize that General Mills, Kellogg's, Sara Lee, Nestle, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, KraftHeinz, etc., were in such financial difficulty. Clearly FAs never eat products from these brands, so they are trying to get by with only skinny people as customers. Who knew?


She's never heard of the fast food industry and big pharma 


Aside from all the fast food. God damn not being able to wipe their own butts has these people unable to see past their noses


They don’t even realize they’re addicts…


Ronald McDonald wrote this shit.


Where do tey Tink fat come from tin air? It comes from all the extra food it takes to maintain an obese body.


Except when they want luxury brands to cater to them or brag about spending 10k a month on ubereats. I know ALR has never called herself an FA but still it can't be far off what most of the rest spend


The FA is dying because those who started it are actually seeing the consequences of being overweight in their 30s and 40s and many of the FA in the movement have died due to obesity related complications


God, who is spending all this money getting in shape? It’s insane how they think eating less costs money somehow.


FA: “There’s no way to capitalize on fat bodies” Also FA: “Here’s another haul of cheap Shein clothes I’ll rub holes in after a week and never use again!”