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Fayetteville is collectively still figuring out where it's going. I personally don't see prices increasing ahead of inflation as much and the way development is being encouraged with the ambitious 71b plan is going to foster a lot of great opportunities for better and more affordable housing over the next ~5-25 years while making the whole area more accessible and safe.


Only if administration, planning commission, and city council have the guts to enforce it. The amount of variances and rezones on current master planned areas is getting tiring.


Fair enough


What do you mean by more accessible and safe?


How safe do you feel walking next to ~~40~~ 55mph traffic on the north end of college currently?


Regionally…Massive growth with various city/county infrastructure and regulations struggling to keep pace (also hampered by state law). NWA’s population is 575K now and is expected to double to 1M in 25 years. Double the population in one generation. Let that sink in. NWA is one of the fastest growing metroplexes in the nation. It’s ripe for opportunity and exploitation. If you need data and resources, check out NWA Council’s webpage. 


Walmart is forcing around 10000 people to move here over the next year, so yeah it’s going to grow.


Most will quit. It's a way to do a layoff. Few people are going to uproot their entire family, disrupt their lives, to move to Arkansas. They'll find another job.


Would be super awesome if they didn't do that.


Most are expected to quit honestly, that’s a “forced move” which is cheaper than a layoff over closure of an office. There is a reason they didn’t do it to the CA and NJ offices, they are covered by better employment laws and Walmart wouldn’t just be able to say “well, we offered them a job that they turned down” like they can in TX and GA.


10,000? Really?


Most of those will live in Bentonville, not fayetteville.


It’s not going to stop. Bentonville is bubble proof and Fayetteville is becoming overflow for investments by the rich folk here. Landlords who can’t afford to fuck bentonville fuck Fayetteville until they get enough money.


It has gotten far more expensive, but so has everywhere else. Many people are selling a home and moving here, that math still works unless something changes.


We will never be more affordable. If you aren't a student or white collar worker or landlord here, you're fucked.


no water no landfil yea the future looks bright