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Keep it lower than your boss’ level and just contact HR directly. Ask if anyone else has been selected; another person may be in pre-employment processes and non-select notifications have not yet been sent.


I’ve only interviewed for one SES position and despite the fact that the hiring authority said he would personally contact all interviewees to give the result, I never received any other contact. I knew, after a month or two, that it had been filled because I watched the org chart posted on the agency website.


for awareness..these things go into holes and have to also go through internal ERBs sometimes. Also, if another selection is made and going through HR, they don't share until the other candidate has agreed before announcements. Going through the SES is very lengthy and OPM actually has a timeliness from closing to selection...QRB for new SES. Good luck and keep you head up. We need good leaders and it is very competitive at this level.


They aren't going to tell you anything until the person they picked has gone through the agency ECQ review process, through the OPM review, and then through a background check. If their selectee falls out somewhere in this process, they may have to go back to the cert. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a notice at the same time or after you see the new SES on an org chart, in an announcement email, or sitting in the office. Edited to fix a typo


😂. This can’t be real? ECQs, Leadership training, babysitting ECQs. Man, if you are coasting at a 15 live your life!!! Non supervisory 15 🙌 holy grail . (Yes, I know technically a 14 can jump to a SES, but it’s not a regular thing).


I’m AD.


Sounds like retaliation to me. This tends to happen when supervisors get in their feelings about people leaving. It seems it’s a mix of jealously, and spite. Either way that sounds like they’re trying to get bad reviews on record. I’d at least reach out to your local EEO POC to pick their brains because everything you say to them is confidential until you give consent to reach out or do anything.


I really want to go to EEO to report the comments that were made (ie, criticism of the timing of necessary surgeries), regardless of the SES non-selection. I feel like the boss didn’t want me in the role, so everything was fair game, even my 3 week medical leave. 🤬 But I don’t want to report that and have my boss retaliate more before I have a new job to go to.


As a federal employee you have protections against those sort of things. If they do in fact retaliate further, you just go higher along the chain. EEO is that route. Ontop of all that, if they’re critiquing your medical leave and you have everything documented, that’s not going to go well for your supervisor. Any EEO specialist or case worker would see this and would likely agree it to go in your favor. They more often than not, feel they can just treat people however they want like in the private sector. They are banking on you being afraid of them and not knowing your rights and protections. At the end of the day, you do whatever you want, but i highly encourage you to speak with EEO and clearly state you do not want to them to reach out. They will likely give you the contact info for ORMDI, and from there you can lodge a complaint. You can always lodge it anonymously for I believe 120 days or more if I’m not mistaken, and unmask when the time feels right. Your EEO cases also are applicable even if neither of you are at the same facility.


Thank you for this information. I think I will reach out to EEO. And I do agree that my boss is trying to get negative reviews on record, even going to others on an informal basis to get off the record “feedback.” Of course, I don’t know from whom my boss got the negative feedback; apparently they aren’t the many people who were encouraging me to apply for the position. But I do know that in my past semiannual reviews (which are supposedly “informal” check ins—right), I have not been criticized for surgeries taken, days off (leave) taken (less than 5 days), and a couple of other things that are either one offs or that have NEVER been problems before. Now, all of a sudden, after I interview for a management position, these are “issues,” or problems.


And…screw the FEVS too. Whatever.


If you truly, "don’t want the role anymore either," who cares? Move on.




Not trying to be mean. But how did you get to an SES interview and are this clueless about how dirty the system is!? I mean, did you disbelieve the stories. Keep your head out of the fray? You act insulted. Sound surprised. I’m saying tap the sign friend. You’ve just stated what a shit ton of people experience but agency defending people say can’t or doesn’t happen. Until they are on the ass end of it. You know the score. Leave. Don’t leave. They don’t care. Hell, they could give you the job just to torture you and scapegoat executive failure on you. With over 15 years, you gotta know the game. Bruh. Not even trying to be mean. But come on. Tap the sign. Sorry you are going through this. I know a manager. Real salute the flag type. Getting screwed cause they need a scapegoat. Sucks for sure. Good luck.




I have no reason to lie here. But I love how I’m being downvoted. Like I’m somehow bothered by being that when I’m truly being honest. We are just cattle to these people. They could care less about us. So screw them. I’ll game them before they use and discard me. Easy peasy.


Some people naturally get invested in a system and sometimes cannot see how others experience the same system.


Let me just say none of my colleagues wanted the gig either. They encouraged me to apply (known vs “unknown” quantity from the outside). I’m just saying that if you don’t want me in the role (which they clearly don’t ) just let me know and move on. I don’t want the role because my boss showed their a$$. Made me reconsider. Quickly. But at least two other people in the last 5-7 years who were hired from “the outside” have quit after 1-2 years. Same role, same boss. Looking at it, maybe I’m dodging a bullet, and I’m glad that my boss let me know what they REALLY think of me. I’ll contact HR for closure, like someone above said. And I’ll be working on getting a position somewhere else that pays more than what my boss is making.


You gotta look out for yourself. I hope you find what you seek. Luckily sounds like you have some options. Good for you. As I said. Not trying to be mean. But bruv. You know that’s how it rolls. Good luck to you!




Too late - a week after your interview 3 months ago is way more than 45 days ago.