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1 out of those 20,000 blocks will be an ore of the kind you need to explore the next equally desolate planet!!


Ad astra


Ad Astra has this problem because it’s a galacticraft copy


Ngl galacticraft had more cool stuff


The only thing you need from the moon is the asteroid iron that literally falls from the sky, it so cheap


And the Blueprint for the t2 rocket from the moon dungeon... Which wasn't really unique in any way and was just kinda there.


Yeah like why is there a random dungeon on the moon with the exact blueprints to go to the next planet in it? I’ve always said that Galacticraft is the dollar store version of Abyssalcraft. Both are dimension hopping mods where you go from one to the next. At least abyssalcraft has logic (ironic since it’s based off of a fiction where logic can’t apply) behind you going between dimensions and shit and has cool items and stuff.


abyssalcraft ftw, such a overlooked mod


I do not like abyssalcraft... those damn shoggoths keep destroying everything... I was really happy to find an infinite energy glitch in PO3 to avoid having to use those stupid statues as well


It's still quite empty, but it at least has dungeons to explore


Learning a new space mod was being made but then learning it was just a spiritual remake of galacticraft disappointed me greatly because I knew they weren’t gonna fix this problem


ad astra had a great chance to change this up when they took over from galacticraft. A custom solar system with interesting features on each of the planets and moons would have been great. They could have included more in the pre-rocketry stage as well, like telescopes and observatories to discover other planets. Create more gameplay loop than go to dungeon > build bigger rocket




Welcome to the adventurer's guild


Laughs in digital miner, with a chunk loader


Well you do get a dungeon and uhh, then you go to mars and there's also one dungeon, and uhhhh


cant believe you completely forgot the retextured villagers smh


Don't forget the uh, um, the, the things like uhm, yeah


yeah and uh those too, you know.. those things




[Cheeeeeeese Gromit!](https://giphy.com/gifs/z7WDgVoPhLo7S)


That just goes to show how memorable those were


Need that mega mind meme saying “no trades?”


i Just go to the moon to get desh to make a space station


Kinda off topic but is there any real life equivalent to “desh” I been playing the mod a bit and wondering if it was based off of an actual material or if it’s just some unobtainium clone




Not to mention the retextured piglins and hoglins


When I go to the moon dungeon and find 3 rotten flesh and a dirt block:


dont forget the little snails


Buh iz eo reelistic!


The only good place is the asteroids. Extra planets is even worse


Personally, I don’t play space mods for the exploration. I like the challenge of trying to make a hospitable base in such an inhospitable environment. I think more space mods should lean into that. Meteor storms, temperature regulation, cosmic radiation messing with your systems; there’s a lot of room to amp up the difficulty for a functional base, and exploring that could be fun! That being said though, there’s also no reason why there couldn’t be more to explore too. Like fallen meteors which have alien lifeforms in them, or crashed spaceships, or remenants of ancient civilizations. There’s a lot to do with space mods and I feel like, personally, that there’s a lot of untapped potential in them.


Yepp, same here. Like the challenge. A proposal: There should be more significant resources on planets and maybe manufacturing techniques that can only be done there or in zeroG. Just a thought.


I like the idea of advanced creating recipes requiring a zero G environment. Not sure what those would be, but it's a good idea.


FTB Skies Expert had a multiblock that only worked in "Orbit" biome.


The implosion compressor? That and the oil drill are the only things in my space station lol


The mod would have to be much more sophisticated to handle this. Especially progression recipes, so on. Make certain things easier in different locations that are hard to do on earth for example. Force the player to then figure out a multi planet logistics puzzle. One idea would be using very strong gravity planets for gravity filtration methods (basically what centrifuges do) Or vacuums for cold welding metals together. (Or other vacuum crafting) Stuff that needs an inert atmosphere on earth (therefor requiring a chamber filled with nitrogen on earth could be crafted fully out in the open on a nitrogen planet. Harmul radiation planet where you can use the radiation to get certain isotopes out in the open but you yourself need protection. Ideas like that.


At this point just play factorio: space exploration


That's basically where this thought experiment ends up, yes.


im gonna put you in gtnh


> A proposal: There should be more significant resources on planets and maybe manufacturing techniques that can only be done there or in zeroG. Just a thought. GregTech: New Horizons adds these to Galacticraft, to "force" players to engage with the mod, and adds a quest objective to clear multiple dungeons to obtain schematics.


Gregtech new horizons does this iirc


There is a reason why there isn't more to explore: all that takes effort. Just implementing the mechanics for spaceflight takes a lot of work, and provides exactly zero progress towards making the kind of content you describe. It would require doing everything from scratch, which is a lot of work to put into something with no financial benefit. New structures, new block types, new enemies that need AI and modelling - there's no reason it *can't* be done, but there's a good reason it usually isn't.


I mean, whether it's a lot of work or not has no bearing on how fun it to play.


There is a bearing on why there's nothing fun to play in the first place. Everyone can think of ideas, but not everyone's gonna bust ass for two years to make a revolutionary minecraft mod for free. For every Create there's a thousand projects which got abandoned after the devs burnt themselves tf out


Love this idea, to add on they should give you rewards for settling onto a dangerous planet. Maybe more chances for random events that give you new items and gear (meteorites, aliens, natural disasters) Things you would risk missing out on if you never ventured into space deal


I remember a while back I had a lot of fun with a pack called Blightfall. If you enjoy setting up a base in a hostile environment, you might enjoy it. It feels very space-y.


Exactly this, I actually use minecraft space mods to teach kids with since there is tons of potential with teaching about space and how we take plenty for granted here on earth when it comes to surviving.


Something like 6 or 7 years ago, me and my friends somehow made our server so inhospitable and dangerous that we had to make walls around our base something like 20 blocks thick. No idea what mods we had, but it was fun as hell.


You would enjoy oxygen not included, its basicly that. Has many planets too ranging in difficulty


In my personal modpack, I use space as an escape from Scape and Run: Parasites, before coming back down to bring a nuclear holocaust upon what used to be my home. As well as having a containment facility/farm on Venus for fun. Space has its uses, I just wish there are more reasons to go there on its own. Maybe I'll figure out craft tweaker to put exclusive ores needed for tech up in space or something.


I always thought this back in the day. Need some dimension mod devs and space mod devs to collab and it would be perfect


Unfortunately its fabric, not forge, and not out https://youtu.be/fqx-DgdeuMI


Mf said "unfortunately it's fabric" like that isn't the superior mod loader The only thing Forge has going for it is tenure. It was the only viable option for so long it's just cemented in. Fabric is so much smoother, faster, and more optimized.


Forge have those heavy duty mod tho fabric parcool would be nice


I like space mods a lot just for the theme Also unpopular opinion, I think advanced rocketry is the better space mod out there


\>highly customisable space mod \>looks inside \>everyone just creates the solar system


We need lore accurate solar systems with uninhabitable hell holes everywhere


not sure if you're sarcastic or not but we really do need more uninhabitable hell holes. The part of the challenge in going to such moons and planets would be to make it hospitable


Gary Indiana or Detroit Michigan?


I've gotta speak up for my hometown here, at least the abandoned lots in Detroit are overgrown with rampant greenery. Meanwhile, Gary is so depressing that even the plants have given up.


Pitch Black's double-sun solar sistem when tbh?


mfw customizable rocket instead of molecularly restructured honse (now we wait for Create: Liftoff)




Do you know if Liftoff has its own Discord server or it is just Aeronautics?




Problem is none of them give any actual info


I agree, I'm in Aeronautics server for a year now and there were 0 posts regarding ANY news


They put out their state of development and then said "if there's anything you want us to shed light on in upcoming devlogs ask us" then died. I became a valkyrien skies geezer after that, at least they give us a beta


I tried to use VS but for my modpack if I build any ship or plane or whatever and exit my world I will get endless loading screen, so I'm waiting for Aeronautics and hope they will be more polished. But if not, then I will go with VS eventually because damn, I'm not losing and opportunity to build a fleet for my Minecolony


Wouldn't be too optimistic about aeronautics being in any better of a state than VS. Being completely closed source with so few testers it's likely to have a heap of jank on release


Shit, I guess I will switch to VS Clockwork then


It straight up feels like they got Landlord into a working state, got bored, and stopped working on the actual mod. Because we know that Landlord works somewhat.


I'm gonna be honest, I've included Ad Astra in my Thermal focused modpack solely because the textures match and I want to use them. Could not possibly care less about the planets.


By FAR the better space mod. Making a space station in advanced rocketry and then warping around the galaxy using your mining laser on planets is 🔥


If only it wasn't buggy as shit, with machines randomly turning off, multiblocks unforming and solar generators crashing the server randomly, it's quite annoying.


it got forked recently by a team of people, who are now working on fixing all the bugs and stuff


Do you know the name of the fork?


advanced rocketry reworked on curseforge


Thank you


Absolutely, personally in also a fan of the warpdrive mod and how systems are integrated in layers and each layer is traversable and customizable


It’s the best


I've heard advanced rocketry is badly optimized but otherwise its a bit better than galacticraft (Speaking strictly of 1.12)


Advanced Rocketry is really the best space mod, but it only works in the 1.12.2 and even there are some really bad errors. (Last time I played. (could be one year or something)


["Welcome to space... What were you expecting?"](https://youtu.be/vvANy49Kqhw?t=22)


It's a... dangerous place (insert image of billions of ad astra shitty ice thrower zombie fucks)


Thank you for investing (Insert the huge amount of different materials that different space mods need [advanced rocketry is better than galaticcraft and ad Astra! Change my mind])


Go here for your rota.


There for your orders


Fill up this quota.


And we'll bill for your quarters.


Report to your foreman.


But watch for marauders,


'Cus if you get eaten there's fees for your mourners


This is the most perfect comment of all time. Love this song!


This video shows up in my life surprisingly often for a video with only 27M views and such a specific topic. Like twice a year. That's a lot.


Well, there is a tall evil black skeleton that wants to kidnap you, but to find his whereabouts you need to run across the entire Moon


Arrive on Moon. Put down Waystone/Matter Receiver. Put down Digital Miner to vacuum up ore to get to Mars. Use structure compass to find dungeon and COLONIZE! Walk away with no good loot. Return to digital miner. Next planet.


the novelty of being able to build shit on the moon is good enough for me. The feds can’t do anything about my meth lab if it is out of earth orbit


yea if you just enjoy basebuilding in the environment more power to you, but for someone who likes exploring like me, most space mods have very underwhelming locations, especially because of how much effort is required to go to those places sometimes.


you should try out The Expansion Datapack if you haven't already


the terrain actually look pretty interesting, might check it out later


Technically speaking the moon is like definition within earth orbit


Ah the breaking bad create mod


One day someone's going to make a modpack with actually great space progression. Like, every planet will be a twilight forest kind of experience. It's just such an obvious fit and natural way of fitting dimensions into a modpack's progression. The tools for space exploration are already around, there's never been that many good dimension mods but the blueprint is there. And dimension mods on their own aren't as exciting as they were 10 years ago when it was mindblowing. That day is however \*very\* far into the future (isn't that fitting), but it'll be great.


What I want from a space mod is something thats built with the idea that it is central to skyblock style playthrough. Starts you on a space station, spawns in meteors for resources, makes you worry about O2 levels (maybe even CO2 scrubbing if we can get that to work without lag), maybe even temp and radiation. Eventually you can manage to get off the station and to a planet if you want. Basically a overhaul mod is what I'd want from one. THe current ones are...fine, but the problem with exploration mods is you have to build out a lot fo stuff to see and get to make exploration feel good, and most don't ahve it or leave it up to pack makers to do.


Well it might not be on a space station, but I did make a modpack around the concept of being stranded in space, called [Lunar Laboratory](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/lunar-laboratory). I did end up running into the issue of other planets feeling more like stepping stones, but being forced to survive on the moon is both the majority of the fun, and the majority of the playtime as well! ...Although apparently I wasn't the first to come up with the idea, as after I published my modpack, I got told about an already existing pack called [Galactic Science](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/galactic-science). I haven't played it, but I'm sure it's great :D


Bro just wants to play oxygen not included (based as hell)


Astroblock: lost in space is exactly that. Story: You are on a mission in the asteroids when you lost contact to earth, leaving you only with life support in your spaceship. You have to mine asteroids, create a rocket and explore space from the asteroids, you can't go back to earth. maybe give it a try. I think it's not updated regularly tho.


Galaxy science does some of these things well, but it's still a 1.7 pack running old Galacticraft


someone needs to make a spiritual successor to SevTech


Or a sev tech that isn't just early game


Decursio project is this


Starfield, a Bethesda games studios production.


No no no, in starfield there would be a building every few meters on the most remote planets, many of which including the exact same enemies, corpses, and notes.


I did once play a Modpack that made it so when you go to other planets it would take you to advent of Ascension dimensions which I think was pretty damn cool. It used some obscure unconventional mod too


Odyssey space: a new beginning does this. Not sure if it's the pack /u/revolutinary_flan71 played but it's a really neat idea


Which is why I think space navigation itself rather than planet exploration is a largely untapped concept. I think someone was making a Create/Valkyrien skies space addon with KSP style flight but nothing came of it


Watch doctor4t's latest video for something similar to that


“I made all that steel for this???”


Just like the real moon. These mods work best on Servers. The main appeal (to me) is to be part of a space race. Then, once you're on the moon, it's about how creative you want to be, especially if you're doing casual rp. "I'm hiding on the moon where nobody can get me! or "I'm building a massive moon resort people have to pay me diamonds to enter!"


["I'm escaping to the ONE place that hasn't been Corrrutped by Capitalism... SpAce!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Sq1Nr58hM)


In the mod maker’s defense creating a whole new dimension and populating it with stuff while also keeping the moon feeling is a lot to do. Though i think like a handful more biomes and interesting ores/rocks/plants/trees/etc would help a lot. Just having more blocks to decorate a base with is a lot of fun


but there's titanium on the moon


I remember installing a mod once that was supposed to be a continuation of Galacticraft, I was extatic for it because I remember seeing that mod as a kid and dying to try it one day I was... Severely disappointed, not only was it as stale as in this meme, but it had less than half the content I remembered from Galacticraft, only the Moon and one other planet had structures, all the other planets were completely empty, and even those planets that had structures only had one or two of them which quickly burned out of interesting content So much wasted potential... Edit: corrected typo


To be honest base Galacticraft also only has the Moon and Mars IIRC.


Moon, mars and asteroids. There's a couple of addon mods though like Extra Planets and Galaxy Space, some planets are a smidge more interesting with worldgen and the space suit you need but other than that they are about as bland as the rest.


I think the fundamental issue comes from mod devs ignoring the exploration in "space exploration" and limit themselves to realism and focus on quantity rather than offering an actually interesting place to visit in the first place. In general, space mods should lean more into space fantasy/mythic fiction territory and allow players to explore fewer mysterius and ancient world (kinda like the vanilla game if you think about it) rather than 15 planets with 1/2 biomes, 2 generic or overworld-esque creatures, 1 dungeon and nothing else. I think Destiny 1 in particular could serve as a great source of inspiration for making planets.


have you tried create: astral?


I've heard about it but it seems like its based around Ad Astra, which with it pretty much being an updated galacticraft, has the same issue for me of every location being painfully bland, and the structures I've seen the modpack add arent that much of a step up imo


as bland as some of the biomes are, there are still plenty of structures that make it interesting to me. It should also be noted that because of how its made, you only need a little bit of the resources from the moon in order to automate everything from the moon. I cannot personally speak to other planets as I am still on chapter 3


When the mod maker made the mod too realistic:


I mean that’s pretty much my experience with ad astra everytime, to the point that I stopped adding it to my packs. And don’t get me wrong, the mod feels balances until you get to the moon but then there is not even an incentive to terraform or build a base. I don’t think realism is the way to go for something as boring as the Moon is in real life. Same goes for Mars, Venus, etc.


Wrong person sorry!


[my discord](https://discord.gg/ExPVVPDAEH) [my twitter](https://x.com/thaboarr) I know most space mods are intended to have some element of realism to them but they exist in minecraft, you can rip through the fabric of reality into hell and an endless field of floating islands populated by an immortal dragon and utterly alien cities, I dont like how in most space mods the places you go are extremely uninteresting in comparison. I wish there were more space mods that did something more creative with where you go. I'll be making more comics moving forward so stay tuned for those.


the one moon mod that literally just plopped you on a big rock flatland...


especially mars could be so much more interesting since irl mars has a variety of different terrain. idk about the moon feels like that boring terrain decently accurate maybe larger craters would be interesting


To this day I’ve never played a space mod outside of creative mode


That's why I'm so fucking sad about the state of Stardust, a Valkyrien Skies addon that aimed to add planets and ship building


Gtnh made space exploration more interesting. Just saying.


Why are there suddenly multiple accounts all complaining about space mods being empty, did something happen?


Basically Starfield: the mod.


Even Vanilla (the April fools one) has funni space cows


This is my first time seeing a comic of yours, they all are so cute! I gotta agree with this comic too, I loved space tech mods but the complete desolation of these worlds really dampened the mood of making it there :<


A space modpack where the different planets had their worldgen customized would be pretty cool.


Yeah after having to do all of Galacticraft to finish Sevtech: Ages I will never do that again screw you kepler 22b


Sorry I can build a space station and look at the stars. Cool comic btw.


Well get advanced rocketry and only make dimensions accble through the space mod


Atleast it's semi realistic with nothing being there lmao


A significant proportion of dimensional mods are like this too. I'm looking at you Blue Skies. A couple mobs, a couple trees, a couple dungeons. Done now. It could have just been a dungeon mod.


Im just hoping doctor4t releases the mod that he made recently. Shit's insane


The problem IMO is that we make space mods based on the planets around US. We've got..... Hot Rock. Hot rock 2.0 + poison, a living hell planet (us) and it's rock companion, Rock 3.0 red edition, Big fart cloud thats heavy, big fart cloud 2.0 and it's ring of friends, frozen fart cloud in cyan, fart 4.0 in ocean blue, Dwarf. Out of ALL of them, Earth stands as the only real planet with any variance. Eco system and biomes. Next up we got Jupiter where we can go visit the target logo. And pluto, cuz it's a Dwarf planet, you could put actual dwarfs there maybe idk. Other planes are all just a barren rock, or unwalkable fog of gas You can't balance any sort of reality while making them intresting. The solution would actually just be making custom planets, Like in lethal company, custom planets, atmospheres and stuff. Living eco systems, biomes and more. just like the nether (and end if you haave some spicy mods.) Most mods I managed to play just don't think grandiose enough and limit themselves by staying IN our solar system.


Woooo I'm finally finishing the pack and going to space... Nothing really of value there... This was it? I made 1,857,538,439 insanium ingots for this?!.... LET'S GOOOOOOO. I'm sorry but those are boring and uninspiring mod packs.


I've always thought this way too. I think if I was a modpack maker, I'd take dimensions from other, fleshed out dimension mods and just make it so you have to go to space to access them instead of building little portals. Twilight Forest: The Planet. And also maybe add cool machines that only work in orbit so you're incentivized to build a space station.


POV: You're playing unmodded Starfield.


I expected Ad Astra to add stuff no you can just go there and do fuckall


It's about the journey, not the destination


Don't worry, in Ad Asstra you can build your own space station in each planet's orbit! And it only takes 32 steel, 64 iron, and 64 desh ingots!! You'll still need to bring a ship, suit, fuel, launch pad, and building materials from Earth, but you're in space on a little floating circle!!!! That makes up for it, RIGHT?!


No see the cool thing is the aesthetic, sure you can build a fusion reactor facility in the over world but it's SO MUCH cooler having it on the moon or mars


It’s the moon. **The fuck you expect?**


EXACTLY, who the hell is gonna find some McDonald's in that damn thing


Advanced Rocketry is much better


I forget the exact name (more planets?) But theres a galacticraft addon that adds a whole other galaxy's worth of planets. Namely one called Fronos which is kinda just the candy kingdom from adventure time.


what the hell did you expect, it's the moon


The only thing galacticraft is good for is wires.


Okay but consider this: The decoration blocks of ad astra are amazing. I love to build with iron/steel pillars glowing pillars lamps etc etc etc.


It’s almost like IRL


i think it's cool to use for storage. i keep all my loot on the moon.


A bit off topic but one game that nailed the moon theme while keeping things interesting was Borderlands the pre sequel. Local fauna is pretty much rock doggos, flying eldritch balloons and space bats. Also the moon has its own exclusive ore which is simply called moonstone.


Best thing I got from going to the Moon in my modpack was using a Digital Miner to extração a shit ton of sand and using it to make glass


Its free real estate


Galaticraft was the best spacemod


ok now to moon irl, i get it there isn't much to explore but that is kinda the point, these are normal planets not earth. im sure they could make expansion to another universe or even something else with tech to go find planet with life and more to explore.


Galacticraft was my first favorite mod back in 1.6.2. Building a spaceship felt so fun to do as well as building spacestations around multiple planets. And now that I'm playing Create: Astral I can do it agian :3


Lore accurate moon


It’s the moon. You’re on the moon. What more COULD you want!?


U don’t see 2 personality cores floating around.nice try


Little do they know, that's Real life accurate.


In all fairness, it's pretty accurate


This is the reason that I love space mods. They give you an empty inhospitable place for you to make your own. They also have a really cool sci-fi vibe that no other dimension can really encapsulate. Now if they had resources that were a lot more useful and valuable, I'd love them even more.


Its realistic


Why space moods need to simulate our solar system? Like is overworld supposed to be earth or what? Make actually interesting planets or even proceduraly generated planets


That’s why there is a divide between good space mods and bad space mods


That’s how the moon really is though lol


accurate to reality ig


Starminer. Adds a space dimension that is actually really pretty, AND has true zero gravity up there. Plus other gravity stuff to play with. Possible downside for some: no tech mod stuff, and no rocket building to get there, although you do have the option of launching yourself out of a squid cannon.


Why are they always flat and boring? Everything has hills, mountains, valleys, and more, even tiny comets have all of those. We visited a comet once, thats how we know! Only things that don't actually are probably gas giants. We also have probes scanning all the planets in our system, so we know that those exist everywhere, not just earth!


I love them idk why people diss so much on the aspect that in space there ain't much out there on every planet- Now other than that obvious satire opinion lol, I will admit there should be more planets that include oxygen and unique wildlife, like special earth-like plants and animals, just with a twist that makes them feel odd. Maybe add something like an Infection Mod that can leap planets if you harvest even a block? It'd be a great challenge and pretty cosmic horror esc.


Galacticraft is a great mod


Atleast it's realistic. What would you expect on Moon?


Why are the rockets in space mods so tiny?


I wonder if it's possible for pack makers to make other dimension mods into planets. Everdawn as a tidally locked world.


try out Spectrum instead, its exploration is much more fleshed out!


Isn't that just Starfield ?


I enjoy space mods that actually feel like space. No weird aliens or structures.


I like them because I love building bases on ridiculous evvironkenrs like mercury or Venus Hot temperatures, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, corrosive atmosphere Galaxyspace makes galacticraft more bearable I play in creative generally though


I don't mind the exploration so much as I prefer to mind that SWEET SWEET NEW KIND OF MINERAL!! T H E F A C T O R Y M U S T G R O W


Eather they should lean into the ralism and make like, mercury made 80% from iron and etc so its at least a source of materials or lean into the scify and go super indepth with aliens and structures materials and etc


For me the fun is the journey getting the materials etc to get to space. That's usually my only goal for modded playthroughs and then I stop playing


I hope create liftoff manages to break the cycle, judging from the previews, space travel looks quite polished and interesting rather than "Press Space to go up." and "Press Space to slow down!" Space its literally its own dimension where you have to travel and manage your resources, it works similar to kerbal space program, making it a challenge to actually land