• By -


- Filtering by Orientation & relationship style/preferences - universal system to filter out inactive proflies regarldess of account type (Majestic/free). Tired of seeing 3 month old acciunts that have likely been deleted and/or forgoten - keep the connection requirements to DM so people arent spammed with messages. - Account verification of some type [ Im so done with the bots/spam] - Repair location system. I dont want see/match people 1000+ miles away. I can think of more but these are just the more annoying ones.


That last one’s a doozie. I dunno wtf someone 3,000 miles away from me is doing trying to connect.


I'm imagining feeld in 300 years: "hey I got a new like!" pros: very hot, funny/witty in profile, lots of shared interests, seemsGood! cons: lives on Mars colony, distance = 140 million miles away


Jfc they might as well be on Mars. The point of dating apps is to date, which you can only do in person. I will never understand what motivates people to reach out to those thousands of miles away. I really wish I didn’t live in a city people could “explore” or that I could at least filter out the explorers.


Yeah it makes no sense!   They got to be looking for online role play kinds of things, or hoping to convince you to fly to them on occasion or relocate to them or vice versa. Maybe they have such rare kinks that they have to look far and wide to find folks so a long-distance relationship is their only option.  Like you, I’m purely looking for locals.  I could drive up to an hour but that’s my cut off.  


Excellent list. This redditor should be put in charge of Feeld immediately.


By default, don’t show anyone in discover who hasn’t opened the app for 30 days. Incentivize being online. Allow filtering by orientation, not just gender. Allow sharing of profiles to paired partners. If I’m paired with someone I want to be able to send a link to them of a profile. I have more but can’t think of them atm.


I like the first one but I'd be cool if they still stayed there if they already liked me, since then I get a notification.


Oh I think you could stay in the liked stack, I just don’t want them in Discover.


Fair, was more thinking for free profiles


An actual polyamory filter, maybe require people to fill out more than just the types of hookups they want. And as others have said fix location filters etc


Fire the product managers and head of engineering. Start again.


You misspelled CEO.


Human verification on sign up. Show profiles that liked you to people that have paid subscription. Allow people to sign up Allow to say a goodbye note when unmatching (all the apps should have this) Move the report button to the right edge of the screen. Stop throttling profiles.


I'm wondering how you can realistically do human verification. Tinder allegedly has a human verified service and seeing a "verified" woman is basically an confirmation it's an AI generated profile - actual women don't care and somehow bots are perfectly capable of passing.


It certainly wouldn't be full-proof, but if it would filter out say 80% of bots it would be a success. Perhaps adopting the norm of using phone number instead of email would help too. It's too easy to create fake email addresses, usually a phone number is something harder to do. Using the phone would then also help users that want to block other people that they know from seeing them. (win-win)


The miles and location and distance and that needs to be fixed first. How far away they are from you is often wrong. For example - I could have someone 47 miles away from me and yet when they tell you where they are it's more likely 136 miles away from you. I do think they are limiting the amount of people you see in your area at any one time. If I travelled lets say 10 miles I see other profiles I haven't seen before, and yet they are within my distance. It is starting to get long in the tooth and I really don't want to be having to put - near to xxx xxx xxx xxx. Like everyone else until I connect - I would like a reasonable degree of privacy. I hate to think what this app is like in the States, cause here in the UK the app is so hit and miss in regards to people and their location.




That's the thing and as odd as it may be and hard to believe - I always close my apps. So my app opening is always cold. The furthest that Feeld will only show me at any one time is 58 miles and no more than that. Which is another peeve but that's for another day.


Actually figure out a way to enforce the “one person one profile” rule so that couples actually have to create one profile for each of them and then make it so that you will ONLY be shown couples if you are specifically interested in couples, and couples will only be shown YOU if you are specifically interested in couples. Queer women everywhere will rejoice lol


::queer woman rejoicing at the mere suggestion of this::


I’d love to see a new feature where you can flag yourself as Free Now for a limited amount of time, and a search that only shows others with the same status. I’ll sometimes find myself with an unexpectedly open evening, or a quiet afternoon when I’m working from home, and it’d be great to connect with others in the same situation for a spontaneous meetup.


I really like this idea.


Yeah this is a good idea for any dating app.


-verify all profiles like on bumble. Submit a photo copying a hand gesture with face in. And photos matching face. -If female part of couple deletes account. Male profile can't remain as a couple. -Sort the current bug stopping likes coming through. I got 12 likes through in 1 day. I can see other have liked me. But even as a majestic member I can't see then currently. This bugnhas been ongoing for months. - drop the entire capital city core thing.


I would like to know how many people viewed my profile and some demographic information about them, such as age, gender, orientation, location. I would like direct control over the demographics of who sees my profile. I would like to hide my profile from people more than a certain distance away, as an example. I would like to be able to uplift my profile only for a certain demographic category. I would like it if there was a way for users to indicate if they have or want children, and a way to filter by this. I would like to be able to filter out people by desires. For example I would like to filter out everyone that indicates a desire for monogamy.


Yeah, that first request will produce very sad results for both ends. Women that have like a 95% view to like ratio and men that are just the opposite.


Not necessarily. It would also reveal if my profile is seen at all in the first place.


The fact that Majestic users can see when you've been online but standard users can't is a bit weird to me. It creates this weird imbalance and I feel a bit stalked just by being on the app if I'm not ready to reply to someone yet, yet they can see I've been online. It's creating weird situations where they are waiting on my response, see I'm online and are annoyed or agitated that I haven't replied yet. That feature should go. We should have the choice whether our online status is shown or not.


- The report profile button is too close to the like button. Often hit that instead of like - Enable Verified Profiles like other dating apps so that maybe you can cut down on all the fake profiles. - Yes, please figure out the location issues. I understand some people travel and are looking ahead for connections, but I don't want to see at the top of the feed someone 5000 miles away who's "Exploring LA" or whatever. - Why does it take 5 minutes to load your current matches/messages? - Maybe prioritise other Majestic members first - My messages keep showing a red dot for notification, even if there is nothing new in there - A lot more filters


Yes! Messages take forever to load! The red dot on the messages might be an indicator of a new match. Click their profile at the top of the messages page and it should go away. Otherwise 🤷🏻‍♀️


If someone has a paired profile, I would like the option to like their partner without having to wait for them to appear in my stack.   It cannot be stated enough: filtering by sexual orientation.  It would also be great if there was a way to filter out people who are just visiting. I'm so tired of seeing "here until Thursday!"  A collection of general information, like other apps, right at the top, would be extremely helpful. No need to waste bio space or messaging questions saying whether or not you drink or have kids or are non-monogamous if there's a little spot right up front with that info. 


Replace the management. They've excelled at demonstrating their complete lack of competence numerous times. Even if you handed them a perfect app I'm in no doubt that they would ruin it in no time.


Obviously just make the existing things work. As far as adding features, I want the ability to override seeing people in my core who are actually very far away and I want to filter out desires that are opposed to what I’m looking for.


Seeing the list of people you liked in case you want to upgrade to a ping or disliked incase it was a fat finger dislike Community Ratings of profile that will affect their ranking in the stack Small fee to open an account. Ability to filter by majestic accounts


Verified profiles only.


Get rid of pings and the ability to see likes. Everybody just swipes and if you swipe on each other, it's a match. Then you can choose to message or not. This gets rid of the hotdog storm of likes women tend to get on the app, and related, will likely mean more matches for straight men and straight couples, as more women will engaged rather than overwhelmed with the app. No app will actually do this, because then there is little to sell you, but that basic mechanism of equal and anonymous swiping until matching is the easiest route to fix a lot of the problems.


Better monitoring/moderating (human admins is what I mean). The level of fake accounts and spam is insane.


Show users the number of views on their profile, so they can get a sense of volume vs content.


What's the value of that?


It would provides users a sense of transparency on the amount of exposure the platform is providing. Eg, if I get 0 interactions on 10 views, that's different from 0 interactions on 1000 views. In the latter scenario I might strongly consider revising my profile, but in the former I'd leave it alone and wait, or be more likely to pay the platform to increase my exposure.


Why would you revise your profile? That wouldn't mean anything without more data. Like 0 interactions might mean your profile is bad but it also might mean you aren't compatible with anyone. Especially on feeld where there's a diverse range of people. Like I assume most people don't interact with me because I'm dominant and they don't want to be submissive, or they aren't looking for a top, or they want a nesting partner, or they want a third, or any of a million other reasons including they just don't find me attractive. These are all things I either can't control or wouldn't want to change, and it would be impossible to tell if it was that or soemthing else.


0/1000 after a month, for example, would mean I may want to consider my profile. Maybe in being too picky, or I need better photos or something. 0/10 in a month, then I'm more likely to let it be. This transparency would let me know if I'm just wasting my time because my profile's not being shown in the first place


Add a filter for Majestic status. The far majority of my successful matches have Majestic.


I'd like to be able to see my likes again. This latest glitch of getting a notificatiin of a like or a ping that never comes through is really frustrating. I would like to be able to filter out people into monogamy and not have my profile visible to them.


Select all + DEL and start from scratch. What we have now is pure garbage.


Define terms when you select them. Like "enm," "polyamory," "dominant," etc.


Considering it won't even let me make an account, I don't even know what else.


Without completely burning the app down and starting again here's a few: * Give everyone the filter by recently active. It's too essential to be paywalled. * Give everyone the free non-stacking ping a day. Same logic. Give majestic peeps say 2 or 3 a day and let them accumulate to a decent limit (20-30?). Or more. There still needs to be **some** incentive to get majestic and my logic is rather than lock stuff that makes the app properly functional behind it, use it to make things easier and faster. A ping a day lets you use them and still go dang when you see multiple people you'd use it on, so majestic giving *more* pings (and accumulating them) eases that and still has worth. * Shadowban profile phrases that are obviously bots (so the account isn't deleted but won't show up). I don't think there's a single real person that would ever put "eat my oyster" (or "O Y S T E R") on their profile. * Add a glossary of what all the desires and such mean (or have a pop-up when you pick them), so that people are on the same page to a degree.


For men, the Ping packs are way too small. Apparently statistically men only get 1 reply per every 25 messages sent. Majestic should include a priority queue for profile verification.


I’d love to filter my likes by the same filters I use to view the stack. Like age, interests etc. as a woman I get a lot of likes but I can’t really sort through them in a meaningful way to get to my preferences. Kind of overwhelming as is. I’m sure I’m missing some great people because they’re buried in there…


Be able to place travel location anywhere like 3F, can scroll back on accidental swipe lefts, better filter options, no phantom notifications


>Be able to place travel location anywhere like 3F You can do this if you have Android. Please check the [FAQ](https://redd.it/1d09pok).


Feeld banned me and I can’t make a new account


Make it a subscription service only.


We need to limit matches to 10 for each account. Incentivize people to un-match to see new people around them.


It's a nonmonogamy app? I routinely have more than 10 conversations going that turn into dates


Get rid of the vanilla men pretending to know anything about kinks or using it as a bait to get kinky girls…..


Just go to munches if that’s your problem.


Why I can't create Profile? it say's Error