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This happens even with Majestic. Think they may be showing deleted accounts that haven’t cleared out their profiles. It’s very annoying.


While Feeld *says* they have an inactivity timer, I've seen a profile from two years ago. I don't think they're deleted accounts. They just never remove inactive profiles. A lot of people sign up, create their profile, then uninstall the app and forget about it.


You can pay for this feature to only show active profiles


Yes and that's feelds agenda, to get paying customers of that means having poor service to non-paying customers then that what they'll do


“Feelds agenda” 😂😂 Gtfo you sound so privileged. You cant complain about having “bad service” because you refuse to pay for the fries on the side when the fries are available. If you don’t like it then go back to tinder. Oh wait, that’s a paid feature there too. So maybe go back to doublelist and enjoy that nonsense


Someone didn't take their meds. I pay for majestic.. I'm merely pointing out that this is intentional to make money. Feeld is a business, and they will do anything they can go increase revenue. You're supposed to be an adult - if what someone says on the internet triggers you and you reaxt like this that's quite pathetic.


I have two friends who have made their profiles inactive and still show up in my searches regularly, neither care enough to advise Feeld but it must be pretty annoying for everyone else




One pause and one terminate


I've already set a reminder to cancel mine after the 3 month deal thing ends All I've ever gotten are like 2 bot matches and one bot dm Gotta jump through so many bullshit hoops these days smh


It's gotten to the point where I don't click the heart, unless they are majestic.


I wish there was a filter for just majestic members. They're the only serious people on the app from my experience.


Me too


I wonder what counts as inactive. I log on to the app daily. but I don't have majestic right now. and I dont right swipe on anyone , I kinda wait for ppl to swipe on me or hope that they do lol . I like that you can skip ppl but I also had to go back to my home town temporarily and I'm not trying to chill with anyone here and will probably only right swipe when I get back to where I once was. i was gonna say maybe those inactive profiles are actually just accounts like mine waiting to be liked. when I get liked I try to look for the names because they show the names but blur out the photo




Currently majestic really isn't worth it. They still hide profiles from you. And I have been liked by 6 women in the last 2 days and can't see their profiles because of a bug.


Did you have a profile from before the update? I was having the same issues but when I deleted and made a fresh account after the big update I stopped having that problem. I read here that the accounts that they migrated from the old system to the new system had more issues than brand new accounts that were made in the new system.


Yeah I did. Problem is now I have matches j made ping with and I paid for majestic.. I shall probably see ifni can move conversations over to WhatsApp. Then delete account and start again with a new one. It's all weird though. Because 10 days ago I suddenly got 13 likes I could see. Then the same issue happened for any new likes.


Yea, a ton of people had all their likes suddenly show up a few days ago, idk what that was about.


This actually solved my missing likes problem.


It's not a bug,it's fake from feeld! if the like shows up in your cell alerts and isn't on the likes page it's to get us to log in and waste time!


Why pay to support an app that’s been riddled with bugs since they first changed from orange to the black logo late last year. I uninstalled and came back and somehow the bugs are even more prevalent. My daily likes don’t even reset, the timer just resets itself so I’m two days in without being able to swipe. Can’t see who liked me. Ancient profiles still being shown, etc. Even outside of that, I’ve never seen a premium offered on a dating app that DOESN’T give you the ability to reverse on a previous profile you swiped on. Theres also not yet a means for proving your profile is verified. This app is kept alive by the fact there’s yet to be a worthy competitor.


Eye opening




If this is all there was, then sure since it’d be an intentional feature and not a bug but as things stand, you can’t even trust the paid features from Majestic to work properly in the current state of the app.