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No. There's tons of bugs in the app.


This, I think I is a big ones I don’t believe established users are seeing new members when added.


I don’t think this is a bug but a feature rather. A drip feed.


I’ve told them about this issue via ticketing about 2 years ago. They know about it. They don’t care. For a while I couldn’t see any users period (and I live in LA). I don’t think most users on the app are seeing a lot of users.


Yep they don’t understand that they need users to change their search criteria and press search again.


This isn't new. This has been a problem at least 9 months.


I dont think Feeld has enough server capacity or bandwidth to let the the app run on full access. It seems to be e lot of issues with missing data packets already (because of the always random freezes, halfway loaded pictures and profiles, chats that double register). I guess they are still working with just a single serverer and no cdn's. Its quite obvious they dont earn enough cash to do proper maintenance, development and backbone. and now it has been around for so long so there's no way back.


How on earth do they not have a CDN?? They're an image-hosting app with a messaging service I hope that's not true, suspect it might be


That's just something not working correctly, not a vulnerability. There's bigger issues than that.


Yep, I didn’t say it was a security issue. But if users can’t see the feed changing - that is an issue


A "bug bounty" is an established term that's typically only applied to security related bugs.


Well I think I deserve a bounty for what I found. And I gotta feeling these guys can probably just afford a bounty, a crunchie and maybe a mars bar.


I promise you that you're not the first to find this.


I found a bug in *Microsoft windows* that could crash any server you wanted, affecting nearly every company in existence. That wasn't worth a bug bounty.


Sounds interesting! Would you mind sharing the bug and why it wasn’t worthy? Appreciate this is a tangent for r/Feeld


For all we know it could be intended behavior. But anyway, there's bugs that have existed for months now. Feeld definitely isn't paying anyone. I think they barely pay their devs.


LOL. OP has discovered "urging users to pay for better function " They are not going to pay you a bounty, OP, for what is a clearly understood, and intentional business tactic.


My feed basically never changes, it’s always the same group of people, and I can get to the end of my feed rather quickly. I just assumed it was because I had my search distance set rather short and that who I was seeing were the only people in that area using it. But now that you say this and I think about it, I live in a MAJOR city, so my assumptions are probably very unlikely.


I think you're overestimating how popular the app is.


Oh ok well if you think that is the case then maybe my initial thought was right, I was assuming not that many people used it but then reading your comments was making me rethink that


This was the same for me ! So, I changed the search criteria (add in an extra gender and change the age range) and re run the search then change it back to what it was. They have worked on an issue in the search but users won’t see that fix until til they change their search criteria. This fix has not been tested on existing users accounts. They need all users to redo their search criteria So like you and me we have not seen all the new members of months.


>They have worked on an issue in the search but users won’t see that fix until til they change their search criteria. This fix has not been tested on existing users accounts. They need all users to redo their search criteria What are you basing this on?


I’m basing it on the fact that I can re-create this


How does that show a fix was implemented? This sounds like standard Feeld unexpected behavior.


Have you tried what I’ve said ?


Just one? I dare you to find something that works😂


Mate, they would go bankrupt if there was a bounty program.




I actually am but as a straight, monogamous male almost certainly not what a redditor is looking for :D There are r4r subreddits though, maybe you want to check those out.


Hahahaha. They drip feed the users to you. It's in their actual majestic plan. They tell you you will feature quicker to other users. Even with majestic I always find I never get any new likes. Then as soon a majestic runs out. Suddenly several women in my area like me and I can't see them. It's a. Absolute scam.


Can confirm. This is the way it works.


I am not sure anyone is actually maintaining the app anymore.


Can confirm- I went to search by desires, added a whole bunch of desires, went back to the general feed and noticed a new person or two that weren’t there before. Changed the desires a few times and kept finding one or two new people. Removed all desires and found 15 new people within 30 miles! I’m in a rural area so that’s double what I was seeing. For context, if you’re not searching by desire the app indicates that you’re searching for “any desires” but it doesn’t look like this case 🙄 I made a separate post but it was taken down. I was told it needed to be posted r/feeldupdates


I’m gonna try this now


Omg - loads of people now appeared

