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Put on 5lbs and see what happens. Time makes weight relative... U may think you're fat now but a few years from now... You may be amazed you used to be so thin! Meanwhile your family will likely get used to it. And a whole new world of intimacy has opened up with potential partners! Plus you can keep all of your old sportswear and live out your fantasies! I'm a muscular guy and I love my toned musculature contrasted next to a fluffy gym bunny. I'll be hitting supers, giants and power sets, while you're over there with your ass spilling off the stationary bike. Face red and sweaty and your fat thighs are jostling your sexy belly around while you pedal. We both leave exhausted but you always end up stealing the rest of my shake!


Omg that's such a hot scenario. And, also completely true, I can see how 5 lbs here and there slowly becomes a lot but doesn't take people by complete surprise ....


I cant wait to see your transformation! I bet you look incredible now, but that you'll also look like an absolute queen when you do the gain. Do what feels right ;)


Thank you so much! šŸ™


You could also try something in the vein of a dirty bulk, so that youā€™re not totally sacrificing your athleticism but still get to try on a little extra weight and see how it feels. And itā€™s an easy way to wave off any comments, ā€œoh yeah Iā€™m just bulking right nowā€


Love that idea too, thanks!


If you need someone to give you encouragement, feel free to reach outā€¦ this is something thatā€™s always fascinated me as well


I hope u start gaining it would proboly be amazingg for u but if u do start take ur time and see how 10 more lbs feels for u and keep us updated on the journey!


try bloating first any kind inflation/bloat is tempoery and makes me feel good but alos i wont gain a thing


That's a great suggestion šŸ˜ƒ


Donā€˜t do it, if you didnā€˜t start it yet. Think about your health and that maybe you will never loose the gained weight again. Donā€˜t ruin yourself!




When I'm unsure of the kink and weight gain?