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Is that something you're feeling badly about?


No just embarrassed


If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure most attention went to the other guy. :P


I agree


That sucks. I have a friend who experinced kinda the same. At first he was so flattered that a guy found him attractive and wasn´t ashamed to come on to him in public ... And then the "You´re a GUY??!?!?!?!" He was told to see it as a compliment but still ... He was embarressed and dissapointed.


Yeah but also he shouldn’t be weirdly touching your hand like that..


If it was me (the guy) I think I'll be like "ooo I found something gooood"


I wouldn’t want a random guy to “weirdly touch” me or anyone else. It might be flattering that he found you worthy of attention, but it could easily be unwanted attention.


depends how you look at it, i kinda feel like it wasn't a "you're so cool and pretty", but rather a "oh you look like someone i would F*** REALLY HARD, someone i want to F*** LIKE AN ******* AS I **** *************" or in other words, I'd have felt objectified




Right?! Some people don't want to be touched!!!




This is such an extreme reaction. He touched a hand. You aren’t helping the cause you think


This happens to me but with only my voice, I talk over a speaker at my job and when they see me there faces just go blank. I wish I could be mistaken as a girl


I want to be confused as a girl at some point, idk why though


totally agree


already happened to me multiple times and i ain't even a femboy


Well described - wierd... Not much to add there Tho I wish to be mistakes as a girl sometimes xd


Haha if you would've told me you were a boy I'd be handing you my phone like "number please I'll be taking you shopping this weeken"


I like that, where we Shopping?


Where you want t


ay i mean good job looking like a girl but that’s gross


I would LOVE to have that happen to me. I go out dressed up and passable. Don't feel bad, you should be proud he thought you were a girl. Take care and Merry Christmas!


If you would love to be creeped on you might need to find out why you want that, since it might have to do with some issues


Happens to me all the time...you'll get used to it, I usually take it as a compliment. But be careful, you got to protect yourself from the real creeps out there. If not already I'd get into a result oriented martial art for self defense. Just to be safe.


Goals :3


When it happened to me I dropped my voice as deep as I could and say “wanna make out and find out or wanna be left guessing” then laughed and left (I panicked


What a weirdo


Sounds like a fake story or you didn't give all information, no one touches someone without any reason especially not in line for lunch


This is creepy, he thought you were a girl and as such thought it was okay to touch your hand without consent, and ven if you were a woman, it is NEVER okay to touch somebody; let alone in a strange way I'm terribly sorry, if it's any consolation, I'm sure it's because you look great; good looking people get strange interactions from weirdos, that jackass probably told his friends he could pick up women; hence why he made a clown of himself My immediate family are all women (Sister, Mom, and Grandma), and from what they tell me, this sort of thing is unfortunately very common for women; I see it myself when we go out in public, it probably won't change, but I still think it's better to be yourself


X) I wanted to saw the face of the other people 🤣


When it happened to me I dropped my voice as deep as I could and say “wanna make out and find out or wanna be left guessing” then laughed and left (I panicked


You are under no obligation to just come over on command. Let alone be touched in a "weird" Way. That sounds awful. If some guy thinks your a girl because you are a femboy, then they find out you're a guy. If they don't like it, they should politely turn you down with all good grace. No harm done. But you NEVER need to let ANYONE do ANYTHING to you that makes you uncomfortable like that. Just be with your friends/the people that care about you. Not some randomers who treat you like an animal. You are a human being, darling, you can express yourself as you bloody well wish and just go out and have a normal day if you want. Good luck to you darling. I wish you all the best ☺


He definitely shouldn't be touching people weirdly without consent. And the fact that he didnt know you is what makes him a total creep.


Hilarious. Just ask him if he’s interested anyway




Dude what? Even if that is a joke it is unfunny and disgusting.




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I would say, make a joke of it. Not about them, but like maybe lighten the mood by saying something like, "sorry, I confuse a lot of guys" or something witty that's not insulting. I feel like a straight guy would probably just laugh and say yeah bro I totally almost rizzed you up


Man, this reminds me of a time I was out door dashing in full fem gear with tall heels, leggings, short skirt, and I think a band tee? This one guy who was also doing food delivery starting coming on to me HARD as I was getting into my car. The whole time I was thinking "when is homie gonna realize" and "I don't think he understands exactly who he's talking to". I got out of there with no issue but I also can't help but wonder maybe he did know and I missed out 😂 Considering my location tho, I wasn't trying to take that chance


Love that for you 


I would take that as a compliment tbh, he thought you were a girl so your just that feminine But the hand touching was weird tho😵‍💫😵‍💫