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Femboys are alpha males confirmed


15 Signs You're a "FEMBOY" (SUPER RARE) & Is it Better Than "ALPHAMALE"? Sadly I can’t make the meme right now because I’m on vacation and don’t have access to my pc.


I’ve thought this for years. Nothing more pathetic (and depressing) to me than a man bending over backwards to adhere to some suffocating bullshit standard of how men are “supposed” to be.


Personnaly I disagree (pls don't hate, just read my comment and say why you disagree, than we can have a civilized discussion about it), but that is most likely due to the fact I use a different definition of masculanity than you. Personnaly I use the traditional and/or toxic definition because if you use the positive/modern definition (like they did in that aragorn episode of cinema therapy), it no longer describes masculanity/stuff that only applies to men. To me that definition then describes virtues that go for all genders. That's also why I don't care about being manly anymore. However if I read your post with replacing masculine with virtues qualities, than I definetly agree. Femboys don't let themselves be chained by the opinions of others, are authentic, brave and confident.


Masculinity and femininity are defined by both positive and negative characteristics. Mostly because it’s impossible to mark characteristics as belonging to one gender, without denying them from the other. Men are expected to be strong, therefore women are weak. Women are seen as more caring, therefore men are uncaring and less capable parents. Generally the dichotomy is that men have more expectations upon them, and as such are also treated with more respect when they reach those expectations. Where as women are seen as weaker, meaning they are given more empathy and support, but also less respect.


>Masculinity and femininity are defined by both positive and negative characteristics. Mostly because it’s impossible to mark characteristics as belonging to one gender, without denying them from the other. Men are expected to be strong, therefore women are weak. Women are caring, therefore men are uncaring and less capable parents. Well said. I do agree that men have more expectations on them, but I don't know if that is the reason that they are treated with more respect. My guess is that what is expected of men is more alligned to what society values (hard work, making buisnesses etc)


Crossdressing as a girl is something only a man can do, thus making it the masculine feat to exist


I think masculinity is defined by its conformity to masculinity. If you are a masculine person who conforms to masculinity very well then you are a very masculine person. I agree in some sense. Being feminine openly kinda felt like the most man-like thing I did. It sure as shit ain’t masculine to fall in and conform with a group out of fear of being yourself and wilfully standing out and taking something for yourself the world told you you couldn’t have is baller as shit. But facts are facts feminine boys are feminine and often times wilfully sacrifice masculine qualities to achieve that.


I think a lot of these definitions are in and of themselves toxic because they either force someone to act some way according to a perception based on “social acceptance”, or buck that and cause a disturbance in the force. While I’m all for being disturbing, it can bring negativity onto us. Maybe some of us don’t care about insults or that, but there are sick people who will assault others for being nonconformists




With all due respect, I totally disagree - perhaps if you are discussing Toxic masculinity I might agree - what you just described above is just following the herd which anyone can do! A true masculine male is not afraid and has the courage to follow his own path therefore being his own man. Being a man is about personal integrity, values and having the courage to demonstrate them both unabashedly with passion and confidence. I can’t think of a better match of that definition than a Femboy!


Uhhhh I can’t remember what was going on in this post really but from what I can tell it’s kinda silly. “Masculinity” is a very abstract concept that is multifaceted but also up to interpretation because it is a socialised categorisation. It, however is a categorisation defined in juxtaposition to femininity. Femininity and masculinity are on opposing sides of this socially invented axis. When you said what being a man is about you just said your subjective values for what’s importantly male. That’s fine it’s not wrong but it’s not universal. When you said “what you said was just about following the herd”. No. As I said masculinity and femininity are socialised categories made up of a collection of natural observations of female and male traits and behaviours and also societally imposed traits and behaviours. Masculine and feminine is essentially what is typically expected of the average male/female historically. This isn’t of course to say that masculinity and femininity are male/female but the societal conscious notions of masculinity and femininity didn’t really make distinctions between the masculine and the male at its inception. Masculinity would be thought of something as male-nature in its early definition. So while terms like masculinity can be independently defined by you or me, the societal definitions are important because we all speak a shared language. In this sense meaning is negotiated and is something of a collaborative effort. So understanding the term “masculinity”, one socially defined by its generalised assumptions and associations as being that which aligns with typical archetypes; is completely fair. Masculinity and femininity are at their core mega stereotypes. The clothes you wear, the way you walk, and your interests aren’t things you would naturally categorise together in a binary fashion. Femininity and masculinity operate independently from sex and independently from gender. A fem boy is a feminine boy so literally in the name it lies further to the feminine end of the spectrum than the masculine. A boy who is distinguished by his femininity so much so that he embraces a name stating his relationship to it. You can say that what’s meaningful about masculinity is courage, or being honest to yourself as a man. And that’s fine. That’s subjective but there’s no one right answer so fine. Honestly what confuses me most about this post since I took 138 days to think deeply about how I would respond to your comment is why on any serious level someone who identifies as feminine relative to the average male would seek to also identify themselves in that femininity as also being more masculine than the average male. I can also understand this post as being more lighthearted originally and just being more of a “isn’t it so chad and sigma to break social norms and embrace your beautiful internal self, facing up to oppressive social constrictions and asserting that you are stronger than them” and like yeah sure.


I’m not really sure why you took 138 days to think about it myself. With all due respect, Your answer is very masculine. It reads something right out of the symposium; a philosophical discussion between men. I actually found this part of your answer to be not only reasoned but insensitive to the idea that you argue yourself about the constructs of gender. What about the non-binary male? Someone who may be 50% male and 50% female or even someone who may be 60% male and 40% female? Everyone is in this lifestyle for their own reasons because they’re on their own path. Because you don’t understand others paths does not give you the right to question it.


You haven’t understood what I’ve said. Western culture has been transphobic forever so they didn’t construct the cultures with the awareness and respect of nonbinary and trans individuals. I know they exist. I am a trans woman that you just told talks and thinks like a man 3 times for no reason. I understand gender and presentation and sex and gender roles and all of their variation compared to one another. You can’t distinguish me explaining the evolution of concepts within a transphobic society from I myself as a trans woman being transphobic. That’s lame Edit: because I HAVE to fucking know. What even are you defining masculinity on to say that my comment was masculine and to say that it was masculine because it seemed like what men would say would be conflating masculinity with being a man as your own opinion. Literally what I wasn’t doing that you accused me of


With all due respect, I think you’re projecting to protect your ego and it’s decision to call yourself trans. But who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself? Western culture, trans phobic forever? Impossible! The word and idea of Transphobic is a very recent cultural phenomenon. And if you want to really go down the rabbit hole you’re discussing, Even in the temples of inanna, various scholars argue against her priests being transgender / nonconforming. A few arguments worth mentioning are that the Kalu are known to have had children, and that they, the Assinu and the Kargarru may have only acted feminine during ceremonies. I’m not gonna get into a pissing match here, however, I would suggest you read some Carl Jung spend a little time with the anima and animus? Maybe even some Joseph Campbell or Allan Watts who both would clearly argue you cannot compare nor argue ancient cultures against our own. And I’ll end with this. Clearly, from your response, you think I’m attacking you, but I’m not. I am just arguing for my own beliefs versus yours. Your initial response to me was not only condescending but it was disrespectful. And let me be perfectly clear, at the beginning of my Initial response, I stated I support every person to be who they are including your right to call yourself trans. Does it really make sense to attack a supporter because they don’t agree with one of your points?


Remindme! 138 days


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Which is why you see a lot of women and girls simping for us (crush included).


You had no right to call me out like this.


tbh I don't really like this method of thinking. makes me feel masculine, which, ew. I hate it


crossdressing is the most masculine feat humanly possible. women are literally incapable of doing it.




name an article of clothing that satisfies the following two conditions >1) legal to wear. Catholic Priest Outfit and Swim trunks with no shirt are both disqualified, as there's external reasons beyond "it's crossdressing" that prohibit their wearing >2) the article of clothing is so specifically intended for men or for genders other than woman that it would be 'strange' for a woman to wear, in California. women can wear pants and button shirts without it being crossdressing, and those are the men's clothes. the only types of clothing are "women's" and unisex, or to be more accurate to the spirit of the exercise "not men" and "anyone"


Well, in heteronormativity, “””””real men””””” are allowed to do whatever they want, femboys do the f* they want, even against men’s normativity. This is a loop, I fear.


I’m a femboy and I still disagree lol 😂


Tell me you're 14 without telling me you're 14




The most masculine thing to do is crossdressing as a woman, because only men can do that


I'm not sure that headline really makes sense. It almost seems as if you are suggesting that confidence is only a masculine trait. The idea that femboys embracing femininity, are actually peak masculinity is highly problematic because it suggests that being male and being feminine cannot co-exist. That is exactly what leads to the idea of "gender neutral fashion" being almost exclusively masculine-of-center. Masculinity is constantly being positioned as the ideal for which everyone must strive for, while femininity is deemed objectionable. Dare I say, the idea that a male embracing his feminine side must be reframed as "masculine" is rife with heterosexist connotations. It is indeed the epitome of fragile masculinity.