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Yo dude i feel like this too im 17 rn and i feel like im not trans i just enjoy fucking with the gender norms and be femenine when i want and a walking bruh moment when i want too lol Everyone is a special case and should experience on there own while lisent to everyones experiences tho I think that signs that you might be trans is dysforia from an early age but idk i still have to figure myself out too XD


Same, I like the feminine traits and it feels good to dress up but I don't think I'm trans


Destroy the gender norms my friend


Fuck yeah i will I will be the first femboy pro football player lol


I might finally have some interest in football lmao


Idk if you are from usa or the uk but i meant soccer lol u know messi's sport


UK, sorry should have said lmao


I'm really struggling with whether or not I'm trans, I've only recently started thinking about it and I have symptoms of repressed dysphoria but no obvious issues from an early age? My biggest sign is how I like the way I look in a femboy outfit until I see my face and shoulders and then I am thinking about hrt but idk how to tell if I'm actually trans or just wanting to be more feminine


Hey I’m trans, my advice for anyone who is questioning is to experiment. Start with things that are easily reversible, like trying new names and pronouns. Therapy is also great too, but I know it’s not always an affordable option. And talking to other trans people about their experiences might help too, if you see any similarities. Other than that, just know that you don’t have to commit to anything while exploring your gender.


Same... idk its confusing


I don't know how much this will help, but the way I like to think about it is that trans and cis are just labels. These labels are tools that we can use to try to communicate to others about our private sense of self, but they rarely capture the full picture. I think what's more important is to ask yourself what your specific goals are. Do all the effects of HRT appeal to you? Or only some? Or none? Do you like having a wee-wee? Would you rather have a hoo-ha? Or would you be happier with both? (That's a thing you can do!) And socially. Do you want to be invited to girls night? Would you be alright not being invited to boys night? Or are you most comfortable in mixed groups? Do you want strangers to see you as a boy or a girl? Or are you happiest when you can see their visible confusion as they try to discern your gender? I started HRT because I wanted all the effects. I told my doctor I was trans because that was what I needed to tell them to get HRT. It wasn't until a few months later that I decided that the trans label actually does describe me pretty well, so now that's how I describe myself to my friends and to myself. But idk, I feel like you should be able to take HRT or get surgeries or whatever else whether you're trans or not. It should be about the results you want to get out of it, not the label you use to describe yourself, because it's rare that someone would have only cis characteristics or only trans characteristics anyway.


Have you tried the button experiment? If you had a button that you could push that would turn you into a cis girl with absolutely no negative social consequences, would you push it? \[its not a dispositive yes/no test for transness, but it's a thought exercise.\]


I've thought of similiar situations, myself. I'd press the button. But I'd probably also press the button for the reverse on the opposing side, hehe \^.\^


Yeah i think I would push the button, I wish it was that simple.


Hi, I'm trans and started with presenting as a femboy. For me, as I experimented with femmeing up my presentation, I just always wanted more, until the day I saw myself with hip pads and breastforms and knew that is what I wanted. This was at the tender age of 31. Take your time in figuring it out. There's no need to figure it out right away. And as /u/yoitsgav suggested, consider trying social things like name and pronouns, see how that feels. Best wishes on your journey!


I think the real question you’d need to answer is if being a girl would make you happy? Maybe you have friends who could address you as such just to see how it goes and how you feel.


Then you have the reverse eggs where as a trans guy I struggled to accept I was trans until a friend assured me that "men can be feminine too and like cute thing". Never felt better


Glad things going good for you~


could you edit this to have some stuff like paragraph breaks? it's hard to read with a big block of text like this. thanks!


Done, thanks for the advice!!!


no problem at all.


To those who are questioning if they're trans: imagine there was a button that swapped your gender permanently, would you press it? If yes then most likely, you are trans. Personally, I'm fine being a femboy without transitioning so I wouldn't press the button.


I would not press it to change my gender. I would however, press it to change my sex(and subsequently AGAB). My gender is not something I want to change, it's my body that's the issue, so I mean yeah I guess I'm trans.


See, I AM trans, but I still wouldn't press the button 🤷‍♀️




It's an online thought experiment to get someone started, it's not supposed to be a definitive test that covers every minute corner case.




Don't let anyone tell you who you are. Unless like 10 people tell you you're an asshole, then maybe it's time for introspection.


>Unless like 10 people tell you you're an asshole, then maybe it's time for introspection. I mean, lets be fair here, if two independent people say you're an asshole it's probably time for some introsepction.


I’ve been called a egg before and it just annoys me


i hate that egg meme stuff. it's really disrespectful to closeted trans people not wanting to announce how they feel yet for people to rob them of that & then to feel like they predicted something. especially when they literally say it about anyone anyway. and it's also rude to cis people just enjoying an aesthetic. it's just rude all around & dumb


This is a bad title but I’m happy you’re figuring yourself out and are happy about who you are.


I am just omelet now. Omelette du Fromage.


I'm Trans fem, genderfluid, I've been on hrt for almost 4 years now. I'm so extremely glad to hear that you've experimented with gender, tried different things, and found what works for you!! there's nothing better, imo, than knowing yourself more completely. having such an open mind, being willing to try new things even when the possibility exists that your entire life will change as a result, will take you far. congrats on your detransition, I truly wish you nothing but the best!!


I kinda don’t know to be honest, because I hate my genitals and the fact that I grow facial/body hair extremely quickly, but other than that I like the general shape of my body and wouldn’t want breasts probably I at first was very comfortable just being a feminine male but lately I’ve been feeling worse and worse and wishing every day I was born a girl (which I had before but never so often), and I think the image of myself I have in my head has become female somewhere along the way too, so I have some things that need figuring out But thanks for this post, I need more perspectives like this 🙏


i had exactly the same thing... ;--


some are, some aren't, why debate it? support people in their journey and treat it as individual on a case by case basis. trans people are our people too! we are one big ol family.


I also wore my mom's clothes when yonger. I looked up to her she was a very strong person and I wanted to follow in her footsteps. Literally in some ways her sandals fit me until my feet got bigger. It all boils down to the we all need to live ourselves no matter how we identify. Always hold your head up high and tike time to see how we want to live in the world.


The singular form of data is not anecdote. Similarly, just like it would be wrong to extrapolate from me being a total egg when I thought I was a femboy, it would be wrong for you to extrapolate from your experience to all or most. The important thing is that some are, some aren't, and it's not our role to call out either. We let people figure out who THEY are, and let them tell us.


I just don't really care about my own gender that much. I'm fine going with he/him, but I honestly don't care if someone uses other pronouns on me, just get my attention lol. I don't get dysphoria from being called a certain gender, nor do I find other genders to be an insult to be called. I guess it's about the intent of the person calling me that determines if it bothers me.


people think that you're either a trans woman or a femboy and that's just not true lol if you liked the results of HRT but not boobs, you're probably non binary. There are A LOT of other ways to expresses femininity that aren't femboy and woman


See im struggling with this too. I feel super feminine, but am i feminine to the point that I should transition? Am i just gay and i like to be feminine, or am i a straight trans girl? Or is there something in between that im missing? I feel like if I transition ill be more dysphoric than i am now, but maybe if i do transition itll go away? Its complicated and thats why im going to a doctor to get a second opinion




I was kind of in a neutral stance honestly like I wasn't fully happy knowing I'd grow some but I wasn't completely dysphoric about it until I started noticing


Trans girl here. It really annoys me how people assume femboys are trans girls and vice versa. It’s almost as if some people aren’t smart enough to comprehend that you can be feminine and a man at the same time.


I think about this a lot lately..especially this year. Ive identified as trans and been on hrt for awhile..but theres the thoughts on my mind about like if certain things didnt happen would i have ever transitioned and such..cause lately i like being a guy but feel dysphoric about the body i have now even though i did before..now its just different reasons but yeah. Also the whole egg thing tends to upset me these days..like a boy cant be remotely feminine without being seen as trans by others..and it just upsets me a lot


Don't have to be trans, but there are serms you can use like ralaxifene to stop specifically only breast growth


I'm happy you have figured that out about yourself and are more confident in your gender! I did end up realizing I'm trans, but I'm all about everyone figuring out their gender identity and presentation and being comfortable and confident in it, and I'm glad you're there, OP!




Well said. Articulate and honest as to your own experience. Thanks.


Fwiw HRT is not necessary to be trans. I know plenty of non-binary people who got chest dysphoria on E and have stopped HRT, but are still validly trans. Trans just means your gender is different from your assigned birth gender. If you’re AMAB and find the version of masculinity you were assigned is compatible with wearing skirts and thigh highs, more power to you. I just know mine was not


It's possible with the right treatment to not get breasts on HRT. You'd get everything, except breast growth. This is a path some non binary people take.


How does that work? What treatment gives that result?


Hey, this is an amazing post to read. We are all on journeys to find the person we truly are! I'm also cis him/he, but damn doesn't it feel great to be pretty, we all just want to be who we feel best as! ❤️ you don't have to be boxed in. Great wishes on your journey!


this is why shit like the egg stereotype is harmful and we need to distance ourselves from it




we have pretty similiar histories, i also began to crosdress with my moms's clothes when i was 14 to 15. i began to use hormones with 19, when i suddently realized that i was getting so much jealouss of woman around me and that the feminine face that i had was deteriorating because of the T... After realizing that things became worse, i began to feel bad about my own body,dysphoria began to consume me bit by bit and i am suffering to this day. If you want, you can check my first posts here on reddit, you will see that i was saying things like ''aa, i want nice hips and a feminine face but no breasts''. when i saw my breasts coming out of my body for the first time i was in mixed fellings, ''should i like this ??'' then i stopped with the hormones for like 6 months or so, and the breast began to shrink again... and instead of felling better, i was worse, i was MISSING that felling of sensitive nipples that i was having (yeah kinda crazy from me ik), also, i was still disphoric and with a felling that i was supressing my will to turn my body more into a girl's one. Then one day scrolling a social media, i saw a pic of a very beautiffull trans girl, dude, i had an anger attack, i took my hormones that was in a box under my bed and putted everything on my mouth because of the anger XD. Since that day i never stopped. IF you feel good with T on your body and you accept that you will age like a man, go ahead, i honestly envy you, because i cant be on T anymore, i cant live my life without estradiol, it makes me live so much better.


Decide to put my input as a trans person. I'm an AFAB person and at the beginning, I thought I was a fully trans male, but as I've started hormones I've realized I land more under non-binary than under being just male. Don't get me wrong I'm still happy being on HRT, but I've learned that I do like to dress more androgynous (which isn't a surprise, since that's how I've dressed for all 20 years of my life) with a bit of feminine mixed in. So, you could say I'm a trans femboy, of sorts, but not really. In the end, wear whatever you want and if you think you are trans, my recommendation is to try reversible things, haircuts, clothes, names, and pronouns, and if those things don't feel right, you can always just go back.


I just like being and looking cute


Nobody should take HRT unless they're ready to commit to the full schedule of changes, in my opinion including yeeting their nuts because having them is counter-productive to said schedule of changes. A-cups is the point :O Feeling thicc and plush Your favorite miscreant


Did you like having fake breasts? Stuffed bras or whatever?