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OMG. 30's are such trash. You won't die, if you even get high. If you have no tolerance, you'll probably catch a buzz. Here's a good tip. Give a line to a broke addict and tell them "It's from an m30 pressed pill. I have no idea how strong they are." They 110% will be happily obliged to assist you in your time of query. If they die, then CONGRATS! You know how much NOT to do....so do much less than they did. If they beat your ass for giving them shitty dope, then Congratulations! You live another day (and learned a valuable lesson)! If they get the perfect buzz, then CONGRATS AGAIN! You did a darn fine good deed today, and can be about 15% certain that they'll pay it forward! It's a win-win-win!


The mods in here are so ridiculous. Just bc I said I was going to dm someone it’s sourcing? Or maybe it was just a joke as part of a funny conversation just in case they have never heard of one. Isn’t there like idk a constitution that protects things like that? Can’t stand the internet these days.


Break it down into 16ths snort the smallest amount you can and wait 20 min then keep doing that until you know the strength and your tolerance


Is OP alive?


Don't be stupid. Take a 4th and break it down take HALF then take the other half 45 min later.




U prolly gonna do it just break it in half and shine a flashlight on the half licking the tiny shiny part is all u need but even then breathing gets harder it’s not much euphoria in it fr not like oxy doing that will make you pass out probably it’s more shitty then sleep deprivation fr


also had to have my girlfriend narcan me 3x and give me CPR after smoking some white off the foil, she says my eyes rolled back in my head and my head fell back onto the bed before i even blew my hit out. i’m lucky to be alive. shits fucked.


That’s a sign to quit dawg😭😭😭


Damn man, I’ve had some movie overdoses too. Fuckin put my head through the mirror after banging the TINIEST little bump and my girl gave me cpr and got picked up. Shit is indeed fucked.


i started off snorting blues in super small amounts and never od’d went down a fucked rabbit hole after 9 months went to detox and got clean. 2 days after leaving i relapsed by snorting half a blue and died on my grandmothers floor. be careful


Yep. I went through 30 day rehab , went to sober living and relapsed almost 2 weeks in. (Keep in mind before i went I was snorting 3 blues at a time) I OD’D the 4th day relapsing in my sober living bed. Day 1- I only would snort qtrs. Day2- I would snort a qtr and wait a few minutes and snort the other qtr. Day 3- I would snort a half and wait some minutes and then snort a qtr. Day 4- I only had 1 blue left and I hit half and I started thinking I don’t wanna just leave only a qtr left and said fuck it. In that time of thinking about it I didn’t wait the few minutes I usually would wait before hitting more and hit the whole other half instead of the qtr. I went and laid in my bed and woke up with my sober living house mates around me(I thought I was dreaming at first {I was in shock and it was so fucking cold outside and they had the front door open and my room was right by it and yk how you feel after getting Narcanned} and 5–10 mins later it all hit me and I knew I overdosed when the paramedics walked in. Shits crazy. OD off 1 blue on the 4th day of relapsing.




He overdosed and died. Was probably narcanned and came back to life


Oh haha ok I was like wtf


Never consume fentanyl or any opiate pills for that matter that you aren't 100% certain are legitimate in any way other than smoking them. Especially if you don't have a tolerance, but even if you do, it's too easy to overdose. When you take something orally, intravenously, intranasally, etc the entire dose is going to hit you relatively quickly if not entirely all at once at which point it's already too late. As compared to when smoking, youre gradually increasing the dose with each hit which means you're incredibly likely to fall asleep before ever reaching an overdose. I've met and talked to countless opioid addicts and have known a lot of people who have overdosed. I've never heard of anyone overdosing from smoking alone.


My brother OD'd and died from smoking last year.


I’ve watch a couple but I think that was mainly the xylazine. Almost positive never seen people just drop from smoking some shit. Nasty shit these days.


Don't do it


just buy 4 farmapram xans and youll nod if thats the high ur looking for


If you're afraid of dying, don't even do them. Testing your shit won't give an accurate dosage per pill/powder amount. You play with fentanyl, be prepared with LOTS of Narcan and a trip sitter. Look up the "Never Use Alone" phone number and use if, IF you choose to use.


In Mexico City there is no narcan or any type of nasal antidote, if I decided to try them I would definitely be risking death, but I love opioids even though I have only tried morphine and codeine. I definitely want opioids but right now all I can get are fake m30s


I used to live in Guadalajara and had plenty of narcan so I would think Mexico City would have it?


I think he’s gone 😔


I had a tolerance and sniffed a quarter and hit the ground. Be very careful. It was one of the worst mistakes of my life and I’m so thankful to be alive and clean today.


yup i just completely blacked out for 2 hrs on the ground and fucked up my hand got nerve damage and it was stuck in an uncomfortable position i was walking around with a hand all fucked up looked all fucking stupid and i couldn’t even move it luckily it went away in a month and got better worked sucked too shittiest month of my life im not even kidding so just flush them away bro


it was my 3rd time ever doing it aswell


i did qrt as well with an opiod tolerance


Bro don’t get started on these fr fr they are the devil. I’m finally in the process of getting sober after 2 years currently sitting in an inpatient treatment facility. A small blue pill just about destroyed everything I’ve worked so hard for. I know if you wanna do them you’re gonna do them but I really advise against it. They’ll either kill you, ruin your life or put you in jail. And on top of that, withdrawals are a whole other demon within itself. They are hell. It is hell having to be so physically dependent upon a little blue pill to the point you start doing shit you would never normally do just to get some. If you are gonna do them, DO NOT use alone. Make sure you have someone with you with at least a couple narcan. I started them by snorting less than 1/8 of a pill and that would still fuck me up so bad I was puking my guts out. I would literally cut a pill in half, cut that half in half, cut that half in half and still cut a chunk off that 1/8 and it would knock me on my ass so bad I’m lucky I never OD’d. Please don’t do them but if you’re gonna do them safe asf


They aren’t even worth it tbh. If you’re gonna try an opiate go find some nice clean heroin lol


Unfortunately heroin is hard to find now that these blues have taken over


That’s why I said go find it. It still exists. I have 2 plugs for fent free tar




West coast lol




We do NOT allow PM or DM requests! If you cannot say it on the open sub, then maybe you shouldn't be saying it at all! If you want to have a private conversation with someone one on one, that is fine, but don't advertise it here. Scammers and people attempting to source will often use phrases like "PM me", "DM me" or "Message me". Those people get banned. Also, just as a reminder.. admin can and do filter private chats! You can still get banned site wide for using certain phrases in private chats or direct messages. Just because us mods cannot see your conversation doesn't mean its free of consequences!




haven’t read other comments but honestly this is the best way. Crush the whole pill up in to fine powder to avoid hot spots or anything like that. Make sure it is fine powder not little rock’s or such. Start by taking tiny tiny bumps until you feel comfortable but be careful, it’s a thin line between feeling good and overdosing.


Saw a friend OD because he wanted to try and ‘safely’ take a small toke off the foil, he dropped before he could exhale. Throw em away


is he ok?




Make sure you have someone with Narcan and knows how to use it when you smoke.


Trashcan consumption


Small puffs. 1 at time and wait while in-between


So many conflicting advice. Some people saying smoke an some saying snort. Be careful either way dude


Smoking is (probably) safer tbh. Very fast onset and you can go baby puff by baby puff. Sniffed it’s easy to get too fucked up and die due to a delayed onset.


If u never have had fent 30s oral might be the best way to go shooting/snorting makes the high super strong. just my opinion though..


DONT snort them like people are saying. Break it into pieces if you can and take small hits off of the broken pieces. Or just take small hits off of the full pill if you can’t break it into pieces. If you need to know how to smoke it comment back to me and I’ll tell you. I’m a recovering addict and the best advice I can give is don’t do them. But you already bought them, just don’t buy them again please. It’s your life so you do you, it’s just a horrible hole to fall in. Be safe have fun. 🫶🏻


Bro, I want to smoke them, help me do it safely. Narcan doesn't exist here so if I'm wrong I'm going to die, but I've definitely decided to try them.


I’ll tell you how to smoke it because I believe in harm reduction. Using safley is important, better then experimenting and dying. Cut the pill into 1/4 quarters, you will not be smoking it all at once, take small hits of the 1/4 of the pill until you know the effects!!! Put the piece of the pill on a piece of foil (you can always have more later, START OFF EASY!) I personally fold the edge of the foil to make a ‘boat’ so I don’t waste it, basically fold the foil in half to make a crease and then put the pill in that crease. Shiny side of the foil has to be facing down, use the less shiny side for the dope. (Don’t be a clown, shiny side down). If you have a pipe use that, if not you can roll up some foil and use that as a pipe, but a better idea is to use the Center part of a pen, take it apart and use that to inhale. Once you’re ready, lightly burn underneath the foil with a lighter (not a torch) and slowly inhale that smoke. Slowly move the lighter closer if it’s not heating. Tilt the foil while smoking so the pill or powder glides as you burn it, making a melted trail. Take a deep inhale, wait a minute or two before having another. Lil hits until you know the feeling and get used to the effects. Enjoy! Please be safe! Try to stay hydrated. Oh and keep a trash bin near cuz you might puke!! Reach out if you need anything!


So you found blues in Mexico City but not narcan?


Damn this shit really the devil for real why y’all let this man do this


Ru good bro 😭😢 this shit so sad man why didn’t I see his comment earlier


Just lick it u can die from smoking it break it in half that’s all u would need I can’t believe I’m the only 1 saying it unless it’s garbage press that powders easy if it’s a good press and doesn’t turn to powder by crushing it with fingers licking a tiny piece of a half is the way to go I hated smoking it fr laced my weed with a tiny bit and had a panic attack




We do NOT allow PM or DM requests! If you cannot say it on the open sub, then maybe you shouldn't be saying it at all! If you want to have a private conversation with someone one on one, that is fine, but don't advertise it here. Scammers and people attempting to source will often use phrases like "PM me", "DM me" or "Message me". Those people get banned. Also, just as a reminder.. admin can and do filter private chats! You can still get banned site wide for using certain phrases in private chats or direct messages. Just because us mods cannot see your conversation doesn't mean its free of consequences!


But I’m being so fr when I say do not snort them Like people are saying. You WILL od. Not you might, you WILL. Smoke them.


Small puffs


Best bet if you don’t have a high tolerance is to break it to pieces crush it and make tiny lines


No, that's horrible advice that would kill him, he should smoke it as it's BA is much lower. Preposition to ban all harm inducers


Yeah I agree. I do dirty blues via snorting (never smoked) and the first time I did it my head almost fell on the nightstand I used to snort it. Definitely wouldn’t recommend as a first timer.


Sorry you have to go through this man you'll get through it one day ❤️


I’m trying my best. I don’t know if this counts as a relapse but I carpet surfed and found a pretty decent sized piece of a m30 that broke away on the side of my bed frame. I’m trying to stop but I can’t help it whenever it’s in my face. :( But, thank you man; I’m gonna beat this one day. ❤️


Ahhh man, do you still have the little piece or no? Did you already take it. And yes sorry that's a relapse but it's okay we all have those! <333


I did take it unfortunately but now I’m worried that I restarted the WD timeline :( I need to see my partner tomorrow and I’d be so upset if I throw up all day or get sick from WDs. I’ve heard before that it’s possible to have no WD symptoms if you took a little during detox but Im not sure if that’s true. Im hoping I can drop this stuff for good.


how long you been clean for btw? before the relapse?


It wasn’t that king only 3-4 days but i used to snort 1-2 pills minimum and this wasn’t even a full pill (like literally a corner piece). So I think I’ll be okay. But, do you think I’ll be fine by tomorrow around 1pm EST? My gf doesn’t know I take blues so i’m scared of her finding out. I already have G.I issues though so I could blame it on that. I’ve had a rly rough time recently with the passing of my baby hamster and not being able to work bc I have a lot of stomach conditions. Still haven’t pinpointed the main reason either so I’m worried it could be tumors. Ppl on Reddit like to pick fun of my looks and stuff too and it does eat away at me.


Sorry for the irrelevant info, I just needed to talk ab it bc it makes me sad


you’re good bro you won’t withdrawal as long as it was just that bit. you got this man, i wish for you to get clean so much. it is absolute hell being addicted to these stupid little pills man.


I know man, I want to be clean too. But, I can’t help but come back. It’s weird because it makes me feel as normal as I was before I picked it up. But, the moment I don’t snort a couple blues I feel down and depressed the whole day (and sometimes I get really fucking bad withdrawals I mean constant vomiting and dry heaving as well as hot flashes and cold sweats). Maybe one day I’ll be free


it takes about a week for the withdrawals to fully stop and then you’re fighting the cravings. it’s almost impossible i’m in the same position as you man, i reccomend if you’re able to talk to your doctor about getting on maintenance drugs like suboxone or methadone if you really want to stop. and as for the withdrawals you won’t have any if you weren’t before you snorted the piece. you sound a bit newer to the blues so i just wanna stay stop while you can bro. you do not want to see how hard it is in a year to stop than it is now, it is much worse and much harder.


You got this brother it shouldn't have messed much up maybe just a little bit but your good.


Bro I’ve seen people smoke the shit with little to know tolerance started to O ‘D


No fucking shit that's why you should smoke it and not snort it. If you knew anything about this, you would know the lower bioavailability of smoking is safest, and it will vaporize easily so as not to hit the hotspots in the pill where the fetty is.


It's not just the bioavailability but the fact that youre incrementally taking doses with each hit which makes it super difficult to actually overdose. You'll always end up falling asleep before reaching that lethal amount and once you fall asleep you're no longer taking any more into your body unlike with any other method. Notice he said "started to overdose". I've asked so many addicts about this and have yet to meet one who knows anyone that died from smoking


If you’re really going to follow though because no one can make you do anything you are you’re own person, anywhooo crush said pill into powder fully and mix it for like 10-30 mins as long as you can and as fine as well. Then take 1/40th of a line no fucking joke anymore or even that will kill you or could without a tolerance especially or even with one. snorting because the bioavailability is so much higher. I never smoked them but as comments below me says it’s safer because bio availability is a lot less compared to nose play. I was doing them off and on for about two years and never once got dependent (I’m no special I know I was on Kratom extracts for 4 months straight for my only independency and that’s whole ass sorry for another time ) on them but that’s also because I was buying them to OD, glad high powers said thye have other plans for me But really now with the zenes around even what I just said could just have killed you in one small bump so with that at said be safe and also reading in you’re comments you have some post about codeine. Please just use the weak stuff man if you use this stuff you’re more than likely to never be able to catch a buzz from the smaller stuff EVER AGAIN and if you can you gotta take so much it’s not even worth it. Sending love from the u.s if you need to talk about life drug use etc I’m open if you need to talk I’ve also been on subs for about a year now almost off they if anyone’s needing some answers in that route as well


if you get on a low dose of methadone, you will maintain a tolerance so the fent won't kill you. I did that for a good amount of time, ya know not to die from fent. (I don't think this works with the xylazine)


Technically smoking is the safest way cause you can control how much you do, but I've OD'd twice and it took two hits both times. There really isn't a safe way to go from no tolerance to fent. If you're really gonna do it no matter what, it's safer to get some h first. Do that for a few days to build a tolerance, then you'll have a less chance of overdosing but it can still happen.


Snorting is stupid dangerous for someone with no tolerance. That being said, the safest way to do it is crush the entire pill and stir up the powder in order to distribute the fentanyl evenly. Then take extremely small bumps with at least 15 mins between doses until you feel how you want.


Very, very very small key bumps and wait 30 minutes in between key bumps especially if you dont have any sort of opioid tolerance


With zero tolerance, any more than like 1/4 of the pill is gambling with your life


That’s wild because first time I did 1/32 of a pill and I was throwing up for hours soo I don’t recommend saying that


Would like to start this off by saying please don’t buy anymore. Trust me, it might be fun for the first couple of times but it becomes not fun real fast. Not worth it. You should just flush them and go get yourself some sticky green buds. Now with that out the way, if you already have them and you insist I’d like you to be safe, so please don’t smoke them your first time. You should break it in half and then quarters. Break one of the quarters down and try snorting first but DONT TAKE THE FULL QUARTER AT ONCE. Trust me, do the smallest amount and wait a least an hour to be sure you don’t overdo it until you try to take more. PLEASE STAY SAFE AND HAVE SOMEONE WITH YOU. Honestly though my friend, best thing you can do is toss those in the toilet.