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Yes this is possible . I’ve done it before and am about to do it again. I’m on day 2 of just methadone . Only 20mg first day and 40 today . I was only on dope for 2 months give or take so maybe it’s not as bad as it could be


Methadone is a full agonist meaning that you can take it ant any time after fentanyl and it won't send you into withdrawals. There are some concerns about the efficacy of transferring someone from an opioid to an opioid, but it is ultimately a really great form of harm reduction and a source of stability for many including myself. Usually, they will provide a 30mg dose or around that, some doctors are a little more cautious about dosing in relation to time last used due to the fact that being a full agonist, methadone can and has contributed to overdoses. For Fentanyl specifically, usually people need higher doses which isn't a problem in most cases. The hardest part is just waiting to be able to go up, but it is worth it and before you know it, you're living life without constantly having to worry about reupping and withdrawaling.


Shes not trying to stay on it. She only needs to be on it for 7-10 days and taper off


That might work physically, but theres a lot of mental stuff that comes with this addiction. But idk if it'll work with the dose they give, especially the first week


Me and her are both well aware. I am 4 months clean right now and she has kicked fent and heroin many times now and had multiple years of sobriety. She just needs to get through the physical part. Methadone for a week and comfort meds seems to be the answer


I'm not sure if they're gonna give her a dose high enough to take the wds away and even if they do you should at least convince her to taper the methadone. If you stop the withdrawals with the methadone and then jump off it, depending on the dose it may be a little better than full fent wd but its still gonna hurt for a little bit


Plan is to taper methadone 7-10 days


How would you get the initial dose though? Usually they only start you off at around 30mg which isn't usually sufficient for fentanyl withdrawals. I'm on 90mg and still have problems but I'm more stable than ever before. And it takes a while for the doctor to keep increasing as well, more than a week for sure and they usually only go up 5mg per day at most. So that's what I'm saying, either you'd be attempting to taper an insufficient dose for no reason, or you would have to wait to get to a dose that stabilizes her, and then taper. It's pretty miserable even while going up to your comfortable dose. I was kicking for a week or so before I finally got to a dose I could maintain without being in full withdrawals, but I also had a full month where I had a steady supply of cannabis, got my methadone daily, and was able to fully relax as much as I could at least. If you only have 10 days I would maybe just consider tapering the fentanyl itself or maybe even doing a heavily monitored co-taper*. *Taking methadone with fentanyl, or any other opioid/depressant for that matter, is extremely dangerous and many people have died from it due to street fentanyl's variability with strength and methadone's long acting properties. You should never attempt to do anything without the support of a licensed professional. Keep Naloxone handy, never use alone. Especially if you decide to mix substances.


So that’s what they do at med detox’s in my state. They use methadone over the course of 7-10 days along with low dose Ativan and comfort meds. Ativan and comfort meds aren’t necessary, but helps I guess. They start you at 25mg and then if you’re still whining 4 hours later you can take another 5mg. You drop 5mg a day. This isn’t meant to feel good, but you shouldn’t be and won’t suffer. Believe me, it works and thousands of people do it a month probably at the place I just left. If you have an insane habit, or have detoxed over and over before in the past, they will throw an extra dose in after checking you out in a day or so and maybe reset your protocol back to 25mg to start over, but remember you’re just prolonging the whole thing, it’s not a deadly process and a lot of it is mental. It’s literally the clinical gold standard for fentanyl, I can’t imagine trying to use suboxone on fentanyl addicts in a medical setting lol, fucking barbarism. (Laughs in Massachusetts state insurance sound)


25 mg wouldn't touch most plus fent wds id imagine, most ppl at my clinic including myself didn't get any relief until around 80 to 100mg if they'd been doing fent, 25 maybe if u had a super short habit idk everybodys different


i did not even have to taper down.. i stayed at 40mg for a week then just stopped going and was perfectly fine but of course everyone is different


Wow you are extremely lucky some people be quitting methadone at 1mg and have withdrawals for months still when they fully jump off.


i was only on 40mg for 7 days then stopped going completely so my body was never dependent on it. i heard it can take up to 2 weeks sometimes to get addicted


yeah that’s way different vs someone on it for years


yes but this post is FOR DETOX. meaning they should not already be on methadone and yeah methadone is a bitch to kick :((


Yeah I know I already messaged op personally myself explaining to him that taking methadone for a week will do nothing to better the kick and just prolong the inevitable


My rehab used subs. I relapsed the day I got back. Currently back on subs, but they aren't doing much to help me. I asked them why the hell they couldn't use methadone and they said they weren't licenced to do so. What the fuck lol. Still don't know how to get on the shit.


Yeah i am gonna tell her to go to the clinic and ask to do a fast taper. She has all the comfort meds at home but wont go to a detox. I wish she would, but here we are. I used subs in detox to kick fentanyl and it was ROUGH. They had me take my first dose of subs after 30-36hrs and it sent me into pwd. Would not repeat. Thanks for the info


If you can get a high enough dose then it'll help. I'm on 110mg and it only last like 5 hours before I start getting sick. But I'm not as sick as I would be without it. Also if you have xylazine or any tranq in your dope it won't do shit for that.


If you pair the methadone with clonidine 2-3x a day, it works. Methadone works for the fent and the clonidine takes care of the xylazine part. Or at least for me it worked


Yah that's what I heard I've been on the hunt for that forever but because it has 0 recreational value no one has it lol. And I can't get it prescribed due to me being on methadone.


You can 100% get clonidine while on methadone. You cannot get KLONIPIN which is a benzo and they're afraid of overdose, but any doctor at all will prescribe clonidine the blood pressure drug unless you have insanely low blood pressure, and it's not tested for by anyone.


you can't get methadone due to being prescribed methadone?


Jesus man, I just got out of inpatient med detox and they start you at 25mg then you in can have 5mg 4 hours later. Drop 5 mg a day. 3rd day in the doc gave me an extra dose (15mg) and reset my protocol but 110mg for acute detox is completely batshit and not how that works at all. If you are on that amount for the clinic and then also doing fentanyl, you’re going to have to detox off one and then the other so idk what you’re even on about, 110mg lol.


Can you read? I'm on 110mg and still not stable. I didn't recommend 110 for detox but depending on Ops usage even 30 might not be enough depending how comfortable he wants to be. And I'm on methadone maintenance not rehab detox lol know what you're talking about before tryna be a know it all. 25 lol what's even the point.


Right man, so you just rolled in to tell everyone you’re on 110mg and still getting sick every 5 hours while doing dope on top of it. Super useful to the guy wondering how to detox using methadone. Your comment didn’t add anything, it’s just you hitching about how you’ve abused methadone and can’t figure out how it doesn’t work like it’s supposed to. Nobody needs 110mg to detox you absolute wanker, walk into a med detox and cry until they give you 110mg, something tells me they’ll laugh at you you absolute methadone Mary. You ever heard of a tolerance break kid? Might want to walk that methadone back a little and try giving the down a break, you know, so the drugs actually work and all that. You are literally the example for anyone for what not to do, probably for everything but definitely for methadone and fentanyl, that’s for sure. If you’re trying to quit maintenance, that’s different and needs to be done slowly over time obv, but that’s not what you’re saying is it, you’re jot really saying anything. 25mg is what they start you on, and it works fine. Can supplement 5mg, which is a mental boost more then anything but barring a massive habit, most people walk out of this in 7 days just fine. Opiate wd isn’t deadly bro, you’ll be alright. Every 5 hours on top of dope give me a break, what are you even doing.


Hey dumbass if the dose ain't holding idk what addict is gonna sit around sick for 24hrs. In the US we don't have heroin anymore basically. It's all fent and other shit. I have a life work and shit to do. I never fucking said for him to take 110 mg. Get off your busted mouth high horse and learn to read. you people who get clean and like your shit don't stink are the actually worst. Your ignorance and lack of basic reading comprehension is abmismal. Go back to your unseasoned mush. And I'll do me which is working fine. Edit: this opiate addiction who's taking t breaks


Yes you can definitely use methadone for a short period of time to avoid the bulk of the withdrawals. This link has info on that. https://www.fentadope.com/post/quick-detox-off-opiates-using-methadone The idea is to use the methadone for a quick taper during the time you are detoxing of fent to minimize the withdrawals.


Thank you so much