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Someone who gets so fucked up they're not just an embarrassment, they're dead weight at best or a liability at worst. I understand/respect partying and party time, but limits and boundaries man


I was trying to think of a nicer way to say “can’t handle their s***.” Thanks, this about sums it up. I’m likely…no, wait…I’m *the* worst person in *the* worst state of mind to be your babysitter right now. Trust me. Neither of us want this going in that direction. But also, don’t go get help from that rando guy that you just met at the porta-potties that wants to get you in his car to “chill out”…oh look, she’s getting into that car with that stranger… Boom. Babysitter. Insta-sober. Festival over until Moonflower McInstability stops actively trying to get murdered.


Powerful imagery here for a Reddit comment


It's crazy how niche this is while also feeling universal.


Without fail someone in my crew of 12 will get too fucked up on day 1 of a festival. It's not the same person, it could be any of us, we just get a little too excited to finally be there. But at least we all seem to have a homing beacon to the med tent. No matter how fucked up people in my crew get, they know where to go to chill out. I'm thankful for that.


crew of 12 always gots the judas


Sometimes it me




Moonflower McInstability 😆


Aka: Beth


Nothing worse at a festival than being a fucking babysitter when you're tryin to have a good time.


100% this! I’ve had to cut ties with a lot of good friends because of it


I feel like this can happen to a friend once- the legal za and other party favors hit too hard and I'm giving up my good time to help you out. If this is your default everytime though? Nah man. I wanna go dance.


Liabilities. You get one of these and the second time you’re gone.


This was our experience this past Bonnaroo, we no longer have another do with that couple any more.


Took a buddy I hadn’t been to a proper festival with since 2019 to LiB in May. He went off to med school across the country, got suuuper into drugs while away, and found out he’s bipolar. He stopped taking his bipolar meds upon graduating to “enjoy the month before residency, and so the drugs hit proper.” I pick him up the morning of and he’s full-blown manic, hasn’t slept, talking about how smart he is — “I’m a doctor!”, etc. It was unbearable… and we were camping with friends of friends. He set up his tent and proceeded to vanish every day from mid-morning until sunrise. Never slept in his tent. The drive home was a “no talking space.” Never again.


100% I’m a rave mom but I’ve set my own limits. First time getting too fucked and needing a babysitter? I’m there for you. If it happens again the next time? I’m laying down a boundary and depending on your reply not inviting you next time. I have spent waaaaaayyyy too many fests and raves taking care of someone else.


This was honestly me at the beginning, I was just discovering drugs (late af) and I had no clue you’re not supposed to drink with some or mix certain ones with each other. I learned quickly though


1000% if you can’t handle substances in a coherent manner don’t use substances. Point blank period


Goated comment


I’ve been that guy. Don’t be that guy. It’s much more fun being responsible.


People who are selfish or not team players. If you’re not going to go to the general store with me to pick up ice and fill up the shower bags every morning, you don’t get to come enjoy the comfort of my camp.


Surprised no one else has added to this. If you plan a camp, group meals, drinks, etc. and then someone is like, "when's dinner gonna be ready?" and then leaves their dirty dish on the table after and a beer bottle in the chair cup holder when there is a recycle bag, its like, ok, I'm not your parent, I'm done doing stuff for you.


Yeah. So real. Obviously everyone contributes different amounts, but people who contribute NOTHING blow my mind. Like don't offer to drive... don't bring the gear... don't help cook... don't clean up... just kinda sit there like a bump on the log being served. Like bro why would I ever want to invite you back, you added nothing to this experience.


This^ our chair cup holders end up full of random trash like there aren't three different bags for trash at camp. 😵‍💫


Fine, but I’m someone who likes camping with friends but will do 60-70% of the festival on my own. I know what I want to see or do, I can handle my drugs and I have zero interest in waiting at camp 3 hours longer than I want because people want to shower, eat, redo their outfit etc. I think this is fine amongst my friends because I expect nothing of them and don’t ask for anything. I’ll always offer a beer at camp in the morning and always good vibes. But as soon as I hit the stages I will solo mission/wander on my own for hours because it’s fun. After 15+ festivals this is what works best for me. Although, I think what you’re saying is maybe a different type of selfish…


This is based off a specific story. A friend of a friend (who we’d never met) flew in to meet us at the venue, and my sister and I supplied his tent + everything else for camp. She cooked breakfast every morning while I was in charge of packing and bringing most of the supplies. We also bought all of his requests from Walmart. He agreed to get ice with me one morning then complained about the line. He went to the front and bribed someone to buy him one single bag of ice for his beer then dipped, leaving me to wait in line and haul back 3 more bags of ice + two full shower bags in the wagon. It was a two person job, which is why I asked someone to come with me. He even straight up said “why would I wait in this line for something that doesn’t benefit me?” I just couldn’t believe the complete unwillingness to pitch in after my sister and I put in a lot of effort for him. Never again.


Yeah that’s obviously shit… I think people should look after themselves 100% OR they should do more for those who have helped them. When k got to a festival I bring a cool box with 30 beers, 4kg of ice, food, my own drugs etc. Then I share a few beers with people I’m with, k, md or whatever and expect nothing back. This person sounds rubbish I agree. Maybe naivety? I wasn’t always a good person to be around at times in my life… hopefully they are better now or you don’t hang with them. It’s like people who will scrounge cigarettes off you every time you go out and then ask you to transfer them £5 for a pint as they got the last round, neglecting the fact that you’ve bought them beers/cigs or whatever many times before. As you say, some people are just selfish.


Ya if you bring your own shit, do whatever you want idc. But he just took advantage of our hospitality. I do think that he didn’t even realize that it was a dick move because he apologized later. It kind of showed his intrinsic lack of empathy tho so I just couldn’t fuck with him after that.


*Can't handle their substances but insists they get blasted *Is judgemental about substance use *Is unable to tolerate side quests


Unable to tolerate side quests 😂


Side quests are part of the festival experience. 🙂


Literally some of my favorite moments. Last year I stumbled upon the tea party. I was like dude this is awesome I gotta find the squad and bring them here. They were hesitant but I convinced them on the side quest. Ended up lovin it and chillin there for like an hour.


"Side quests" lol I take it your chatting about water/drink runs, times to go sit on the grass and get your bearing etc?


Exactly that. Or handing out things or dancing at a niche stage or climbing a tree or just traipsing about aimlessly. "BRO WE NEED TO SEE [headliner] RIGHT FUCKING NOW TO GET OUR MONEY'S WORTH" <—No.


Nice. Never heard them called side quests. Definitely gonna use that at my next fest!


I was side questing a lot at Bonnaroo. I visited a ton of stands that were about human rights and taking care of our planet, I went down the waterslide a bunch and rode the Ferris wheel, I randomly popped up at different stages to meet up with the people I went with. It was awesome, made my whole experience.


I'm always like "you go on ahead, I'll catch up to you later!" And proceed to explore by myself for the next four hours 🙃


This is the way, as was foretold by the prophets as they emerged from the sea at Goa. 🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼


Eh headliner is understandable. Probably drew them to the fest in the first place.


Sometime that's the problem certain headliners get popular and attract the douchiest people and makes the vibe way different.


Yup. Playing games with strangers, taking beers to the neighboring camp to make friends, following your ears to a cool set that you weren't planning to see, or just getting lost and seeing what finds you.


Strangers stopping strangers just to shake their hands…


High fives if it's Bonnaroo!


I've never been to a festival, but all this sounds so fun! I love side quests lol


Time for you to remedy the situation. I’d suggest picking a camping festival for your first! The experience is u like any other.


#1 and #2 are everything! I can’t stand judgment or belligerence.


Complainers. Yes it's hot, yes it's crowded, we know.


Learned this mistake the hard way taking a friend to his first festival in a desert climate. Hot days, cold nights and he made sure it was everyone’s problem.


Speaking of camping fests. People who don’t contribute to the campsite. Had a group that “camped with us”. But really we just saved them a spot and they did own thing for like 5 days.


I've known people who don't even bring a tent...they just figure someone will have one they can borrow, or they can just tuck in with someone.


I dont mind my friend telling me its hot as long as they follow that up with asking me if we should grab a beer. Yes its hot and yes I want a beer.


yes! don’t complain about communal problems without offering up solutions. “it’s hot, want to grab a beer/hit the water station/go find some shade/make friends with a fan girl real quick?”


Yep - mention it once in a while, sure whatever. But like at some point I swear it gets hotter, just because you're talking about it lol


Oh my god, last summer I literally had to ask some girl “are you having any fun?” bc of how much she was complaining about every little thing. I get it was her very first ever festival but girl, this is my vacation and I spent a lot of money to be there… so if you could real quick just stfu that would be great. She was a friend of a friend of a friend, I didn’t know her but she was ruining everyone’s party… luckily she wasn’t my problem & I didn’t have to babysit her all weekend.


Ok this one is unacceptable. My first festival I was the queen of questions with the friends who invited me. I know my comfort limits and wanted to make sure I had a good time and that I was not ruining anyone else’s experience. Which meant I was overprepared, overpacked, and had extra money for incidentals. I even picked out points where my friends could find me if the crowds got to be too much and I needed to rest. Looking back I was adorable, but you have to plan when you are about to experience something for the first time. Tickets are too much to waste if you are not having a good time. 


I guilt my friends that complain about walking by saying “you know that there are people that don’t have legs?”


Honestly. 1/3 of the world walks further than we do at a festival for water/food/work everyday. And we are with our friends, great music, fun stuff to look at the whole time.


Toxic couples that fight all weekend. Never again


This is one of the biggest vibe killers by far lol


Had some acquaintances get kicked out the night before a festival actually started (early entry camping) because they got fucked up and were up arguing until 7am when security rolled through and removed them. Don't be that couple at camp


I’m surprised it was allowed to go on all night without someone from camp losing it and telling them to F off. Who has the energy to argue for that long?!


Festivals are a great litmus test for compatibility in relationships. Especially if droogs are included.


I was the toxic couple once. It was horrible. I'm not with that person anymore and festival going is a lot more fun. My friends are grateful too.


Oh yeah. Gotta love being the toxic couple. I used to absolutely love paying loads of money to have a terrible time 🤣


Oh yes this, big time


Feel very targeted...What if only the first day? We suck. I'm sorry Chris


I have a friend who is ok with littering. I’m a pack in pack out type of person. Never camping with him again. If I run into him at a fest it’s ok but that’s it.


Our group brings black bags, and everything is cleaned up. Everyone helps everyone else pitch the tents and take them down again. If you aren't willing to do this, then you aren't welcome in our festival group. Also, be nice, it's not difficult, if you are going to complain or be awkward then don't bother coming with us either.


I won't even throw my cigarette butts on the ground. I have a pocket ashtray.


Out of all the things mentioned this one bothers me the most. It's the easiest thing to NOT litter and yet I have been to fests and seen people just toss empty cigarette cartons wherever. It's so gross and rude.


That is effed up. That is a hard nope. That's dickwad stuff that I personally wouldn't tolerate in a friend.


I don’t understand these people. I always wonder how they were raised, because that shit is intolerable. I won’t leave until our camp is spotless, or in better condition than what we found it.


If they don't like festivals


And you gotta like the good *with* the bad. It’s beautiful if you let it be.


Seriously. There's always some shitty moments in festivals. OH! was the port-o-potty gross after the 4th day? Was the weather not comfortable? Hell ya that's a right of passage


My friend Brian who can't stop himself from saying gross shit around women.


I stopped being friends with somebody that kept cat calling women at the first fest we went to. And it was gross the way he did it. I was completely taken aback because he hadn't ever done this in front of me before. Felt disgusting.




Damn that actually happened to me. A friend who was super high said something you never say to a women you barely know.. in front of everyone (4 nearby tents including ours who were chilling together) and the girl was clearly not interested in him.. Man that was embarassing Edit because why not. He said: *Could you suck my dick please*


I talk to everyone, any gender, any age and my friend brought his other friend a few times. First time I see him I was talking with a group of teenagers, 17-18 (it was a 16+ fest) At some point I was talking music with one of the guys for a while and that dude, the friend of a friend, comes right next to me and tells me really loud: "Oh! You play friendly with the guys so you can easily get on with the girls later. Brilliant plan!!" The group all look at me in disgust and of course left. Keep in mind we're way older than those teenagers. I gave him shit after that and was good for the rest of the night. But I saw him a few more times and same thing happened again and again. 🙄 He's still there sometimes, but now I tell him sorry I'm too high to talk and I need to focus on the lasers.


That's funny the first time if he was just messing with you. But continuing to do that is a dick move.


Unfortunately he wasn't messing with me, guy was dead serious. 😅


Stop being friends with gross people, you’ll thank yourself later


I usually do, but I have hope that he can learn.


That’s fair dude, you seem like a good noodle. Just don’t let your buddy ruin anything for you I believe people can change for sure


I've heard good egg before, but I definitely like good noodle better


I got it from SpongeBob a long time ago haha


God damn it Brian


I have a friend I will not go to a festival with anymore bc he just tries to hit on every girl he sees and is just way too thirsty to hook up with and get girls numbers and then complains about getting rejected all weekend.


My friend does this too, except he's gay and it generally works out for him.


Classic Brian


Someone that doesn’t know their limits. We HAD a friend and her goal every time was see how fucked up she could get on any and all substances. Needless to say we arnt friends anymore. She would also steal our booze we would take to the events


Someone whose primary goal is getting good Instagram or tiktok content


This! Brought a friend to a festival for the first time (I’d been going for years and he invited himself, I had not yet developed boundaries) and he states day 1 “It’s a huge priority for me this weekend to take as many pictures as possible all the time”. I told him, hey that’s great if that’s a personal mission, but I go fully unplugged out here and will not participate in this. He was constantly stopping our group so he could pose for photos that he requested we took of him. It totally halted the momentum because it was inorganic, and he insisted we keep taking shots until they came out “perfect”. His phone died at one point and he somehow convinced me to lend him mine for an awkwardly long time so he could keep taking pics. The only pics I like to get from a festival are the spontaneous ones that are one quick snap and move on, look at it later.


Lol took a girl that was constantly taking photos and videos of herself. Even after her phone died like an hour in her she kept checking her phone like every 3 mins out of habit or something. Even let her use my charger in the car as she was taking photos/videos the whole drive over and even had my portable charger on me that I let her also use.


The amount of times ive taken shit photos or videos.. i always chalk it up to as a lost opportunity for moment but there will always be another. No need to try to recreate what was already missed in the moment.


High anxiety, doesn’t go with the flow. I had one friend who would stay sober and complain the entire time about “taking care” of a bunch of people rolling. Like bro we’re we don’t need you babysitting just enjoy yourself


This. You can feel the tension pulling the vibe down. It’s not beneath me to break off with one or two people and have our own adventures for a while when this is happening. I’m not gonna babysit someone pretending to babysit me.


“*I’m not going to babysit someone pretending to babysit me.*”


Someone who wants to do everything together. When I’m at a festival, I’m in my zone - I might plan to go to certain events or concerts but if I’m having fun doing something else, then I’ll keep doing that. So I need to either be with someone who is fine going ahead on their own, or with several people who will go together without me if it comes to that


This is what made me appreciate my new-at-the-time girlfriend. Only a month into knowing each other and dating, we went to a festival together (both experienced). There was a time where in the moment I wanted to see Artist A whereas she wanted to see Artist B, even though we both planned on seeing Artist B together. She said that's totally OK, chase what you're feeling, we'll meet up at the other stage for Artist C afterwards. She had no problem with splitting from me and going solo. I feel like it can be hard to find someone who's capable and confident of going solo for a bit, and harder to find a partner that's OK with not being tied at the hip all the time.


I took a chic I was dating to her first festival, a big one, paid for everything for both of us, over $2000 before we got there. Day 2 of five I got an infected bug bite on my foot and it swelled up to the size of a football. I still did some things but did have to spend more time at camp than I wanted to. I kept telling her to go have fun with my friends (great people, she knew and trusted). She refused and wanting to stay with me. I was like ‘ummmm I spent a lot of money on this, at least YOU go have fun’. Nope.


Someone who demands the group go to all the sets at strict times. Let’s just adventure and go for the vibes man


But also someone who insists on leaving perfectly good sets early but also insists that the entire group stays together/gets upset when someone wants to side quest, or insists on their way the entire time.


My buddy will drag us to a set then after hearing The One Song, he'll turn around, say "well that's the only one I wanted to hear," then leave. Like... bro... this is a good set, we navigated into the crowd, I thought we were staying, and I'm not walking all day and night stage to stage to stage to stage. Same guy who will quickly ditch who he's with when he doesn't see them, but we will wait and search for him if we lose sight of him. I also ditch the group from time to time, but I will literally say "if I'm not back from the bathrooms in 15min, I got distracted and feel free to leave."


Annoying. I know someone who always knows a billion ppl at every show and will just walk around the crowd finding them to chat and say hi and the group loves following this person and it’s The Worst. Just next time don’t search for your buddy 😂😂 he’s a big boy


This is exactly what I was gonna say. Someone who insists on doing everything tOGethER and gets upset if you want to go off and side quest / explore by yourself.


I feel you, that’s why a really big group is awesome because you can split into different squads/ always run into someone. But I have only experienced that big group a few times. This year at my fest I ended up alone a lot because my group was all scatter brained and I was on a mission lol. But that’s why they are fun it’s a place where you can do whatever you want and has stuff for many types of ppl


I'm a side quester. I never understood why it bothered the group or someone in the group so much that I'd break off and go hit smaller stages or mingle in the crowd myself. I just like to flow and sometimes it's not easy to do that as a group.


Anyone who demands the group remain a group at all times. Once you get to 4 or 5 people, everybody's gonna want to wander off at least a little.


This 100%. Me and my girl have a big crew we always camp with but keeping an entire group of more than 3-4 people together the entire time is for the birds. If we all have a certain set we wanna see together let’s set a meetup spot. Otherwise me and my lady do our own thing, if we happen to run into friends during a set hell yeah, if not we’ll see you at camp later and trade stories about our day.


If you tell me we gotta run to the next set to get there at X time, go ahead and ill meet you there. I will never run at a festival, im there to relax and have a good time. Not be driven by anxiety and trying to be timely when time goes out there door on substances. Dont tell me to run, i wanna enjoy this trip and look/wander around.


Yes! It does help to have an informal “leader” who’s in charge of periodically taking a temperature on the vibes and corralling the gang if everyone is ready to switch it up. But they don’t have to be a tightass about it.


I like to go to a lot of shows before my friends but if they don’t want to go I just go on my own or with a smaller group that wants to go. I never understand why the whole group needs to move out at the same time


Funny thing is, pretty much all of us have experienced every type of person listed in this thread. And pretty much everyone has been at least one of the persons listed in this thread.


True, I have curated a really amazing friend group for festivals over years. But two years ago, I got a little too out of it in the morning and only realized after the cars were headed to the festival that I forgot something and made a big fuss about getting it. My friends were understanding and helped me out but we're also straight up enough to be like "not cool" and I respect them for that. I can also get real hangry and back when money was tighter made a big fuss over eating before going into the festival (non -camping) but didn't actually know the area or what restaurants were around. And yeah, everyone in the group has had their moments but we grow from that and I'm really happy with where we are and who we are.


I've gone to festival with people and discovered I shouldn't go with them. - has a melt down if people don't follow an exact plan and blows up if there is a change t - enjoys too many party favors or alcohol to the point they need a babysitter. - the type that expects one person to plan everything for them. - the overly emotional intoxicated person (tends to be similar to over endulger) - the one that expects others to bring everything for them. Been doing festivals since 2001.... I've experienced all these types.


Oh god yeah, intoxicated overly emotional sucks cuz I'll sober up and go into therapist mode which is exhausting if its every damn day of the festival 🙃


People who are only there to get laid or finding a hook up, it ruins the vibe and some of them say gross stuff about women, it’s just a weird feeling to be next to someone who does that


I couldn’t agree more. I couldn’t care less about getting laid at festivals. I have a couple of times but it wasn’t because I was being aggressive or looking to, sometimes it happens. For people that it’s their whole reason for going, get away from me.


The idea of smashing in a tent after raving all day in the heat, dirt, sweat, drugs sounds so awful to me. Festie dick has never been a priority for me.


I completely agree. The couple times I have wasn’t late at night, rather after showers the next day if we enjoyed the night together.


Yup. I have a close friend like this. I had a recent get together for my birthday with a group of girlfriends from college. We hadn’t seen each other in months and it was supposed to be a night at the show to reconnect and have girl time. The WHOLE night she’s running off trying to “find a rave bae” or a hot guy and ends up inviting a group of 4 random dudes back to the hotel where we are going to all sleep… without asking anyone … no one else wants them there. They’re just awkwardly doing drugs trying to blare music yelling over eachother and it just ruined my entire birthday.


We had this one dude that was a complete airhead. A total space cadet. Imagine going with someone that basically needed a leash and you had to drag him wherever you went or he’d get lost. Not a big deal at the camping fests but the 1-2 day events where we would drive it got very stressful. Also never brought anything to the table. Would not hear from him until the day before a fest asking for a ride. Never brought any food, supplies favors etc. And he didn’t know how to dose himself out. Dude was actually a child.


Ever go on a hike. It’s hot. You can’t turn back because you’re too far. And one friend keeps talking about how miserable they are, how hot it is, and how it’s too far to turn back but they wish they could? Don’t bring that friend. You want to bring the friend that’s taking in the view, breathing deep the fresh air and talking positively about how “we’re already halfway there”


If they won’t shut up. Just be quiet and enjoy the pretty lights please


Christ almighty. This! Oisin, my mate, if reading this please STFU during gigs. Thank you.


Chompers are the worst.


Finally someone mentioned pretty lights! Lmao


lol ironically I've had this happen at pretty lights


Foreal, light chatting okay. But if your having a full blown convo with me..I can hardly hear even a third of what you’re saying. I’ll just nod and agree like I heard you.


One I learnt after this years download….. someone with a victim complex. We all fuck up, just own it when you do!


Volatile couples lmao


Most of my friends are super fun to hang with but when going to a multiple day festival, we realized we have very different ways of enjoying live shows. Thankfully, we came up with a rating system to determine who would go to what shows together (and sit/stand together vs just listening at the same time). Saved us all from a lot of stress and anxiety! Level 1- There is no such thing as “too close” to the stage/other people. If literal beads of sweat from the musicians are mistakenly flung at me during the set, I am 100% here for it! Being packed in like sardines with other fans is worth it. Level 2- I want to be close, but not right up by the action. While there isn’t enough room to turn around fully, I can at least sway side to side. Sitting isn’t an option, as there’s not enough space. Level 3- There’s just enough room to turn and twist with my arms folded and I can maaaaaaybe sit down if I’m careful, but others might still be a lil close. Level 4- There’s room to dance and swing my arms out wider if I want. Sitting and standing is no issue when it comes to space. Also easier to get to/from bathrooms or concessions quickly. Level 5- Closest people are about 5’ away. Room enough for a normal sized blanket to establish our “zone.” Level 6- Closest people are 10’+ away! No worries about getting in/around anywhere or dancing with abandon. Could even take a nap between sets or have lunch! :) By using the above, it was easy to find other sin the group that liked the same bands at similar enough levels so they could team up. Helped those of us who don’t like the thick crowds (or at least, not for every show). Also easier to establish frequent spots at each stage so meeting places were way easier to find among the 100k other people on the busiest day of the festival.


3+ for me. I'm too old now


If you can’t handle me when I need a bump, you don’t deserve me when I have a gram.


Anyone who's more stoked about the drugs they're going to do than the music they're going to see.


I’ve been there before tbh. Luckily I’ve slowed down a ton.


If drugs can be alcohol, I absolutely disagree. If you have done the whole festival circus often enough, you have seen most of the bands. It can be so much more fun to jzmust get fucked up with a random other camp and doing funny shit together.


Tight assed or close minded. If you ever referred as fests as drug and sex things then I'm not inviting you


someone who just went through a breakup and wants to hook up with every penis they see. NEVER AGAIN.


I know that wasn’t fun - but for some reason the way you worded that has me giggling. There are a lot of peen-i so that sounds exhausting


it was so exhausting. We kept emphasizing we were there to have fun and listen to music. If she left with a random dude we weren't going to go save her OR wait for her if she decided to take off with someone. She then sulked and told everyone we were terrible friends for not being willing to rescue her if she got herself into a dangerous situation. She then got so fucked up on drugs she couldn't walk for 7 hours. It was a CRAZY weekend.


May be personal preference but I HATE stage hoppers. They get to a stage and then listen to a song and a half and want to go to another stage. You think it’s a one time thing but it ends up happening all day


Moochers. Do your part and share the weight. No you and your six broke friends can’t sleep in the living room of our Airbnb just because you know one person in our group.


used to go to festivals and Phish shows and stuff with my buddy Bobby. dude was a complete liability. bummed out energy, anxious, self conscious, gets tired, wants to go home, always had “back problems” when it came time to get the cooler to the campsite. made his bummer energy everyone else’s problem, too. couldn’t just let everyone else have a good time, he wanted to be accommodated, taken care of, catered to. no fun without Bobby, and Bobby was never down for the fun. also had huge a Nice Guy energy. had it in his head he was always being the better, more mature person in every situation, but his bitter resentment of every confident, normal dude was poorly concealed to say the least. developed a weird Nice Guy crush on every girl who ever associated with the friend group, none of them were interested, and had a weird sad grudge every time they inevitably got with someone else. this includes every gf i ever had, by the way. the kind of guy who was in therapy for years and years, and all he ever learned was how to use therapy speak against people in his life. always the victim in every situation. brought all of this energy and more to every show and every festival. will never forgive him for making me miss Harpua in Chicago. never bring a Bobby.


Someone that doesn’t clean up after themselves, poor hygiene to the point it affects others, and overall negative Nancy’s can GO HOME . You don’t gotta be tip top magoo but a stick of deodorant or even some effin spray can go a long way, did I mention clean the fuck up?


Someone who holds no regards to the people around them. A "fuck them" attitude. Good friend from high school is like that. Took him to wakaan 22. Went last year solo. Same this year.


Dang surprising to have that attitude at wakaan. Nicest crowd


You don’t want to travel with people that are moody and bitchy when they get tired. They make the car ride back a living hell for everyone.


1. Someone who can’t handle their shit. I don’t want to spend my time babysitting when I’m trying to enjoy my weekend. Spent too much money and time for someone to babysit 1 or multiple days. 2. Friends who just don’t pass the vibe check. I don’t have any of those in my festival circle but I have met up at shows but then camped with them at festivals and they show their true colors. Shady fucks.


Basically anyone who isn't PLUR. To each their own, but if you want to do drugs, know your limit and be safe. Nobody wants to babysit. The people who don't go for music but for the gram. I mean, taking a few photos is one thing, but if you try and block other people to get this sort of crazy shot and think the world should bend to your will, fuck right off. People who are also violent. I'm not a kid anymore looking to get into fights and honestly if you have that type of toxic trait about you, then i just can't be bothered being around you.


- people who constantly talk during the sets - people who insists everyone has to do everything together - people who do absolutely no prep, make no effort getting to know the acts and complains about how shite the lineup is. Make a fvcking effort - passive goers as opposed to active goers. Fvcking standing at the back, talking, waiting to be entertained. Dance, let go and enjoy - those that cannot carry their own shit in and out on the Monday morning. Also, those that can’t pitch their own tent - those that bring a ridiculously large tent - those that get so wasted they haven’t a clue were they are and what they are doing. You are in your fvcking 40’s don’t be a burden. I know my two mates this happens to and I barely interact with them all festival weekend - people who judge others for their substance choices. So long as they can handle it and are not a burden…live and let live At this stage in my life I’m down to about 3/4 mates that I’m more than happy to go with. I go solo too from time to time too. Make the music the central focus, be kind, open minded and let yourself go with the music.


Anyone that freaks out if things aren’t going perfectly to plan. I have ADD. If I’m grabbing something from the campsite, and I notice something cool, I’m going to check it out. I’m an adult, the last thing I need is to meet back up with everybody just to hear how Pete wouldn’t let anyone have a good time because they were worried about me.


We had a friend who had been a DJ for around 3 years or so and would judge every DJ. Everything from how the DJ didn't transition the songs smoothly to the bad set up etc. We get it, you're a DJ but we don't care about your opinions because we're still having fun regardless of the "flaws" you're pointing out.


Am I a bad person for not wanting to bring friends who have never been to a festival to a festival with me? Like I’m 13 years deep in this thing and have it pretty down Pat. Having to teach newbies how to have a good time is exhausting and takes away from my experience….like I put in the work and the fuck ups to get where I am now, if they do want to go, I don’t want them camping with me 😂


1. Seeks male/female validation at all times. 2. Wants to have heart to hearts in the middle of the crowd during a set 3. Keeps leaving to get food, drinks, meet up with other people etc then gets lost and I have to leave my place in the crowd to look for them. 4. Way too aggressive in the crowd and every minor physical contact that occurs when someone is squeezing by makes them lash out. 5. Asking too many questions/looking for a plan 24/7. Someone who can't go with the flow. 6. Someone who brings their personal problems to the festival and is sulking throughout the day. I've had way too many bad experiences and now I really only go to festivals with just my husband and MAYBE one or two close friends who understand.


Someone that won’t stop talking about a person that’s not with us.


They only care about getting laid and getting as fucked up as possible. Made this mistake going to the club to see DJs I wanted to watch perform while I was in the military. Never again. Prior to meeting my GF I went to most 95% of festivals, clubs and raves by myself if was electronic music related. People would find out I rave and ask to tag along and I would tell them “yea sure I got you” and wouldn’t tell them that I am going. I have two friends from my time in the military that invited out after I got burned that one time.


No time management. No, Im not waiting for you so we can get to the set 38 min late because you failed to get ready the 16 times we said we are leaving 15 min before it starts…no excuses.


Someone that's flakey and can't commit to a plan.Like if we all agree to split a hotel and they all dip so I have to pay for it myself .


complaining about smoke/drug use, people looking zombie'd out and not trying to enjoy the moment at all. not knowing your limits. complaining about heat/crowds. basically anyone who's never attended a large-scale music event or concert or is just there to take pics for social media




No, that guy was a straight-up jackass. Smokers always need to be considerate. They know the smell can bother people.


One of the life lessons it took me the longest to learn is that I’m not automatically in the wrong in an interaction just because someone had a strong negative reaction to some part of it. Sounds kinda obvious when stated directly? Idk, maybe it’s an anxiety thing, but for years I’d assume I must have been in the wrong somehow if they had that big of a reaction. But nah fam, some ppl are just emotionally on a hair trigger and blow up even when you’re being perfectly reasonable and respectful, nothing you can do but shrug and not get bothered about it. Trust your instincts; if you’ve got a single shred of self-honesty you’d know in retrospect if your own behavior had contributed or not.


no, that dude's a baby. he made all his emotions your responsibility to manage. highly immature.


my buddy introduced me to festivals/raves and we went to ALOT in a very short time before covid. Now all he does is try and get laid the whole time. Like I get it, but I usually go to these for the music/artists so I don't want to waste a set getting you away from the girl who is clearly not interested.


Music critics. I did not choose this festival to hear about every single tiny mistake or adjustment the band “should make” If you’re so much better at music, why am I not at your festival ?


Ooo out of all the takes I skimmed through on here, this is a unique one that I read that I agree with most. At the Coachella sub, I’m genuinely shocked at how many instant negative reaction threads pop up throughout the weekend lmao. And I just pop in like “idk guys I had a blast 🤷🏻‍♂️” haha. I couldn’t imagine that kind of energy in between every single set.


Someone who tries to make you look bad and making themselves look good whenever we’re around a girl they like or lust.


1) can’t separate for a couple sets even after I make it very clear that I’m NOT missing who I want to see(bonus points when they complain about not seeing who they wanted to despite my insistence that we will meet up after) 2) can’t handle their substances (self explanatory) 3) constantly complains about weather/being uncomfortable (we’re probably in the desert, what did you expect lol) 4) judgy about other people at the fest and acts like they’re too cool for school (no room for that kind of shit in what is genuinely some of the most positive and welcoming spaces I’ve ever been around) 5) People who don’t pitch in Man, this is why I almost exclusive to to festivals and concerts solo lmao 😅


People who get way too caught up in fitting everything they possibly can into the limited time they have. “Omg we have to go see this set, then this next one in 45 mins, then this one 30 mins after that” “omg we have to go to meet my friend Becky that I’ve talked to a total of 5 times online before” “omg we have to go to this merch booth” “omg I have to go get island noodles” “we gotta do this/that/the other thing” It’s just exhausting and ends up with you running around all day doing random shit for 10 minutes at a time rather than just vibing and enjoying the music. I’m trying to dance for hours at a time and get lost in the music, not run around the venue on side quests the whole time.


People who get way to fucked up. Im not paying that kinda money to babysit someone who doesn’t know their limit


1) Can't handle their party favors 2) Complains about everything/ super needy 3) Makes numbered lists 4)


Someone who doesn't understand a bigger group mindset. You don't just get to call the festival mid Sunday after we discussed leaving Monday just because you're driving. Also don't be a bigot.


For reeeal. Plug-puller drivers that are "confirmed" for the weekend only to suddenly want to bounce on Sunday for this or that reason. > Also don't be a bigot. Oh dear. Dare I ask for the story?


In the past: myself. I got my friend beer instead of water because I was trading some artwork at a Chillicothe String Cheese show and I was an asshole who wasn’t responsible for my friend. He was fine, a storm took out the last night anyway, but 15 years later I’m always like “bring *more* water than you think you need”. Sorry buddy.


If you ever have to say to someone else. “You just have to get to know them”..


Talks too much during the jams.. aka “Chompers”


People that get so blasted they become a liability any good natured friend couldn’t abandon. People that refuse to stay hydrated like they’ll receive some sort of award for making it through (spoiler alert- they won’t make it through). People that make faces whenever they get bumped in a crowd. People who judge what other people are wearing. FRAT BOYS. People who don’t know how to be silly or not care what others think about them. People who complain about every artist and the sound setup at every stage.


My bff is a wonderful girl but she is overbearing. We can’t party together for two reasons: 1, she’s a recovering addict and it’s just not a good environment for her, and 2, when we used to party together she would watch ME like a Hawk, “protect” me and basically stick to me like glue. I like space and I can generally handle myself, I hate feeling smothered. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind a good rave mom but I don’t want a rave helicopter mom.


People who talk too much. I'm trying to vibe. Pipe down.


For me a big part of going to festivals is getting to sleep. So if you’re coming back to the room to drink and smoke and watch tv and shit, I don’t want to go with you. We going our asses to bed so we can get up and do this again.


Right now it's my friend who spent 3 days eating mushrooms and looking for a mate instead of enjoying the music and the vibe. I did not let it ruin my festing but it was irritating af.


My two big deal breakers 1) can’t handle their shit - I’m here to relax and enjoy myself not babysit. I’ll help when shit happens but if it’s all the time it’s a no go 2) can’t handle splitting up - I go to the sets I’m excited about and don’t mind splitting up at all. I know some people hate that and can’t handle the group splitting. I can’t handle when people get weird about that


People who want to stick to an overly strict schedule People who like to rage too much or too little People who get tired easily


My general expectation for myself and those close to me is “be an asset not a liability” when it comes to burning man or campout desert renegades (especially the later, where there’s not necessarily paid medical help). I’m a bit more easy going when it comes to paid weekend festivals, but generally want the same kind of folks that are assets and reliable, though am a bit more ok with folks that are more of a wild card/novice. So to answer your question, I don’t want liabilities with me.


Someone who needs to be babysat, and I don’t just mean while on substances. I don’t want to have to walk you to the food area every time you need to eat, lend you all my shower supplies and show you where the showers are so you can get clean, memorize the whole days lineup so I can keep reiterating the times to you, or go with you to the stage if I don’t want to see that set. My favorite kind of crew to run with is the kind where everyone is a substantially independent person who can take care of themself, then we all come together and can focus on all fun.


Met a friend of a friend at a fest who was taking Xanax and ketamine excessively. Had to take them back to their camp in this huge process while we were coming up on acid. As soon as we get back to the camp they say they want to go back in.. any time we would go where they asked us to with them they’d run off. We eventually just abandoned them which sounds bad but they were so chaotic we couldn’t help them.


Someone who doesn't like the music/always wants to listen to something weird on their phone (and no it's not part of the conversation) Someone who wanders (and not to anything normal like a stage or art installation) and can usually be found sitting alone in a really strange spot, usually with headphones listening to whatever else Very focused on "finding some ____" and doesn't care who it comes from. No attempts to test for safety. Someone who has a knack for being a weirdo magnet, has no sense of "stranger danger" and makes friends a little too easily. Before you know it the VERY CREEPY PERSON is her new bestie for the weekend. They won't listen when you tell them you want their new friend to go and insist that they're harmless, that's just their face, it's fine. Ask me how I know 🤣


i’m so terrified of the creepies 😭 last year someone in our group befriended a scary man with black empty eyes and invited him back to camp. MA’AM HE HAS BLACK SHADOWS BEHIND HIM!?


Negative Nancie’s or people with egos


Old group dissolved so had to makeshift a new one. None of them really enjoyed bass music (we were at bass canyon). Were all good friends but half of them dipped on the second day cus it was “too much”. Maaan gtfo then ill headbang alone


Insists on driving to the festival, won’t let you take the wheel but gets a DWI and drugs seized (theirs and yours and mine) because they started partying the night before and didn’t tell you.


Selfish friends - in my own experience, one of my besties refused to let me go escape the crowd to go pee (I was happy to go alone, also she was with another friend so wouldn't have been alone herself). Few hours later, she needs to go pee, however this time it was absolutely necessary for me to come with her.


Cant socialize on their own


Leaves the festival early cause there’s nobody else they want to see but they drove so now you have to Uber home by yourself


Stage-to-stage sprinters. I don't want to schedule 10 hours of straight sets and be fucking hoofing it from one stage to another the entire time. Let's chill the fuck out a bit. Take some side quests. Explore. I've now been to EDCLV three times and I've never really explored it because everyone I'm with just has to fill every minute with music. I'll do a bit of side questing on my own, but it's not nearly as fun for me. I want to get in to EDC by like 6 and just explore for 3-4 hours, but nobody ever wants to go in until 10pm


1) someone who can have a tendency to misunderstand certain social situations that results in agitation or aggression 2) someone who does not understand their own personal boundaries surrounding substance use 3) someone who isn’t fond of being in crowded spaces 4) someone who lacks the level of necessary patience it takes to navigate the traffic, lines, camp set up/breakdown, etc. 5) someone who has a known history of theft (imo it doesn’t even have to be stealing from another person.. example: I had a friend who disclosed in confidence that she was skimming tips off the tip pool at work as a server..not enough of an offense to write my friend off as I wasn’t immediately affected, but enough to speak to her character in a way that changes my mind on whether I’d want to camp with her) 6) someone who cant afford to be at the festival in general or plans to use the barter system or sell things in order to swing the cost of the event *only* if it has the potential to cost me anything as a result ** all listed above ^ assuming you mean driving to, camping with, or spending a significant amount of time this hypothetical friend**