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Notes; * You have to be lv50, and have beaten the lv50 MSQ quest of >!"The Ultimate Weapon"!<. * The collab IS doable on the Free Trial! * The quest to start the collab is in Ul'dah, at `X:8.8, Y: 9.8`. * The quest chain consists of 3 quests; mostly cutscenes and walking around, with 1 solo scenario. * The quest chain takes 30-60 minutes if you don't skip any of the cutscenes and dialogue. ​ Rewards; * Clive's armor, a title, a mount, and a pet/minion. * There are also 10 music rolls and a Triple Triad card that can only be bought after you finish the quest chain; the music rolls are 20k MGP each, and the Card is 200k each. * ~~There is a rumor that you can buy the MGP rewards after the event ends, but if you have the MGP to spare, I wouldn't hesitate to buy everything immediately - just in case the rewards aren't permanent.~~ The rumor is [now a fact](https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_JP/status/1785991229676933185), so don't fret if you don't have the MGP yet.


I’m new and just hit level 18, do you think it’s possible for me to get to and complete before it ends? I know I probably joined the game with such bad timing


Absolutely not I'm afraid, you have an entire JRPG of story to do.


The realm reborn is a lot shorter than I thought it was gonna be especially with the stigma I heard about the story length going into the game. He still can’t do it in like 3 hours lol, but getting to 50 only took me a couple days


too be fair they have tweak it, so its a lot shorter than before


Not a chance, but the event will happen again on the future so it's not like it's gone forever


The good news is it will likely return.


Somehow, Clive returned.


Manually? Sadly, no. ​ If you're **not** on the Free Trial, *technically* you could use a story skip and level boost in order to complete the event as soon as possible... but I highly recommend not doing this, as it may lead to dissatisfaction with the game overall and confusion about how the fight at the end works.


So glad I managed to get the game downloaded in time to get this event done. The DDOS attacks on the server didn't help :/ during the fight with Ifrit.


Bummed I missed the event, came back yesterday and my friends told me it was over already. Oops


If you're already lv50 (and MSQ lv50) or close to it, you have time so long as you have an hour or so to spare.


It will likely return like the other collabs.


I'm still waiting for Lightning Returns collab.


Bruh, I got told it was already over yesterday too.


Torgal is the BESTEST boy.


Ironically did the event before playing ffxvi, and started playing during maintenance. Very good so far!


I'm still waiting on the pc port.


Same, I'm snapping that shit up when I can play it on my computer and Steam Deck.


I will be pretty surprised if it can run well at all on steam deck. Love the game. I've beat it twice on my PS5 (slowly doing a hard mode playthrough too)(and will rebuy it at discount on PC) but I just don't see the steam deck being able to run it, and if it can it won't run it prettily unless you're streaming or course


I was planning to do it last week, but I still can't access the game because mogstation won't accept my visa. 😢


Ive sent you a DM


My friend got it to work by clearing their cookies and cache and whatnot. Could try that out.


Grabbed torgal a minute before 3pm server time, thought the event was over already so I gave up hope until I saw this post!


I missed it. I am crushed. I missed it. -\_-


How? it was on the launcher, on the website, on here at various times. If you played you would have known. I barely play and I knew.


Because I planned to do it the Monday the DDOS hit, then Tuesday my workday was filled with A) an 81 year old woman who was framed for fault in a car accident and B) talking to a man about the death of his wife of 35 years. Sadly, I guess I just wasn't thinking about the game Tuesday, or really much at all until it hit me on Wednesday that I missed it.


Apart from the first bit none of that is relevant to me. Sure it will come back at some point however.


Nooooo I saw this post too late :(


Last chance to see the man with the most pixel in the entirety of Hydaelyn