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Your first mistake was calling Hrothgals "femgar."


But I thought they were frothgar


This sounds like a good Eorzean coffee idea!


No that was my second one. First one was making one 😂


You got me there!


Somethings wrong, I can feel it


Dear Developers. ​ Please do not change that rudolph nose.


Rudolph the red 3rd eye reindeer?


rudolph was a garlean all along.


Those Gaia sleeves, I'm dead


they look like i took two of the cat tunnel toys and put them on my arms


Yes! I knew they reminded me of something but I couldn't put my finger on it until you said.


I laughed SO fucking hard at these.


There are many more these are just the ones I took a ss of


Yeah I changed to Hrothgal and I look like a looney toons character.


My issue with them is when I try to glam Ultima Horns they just scale up and replace the ears entirely... and I don't mean they clip the ears, no no no, they REPLACE them.


An Au Rothgal in essence.


Yeah there's a thread in the main forums talking about it. Seems to be a rigging problem. I really hope they can fix this fast and not take years.


My only issue is the hairstyles. However it’s still a lot better than when male Hroths first came out and they had to fantasia to change their hair so I won’t complain. My biggest DT gripe is the halfassed dye channels :)


I heard about that bs


So you have no issue with the things above?


Honestly all my glams looked good so I didn’t have a problem. Of course I want them to fix things like this.


Along with them not making the current hair style available for them despite them being in development for a long time. Does feel like they cut a lot of corners with dawntrial. Heck, the SHB GNB armor give them wide shoulders for some reason plus their running kinda reminds me of male arura


>67% upvoted Man, what is wrong with this community? This is a legit issue but people downvote it? It honestly made me really sad and I'm definitely fantasiaing back due to it.


Every post made in this sub swims against a current of down votes, don't worry about it - happens literally all the time, and if your post gets visibility or not is often down to the random chance of a serial downvoter getting to your post first or not. You can make two posts that have the same content and one gets 0 upvotes 40% upvoted and the other gets hundreds with 60% upvoted. It's just the nature of reddit (and this sub in particular)


It is kinda weird how almost every post gets downvoted here


Not really. There are a lot of bots on Reddit who's job is to just downvote shit.


Why? Is it just to like, reduce competition?


That and trolls. And some people are actually unhinged enough to hate a game so much they make bots to downvote everything mentioning it. Edit: people also make bots to downvote anything with certain terms in it like "gender change" because they're terrible.


Any issue on this sub is downvoted, no matter how valid it is. Try complaining about account managment and see them calling you stupid lmao


>Man, what is wrong with this community? This is a legit issue but people downvote it? You are not allowed to say _anything_ bad about XIV online without backlash. Doesn't matter if it's an actual issue or not because the cult will turn against it for daring to say something bad about XIV. Considering the state of Hroth/Viera on release and the fact they _still_ have massive issues I can't say this is that surprising, but you'd think they'd at least be on the existing levels of issues and not backtracking years.


It should be posted on the official forum. SE doesn't moderate or even look at this sub. I'm not sure what you want the Reddit community to do here.


I did post it on main forums even submitted a report


You’re making it sound like this is game breaking. I’m sure this will be patched in the upcoming weeks


Took them 6 months to fix veira hands and feet. As well as never fixing the hat thing lol


They’ve also never fixed elezen broken necks and it’s been there since launch.


What's broken on their necks? I don't didn't play the race so not sure.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/XpMe8YAo3P it does this a lot. Depending on which idle pose they have and weapon stance etc.


Oh God!


all races do this, its just extra noticable on giraffe necks


I’m a monk main and it constantly does it when my weapon is unsheathed during the idle pose.


The Hrothgal gear fit issue got reported a million times since they appeared in the benchmark. The arms and shoulders had very visible and major stretching on multiple gear pieces. That was a few months ago. There was never any reaction. People on the forums were coping that the fixes would totally arrive with the official release, which frankly never made sense. The races either get fixed after benchmark feedback and before release (see male Viera slouch) or they do not get fixed at all (see hrothgar male hunch). The nose thing might get fixed sooner than later. The arms I expect will take forever to fix if they get to them at all. It's very sad that people on the subreddit are once again silencing any feedback, no matter how polite and constructive, because this is exactly how we end up in this situation in the first place. I'm happy for everyone who is enjoying Hrothgal as they are, truly! But aside from personal enjoyment, they nonetheless have a ton of issues, issues that should have been addressed. So many cut corners this expansion, I guess due to the large amount of system "reworks" like graphics and dye channel stuff that I expect took a lot of resources. And as a result none of the updates are properly finished, some of them appear to be barely started (I don't have a single piece with 2 dye channels in my full glam dresser) and Hrothgal comes with all these bugs.


I did not know that it was reported so much. Then again I did not need with the bench mark. You think a company as big as she would fix this crap especially considering it's effecting cash so items to.


It's really disheartening though.


It just shouldn't be happening in the first place, new races and classes are always of importance and early access players shouldn't be unpaid QA testers 


You’re right, but I can think of many things that are worse than a few minor character blemishes. Like a launch that isn’t successful…bad content, trash servers, errors in game code ect. My point is, there will always be something someone will complain about. There hasn’t been one xpac where minor issues were made to be out bigger than they are.


> *“You’re right, but I can think of many things that are worse than a few minor character blemishes. Like a launch that isn’t successful…bad content, trash servers, errors in game code ect.”* Sounds like EW launch


I noticed that a lot of outfits with jackets had really big shoulders (in particular old Scholar af gear) - really hope it gets adjusted, my hrothgal looks like she’s got shoulder pads on


> Skellington You leave Jack out of this!!


It took me a while to realize what I didn’t like about them coming from femroe. They’re the same base, but their upper arms are so much bigger than FemRoe so they make your shoulders and upper sleeves look huge. So bad I made use of that 60m fantasia timer and went right back after 2 minutes.


I'm really disappointed how the glamours turned out to look on female hrothgar. Most of the equipment looks oversized and unfitted at least. Their shoulders are way to big on one piece of equipment but on the other looks completely normal. Not to mention that few glamours are just sticking out and are not fitted at all. Like they took male hrothgar and put their "skeleton" on top of female hrothgar and called it a day. You can even see how the sleeves are "fitted" and it looks like to be designed for males rather than females. That's why I've decided to go back to my OG character. Maybe IF they fix it I'll come back to big cat, but right now I'm just simply sad.


Yeah there's a ton of issues with dawntrail and I have no idea how most of these issues got through


Same reason this kinda thing happens with every new game that comes out these days; QA testers are a thing of the past.


QA testing is an immense job for games this scale they have them but its never enough.


lol. we are the QA testers.


Yeah it's honestly crazy. It's like they haven't even tested anything. My xaela aura looks like she has vitiligo on her hands because the skin in messed up around the scales


Lol I noticed this for things like the Google jacket too. AND they have ZERO hairstyles besides the 5 from creator. Like.... It seems like SE is cutting more and more.corners with this game


I was really excited for my femhroth but I think I'll have to go back to aura with all these issues :/


The scaling on the arms is just really really bad in general and seems to make up most of the problems with them right now, needs to be scaled down heavily.


They actually use elezen skeletons.


That would be even worse


Yeah there’s some jank with Hrothgal. I’m used to it after playing Charr in GW2 and Worgen in WoW and kind of find it fun to a degree to find working outfits, but they really should do another pass on the armor models.


i’m personally a big fan of the slightly larger scaling on some of the armors, but that gaia outfit is definitely just,,,Wrong. lmao


It's a conspiracy by BigPrude so furries won't pick them to ERP with.


It’s actually the opposite. The best/least clipping outfits right now for hrothgals are the most revealing ones, like the shisui sets and the bikinis. My glamour plates are turning into nothing but slutmogs lol


Happy my girl is perfect with no all of my glams fitting


Don't care about this "issue" and enjoying my femhroth. Their hands are huge.


Good for you. Glad you don't see an issue. That doesn't mean there are no issues though.